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Rev # Issuer Doc # SM G/L SM Dept. Mgr.

10 C. Breier HS-CO00-CSP-0007-0 Electronic Approval Via ISOQUEST

HCM Contractor Safety Orientation

2023 - 2024
1. Introduction

1.1. HCM has an excellent safety record. This is due to the

outstanding safety performance of our contractors. Every
contractor working at our site is required to meet our high
standards for safety and must agree that any employees
they bring on site shall abide by all HCM Safety Rules.

1.2. Every worker is required to acknowledge that they have received this safety
orientation training as well as pass a test about its contents.

1.3. Training and Testing may be obtained VIRTUALLY through the website by entering through the “HOST” icon.
Enter HCM safety training through the HCM icon located at the top
right of the web page. The website is Password protected as HCM+
the current calendar year (for example “HCM2022” is the current
calendar year at time of printing).

1.4. After training and passing a test, the participants name is entered into the Honda
Engage training file. The participant’s TRAINING RECORD NUMBER and test
results are automatically e-mailed to the participant’s email address, HCM
Security’s General E-mail account and the Safety Medical Department Group
Leader. The worker presents their name and TRAINING RECORD NUMBER as
referenced in their e-mail to HCM Security when signing in to be issued a security

2. Safety Orientation Training Stickers are no longer issued for 2023-2024

2.1.1. Stickers are only issued to Electrical Contractors who have shown proof of
having been trained in CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety practices or
equivalent (NFPA-70E if applicable). Stickers stating “Authorized Electrical
Entrant” will be issued by their Project Leaders and their names added to a
summary list of those trained. (G:\SE\SESafetyErgo\25 Construction
Safety\Contractor Training Records\List of Trained Contractors\HCM
Electrical Contractors).
3. Definitions:

3.1. “Project Leader”: The HCM Associate assigned to supervise the project by a
department manager. This person is responsible for all aspects of the project
including safety. The Project Leader or department manager may appoint a
competent person to act on their behalf while away from the project.

3.2. “Contractor”: Any non Honda personnel working within the HCM environment.

3.3. “Ignition Source”: Any activity in an environment, which may cause the ignition of
flammable or combustible material. This includes but is not limited to open flame
cutting and welding, electric arc welding, grinding and use of electrical tools,
drilling, filing, cutting, or grinding with pneumatic tools, in areas designated as a
Class A ignition source area.

3.4. “Non Licensed Motor Vehicle – NLMV”: non licensed motor vehicles includes, but
is not limited to, forklifts, Cushman’s, Golf carts etc.

4. Violation of any rule may result in:

4.1. A warning, written or verbal, depending on the severity of the infraction.

4.2. Violation of any HCM policies and their intent by non-Honda personnel shall result
in corrective action up to and including immediate removal from site. This removal
can be initiated by the Project Leader, Department Management, Department or
Corporate Safety Leads or other HCM associates who are authorized to do so.

4.3. Termination of your contract; and criminal charges in the case of theft.

4.4. A member of the HCM Construction Safety Committee shall issue written ORDERS
utilizing an HCM Contractor Safety Order form. Copies shall be given to the
worker, their supervisor and the HCM P/L.

4.5. The infraction is reviewed by the HCM Construction Site Safety Inspector, the HCM
Project Leader and the Construction Site Supervisor during the next business day.


5.1. Every worker must follow the Ontario Occupational Health & Safety Act and its
Regulations pertaining to the type of work being performed.

5.2. While on premises - HCM General Safety Rules apply (see sec. 12.0)


6.1. Initiative
Honda believes Initiative means not to be bound by preconceived ideas, but to
think creatively and act on your own initiative and judgment, while understanding
that you must take responsibility for the results of those actions.

6.2. Equality
Equality means to recognize and respect individual differences in one another and
treat each other fairly. Our company is committed to this principle and to creating
equal opportunities for each individual. An individual's race, gender, age, religion,
national origin, educational background, social or economic status has no bearing
on the individual's opportunities.

6.3. Trust
The relationship among associates at Honda is based on mutual trust. Trust is
created by recognizing each other as individuals, helping out where others are
deficient, accepting help where we are deficient, sharing our knowledge, and
making a sincere effort to fulfill our responsibilities.

7. Worker Rights & Responsibilities

7.1. As a worker, you are responsible for your own health & safety. All health and
safety concerns should be brought to the attention of your immediate supervisor.

7.2. You have access to Safety Data Sheets for any hazardous chemical products
encountered on the HCM site. Ask your HCM Project Leader for details.

8. Proof of Training / Qualification

All contractors must carry valid proof of training (licenses & certificates of training)
as required by provincial legislation.

8.1. The following tradespersons shall carry current copies of their Certificates of
Qualification; Electricians, Sheet metal workers, Plumbers, Steam/Gas Fitters,
Refrigeration/AC mechanics, Crane operators and Hoisting Engineers.

8.2. Contractors shall carry proof of Authorization by the TSSA where the work

8.3. Trades Qualification Apprenticeship Act (TQAA): Any apprentices working on

HCM property, on any project, must be supervised by a licensed and qualified

8.4. No worker shall operate hoisting equipment without holding the appropriate
certificates as issued by the Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities.
Certificates must be carried by the operator.

9. Reporting Injuries/Accidents/Spills

9.1. All injuries, emergencies and accidents must be reported to your Supervisor
and the HCM Project Leader immediately. To report medical emergencies /
accidents, injuries, spills, fire explosions etc., locate an in-plant phone and dial

9.2. HCM Emergency Services may also be contacted using the following number:
10. Emergency Procedures

10.1. It is the responsibility of all contractors to know where the emergency exit routes
and telephones are for their work area. If you are unsure, contact your supervisor
or HCM Project Leader prior to the start of work.

10.2. In an emergency, HCM fire equipment is located at columns marked with a red
band approximately ten feet high on the columns. Use of any fire protection
equipment requires immediate notification of the Project Leader.

11. Fire, Evacuation, Tornado Alarms

11.1. The FIRE alarm is an alarm with a two tone sound.

11.2. Contractors working within Paint (Line 1 or 2) and Plastics Department are required
to evacuate the building during any Paint or Plastics Department fire alarm
(excluding test alarms when communicated).

11.3. All other departments shall continue their construction activities during a fire alarm
unless a fire is occurring within their immediate vicinity.

11.4. The EVACUATION alarm will sound with an audible low pitch to high pitch siren
followed by a voice message stating “All Associates evacuate”.

11.5. All occupants including contractors and suppliers shall evacuate the buildings
immediately taking the nearest exit away from the Paint and Plastics
Department’s paint mix areas (of which warning signs are posted).

11.6. Headcounts are confirmed by the HCM PL or their designate(s) to the

Communication Centre.

11.7. The TORNADO alarm will sound on a seasonal basis (May 01 – Sep 30) giving
you direction to Seek Shelter Immediately. These areas are identified by yellow
colored Tornado Shelter signs. Safe Tornado Shelter areas are typically
exposure. Contact your HCM PL for the nearest safe location.

11.8. In the case of a tornado, ALL personnel must remain in their Tornado Shelter
designated area until advised to vacate by a security officer or fire brigade

12. HCM General Health & Safety Rules

12.1.1. RISK ASSESSMENT (i.e. Job Task Analysis (JTA) / Job Hazard Analysis
(JHA) / Hazard Prevention Awareness (HPA))
12.1.2. The HCM PL and Contractor Supervisor must complete a job task risk
assessment (i.e. JTA, JHA, etc.) prior to initiation of work.
12.1.3. All hazards regarding the work activities must be recorded and identified to
the worker prior to beginning work. These hazards must be recorded onto
the risk assessment form.

12.1.4. Control measures to mitigate the risk for the injury must also be recorded on
the form.
12.1.5. All workers must review the risk assessment document and sign the form
indicating they were made aware of the hazard(s) and what control
measure(s) are required to protect the worker from injury.

12.2. The minimal PPE requirement in all construction areas of the plant:
12.2.1. CSA approved Type 2 Hard Hat; Safety glasses with hard side shields; Short
sleeve shirt, Long Pants, CSA approved Grade 1 steel-toed work boots with
a minimum ankle protection height of 150 mm (6 inches).
12.2.2. Additional personal protective equipment (PPE) such as long sleeves,
hearing protection, approved gloves; etc. must be worn in certain
departments during production hours. Please see your HCM Project Leader
for specific department requirements.
12.2.3. Handling hazardous chemicals requires the implementation of specific PPE
to protect the worker. Hazardous chemicals require specific handling
instructions according to the Safety Data Sheet information. See your HCM
Project Leader for specific PPE requirements.

12.3. Vehicle Safety

12.3.1. Fork trucks must be fitted with seatbelts. Forklift operators must wear the
seatbelts when operating the vehicle.

12.3.2. Vehicles in the plant must not travel faster than 10 km/h.

12.3.3. Site security conducts regular surveillance of traffic activity, by remote

camera and, moving vehicles. Persons found to be operating a vehicle in an
unsafe manner shall have a letter issued to their employer and may have
their driving privileges on site removed. If you are involved in an accident
involving a motor vehicle you must report this to HCM Security.

12.3.4. Any requirement to bring a licensed vehicle inside a building at HCM must be
pre-approved by the HCM Project Leader. “HCM Vehicle
Authorization/Approval Request for Access Into The Plant” form must be
completed and signed off by Security after inspection.

12.3.5. No Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) or Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) or diesel-
powered equipment shall be brought into the buildings without the required
Facilities permit and prior written approval of the HCM Project Leader and a
member from Corporate Safety or Emergency Services. At certain times
when HCM electrical power is unavailable, fumes from Carbon Monoxide
generating power equipment will travel to adjacent work areas and collect in
nearby departments resulting in dangerously increased CO levels. Specific
safety measures need to be in place for the protection of those workers
exposed (i.e. constant CO monitoring at each work site, etc.).

12.3.6. All persons must obey all posted speed limits while travelling on the
roadways or in the Plants.

12.3.7. All equipment and vehicles to be used on-site shall be in good working order
to minimize unnecessary noise and air emissions.

12.3.8. All contractor elevated work platforms and fork trucks entering the plant must
be equipped with a means for grounding the vehicle to prevent static build

12.4. Contractor Non-Licensed Motor Vehicles (NLMV)

[Golf Carts, Cushman’s, Forklift, etc.]

Contractors coming on site using NLMV to taxi employees and materials to and from the
work site are required to comply with the following:

12.4.1. All NLMV’s are limited to a maximum speed of 10 km/hr while inside our
12.4.2. Any NLMV in HCM buildings, shall be fueled by non-liquid fuels. Liquid fuels
such as gas or diesel, are prohibited inside HCM buildings without prior
written permit authorization from the HCM project leader or their designate.
12.4.3. NLMV must have operating brake lights and a horn. Use of arm signals to
indicate turning direction is acceptable.
12.4.4. Only the use of originally manufactured seating will be used to seat people.
There shall be no standing / holding onto the side, etc.
12.4.5. All NLMV’s shall abide by HCM traffic rules.
12.4.6. The vehicle must have functional head lights and have a flashing/ rotating
light mounted high enough that it is visible to all drivers.
12.4.7. Distracted driving of NLMV’s is prohibited at HCM. When a vehicle is in
motion, operators are not to use cell phones, radios, or other electronic
devices. (this includes hands free devices … mind and eyes must be on the
task of driving safely at all times.)

12.5. Safeguards or safety devices must not be removed, altered or disabled unless
specific instruction is given to do so. All safeguards and safety devices must be re-
installed and re-enabled when construction activity is completed.

12.6. No worker shall work unsupervised in either plant on any shift.

12.6.1. The wellbeing of a worker must be confirmed at least hourly.
12.6.2. Confirmation by radio or other means deemed acceptable by both worker
and supervisor shall be enforced.

12.7. “Overhead Work”

12.7.1. An adequate warning barrier must be installed and used to warn of overhead
work taking place.
12.7.2. When working at heights (elevated at 3m or greater) a full body harness with
self-retracting device, secured to an anchor point capable of supporting your
fall shall be the preferred method of tie off. Dual personal fall limiters are permitted when 100% tie-off is
required during transition with the appropriate fall distance (i.e.
structural steel work that cannot be completed from an aerial
work platform or other device).

12.7.3. “Overhead Piping”: There is electrical conduit & piping running through the
trusses that carry gasoline, oil, natural gas, water for the sprinkler lines,
compressed air, etc. Do not anchor to these lines.
12.7.4. Preventative measures shall be taken to ensure that tools and materials
cannot fall to a level below endangering other workers (i.e. prevent access
below overhead work, tool tethers, nets).
12.7.5. If working above equipment, drop sheets, fire blankets, etc. must be used to
protect our product and equipment.
12.7.6. Daily safety inspection records are required prior to initial use of any
elevating work platforms.
12.7.7. The operator of an elevating work platform shall not exceed the
manufacturer’s specifications with respect to load capacities or handling

12.8. Keep out of all unauthorized areas.

12.9. Workplace Electrical Safety

12.9.1. Electrical Contractors are expected to follow CSAZ462 Workplace Electrical
Safety practices. Electrical Safety Contractor electrical leads are expected to
have completed CSA Z462 training or equivalent and provide proof of this
training and ensure all electrical entrants working directly or indirectly for the
contractor are following the safe work practice of Z462.
12.9.2. Any worker exposed to live electrical current must wear the appropriate arc
flash protection and PPE as stated in CSA Z-462.

12.9.3. At HCM lockout is the preferred method to control hazardous energy.

Workers are not to work on live electrical systems above 30 volts except for
the purposes of testing and troubleshooting. Workers shall follow “HCM
Electrical Work Codes of Practice (Doc. #: HS-CO00-SAP-0026) & the
department’s lock out procedure.

12.9.4. When locking out, workers must follow the 3 step method to confirm de
energization at every panel where work is intended to be performed, wear
appropriate PPE, and follow the guidelines established by the Electrical
Safety Authority Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety for testing and
troubleshooting and all electrical work.

12.9.5. Test meters shall have a minimum rating of CSA approved category 3, 600
volt or equivalent. Pocket meters or non-contact voltage detectors cannot be
used to perform a three step check to confirm de energization.

12.9.6. No electrical work shall be permitted on HCM premises unless it is part of the
scope of the project, and the person performing the work holds a valid trade
certificate (or is working under the supervision of someone holding a valid
trade certificate in the case of an apprentice).

12.9.7. Contractors shall ensure that they check their welding plugs for correct in-
house wiring before connecting. There are more than one style of weld plug
on our site.

12.10. It is mandatory that contractors / subcontractors refrain from energizing / de-
energizing, unhook / terminate, open / close, start / stop any equipment electrical /
mechanical without authorization from a Honda project leader.

12.11. Smoking and/or vaping is permitted only in designated smoking shelters ask your
HCM PL for locations.

12.12. Any damage to HCM property must be reported to your Supervisor & HCM Project
Leader immediately.

12.13. Use of alcohol, marijuana or non-prescription drugs is forbidden on Honda


12.13.1. Any person operating tools, equipment and/or machinery in a manner that
could result in injury may be removed immediately from the job site by their
immediate supervisor or designate.

12.14. High visibility vests / clothing shall be worn by all workers when deemed necessary
by risk assessment (i.e. JTA, etc.)

12.15. Construction work areas require regular housekeeping maintenance. They must be
kept free of accumulation of debris to prevent any hazardous condition from
arising. Materials must be stored in a manner that prevents tipping, collapsing or

12.16. All tools and equipment must be kept in good working condition with its proper
elements in place. Tools and equipment that are broken or in poor working
condition must be reported to your Supervisor and removed for repair immediately.

12.17. Barriers made up of barricades/ fencing /caution or danger tape shall be installed
to warn of all construction areas. At no time is it permitted to cross into another
construction site unless you are a designated part of that job site’s teamwork
activities or authorized to do so.

12.18. Trained personnel must change propane cylinders on forklifts or other equipment
only. They must be shut off at the end of the shift. All gas bottles shall be marked
to show which company and or contractor is responsible for them. All empty bottles
shall be removed from the building and stored accordingly.

12.19. Visitors to construction areas at Honda must be accompanied by a person who

has been trained in the HCM orientation package. All visitors are required to wear
the appropriate PPE.

12.20. When decommissioning is required on a project, all contractors will ensure they
consult with the HCM Project Leader and satisfy the requirements outlined in HCM
Safety Assurance Procedure HS-CO00-SAP-0005 (Equipment Commissioning /
Decommissioning Inspection Procedure).

12.21. All contractors or associates must wear a full-face shield while grinding.

12.22. Every employer on the project with five or more workers must have a supervisor on

12.23. Contractors/suppliers/visitors (including Internal Suppliers) ARE permitted to take

cell phones into work areas. All individuals are reminded that photographing of
HCM property is strictly prohibited without written permission from HCM (refer to
Photography on HCM Site Policy) and is subject to any restrictions imposed by
HCM. HCM individuals escorting contractors, suppliers and visitors are reminded
to ensure that this policy is understood before allowing individuals to enter the
building. Departments who have contractors, suppliers, or visitors entering areas
with sensitive equipment that may be impacted by cell phone use (i.e. PA, XP and
PO paint booth areas; fuel fill areas in Assembly departments) must advise these
individuals of any areas where cell phone use is prohibited. Contractors, suppliers
and visitors must adhere to any such direction as provided.

12.24. Do not text and walk - While travelling in our walkways and corridors please stop,
move to the side and allow pedestrians to pass by while texting on your cell phone.

12.25. Types of Honda Permits

12.25.1. Ignition Source Permit

12.25.2. Lift Safe Permit
12.25.3. Confined Space Permit
12.25.4. Gas Powered Equipment
12.25.5. Excavation Permits

Projects involving the following utilities requires the submission to Facilities

Department a Utility Interruption Form.

Contact your HCM Project Leader if you are unsure.

13. Security
13.1. You MUST sign in and out when entering and leaving HCM on a daily basis. In the
event of an emergency HCM must account for all workers on its premises.

13.2. Entering and Leaving Site

13.2.1. For Line # 1 & 3 enter via Line 1 main entrance (A) and the main security
13.2.2. For Line # 2 enter via Line 2 main entrance (C) and the Line 2 security office.
13.2.3. All vehicles, persons, and containers are subject to inspection upon leaving
the premise.
13.2.4. All construction workers should be identified by a Company name on the
front of their hard hats.

13.2.5. A “Production Pass” shall be issued at the main security office upon
presentation of a valid HCM orientation sticker and Government Issue photo
13.2.6. This pass must be turned in before leaving the site each day.
13.2.7. Passes must be displayed at all times while working at the HCM site.

13.3. Loading and Unloading

13.3.1. May be arranged local to job site. Advise HCM Project Leader of door
location. The HCM PL will need to make arrangements to have the door left
13.3.2. Confirm with the Project Leader when a dock door is required. Vehicle may
only be left in an unloading area with written permission from the PL.
13.3.3. Contractors are not to use DOCK DOORS without written permission from
their HCM Project Leader.

13.4. Parking
All visitors, suppliers and Contractors must register their vehicles at A or C gate when
entering the site unless a valid parking pass is displayed.

13.4.1. Visitors are required to register their vehicle and plate number with Security
when they sign in at the Line 1 or Line 2 Security Office.

13.4.2. Contractors are required to park personal vehicles in the main parking lots
located in the front of the plants. (no parking permit is required) They must
then sign in at the Security office and walk through the plant, to their job site.

13.4.3. Personal vehicles are permitted to deliver tools and equipment to the job
site, see your HCM PL for details.

13.4.4. The areas between Lines 1 & 2, and the EGAC/Facilities office areas are
restricted parking lots. Only authorized vehicles that are clearly labeled as
company vehicles shall be permitted to park in this area.

13.4.5. Any vehicle entering between Line 1 & 2 must first register at gate B and
obtain a numbered parking pass to allow parking in this area. All occupants
of the vehicle must display a “Production Pass” prior to being allowed entry.
All vehicles must also stop when exiting at gate B.

13.4.6. Unauthorized vehicles that block exits or work areas shall be towed at the
owner’s expense. Security will provide information regarding the vehicle
location in the event the vehicle has been towed.

13.4.7. Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas without written permission shall be

issued a written warning. A second infraction will result in the vehicle being
towed at the owner’s expense.

14. HCM Requirement for Welding

14.1. Gloves: All welders and torch operators must wear protective flame resistant
14.2. Gloves are to be dry and in good condition.
14.3. Capes and Sleeves or shoulder covers with bibs made from leather or other flame
resistant material must be worn during overhead welding or cutting.
14.4. Materials which can melt or burn and cause severe burns, must, not be worn at
any time when welding or cutting.
14.5. Exterior clothing cannot have open pockets, or cuffs.
14.6. Eye Protection: An appropriate welding helmet or welding shield conforming to
ANSI Z87.1 and designed for the purpose of welding must be used.
14.7. Cutting goggles, as a minimum, must be used for cutting operations.
14.8. Compressed gas cylinders must be stored upright and be secured at all times.
14.9. Gauges shall be turned off when not in use.
14.10. The gauges must be removed from the cylinders and the cylinders must be capped
at the end of every shift.
14.11. Flash back protection must be installed on all cutting torch assemblies behind the

15. Fall Protection & Ladder Safety

Fall Protection is mandatory for the following conditions:

15.1. A worker shall wear and use either a complete fall arrest, fall restricting, travel
restricting system or safety net, if the worker may fall:
15.1.1. from the edge of a mezzanine at 3.0 meters or higher;
15.1.2. a distance of more than three meters;
15.1.3. into operating machinery;
15.1.4. into water or another liquid;
15.1.5. into or onto a hazardous substance or object; and
15.1.6. at all times when in an elevating work platform;

15.2. It is mandatory for the employer of a worker that is using fall arrest equipment, to
develop a written plan for the rescue of the worker in the event that a fall is
arrested. The plan must be posted in a visible location near the elevated worker.
See your HCM project leader for details.
15.3. Remember your anchor point must be capable of supporting your fall.
15.4. While on a man lift, 100% fall protection is mandatory.
Contractors working at HCM shall use a self-retracting lifeline as part of their
personal fall protection system.

16. When required to work on ladders:

16.1. Aluminum ladders are not permitted on HCM premises due to their risk for
electrocution type injury.

16.2. All ladders must be inspected for damage prior to use.

16.3. Only use the front side of ladder according to manufacturer’s instruction.

16.4. Face ladder when climbing up and down and maintain 3-point contact at all times.

16.5. Follow the belt buckle rule: No one shall work off a step ladder unless their belt
buckle is at or below the top shelf of the ladder and always within the side rails.

16.6. Every effort shall be made to utilize scaffolds, mobile work platforms or other types
of approved elevated platforms when working at heights. Working from ladders is
only permitted when elevated work platforms are not practical and for work that
extends over a short duration of time.

17. Ignition Source Permits (ISP) – Refer to Ignition Source Policy HS-CO00-SAP-0016-0
17.1. HCM has an ISP requirement. Before any hot work is done anywhere on HCM
property there must be a review to determine if a permit is required.

17.2. Do not start using ignition sources until the HCM Project Leader has given verbal
permission to do so.

17.3. When a permit is required - NO hot work shall be performed until all conditions of
the ISP are met.

17.4. A copy of the Ignition Source Permit must be displayed at the hot work site while
the job is in progress.

17.5. Any activity in an environment which may cause the ignition of flammable or
combustible material requires an Ignition Source Permit. This includes but is not
limited to open flame cutting and welding, electric arc welding, grinding, and use of
electrical tools in areas designated in sections 18 of the Canadian Electrical Code.

17.6. An ignition source permit must be obtained before using any tool which may cause
the ignition of flammable, explosive or combustible materials. Please note that the
end effecters on a tool can also act as an ignition source such as a rotary file on a
drill depending on the environment it is used in. Permits are the responsibility of the
HCM Project Leader.

17.7. Permits are valid for the time and place indicated on the permit only. Do not
perform any hot work without a valid permit. Contractors and construction
workers shall be in full compliance with the HCM Fire Permit procedure.

17.8. All ignition activities must have a dedicated fire watch person in attendance at all
times during the hot work. (Either contractor or HCM.), as specified on the permit.

17.9. If anyone orders a stop to the work all construction workers shall comply
immediately. There may be a serious situation that needs to be immediately
addressed without increasing the risk for injury or damage to Honda property.

17.10. ISP Policy Violation

17.10.1. Violation of this Ignition Source Policy and its intent by non-Honda personnel
shall result in corrective action up to and including immediate removal from

18. Lift Safety Permit (LSP) - refer to HCM Lift Safety Procedure HS-CO00-SAP-0044-0

18.1. The Lifting Safety Permit applies to all routine and non-routine lifts. This permit
does not apply lift assists, automobile hoists or lift elevators.
18.2. No lift shall be performed until all conditions of the LSP (Lifting Safety Permit) are
met and all signatures have been documented on the permit.
18.3. A copy of the Lifting Safety Permit must be posted and displayed at the work site
while the lift is in progress.
18.4. A Job Task Analysis (JTA) is required for all lifts.
18.5. Contractor Supervisors shall ensure :
18.5.1. a JTA and LSP are completed for all non-routine lifts performed at HCM
18.5.2. the HCM PL participates in the JTA and LSP completion
18.5.3. a Lift Plan is developed for all A rank non-routine lifts
18.5.4. all Contractors participating in the lift are competent to perform the role they
have been assigned (i.e., rigger, operator, signal person etc.)
18.5.5. an established system of signals is understood by the operator(s), rigger(s),
signal person(s) and any other affected workers

19. Confined Space Permit - refer to HCM Confined Space Identification and Entry
Program HS-CO00-SAP-0006-0

19.1. All contractors must follow all requirements outlined in O.Reg 632-05 Confined
Spaces where entry into a confined space is required.
19.2. Prior to entering a confined space, gas detector readings must be taken to ensure
the environment is safe, each worker must sign the HCM confined space permit.
Doing so confirms that the worker is aware of the hazards that exist, and the
measures used to control them.
19.3. Identify all confined spaces with the Honda Project Leader prior to work starting.

20. Lock out Procedure: (Ask Project Leader for details)

20.1. All Contractors must provide their own lock. Each person working on the
equipment must apply his / her own lock to lock out the equipment.
20.2. Each and every person must lock out all energy sources that they shall be exposed
to, for the piece of equipment they are working on. They must consult with their
supervisor or HCM Project Leader to ensure the proper energy source(s) have
been locked out. Each lock must clearly identify the worker and the company.

20.3. Lockout tags:

20.3.1. are to be filled out and placed on each piece of equipment locked out.
20.3.2. are to be used with the locks. Tag out alone is not acceptable for power-off
lockouts. See your HCM project Leader for further details.

20.4. Abandoned locks:

20.4.1. shall only be removed by the HCM person-in-charge.
20.4.2. Every effort should be made to identify who the lock belongs to and contact
to return to HCM and remove their lock.
20.4.3. There is a specific safety lock procedure and removal form to follow (HS-
CO00-DBM-0034-0), consult your HCM project Leader for details.

20.5. Pre lock-out Procedure:
20.5.1. The HCM Department Project Leader and the Contractor Supervisor shall be
jointly responsible for ensuring that all necessary equipment has been locked

21. Machine Entry Guidelines

21.1. Refer to department specific guidelines for machine entry rules and procedures.
21.2. Any construction work activities require Lockout or “other” means of control. They
shall be used whenever Machine entry is being performed.

22. Die Cast Department Specific Safety Rule

22.1. NO WATER (or anything that contains water) AT ANY TIME is permitted within the
Die Cast Department of the Engine Plant.

23. Assembly Department Specific Safety Rule

23.1. The IPU Assembly area in AF2 has electrical and chemical hazards related to the
Lithium-Ion Battery modules. Do no enter this area unless you are directed to do
so by the HCM PL. The PL will ensure the area is safe to enter and may have IPU
specific items in the JTA review.

24. Facilities Department Specific Contractor Environmental Rule

24.1. Products containing silicone are forbidden at HCM.
24.2. Refer to New Material Approval Procedure (NMAP) HE-CO00-ECP-0011-0 when
planning to bring products containing chemicals onsite with your HCM Project

25. Paint Department Specific Safety Rules

25.1. Working in the paint department requires special caution. There are many
chemicals in the paint area which are hazardous, corrosive and flammable. Please
read labels and observe caution. If in doubt, ASK!
25.2. All use of tools must be discussed with and approved by your HCM Project Leader
prior to use.
25.3. All heat source or spark generating devices are not allowed within 1.5 meters of
any CLASS “A” AREA. CLASS “A” areas are defined as a high fire risk area that
contains Flammable / Explosive materials.
25.4. Coveralls or paint suits are to be worn in the Paint booths. Coveralls are to be
supplied by the contractor.

26. Purchasing Division – Material Delivery Areas’ Safety Rules

26.1. All contractors must follow the designated travel routes through and around the
container yard.
26.2. All contractors must park in the designated areas only.
26.3. All contractors must obey all posted signage in yard.
26.4. All driving and pedestrian traffic is PROHIBITED along the roadway in front of the
docks, except in areas where PD has given permission.
26.5. Give the right of way at ALL TIMES to the shunt truck driver.

26.6. There are bulk waste bins of various sizes around the site and in the buildings.
Most of these are for material that will be recycled but there are trash bins as well.
These are typically the yellow bins on wheels inside the building and 'blue front
loader bins' outside the building. If these bins are intended to be used for project
waste that is not able to be recycled, it should be confirmed with the HCM P/L that
the designated waste stream can go to trash under HCM's internal rules.
26.7. All contractors are required to wear a reflective safety vest when working in all
outside Material Delivery areas.

27. Environmental Orientation Program for Contractors

27.1. HCM is committed to preserving and protecting the environment in our day-to-day
activities and in our project work. Every contractor working at our site is required to
meet our high standards for environmental protection. Every contracting company
must agree that they and their employees will abide by the “Contractor Obligations”
while on site. HCM is certified to ISO 14001, the international standard for
environmental management, and as such any contractor working on our site may
be audited as part of the on-going certification program.


27.3. HCM encourages its suppliers to protect and preserve the environment.
27.4. Chemicals must only be disposed of in accordance with approved HCM
procedures. Please see the HCM Project Leader for details.

27.5. Preventing Spills

27.5.1. Immediately report any container that is not in good shape (e.g. severe
corrosion, denting, bulging, etc.) to your supervisor and HCM Project Leader.
27.5.2. All threading machines shall be equipped with a metal drip tray and all
mobile equipment shall be maintained to prevent leakage on plant floors. In
the event that a piece of equipment is leaking, report it to the HCM Project
Leader immediately.
27.5.3. Ensure that lids and bungs are properly in place on all liquid containers at all
times when not actually being used.
27.5.4. Store all liquids in a contained area (i.e. in an area with either a permanent
or portable containment device) away from any drains either sanitary and
especially storm connections.

27.6. Responding To Spills

In the event of a spill, the contractor shall:

27.6.1. If it is safe to do so, stop the source of the spill and prevent it from entering
sewers or drains, and contact the supervisor or Project Leader to decide
if further help is required.
27.6.2. If emergency help is needed (i.e. the spill is moving beyond control or
is of a hazardous material), immediately activate the HCM Emergency
Network by dialing 711 from the nearest in-house phone OR 705-434-0711
from an external or cell phone.

28. Waste Management

28.1. According to the “Contractor Obligations”, it is the responsibility of the contractor

to remove and dispose of all materials they have generated on-site (in accordance
with all applicable federal and provincial laws and regulations) unless other
arrangements have been made with HCM.
28.2. Waste materials are to be stored in proper containers that are properly labeled.
Liquid waste is not permitted to be stored outside. See HCM Project Leader for
28.3. Storage areas are to be kept tidy and removal of waste materials shall be on going
during the project to avoid stockpiling of any materials.
28.4. In cases where HCM has assumed responsibility for the disposal of any materials,
the contractor shall follow all rules set out by the HCM Project Leader with respect
to separation of recyclables into proper containers.
28.5. Ontario law requires diversion from landfill of most materials that can be recycled
(e.g. fine paper, cardboards, plastic film, metals, wood etc.). If external wood or
metal waste bins are used, do not overfill the bins and ensure that equipment
disposed in metal bins has been properly decommissioned to prevent
leakage. Wood must not contain metal hardware other than small nails.

29. HCM Safety And Environmental Contractor Guidelines

29.1. HCM requires all contractors to post a copy of the “HCM Safety and Environmental
Contractor Guidelines” poster in an obvious location on the job-site. The poster
summarizes some of the key safety and environmental requirements while on
HCM’s property. Please familiarize yourself with the location of the poster in your
work area and with the information on the poster.
29.2. All departments at HCM are accountable for their energy consumption, including
setting targets for energy consumption during non-production hours. Contractors
are expected to support this by closing exterior doors immediately after they are
used, and only turning on the lighting and equipment they require to complete their

Map of HCM Alliston Site

Appendix A

Appendix B

Department Abbreviations / Short Forms:

HCM – Honda of Canada Manufacturing

JTA – Job Task Analysis

JHA – Job Hazard Assessment

Line #1 Line #2
AF – Assembly Frame XA or AF 2 – Assembly Frame PL2
PA – Paint XM or MS 2– Material Services PL2
WE – Weld XP or PA 2 – Paint PL2
PO – Bumper Paint XW or WE 2 – Weld PL2
VQ – Vehicle Quality XV or VQ 2 – Vehicle Quality PL2
MS – Material Services NM – New Model
ST – Stamping

Plant # 3 Administration
AE- Assembly Engine SM – Safety / Medical
MC- Machining FA – Facilities / Environmental
DC- Die Casting ISD – Information Systems Department

Honda Engineering
EGA-C – Honda Engineering Canada

HS-CO00-CSP-0007-0 Revisions

Rev. Rev. Content of Revision Approval

# Date
00 19/10/12 Original Issue

01 05/11/14 Added ISOQuest doc #, Signature

changed valid sticker dates to 2015/2016; on File
added 4.4 safety orders, modified 9.20.2 for approved hardhat type;
took 2nd half of 9.35 and created new 9.36, +.01 to remaining 9.0
took 2nd half of 15.3 and created new 15.4, +.1 for remaining 15
added 15.7 additional ladder use guideline;
added SM dept to appendix A;
changed Plant 2 dept names – dropped X and made them Dept 2 …
i.e., XW becomes WE2 etc..
02 11/17/16 Changes to 3.0 Violation of any rule Signature
Added 5.0 Respect for the Individual on File
Changes to following:
7.3 Emergency Services Number
8.3.2 Added Plastics Department
8.4 Evacuation alarm – away from paint mix areas
8.5 Tornado Shelter explained
9.1 Added Job Task Analysis - JTA/ JHA / HPA
9.5 Added all safe guards must be re-installed
9.6 Added No Unsupervised Work – no work alone
9.7 Self Retracting Lifeline (SLR) requirement
9.11 No food in break areas explained
9.15 High Visibility Vests – expectation
9.19 Elevated work platforms – load capacity rating
9.22 Do not cross into other construction sites
9.23 Empty propane cylinder – no stock piling indoors
9.28 No aluminum ladders explained
10.0 Honda permits – Facilities permit requirements
15.0 Ladder Safety expectations
19.0 Lockout during Machine Entry Guidelines
20.0 Die Cast Dept. – No water or anything that contains water at
any time.
03 12/21/16 9.37 Contractors/suppliers/visitors (including Internal Suppliers)
ARE permitted to take cell phones into work areas.
04 10/19/18 ADDED (Changes highlighted in burgundy font) Signature
NEW Honda construction logo; on File
Clarified language and sentence structures;
6.1.4. O. Reg 490-Designated
6.1.5. O. Reg 297-Occupational Health and Safety Awareness
and Training;
7.3 Please ensure the HCM PL’s requests are respected absolutely;
9.2.Contractors will carry proof of Authorization by the TSSA
where the work requires;
13.1 added term RISK ASSESSMENT Double legged shock absorbing lanyards are permitted
when 100% tie-off is required during transition (i.e. structural steel
work that cannot be completed from an aerial work platform or
other device). Single leg shock absorbing lanyards shall be permitted for
fall arrest when an anchor point is not available overhead (i.e.
during erection of steel structure when there is nothing overhead to
tie off to).

13.8.1 Changed from CSA Z-462-15 to 18.
13.8.2 Changed from 24 volts to 30 volts.
13.21. Removed - The plant is serviced by a 480 volt - 3 phase - 4
wire system in Plant 1 and a 3 phase - 3 wire system in Plant 2 and
the Engine Plant.
13.29 … At certain times when HCM electrical power is
unavailable, fumes from Carbon Monoxide…
26.10. If anyone orders a stop to the work…
26.11. Electrical wiring, near or below a work location that is
having torching …
27. ADDED Lifting Safety Permit (LSP) requirement
33.2. Updated Environmental.
33.6.2. added reference to emergency cell number.
34.5 Removed reference to O. Reg 103/9A.

REMOVED HCM Site Map with eligible column numbers as

Appendix A

05 04/01/19 Changed title of 13.8. Clarified 13.8.2 and divided it into 13.8.2 ~ Signature
13.8.4 with more detail. Incorporated 13.22 into 13.8.2. Added on File
Relocated the following:
13.17 to 13.8.6; 13.21 to 13.8.7; 13.20 to 13.9; 13.23 to 9.3; 13.30
to 9.4; added vehicle safety section & relocated 13.3 to 15.1.1;
13.27 to 15.1.2; 13.31 to 15.1.3; 13.35 to 15.1.4; 13.25 to 15.1.5; 18
to 15.1.6; 20 to 15.1.7; (to group similar content), and updated all
numbering as required.
Added clarification to 13.2 regarding class I work boots.
Major formatting changes throughout document.
06 04/11/19 Revised map located in APPENDIX; Removed sec13.6.2.2. Single
leg shock absorbing lanyards shall be permitted for fall arrest when
an anchor point is not available overhead (i.e. during erection of
steel structure when there is nothing overhead to tie off to).

2.2. There are three types of stickers;

2.2.3. Type 3 is for Electrical Contractors who have shown proof
of having been trained in CSA Z462 Workplace Electrical Safety
practices or equivalent (NFPA-70E if applicable).
07 11/02/20 13.9. Workplace Electrical Safety

ADDED 13.9.1.Contractor electrical leads are expected to have

completed the Electrical Safety Authority Z462 training or
equivalent and ensure all electrical entrants working directly or
indirectly for the contractor are following the safe work practice of
08 11/02/20 Replaced word “Plant” with “Line” where deemed appropriate.

09 01/15/21 13.9.1 REMOVED reference to the Electrical Safety Authority

from statement as per request from ESA
Kevin Richards | Senior Electrical Inspector
Electrical Safety Authority, Northern Region
Tel: 705-523-1032 ext 7226 | Cell: 705-623-4243

10 10/28/22 1.3 ADDED Training and Testing may be obtained VIRTUALLY

through the www.hondaengage website.
Changes made to following:
1.4 REMOVED “a completion sticker will be issued to the worker”
2.0 ADDED Safety Orientation Training Stickers are no longer
issued for 2023-2024

ADDED 2.1 Stickers are only issued to Electrical Contractors who
have shown proof of having been trained in CSA Z462 Workplace
Electrical Safety practices or equivalent (NFPA-70E if applicable).
Stickers stating “Authorized Electrical Entrant” will be issued by
their Project Leaders and their names added to a summary list of
those trained. (G:\SE\SESafetyErgo\25 Construction
Safety\Contractor Training Records\List of Trained
Contractors\HCM Electrical Contractors).
MODIFIED 5.2 Violation of any HCM policies: This removal can
be initiated by the Project Leader, Department Management,
Department or Corporate Safety Leads or other HCM associates
who are authorized to do so.
REMOVED 5.4 The infraction is recorded in the HCM Contractor
Safety Orientation file next to the person’s name.
REMOVED 6.1 all references to specific Ont. Regulation’s
MODIFIED 13.2 The minimal PPE requirement in all construction
areas of the plant:
ADDED 13.2.1. CSA approved Type 2 Hard Hat; Short sleeve
shirt, Long Pants..
MODIFIED 13.3.4 “HCM Vehicle Authorization/Approval
Request For Access Into The Plant” form must be completed and
signed off by Security and Fire Brigade
REVISED 13.3.5 13.3.5. No Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) or
Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) or diesel-powered equipment shall be
brought into the buildings
MODIFIED 13.7.2 “retractable lifeline” to “self-retracting device”
MODIFIED “Double legged shock absorbing lanyards” to
“Dual personal fall limiters”
ADDED 13.9.1 Electrical Contractors are expected to follow
CSAZ462 Workplace Electrical Safety practices.
REMOVED 13.9.7 For electrical connections where wet conditions
exist, ensure that Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are
used for added protection to the worker.
ADDED 13.9.8 There are more than one style of weld plug on our
REMOVED 13.11 Any contractor who recognizes a safety hazard
that may cause undue harm must report it to their supervisor and
the HCM Project Leader immediately.
REMOVED 13.12 At no time is it permitted to have food in the
break areas other than in the cafeterias / designated department
lunch rooms. Food waste can cause infestation by insects and
possible vermin.
ADDED 13.13 and/or vaping
MODIFIED 13.27 Types of Honda Permits
CHANGED 13.27.2. Crane Lifting Applications to Lift Safe Permit
ADDED 14.4.3 see your HCM PL for details.
REMOVED 16.4 reference to Dual Legged Lanyard
ADDED 18.0 Reference to Ignition Source Policy HS-CO00-SAP-
REMOVED 18.9.All references to 3 ranking categories of hot work
permits: A, B, C.
REMOVED 18.11 Statement regarding protection of electrical
wiring using fire blankets from ignition sources.
ADDED 19 reference to HCM Lift Safety Procedure HS-CO00-
REMOVED (19.4.1 – 19.4.8) JTA risk factors covered within Lift
Safety Permit
ADDED 19.6 Confined Space - refer to HCM Confined Space
Identification and Entry Program HS-CO00-SAP-0006-0
ADDED 23. Assembly Department Specific Safety Rule

23.1. The IPU Assembly area in AF2 has electrical and chemical
hazards related to the Lithium-Ion Battery modules. Do no enter
this area unless you are directed to do so by the HCM PL. The PL
will ensure the area is safe to enter and may have IPU specific
items in the JTA review.
ADDED 24. Facilities Department Specific Contractor
Environmental Rule
24.1. Products containing silicone are forbidden at HCM.
24.2. Refer to New Material Approval Procedure (NMAP) HE-
CO00-ECP-0011-0 when planning to bring products containing
chemicals onsite with your HCM Project Leader.
REMOVED 25.1 reference to using silicone within Paint Dept.
REVISED 27.2. Environmental Policy: “ENVIRONMENTAL


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