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A. Read the text below carefully.

Eclipse of The Sun

(1) An eclipse of the Sun is also called a solar eclipse. The Moon orbits, or goes around,
the Earth. (2) As the Moon orbits, it sometimes gets directly between Earth and the Sun. When
this happens, the Moon casts its shadow on Earth. The Moon’s shadow covers only a small part
of Earth, not the entire planet. (3) You can see the eclipse only if you happen to be in the part of
Earth that gets covered. (4) There are three kinds of solar eclipses. Sometimes the Moon appears
to block out the whole Sun. This is called a total solar eclipse. (5) A bright ring, or halo, appears
around the dark disk of the Moon during a total eclipse. The Sun’s corona—the glowing hot
gases that surround the Sun—produces this halo. (6) The Moon is not always the same distance
from Earth, because its orbit is not a perfect circle. (7) Sometimes an eclipse happens while the
Moon is farther away from Earth than usual. The faraway Moon looks small. It casts a smaller
shadow on Earth that blocks out only the centre of the Sun. (8) This is called an annular eclipse.
Sometimes the Moon covers only part of the Sun. This is called a partial solar eclipse.
The Moon’s disk slides across the bottom or top part of the Sun. It never covers the whole Sun.
(9) Partial solar eclipses are more common than total or annular solar eclipses.
It is very dangerous to look at the Sun, even during an eclipse. (10) Looking at the bright
light of the Sun can injure your eyes.
(The text adapted from “Eclipses of The Sun” (Microsoft, 2016))

Then, give checklist on the table below what kind of the text that had been giving number

Number of sentences
Type of Sentence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Simple Sentence

Compound sentence

Complex Sentence 

Compound – Complex Sentence  

B. Translate the text above into Indonesian
Gerhana Matahari
(1) Gerhana matahari disebut juga gerhana matahari. Bulan mengorbit, atau mengelilingi,
Bumi. (2) Saat Bulan mengorbit, terkadang ia berada langsung di antara Bumi dan
Matahari. Saat ini terjadi, Bulan melemparkan bayangannya ke Bumi. Bayangan
Bulan hanya menutupi sebagian kecil Bumi, bukan seluruh planet. (3) Anda dapat
melihat gerhana hanya jika Anda kebetulan berada di bagian Bumi yang tertutup. (4)
Ada tiga macam gerhana matahari. Terkadang Bulan tampak menghalangi seluruh
Matahari. Ini disebut gerhana matahari total. (5) Cincin terang, atau halo, muncul di
sekitar piringan gelap Bulan selama gerhana total. Korona Matahari—pijaran gas
panas yang mengelilingi Matahari—menghasilkan halo ini. (6) Jarak Bulan dari Bumi
tidak selalu sama, karena orbitnya bukanlah lingkaran sempurna. (7) Terkadang
gerhana terjadi saat Bulan berada lebih jauh dari Bumi dari biasanya. Bulan yang jauh
terlihat kecil. Itu melemparkan bayangan yang lebih kecil di Bumi yang hanya
menghalangi pusat Matahari. (8)Ini disebut gerhana annular.
Terkadang Bulan hanya menutupi sebagian Matahari. Ini disebut gerhana
matahari sebagian. Disk Bulan meluncur melintasi bagian bawah atau atas Matahari.
Itu tidak pernah menutupi seluruh Matahari. (9) Gerhana matahari sebagian lebih
umum daripada gerhana matahari total atau annular.
Sangat berbahaya untuk melihat Matahari, bahkan saat gerhana. (10) Melihat
cahaya terang matahari dapat melukai mata Anda.

(2) Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan memberi tanda silang (x) pada
jawaban yang tepat.

1. After I finished cooking, I and my sister cleaned the entire kitchen. The sentence is ………..
a. a simple sentence
b. a compound sentence
c. a complex sentence
d. a compound complex sentence
2. The teacher walked into the classroom, greeted the students, and took attendance. The
sentence is ………..
a. a simple sentence
b. a compound sentence
c. a complex sentence
d. a compound complex sentence
3. I do the shopping and my sister do the cooking. The sentence is ………….
a. a simple sentence
b. a compound sentence
c. a complex sentence
d. a compound complex sentence
4. The man whom the headmaster talked to was the new sport teacher. The sentence is ….
a. a simple sentence
b. a compound sentence
c. a complex sentence
d. a compound complex sentence
5. We have got a great school football team. The sentence is …
a. a simple sentence
b. a compound sentence
c. a complex sentence
d. a compound complex sentence
6. Which of the sentences below is a simple sentence with compound subjects?
a. Sekar plays the piano and Linda sings a song
b. Sekar plays the piano.
c. Linda and Sekar are singing a song together
d. Sekar plays the piano and Linda listens to it.
7. The new subject that I learnt was so difficult. Which part of the sentence is the independent
a. The new subject was so difficult
b. that I learnt
c. The new subject that I learnt
d. that I learnt so difficult
8. Below coordinators could be used in compound sentences except:
a. or
b. where
c. but
d. nor
9. I decided not to go to the party but my sister who was party lover thought that I was so
outdated. Which part of the sentence is the dependent clause?
a. I decided not to go to the party
b. My sister thought that I was so outdated
c. who was party lover
d. a, b, and c are wrong
10. Hal-hal berikut harus diperhatikan dalam memberikan pembelajaran tentang kalimat-kalimat
sederhana di sekolah dasar kecuali:
a. Sebaiknya pembelajaran di sekolah dasar lebih banyak memakai bentuk-bentuk kalimat
sederhana dengan struktur tenses: simple past, simple present dan simple future.
b. Sebaiknya guru tidak memberikan pembelajaran tentang struktur kalimat dalam bentuk
rumus, pola kalimat, atau aturan bahasa yang harus dihafalkan oleh para siswa sekolah
c. Sebaiknya pembelajaran tentang kalimat sederhana diberikan secara terintegrasi dengan
kosakata dalam kalimat pernyataan, tanya jawab sehari-hari, dan dalam wacana yang
langsung diberikan sebagai suatu bentuk bahasa yang utuh dan bermakna.
d. Sebaiknya guru tidak memberikan pembelajaran tentang grammatika.

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