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A MICRO PROJECT ON "Client-server network model "

A micro-project proposal

1.0 Aims/Benefits of the micro project

Data communication and computer networks have been growing with rapid technological
progress. Computer communication through networking has become an essential part of our life.
By considering the importance of networking in day-to-day life, it is essential for students to know
the basic concept of networks like network classification, network topologies, and network
devices. This course deals with the important concepts and techniques related to data
communication and gives students insight into the technology involved in making network
communication possible.

2.0 Course outcome addressed

a. Analyze the functioning of data communication and computer network

d. Configure various networking devices.

3.0 Proposed methodology

In this project, we get information about the Client-server network model.

4.0 Action Plan

Sr. Planned start Planned finis

Details of activity
No date date

Refer book information to get information about the Client-server

network model

2 discuss the micro-project with a subject teacher

3 collect information from the internet

4 Discuss the project with team members

5 create micro-project format in ms word

6 Arrange the information in ms word

7 Print the project

6.0 Resources used

Sr. no. Name of resource material Specificions

1 textbook Data Communication And Computer Network

2 internet Wikipedia/quora/YouTube

3 PC windows 8

Micro-Project Report

Transmission modes in a computer network

1.0 Brief Description:-

A network that consists of clients and servers. A network architecture in which each computer or
process on the network is either a client or a server. Client-server networks have a machine at
the core of their operations called the server. A server is a machine that delivers services over a
network by replying to client requests. Server-based networks provide centralized control of the
whole network environment. Server-based networks are easier to scale. The network's
operability is dependent on the server.

Block Diagram


The server is the computer that facilitates, sharing of data software, and hardware resources (ex:
printers, modems) on the network. A server is a program running on a remote machine providing
service to the clients. When it begins, it opens a door for incoming requests from a client, but it
never forms a service until it is requested to do so.

> Supplies services for clients.

> Also known as the host computer.
> Controls access hardware and software on the network. Provide storage area for programs,
data, and information.
> User authentication and registration.
> Supply access to stored data...

related post:DCC (22414) Data Communication And Computer Network Micro Project
Types Of Servers:

• Application server: Dedicated to running different applications.

• Message Servers: Include chat rooms, and group wares, and provide instant and real-time
communication between users.
• Proxy Server: Used to filter requests created by users over the server. Enhances performance.
•Database Server: Manages database utilized over the network.
• Web Server: Delivers access to the internet via HTTP., Accepts requests from the browser, and
sends it to the main server.

Client :

Thick Client- A thick client is one that delivers rich functionality and carries out most of the data
processing. It relies very less on the server.

Thin Client- A thin client refers to a lightweight computer that relies on the resources of the host
computer to a great extent.

Hybrid Client- A hybrid client is a mixture of a thick client's and a thin client's characteristics. It
relies on the server for storing persistent data. It is capable of local processing.

The client is the program operating on the local machine requesting service from the server. A
client program is finite means it started by the user or another application program and
terminates when the service is complete. The server delivers services over a network by
responding to client requests.

* Also known as users or customer

• Request the resources from the server.
• Independent from other clients.
• Fetches the files from the server.
* Sends a file to the server.
* Delete, copy, and Rename the files on the server.
Client-Server Network

A client-server network refers to the medium that allows clients to access resources and services
from a central computer by utilizing either the LAN (Local Area Network) or the WAN (Wide Area
Network traffic is classified as either client-to-server or as server-to-server. The client-server
network's major benefit is that it assures centralized management of applications as well as data.

The most famous network services are e-mail, file sharing, and the World Wide Web. In the
context of the World Wide Web, there are numerous websites that can be accessed over the
Internet. These websites are kept up and running by web hosting companies. These companies
that are also known as web hosts, supply the server space, services, and technologies that are
required to create a website accessible. Terms such as the "Best Website Hosting Company",
the "Best Windows Hosting Company" and the "Top Cloud Hosting Company" refer to the top-
notch website hosting service providers.

Client-Server Model

The client-server model refers to a distributed application framework. It separates tasks between
servers and clients that are present either in the same system or interact over a computer
network or the Internet. In it, the client sends a request to another program with the intent of
accessing a service that is created available by a server. One or more programs are run by the
server that is meant for sharing resources with, as well as distributing work, among clients.

The client-server model operates by communicating in a messaging pattern that involves

request-response. It must follow a standard communications protocol in which the language,
rules, and dialog patterns that are to be used are formally defined. The TCP/IP protocol suite is
followed by the client-server communication. The connection is sustained by the TCP protocol till
the time the client and the server are via the message exchange. A scheduling system organizes
and prioritizes client requests. The client-server model lets any computer use other hosts' shared
resources and aids in expanding its capabilities.
Categories of Client-Server Approach

There are four categories of client-server approaches. These are one-tier architecture, two-tier
architecture, three-tier architecture, an N-tier architecture.

One-Tier Architecture

One-tier architecture involves a program being run on a single computer, wherein there is no
need for access to the network. In it, network protocols are not managed by user requests.
Hence, the code stays simple and there isn't any extra traffic on the network.

Two-Tier Architecture

A two-tier architecture involves the server, the client, as well as the protocol by which the two
tiers are connected. In it the code linked to the Graphical User Interface exists on the client host
and the server host has the domain logic.

Three-Tier Architecture

A three-tier architecture involves a presentation tier (User Interface Layer), the application tier
(service layer which performs detailed processing), and the data tier that has a database server
for storing information.

N-Tier Architecture

An application is split into logical layers by an N-tier architecture. This separates responsibilities
as well as handles reliance and physical tiers that are run on separate machines. Moreover, it
improves scalability and adds latency. N-Tier architecture can be either closed-layer or open-
layer. In a closed layer, each layer can communicate only with the next layer that is below it. In
an open layer, a layer can communicate with any of the layers that are below it.

Benefits of Client-Server Model

The client-server model has many advantages which are mentioned below.
user authorization Facilitates the protection of data and manages easily authentication.
Addition of resources (servers, network segments, and computers) to a client-server network
without encountering any major interruption.
Ensures access to data in an efficient manner without the clients and the server being in close
proximity. Facilitates easy upgrades, relocation of the nodes, and replacements.
The data that gets transferred is platform-agnostic.


• Online Banking networks.

The user wants to access his account from the web browser. As his data is reserved in the
database, the webserver runs a program to access the database. This database server may, in
turn, fetch financial transaction records from another database server. An application server
interprets the returned data by following the bank's business logic and providing the output to the
webserver. Finally, the webserver sends the result to the web browser, which interprets the data.

Advantages of Client-Server Network

1. Centralization
The main benefit of a client-server network is the centralized control that it is integrated with. All
the required data is placed in a single location. This is especially useful for the network
administrator since they have full control over managing and administration. Whatever problem
that happens in the whole network can be solved in one place. And also due to this, the work of
updating resources and data has become way more effortless

2. Security
In a client-server network, the data is well secure due to its centralized architecture. It can be
enforced with access controls such that only authorized users are given access. One such
approach is imposing credentials like username and password. Moreover if the data were to be
lost, the files can be effortlessly recovered from a single backup.

related post:SEN Software Engineering (22413) Diploma Micro Project MSBTE

3. Scalability
Client-server networks are highly scalable. Whenever the user requires they can grow the
number of resources such as clients and servers. Thus, expanding the size of the server without
any interruptions. Even if the size gets improved, there is no hesitation about permission to
network resources since the server is centralized. Therefore, a very less number of staff are
needed for the configurations.

4. Management
Since all the files are kept on the central server, it is rather easy to manage files. In client-server
network has the best management to track and find records of needed files.

Disadvantages of Client-Server Network

1. Traffic Congestion
The primary disadvantage of a client-server network is the traffic congestion it undergoes. If
numerous clients create requests from the same server, it will result in crashes or slowing down
of the connection. An overloaded server makes many problems in accessing data.

2. Robustness
As we all know client-server networks are centralized. In case the main server occurs to undergo
loss or interference, then the whole network will be disrupted. Therefore, client-server networks
lack on the side of robustness.

3. Cost
The price involved in setting up and maintaining the server is usually heightened in the client-
server network as it does on the network operations. Since the networks are powerful they can
be costly to purchase. Hence, not all the users will be able to afford them.

4. Maintenance
When the servers are implemented, it is going to work non-stop. Which means it must be given
suitable attention. If there are any problems, they must be fixed instantly without any delay.
Hence, there should be a technical network manager appointed to maintain the server.

2.0 Actual Resources Use

Sr. no. Name of resource material Specificions

1 textbook Data Communication And Computer Network

2 internet Wikipedia/quora/YouTube

3 PC windows 8

3.0 Outputs of the Micro-Project

In this project, we successfully get information about the Client-server network model.

4.0 Skill Developed / Learning outcomes of this Micro-Project

a.Develop group discussion skills.

b.Communication skills improved.
c. MS WORD skills developed.
d. Basic knowledge about the Client-server network model.

The client-server model assists servers handle many requests at once utilizing a scheduling
system to prioritize messages from clients. Client-server models enhance the functionality of any
computer by utilizing resources from other devices via a server.

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