g12 Maths p2 2021 Gce

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Ge Eo cecceCeaceecsccse cekcrset GCE GCE GCEGCEGEHUCECCEGLECEEG EGCEOCEGEEGE Ot cece GCECSCHSCEOCECRGE Sir ceecresercticd ce Fearacnerniesiccs gepcectos cic roccerccrcmaticanc = Information Ce ididates Ceocegct oct ccegctccrecrac {SBIR TOE URIMNONDERE Ses (ceeccescs es Cerloresitsrise ser , isa ct Cesc Coceus ac Ci cceer cee eG rMcreacteeecc orto cae ceicarroreer Oty PERS eae 2 ae ee PGC goer CeccecceocrectocroceacroctccesceceecrCC eect Ge seca SSeS cr orcckeciou re kets { Jatt nk settee AUR iene Berens tee Heececcree Seeeaee Pec ecdcosceuceeceecsccatcractect acters srt : Cece uce et ec c Etcceser CECE CEG EGE EOC GCF CEGCGCEGE Ger C#GcEGCEGCFGCESCEGCEGCEGCHGCEC Geescesceac ile pay oe GCEGCE ee es Se ee ae Pace crracectesresc oe ee eee eens cece Cee ie the answer newets ip. dearees te IBfarRIRGE : S ootene SEs fae ae #CcEGCEeGCrGcrceccecceGCrCcECtE \the examination room, Serer Saar Sree ECCT CCL GEE CCELEGECEOCE CLC GE COLE GCE GCEGCE LEG FGCERCECCCECeECCECCEG Perea Saree ae ea ea aa ie ae Ta Cae ae aa La Fae ae Co ono tot tonto taee ce @ECZIGCE2021P3 This question paper consists of 8 printed pages oY 74 z: yoz-090" Page 2 of 8 Mathematical Formulae 1 ALGEBRA Quadratic Equation —p+ Vb? —4ae 2 SERIES Geometric Progression n s,- rol Seo= —* for [r[<1 l-r 3 TRIGONOMETRY Formula for A ABC @=P+2—2be cos A. 1 A= xbesin A 2 4 STATISTICS ‘Mean and standard deviation, Ungrouped data, o ven =) 4E80-| n y Grouped ‘data Mean ()= yen ( Mathematios!4024/2/2021 Page 3 of 8 Section A (52 Marks) Answer all questions in this section ) 22 pry? cmminy OS OY 1 (@) Simplify 4° 2" 2 (a) Simplify acti 2] (b) Given the geometric progression 4,2, 1, ...,find @ the 7" term, [2] (ii) the sum of the first 9 terms. B) (©) Find the geometric mean of 196 and 15 625. 21 2 (@)_ Solve the equation 3x+ °=12, giving your answers correct to 2 decimal places. [5] x A boy has a bag containing 5 green balls, 1 red ball and 4 blue balls. A/balhis, selected at random from the bag and not replaced. A second ball istthen Selected. @ Draw a tree diagram to show all the possible outcomes. (21 (ii) Find the probability that the two balls are of the same colour, B] @ (b) © @) Answer the whole of this question on a sheet of plain paper. Construct triangle EFG in which EF = 1lem, BG=6.5em and GF = 10cm. i) Measure and write the size of angle EGE, 1 Within triangle EFG, construct the locus'of points which are; (@ equidistant from EG and EF, 2) (ii) 2.5cm from EF, ua) equidistant fromE and F. tH A point P, withimtrianigle EFG is such that it is nearer to EF than to EG, nearer to E than to'F and is greater than or equal to 2.5m away from EF. Indicate clearly by shading, the\region in which P must lie. 2) Mathematios/4024/2/2021 [Turn over Page 4 of 8 4 (a) Inagroup of 60 football fans, 37 support Team A, 28 support Team B and 29 support Team C. 2 support Team A and Team C only, 5 support Team B and Team C only, 7 support Team A and Team B only, 18 suppoit Team A only and 10 support all the three teams. () Illustrate this information in a Venn diagram. (i) Find (a) By’, (b) n(AOBY, (© n(AUBY. : . Qx-1 1 (b) Given that the determinant of the matrix A = ( f ”) is £10, find (i) the value of x, the inverse of matrix A. ‘Te? + 3x +2 at the 5 (a) Find the equation of a tangent to the curye point (1, 3). (b) Inthe diagram below OA = a, OB= band X is the midpoint of AB. Ie @,_/Express in terms of a and/or b @ BA AR, © & (i) Given that OC = 3a, express BG in terms of a and b. Mathematios/4024/2/2021 21 O) O) O] 2] 2) BI 0] (1) P] oy 6 (a) Express Page 5 of 8 as a single fraction in its simplest form B] 2x-1 3x1 (b) The programme below is given in form of a pseudocode. Start Enter length, If length < 0 THEN Display error message “length must be positive” Else enter height Ifheight < 0 THEN Display error message “height must be positive” Else volume = ; * length A 3* height End if ‘ Display volume Stop Draw a corresponding flowchart for this pseudocode. 15] @) &) Section B [48 marks] Answer any four questions in this section. Each question in this section carries 12 marks. In triangle ABC below, AB = 275m, AC = 45m and BC = 300m. A 45m, 275m q 300m ba Calculate (/ angle BAC, (5] (i) the area of triangle ABC, 2] (ii) the shortest distance from A to BC. P) Solve the equation cos0 = -0.5 for which 180° < 0 < 360°. it Isa’, 2a 82d? smpity 180°, 24a 8c'd? : Simplify 6 cia? * i5eb' “30a ey Mathematics/4024/2/2021 [Turn over Page 6 of 8 8 (a) The following diagram shows the graph of y =-}(0-7) (ii) Calculate an estimate of the Vv, (a) area bounded by the curve and'the lites y= 0,x=-3 andx=-1, [3] () gradient of the curve at the point (3, ~1.8). 2) (b) Find the equation of the curve for' which % =2x—3 wherex=y=3, B] 9 The following table shows the restilts obtained by 60 learners in a mathematics test. Marks scored | O. Determine the coordinates of Az, Bz and.C>¢ BI Triangle A;B;C; is mapped onto triangle AsBsC; by a single transformation with vertices Ax(40, 15), Bs(49/35) and C3(70, 35), (Draw and label trian@l@AsBiCs. (ii) Describe fully dtis‘transformation. Mathematics/4024/2/2021 (1 BI [Turn over Page 8 of 8 12 (a) The points A, B, C and D are on the surface of the earth as shown in the following diagram. (Take 7 as 3.142, R = 6 370km or 3 437nm) Greenwich ‘Meridian, (i) Determine the difference in longitude between points A and B (ii) Calculate the distance between points (a) Cand D along the equator in nautical miles, (b) Band D along longitude NBDS in kilometress (b) The following diagram shows a frustum of a cone: The ‘radii of the circles at the top and bottom are 1.Scm and Sem respectively. Its height is 7em. CE Tom Calculate the volume of the frustum, (Take 7 as 3.142) goto zedpastpapers.com for -notes, -past paper solutions, -quizzes -and videos FREE Mathematios/4024/2/2021 o 2] B] [6]

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