Filipino Folk Dances

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Banga Cariñosa An example of

a Maria Clara
dance. In the original version, the dancers
The Banga or pot dance is a
used the Fan and handkerchief as the
performance of Kalinga of the
way to do the hide and seek movement,
Mountain Province in the
in Bicol they used two handkerchiefs
Philippines. This dance
holding the two corners of the
illustrates the languid grace of handkerchief and doing the
a tribe. Heavy earthen pots, hide and seek movement as
as many as seven or eight at they point their foot
a time, are balanced on the forward and their
heads of maidens. hands go upward together
with their

Maglalatik Singkil
This dance depicts the fight Singkil is usually in the repertory of
between the Moros and the most Filipino dance troupes. There
are many interpretations of this dance.
Christians over the 'latik'.
The 'latik' is the residue that is left after Originally, in Singkil (Maranao word for
"getting a leg or foot entangled in an
the coconut milk has been cooked and
object") a solo female performer
boiled. This dance is composed of a
danced in and out of crisscrossed
four-part performance and the first two
bamboo poles, keeping time to the
performance of the dance is called as syncopation of the poles, at the same
the 'Palipasan' and the 'Baligtaran'. time manipulating two fans (apir).

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