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Communication challenges examples

 Misunderstanding in the workplace
 Misunderstanding with customers
 Different decision-making style
 Mindset, sign, and symbols can have different meanings

2. Factors that affect CCC

 Interpretation of time
 Interpretation of space
 Non-verbal communication
 Environment and technology

3. 5 ways to improve CCC mentioned in class

 Listen and ask
 Be open
 Body language
 Be respectful and tolerant
 Research and learn

4. Explain high and low context culture

High and low context cultures explain or refers to differences in verbal and
non-verbal communication

5. What is skimming?
It’s browsing a text to obtain basic ideas about a text

6. Explain high context culture and which countries are included in this
They don’t rely on communication with words. They use context meaning
and tone of the message
Countries: Japan, China, France, Spain

7. Why is important to know about CCC

To avoid misunderstandings and it helps you have a better relationship with

8. What is scanning
It is a way to search for specific information in a text

9. Explain CCC in the workplace

It refers to how people from different cultures interact in a business
environment and how they adapt their communication style to their co-
worker’s culture

10. 5 ways that printed material can be arranged

 Alphabetical order
 Chronological order
 Textual
 Non-alphabetical
 By category

11. Examples of skimming

 To check what’s in the news
 To look through a catalog to choose
 To look through a text to decide whether to read it or not
 To look through a TV guide to choose a program’s time

12. 3 benefits of CCC in the workplace

 A diverse workplace understands better various markets
 It shows the company understands and respects different cultures
 Diverse workplaces build trust in the company’s brand

13. 3 tips for scanning mentioned in class

 Peripherical vision helps to scan effectively
 Let your eyes work for you when searching information
 Keep the concept and purpose of key words in mind

14. Examples of scanning mentioned in class

 Search for a word in a dictionary
 Find a phone or address in a phone book
 Check time set for a program in an agenda

15. 2 things to consider when putting a presentation together

 Keep it simple
 Prepare and practice

16. Why to read the main or first sentence of a paragraph

The main sentence tells the reader what the paragraph will be about

17. 3 ideas of how to skim a test

 Try to find main ideas
 Read the first sentence in each paragraph
 Read chapter summarizes when provided

18. One example of CCC given in class, explain

 Misunderstanding with customers
 Misunderstanding between employees

19. List 5 body languages skills mention in class

 Look at your audience
 Smile
 Open your hands straight a head
 Show straight and safe posture
 Move naturally

20. Why is body language important for an effective presentation

Body language reflects the identity of each person

21. Tips to improve the tone of voice

 Review the presentation outloud
 Use intonation
 Rehearse
 Breathe

22. Explain th 10-20-30 rule

Use 10 or fewer slides, keep the presentation under 20 minutes, use at least
30-point font

23. 3 techniques to create a good presentation

 Limit the presentation to a central idea
 Use visual aids
 Use language easy to understand

24. Explain low context cultures and what countries are included in this category
Explicit communication states so that there is no room for misunderstanding,
the message is clear.
Countries: UK, Australia, USA

25. 3 techniques for improving communication with the audience

 Speak in plain language
 Express your point directly
 Use charts and diagrams for explanation

26. 4 basic elements of CCC

 Awareness
 Preparation
 Language
 Humor

27. 3 dimensions of culture

 Time orientation
 Individualism
 Communication style

28. What is cross cultural communication

is the type of communication that occurs between people or groups belonging
to different cultures, as well as between communities that have maintained
different cultural experiences throughout their lives.
29. Tips to create interest when giving a presentation
 Use icebreakers
 Ask questions
 Use body language
 Keep it simple

30. 3 ways to capture the audience’s attention

 Start with an interest question
 Quote an interest person
 Share a story that leads to the main topic

31. 5 tips for a professional presentation

 Tell stories
 Practice
 Start strong
 Work on your stage presence
 Smile and make eye contact with the audience

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