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zahraa adnan Mustafa Ahmed

Muhanad Ahmed Mohammed Majid
1. Where is the primary site for absorption of nutrients?
a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Ascending colon
d. Descending colon
e. Both a and bequally
Answer: b
The small intestine is the primary site for absorption of nutrients.

2. Which cell type secretes intrinsic factor?

A. Enterocyte
b. Macrophage
e. chief cell
d. parietal cell
Correct d

3. What type of tissue lines the upper esophagus?

A. Simple squamous epithelium
B. Simple cuboidal epithelium
C. Simple columnar epithelium
D. Stratified squamous epithelium
E. Transitional epithelium
Ans: D

4. What are the finger like projections of mucosa that are seen in the small
a. Lacteal
b. Crypts of Lieberkuhn
c. Plicae circulares
d. Striated border
e. Villi
Answer: E

There are several features of the small intestine

The lymphatic capillary within a villus of the small intestine is a lacteal.

Crypts of Lieberkuhn are the intestinal glands. The plica circulares is a

projection with a core of submucosa. The plica circulares is also called the
valve of Kerckring
Microvilli that are seen on the epithelial cells in the small intestine form the
brush border or striated border.
Villi are finger like projections of mucosa seen in the small intestine.

5. What is the outer layer of the GI tract called when it is abutting another
A. Mucosa
b. Sub mucosa
c. Muscularis externa
d. Serosa
e. Adventitia
Answer: e

The mucosa is the innermost layer of the GI tract. It consists of epithelium,

lamina propria, and muscularis mucosa.
The submucosa is connective tissue. Within it are lymphatic vessels and nerve
plexuses. Meissner's plexus is located in the submucosa.
The muscularis externa consists of thick layers of smooth muscle. It contains
Auerbach's plexus.
The outer layer of the GI tract is either an adventitia or serosa. The serosa
consists of only a single layer of epithelial cells and underlying connective
tissue. The adventitia is the outer layer of the GI tract when it is abutting
another organ the posterior abdominal wall.

6. What is the innermost layer of the GI tract called?

a. Mucosa
b. Sub mucosa
c. Muscularis externa
d. Serosa
e. Adventitia
Answer: a

The mucosa is the innermost layer of the GI tract. It consists of epithelium,

lamina propria, and muscularis mucosa. The submucosa is connective tissue.
Within it are lymphatic vessels and nerve plexuses. Meissner's plexus is
located in the submucosa.
The muscularis externa consists of thick layers of smooth muscle. It contains
Auerbach's plexus. The outer layer of the GI tract is either an adventitia or
serosa. The serosa consists of only a single layer of epithelial cells and
underlying connective tissue. The adventitia is the outer layer of the GI tract
when it is abutting another organ the posterior abdominal wall.

7. Which cells secrete pepsinogen?

A. Parietal cells
B. Oxyntic cells
C. Chief cells
D.Mucous neck cells
E. Parietal cells and Oxyntic cells
Ans: C

8. Where is mesothelium found?

A. Mucosa
B. Sub mucosa
C. Muscularis externa
D. Serosa
E. Adventitia
Ans: D

9. What type of tissue lines most of the gastrointestinal tract?

A Simple squamous epithelium
B. Simple cuboidal epithelium
C. Simple columnar epithelium
D. Stratified squamous epithelium
E. Transitional epithelium
Ans: C

10. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver?

A. Conversion of glucose into glycogen
B. Storage of glycogen
C. Storage of bile ( Gallbladder)
D. Storage of fat-soluble vitamins
E. Cholesterol synthesis
Ans: C

11. Which of the following is the exocrine portion of the pancreas?

a. Islets of Langerhans
b. Alpha cells
e. Beta cells
d. Delta cells
e. Acini
Answer: e

The pancreas is both an endocrine and exocrine organ.

The endocrine portion of the pancreas is housed in the islets of Langerhans.
Within the islets, there are several cell types. The alpha cells secrete glucagon.
The beta cells secrete insulin. The delta cells secrete somatostain. The gamma
cells secrete pancreatic polypeptide. The acini is the exocrine portion of the

12. What structure is in the middle of the hepatic lobule?

a. Hepatic artery
b. Portal triad
c. Central vein
d. Portal vein
e. Sinusoids
Answer: c

Hepatocytes are the liver cells. They are arranged to form a liver lobule,
which is the functional unit of the liver. The liver lobule is a hexagonal shaped
structure. At the angles of the liver lobule are portal triads. The portal triad is
composed of a
Inch of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct. In the middle of the liver
obule is a central vein. Hepatic sinusoids run between the hepatocytes.

13. What is the space between the liver sinusoids and the hepatocytes called?
a. Space of Disse
b. Space of Mall
e. Vacuole
d. Lacuna
e. Howship's lacuna
Answer: a

The space of Disse is in the liver. The space of Disse is also called the
perisinosoidal space. It is the space between the liver sinusoids and the
The space of Mall is also in the liver. The space of Mall is located at the portal
canal and is the region between the connective tissue and the liver
parenchymal cells. It is the site where lymph is formed within the liver.
A vacuole is a small clear space within an individual cell.
A lacuna is a small space or depression. The space that the chondrocyte rests
in is a lacuna
Howship's lacuna is seen in bone. Howship's lacuna is a space seen undemeath
an osteoclast.

14. What is the name of the cellular mass for the endocrine portion of the
A. Islets of Langerhans
b. Alpha cells
c. Beta cells
d. Delta cells
e. Acini
Answer: a

The pancreas is both an endocrine and exocrine organ

Ndocrine portion of the pancreas is housed in the islets of Langerhans. Within
meisiets, there are several cell types. The alpha cells secrete glucagon. The
beta cells secrete insulin. The delta cells secrete somatostain. The gamma cells
secrete pancreatic polypeptide

15. What is the functional unit of the liver?

A. Lobule
B. Portal triad
C.Central vein
D. Hepatocyte
E. Sinusoids
Ans: A

16. Which structures are part of the portal triad?

A. Portal vein
B. Hepatic artery
C. Central vein
D. Sinusoids
E. Portal vein and Hepatic artery
Ans: E

17. Which cell is a macrophage found in the central nervous system?

a. Kupffer cells
b. Histiocyte
c. Dust cell

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