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In terms of my speaking, compelling language, and research accuracy, I think my project presentation

was good overall.

I was able to effectively communicate my views because I was able to talk clearly and loudly with only a
few pauses while maintaining strong eye contact with the audience. I also engaged the audience by
using suitable body language to stress important themes.

In order to bolster my arguments and establish my credibility, I employed persuasive strategies, appeals,
and reliable sources.

These skills allowed me to hold the audience's attention and communicate my study's findings clearly.
I'll attempt to enhance my usage of the CERA framework in order to make sure that my assertions,
supporting data, and arguments are all clearly connected. To make my lectures more interesting and
memorable, I'll add more interactive components like audience involvement or multimedia. I can keep
developing my presenting abilities and successfully convey my views to a range of audiences by doing
these things.

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