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1. Poisonous plant
2. Conium
3. Deadly nightshade
4. Herbaceous perennial
5. Poisonous herb


6. Mass for the dead

7. Funeral song
8. Elegy
9. Dirge
10. Lament


11. Dead body

12. Cadaver
13. Remains
14. Deceased
15. Mortal remains


16. Rotting
17. Decomposing
18. Putrefying
19. Spoiling
20. Disintegrating


21. Funeral hymns

22. Laments
23. Elegies
24. Requiems
25. Funeral songs


26. Beautiful
27. Attractive
28. Gorgeous
29. Stunning
30. Lovely

Hemlock: A poisonous plant of the parsley family with small white flowers and finely divided leaves.

Requiem: A Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead; a musical composition setting parts of a
requiem Mass, or of a similar character.

Corpse: A dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.

Decaying: To rot, decompose, or become putrid.

Dirges: A funeral hymn or mournful song or poem.

Pulcher: Beautiful in Latin.

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