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Written 1: E-mail

Kerly Cisneros

Salesian Politechnic University

Career of Psychology

Level: A2-English
Lic. Jorge Cárdenas

Friday, December 23th of 2022.


I am giving up drinking too much alcohol.

When I have a headache, I used to drink with my friends. Always, I am hating to drink

alcohol because the taste is horrible. My colleagues tell me that alcohol helps me forget my

problems. If I drink Norteño or another bottle of drinks.

To begin with, I don't liked drinking in at discotec. My friend told me to drink a bottle of

whisky to forget my problems. I thought that wasn´t a bad idea. After that, my head hurts

very much.

Soon, I leaving bad friendship of side. And I started with very easy exercises and new habits

for my glow up. After that I lost weight and the clothes got bigger. Soon, I started with a

new rutine of life, I stopped hanging out with my former friends.

I felt like a new person and I have a new friends who don't drink. After a while my life

changes and my head stopped hurtin. Learning how to execersice me and keep calm was

difficult and it took along time. Then, it got easier, and I made good progress. In the end, I

learned that are real friends and that changing rutines improves you a new person.

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