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The Salvation History


1. Men’s relationship with God was harmonious.
2. But men sinned and continued to sin. This resulted to their estrangement from God,
from one another and from their own selves.
3. God initiated to save men from this destructive estrangement.
4. A long-range plan of salvation by promising a Savior for mankind – the greatest love
story of all.

The Patriarchal Stage – c.1900 B.C.

Abraham Isaac

a native of Ur, called by God to found a new was Abraham’s son that he bore from his
nation – this later learned was Canaan. wife Sarah; the 1st great trial of Abraham to
sacrifice his son.
He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of
God, from whom he received repeated A miracle child, greatly desired by his parents
promises and a covenant that his “seed” would Abraham and Sarah.
inherit the land.
Isaac married Rebecca and had twin boys,
Jacob wrestled with God in the wilderness
In Judaism the promised offspring is
Jacob and Esau
Genesis 32:22-32
understood to be Jewish people descended
from Abraham’s son, Isaac, born of his wife – Isaac loved Esau while Rebecca loved Jacob
 That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his
Sarah. –favoritism eventually led to division
eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok.
between one another and between the
Similarly,in Christianity the genealogy of Jesus
is traced to Isaac, and Abraham’s near –
sacrifice of Isaac is seen as a foreshadowing of Jacob (Israel)
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
son of Isaac; became the Father of the
In Islam it is Ishmael, Abraham’s firstborn son, Twelve Tribes of Israel which made up of his
born of Hagar, who is viewed as the fulfillment 12 sons from his four wives. Jacob was the
of God’s promise, and the prophet Muhammad one blessed by his father, Isaac.
is his descendant.

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