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PART 1: Intellectual Revolutions (50 points)
1. Why did the people accept these discoveries despite being contradictory to what
was widely accepted in the past?

Curiosity is a fundamental human characteristic. People are curious about new scientific
discoveries because of the benefits that they provide to us. We are always looking for
new ways to learn, explore, and comprehend because humans are inherently curious
creatures. The human desire to know and understand is the driving factor behind our
growth as a person and the progress of our society, and that is what we call evolution.
We equate evolution with "survival-of-the-fittest" qualities that help species survive daily.
Science, human knowledge, curiosity, and evolution have made us discover a lot of
things. Hence, with our desire and curiosity to learn about things and our fast
adaptability to changes. We humans have been able to live and evolve as to what we
are today. These changes can be just with how people discovered numbers. Prehistoric
people most likely used parts of their body or tally marks to count animals in a flock or
tribal members. However, as time passes, life becomes more complex, and so does the
amount of items to keep track of. As a result, other cultures began to develop methods
of recording higher numbers, such as Romans, Hebrew, and Egyptian numerals, which
included symbols to indicate higher numerical values. And our generation has
introduced another new numerical language, which we now call binary numbers, and is
used as the language of computers.

2. How do intellectual revolutions transform societies?

Society evolves as humanity evolves. Technology improves, ideologies and
values shift, and institutional functions and structures of social change because, as
aforementioned, each individual is an inherently curious creature. We desire new
knowledge and learn discoveries. As a result, no society can be regarded as completely
static. Humans and societies are inherently adaptable by their very nature. We know
how to adapt to changes. The evolution of man and society is progressively shaping
human history because humans are simultaneously improving what they have started. It
is our driving force to develop, learn, and discover new things. Social change is
essential not only for evaluating historical changes but also for predicting future
developments. Human beings are the foundation of human society. Because men are
human beings, social change entails human change. As a result of the intellectual
revolution we were able to be empowered, continuously grow, discover new things, gain
new knowledge, and improve, which led to transforming ourselves and our society.
PART 2: Science, Technology, and Nation-Building (50 Points)
You are asked to create a personal visual reflection (through drawing or digital poster)
of the given topic. All you have to do is to listen to the salient points of the uploaded
video about science, technology, and nation-building. The drawing/digital poster must
be original. You can be creative as you want.

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