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The road lies ahead with mountains uncrossed,

With detours to block our way

A long, weary road, and we many become lost,

And have may many a rainy day.

But we have been trained in these four years

To take things as they come,

To overcome, obstacles, conquer our fears,

To fight'til our goal is won.

Ambition and toil are the carriers

That will take us to success;

We must hurdle all the barries;

Now we're leaving the school of life;

For the world is but a vast collage

Where we learn of trouble and stife.

We're off roads untraversed, unmapped,

The way is ours to find;

On our backs the kit of knowledge is strapped,

And a teen edge put on our mind.

So good-bye, to Tanque National High School,

To friends and teachers, too,

We leave with regret and many a sigh

But our hearts remain with you..


High School is an essential time of our lives. It’s a time that can yield big
surprises. It’s also a time that can seem mundane. Either way, the small, short
days of High School can amount to a big picture in the end. Overall, High School
can produce a variety of emotions that mostly everyone has experienced at some
point or another. If you are trying to put your thoughts towards High School into
words, or if you just want to see if your words that you have written are on the
right track, take a look at what has already been written here. You may find
yourself stuck reminiscing of what used to be a large part of your life. If you are
looking for a poem to share with someone else who is in High School, think back
to the best times that you had during that period. You may discover that you and
the high schooler have more in common than you thought you did. Some day the
both of you can look back on the memories that you had toward High School.

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