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The importance of sleep

Most people think it’s usual to sleep a few hours longer or not get enough sleep,
nevertheless there are serious consequences such as mood disorders, obesity, diabetes. It
should be a priority just like breathing as well as eating, since we don’t give the best
performance and can negatively affect our daily life.

There are scientific studies that prove that previously people slept enough, however over
the years there was a great decrease, especially in young people, so they do not suppose
that it is essential, they occupy themselves with other things such as homework, practices,
sports, they even think it is cool.
This generally happens because when we are sleeping we believe that our body is not
working, but in reality it has functions such as memory consolidation, cell regeneration,
although some try to replace it with medication, it does not work and generates stress.

It is essential to sleep well to be able to perform in the best way in daily activities,
however this can be affected by external stuff such as society, job, family, among others,
the important thing is to keep in mind that it is indispensable and healthy, in addition of
not having it as a last priority.

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