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Gamuda’s Alignment to
Global Aspirations:

We are committed to:

Chapter 1:
Sustainability Integration

Chapter 2:
Our Governance and Value
We are an official supporter of:
to Economy

Chapter 3:
Investing in Our People and
We are members of: Communities

Chapter 4:
Our Decarbonisation
Our programmes support:

Chapter 5:
Our Global Alignment

Advance tree planting programme (part of Gamuda #1MillionTrees)

– Bandar Gamuda Cove, Selangor, Malaysia
GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022



AB&C – Anti-Bribery and Corruption GWEN – Gamuda Women PSI – Penang South Islands
SHORT-TERM: ACTUATION AND DELIVERING Policy Policy Empowerment Network
QLASSIC – Quality Assessment System
A-TBM – Autonomous Tunnel Boring IBS – Industrialised Building for Building Construction
At every level of our business decision-making, we are committed to carrying out our operations in a manner that is socially
Machine Systems Works
and environmentally responsible. Led by our ambitious governance, we strive to make a meaningful impact on communities
BIM – Building Information GIBS – Gamuda Industrialised QSHE – Quality, Safety, Health and
and the environment where we operate. Our Gamuda Green Plan 2025 was launched in FY2021, which sets out very clear Modelling Building System Environment
carbon emissions targets while strengthening our social stewardship. We have also aligned our reporting to the Task Force
CDP – Carbon Disclosure Project IGU – Integrity and Governance RAP – Reconciliation Action Plan
on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Carbon Disclosure Project Unit (Gamuda Australia)
CIDB – Construction Industry
Development Board IIRC – International Integrated RE – Renewable Energy
Reporting Council
CIVac – Construction Industry RMC – Risk Management Committee
This year, we furthered our commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Adopting a science-based approach, ILO – International Labour
Vaccination Programme
we have begun conducting scenario analyses of global temperature increases of 1.5 degrees Celsius and beyond, ensuring we SASB – Sustainability Accounting
CLQs – Centralised Labour Quarters Standards Board
incorporate relevant climate adaptation measures into our project planning and design. This is ongoing in Gamuda Cove, IMS – Integrated Management
CO₂e – carbon dioxide equivalent SBTi – Science Based Targets
Gamuda Gardens and Penang South Islands. We are also using the Low Carbon Cities Framework as a guideline to build smart, System
sustainable and low-carbon townships. CREST – Crisis Relief Services and
IUCN – International Union for
Training SC – Securities Commission
Conservation of Nature
CQQs – Centralised Quarantine SDGs – Sustainability Development
ISAE 3000 – International Standard on
Assurance Engagements
CTU – Construction Training Unit SGHA – Star Golden Hearts Award
Under the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, we have set ourselves the target of reducing our carbon emissions intensity by 45 ISC – Infrastructure Sustainability
DJSI – Dow Jones Sustainability Council (Australia) SHASSIC – Safety and Health Assessment
percent compared to the baseline year of 2022 by the year 2030.
Indices System in Construction
ISO – International Organization for
DOE – Department of Environment Standardization SHE – Safety, Health and
To achieve this, we are intensifying our investments in the renewable energy (RE) space, specifically solar and hydropower. Environment
We aim to grow our RE asset portfolio to a capacity exceeding 800MW, which would position us as Malaysia’s largest private EA – Enabling Academy KVMRT – Klang Valley Mass Rapid
Transit SIMP – Social Impact Management
RE producer. EIA – Environmental Impact
Assessment LCCF – Low Carbon Cities
Framework SIRIM – Standard and Industrial
This is in addition to the green financing programmes that we are involved in, including nature-based and technology-based ESG – Environmental, Social and
Research Institute of Malaysia
Governance LTI – Lost Time Injury
carbon reduction projects such as the sustainability-linked loan with Sustainability Performance Targets (SPTs) relating to our SLL – Sustainability-Linked Loan
emissions reduction targets. We are also building our carbon credits through tree planting. To date, we have planted and nurtured ETP – Employment Transition LTIFR – Lost Time Injury Frequency
Programme Rate SMART – Stormwater Management and
more than 600,000 trees and saplings across our developments. Our goal is to plant one million trees and saplings by 2023. Road Tunnel
FRIM – Forest Research Institute MCCG – Malaysian Code on Corporate
Malaysia Governance SME – Subject Matter Experts
FTSE – Financial Times Stock MGTC – Malaysian Green Technology SPTs – Sustainability Performance
Exchange and Climate Change Targets
GBC – Green Building Council Corporation SMP – Sustainable Management Plan
By 2050, we seek to be a net zero carbon organisation contributing to a low-carbon, climate-resilient environment. We are (Malaysia) MyCREST – Malaysian Carbon Reduction SSC – Sustainability Steering
enhancing our Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions monitoring and reporting with an Internet of Things (IoT) system implemented in GBI – Green Building Index and Environmental Committee
2022. This improves the integrity of our data mining and also allows for a clear auditable trail (reflecting good governance). Sustainability Tool
GET – Green Electricity Tariff SUSTAINABLE – Sustainable Infrastructure
NatHERS – Nationwide House Energy INFRASTAR Rating Tool
GGP 2025 – Gamuda Green Plan 2025 Rating Scheme
As part of our continuous efforts in Scope 3 traceability, we have started monitoring and disclosing our construction emissions. SWC – Sustainability Working Council
GHG – Greenhouse gases NEM – Net Energy Metering Malaysia
We hope to further expand our traceability efforts to our supply chain. To manage these emissions, we have set targets from
TBM – Tunnel Boring Machine
2026 onwards. We have embarked on ESG training for our over 3,000 supply chain partners comprising financiers, government GHG – GHG Protocol Corporate NIOSH – National Institute for
Protocol Accounting and Reporting Occupational Safety and TCFD – Task Force on Climate-
agencies and regulators, builders, suppliers and consultants. We have also obtained pledges from our suppliers on their Standard related Financial Disclosures
commitment to enhancing sustainability in their operations.
GIA – Gamuda Inspiration Award OSH – Occupational Safety and TTA – Tunnelling Training Academy
GLC – Gamuda Learning Centre Health UN SDGs – United Nations Sustainability
Within our internal community, we continue to make great strides in providing competitive wages, better working conditions
OHSAS – Occupational Health and Development Goals
and ensuring freedom of association. GPOS – Gamuda Plant Operator
School Safety Assessment Series VD TBM – Variable Density Tunnel
PDA – Project Differently-Abled Boring Machine
Externally, we continue to invest in the development of sustainable cities and communities – guided by partnerships with the GQUAS – Gamuda Land Quality Unit
Assessment System PCMD – Project Construction WIM – Wetlands International
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), CEO Action Network (CAN), Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Malaysia
GRI – Global Reporting Initiative Management Department
Corporation (MGTC), Infrastructure Sustainability Council (ISC) and trade associations. We are also intensifying our programmes
Standards PMS – Performance Management YSD – Youth Skills Development
to empower marginalised communities via Yayasan Gamuda. Through our foundation, we have been training individuals with
GS – Green Star certification rating System
autism in preparation for employment, providing scholarships for deserving students, and engaging with the Orang Asli to by Green Building Council of PPSN – Pusat Perkhidmatan Setempat
enhance their income generation. Australia Nelayan

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At Gamuda, we have strategically aligned our Group Sustainability Framework “Build Right. For Life” journey towards the following
Sustainable Development Goals.

Gamuda Green Plan 2025 is our strategic roadmap towards driving ESG within the Group.
Our Governance and Value to Economy It empowers the Group to strategically address ESG risks and opportunities with the
ultimate objective of delivering positive impact and value.
Goal 4 Goal 8
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and Gamuda Green Plan 2025 comprises four pillars: Sustainable Planning and Design for
learning opportunities for all productive employment and decent work for all
Construction, Our Community is Our Business, Environmental and Biodiversity Conservation
4.4. and 4.5 Promote equality for both women and men, regardless 8.2 The economic growth for the Group fuels socio-economic multiplier
of age to have technical skills for preparation before effect resulting in job creation, entrepreneurial opportunities, repayment and Enhancing Sustainability via Digitalisation.
any employment or entrepreneurship to financiers, increased tax revenues for the government and support
local supply chain development
Goal 5
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Goal 17
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership
5.5 Promoting the participation of women for all levels at Gamuda
for sustainable development PILLAR PILLAR PILLAR PILLAR

1 2 3 4
17.14 Development of the Gamuda Group ESG Policy to provide a clear
framework for the incorporation of ESG principles into key practices

Investing in Our People and Communities SUSTAINABLE

Goal 3 8.7 and 8.8 Recognises and respect the rights of all employees
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages including migrant workers by committing to eradicate DESIGN FOR COMMUNITY IS
3.8 Ensuring the employee’s health is taken into account for by forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking, child BIODIVERSITY VIA
including health (especially during a COVID-19 wave) as one of labour, discrimination, harassment, bullying and retaliation CONSTRUCTION OUR BUSINESS
the benefits of being employed with Gamuda
Goal 16
Goal 8 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and
productive employment and decent work for all inclusive institutions at all levels
To facilitate sustainable To equip ourselves with To drive impactful efforts By leveraging on
8.5 Prepare differently-abled people to adapt and thrive in working 16.2 Committed to human rights and ethical recruitment practices by
environment refraining from hiring and deploying child labour in all business masterplanning featuring the right ESG knowledge, in nature conservation technology and data
operations climate-responsive become SMEs in our and biodiversity management that will
16.3 Abide to all relevant law, regulations and best practices that the design, integrated respective domains and stewardship in our enhance and enable
Group operate in to ensure everyone is treated in humanely manner
transport and Super Low cultivate good developments. Group-wide efforts in
Energy (SLE) buildings governance in ESG. sustainable development.
with smart features.
Our Decarbonisation Pathway
Goal 7 Goal 13
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
7.1 and 7.2 The adoption of renewable energy and low-carbon 13.1 Implementation of SMART tunnel as flood mitigation for the city
alternatives (green mobility) to increase energy efficiency
of the whole Group including in townships and developments 13.2 Promote national carbon reduction targets and policies through
towards carbon net zero in 2050 various technological and implementation and initiatives such as
conservation and carbon offset programme
Goal 9
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable Goal 14
industrialisation and foster innovation Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources These four pillars were agreed upon after taking into account Gamuda’s business model, the geographic location of our operations,
for sustainable development emerging ESG issues, ongoing trends and the interests of our diverse stakeholders. Beyond high-level macro strategic direction and
9.4 Adoption of energy-efficient technology to be utilised in all
buildings (offices, properties etc) 14.7 Development of PSI Project aligning to the ESG commitment of objectives, the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 also provides specific targets and goals over the next four years, with an extended view to
the Group 2030 and beyond.
Goal 11
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable Goal 15
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, The plan commits the entire Group to circular construction with specific steps to reduce direct and indirect corporate greenhouse
11.1 and 11.3 Ensuring sustainable and best management practices is sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse gas emission intensity by 30 percent in 2025, and by 45 percent in 2030.
implemented in any development and project pertaining land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
to inclusive urbanisation
15.1 and 15.2 Committed to continue and ensure conservation of flora
Goal 12 and fauna is carried out by promoting and educating
communities on the importance of environment For more information, please scan
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns this QR code to visit Gamuda Green
12.2, 12.3, 12.4 and 12.5 Reporting of the Group’s direct and indirect GHG Plan webpage.
emissions, water management and waste 15.9 Integrate systems such as wetlands into local planning and
management which also includes the food-to- development processes
waste programmes

126 7 Sustainability Report 7 Sustainability Report 127



identifying and prioritising the key sustainability
issues that our Group encounters;
Our Sustainability Report (SR) is published annually. This year’s In deciding on the content for this report, we have been guided This report contains forward-looking statements such as targets,
report covers information on our sustainability performance for by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and International Integrated prospects, plans and reasonable expectations made in terms of
the period from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022 (FY2022). Reporting Framework (IIRF) principles. The report also includes Completeness: expected performance. Such forward-looking information has been
extensive carbon reporting using GHG Protocol methodology and reporting all sustainability topics that are relevant to our made based on presently available data and information as well
Group, and those that influence our stakeholders. as current operating environment conditions. These could possibly
Our previous Sustainability Report was published on 9 November elements of Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
2021. (TCFD). In addition, the report is aligned with the expectations of change in line with a wide range of developments that are beyond

The full GRI Standards Content Index is provided on pages 208 to Gamuda’s control.
the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and the Sustainability 212 of this report.
Accounting Standards Board (SASB).
Readers are advised not to place undue reliance on such statements
STATEMENT OF USE Other referenced frameworks and guidelines include:
All data contained within this report has been sourced internally, as our business is subject to risks and uncertainties beyond our
• Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Malaysia)’s Sustainability
verified and validated by the respective business units. We continue control. Actual results may differ from those indicated.
The Board of Directors (Board) of Gamuda, which is the Group’s Reporting Guide (2nd and 3rd Edition)
to enhance our data collection and analysis processes towards
highest decision-making body, acknowledges the responsibility for • SASB Sector Specific Disclosures
improving data accuracy and quality and to strengthening disclosures
the following statement of use: The information reported by • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
going forward. REFERENCES
Gamuda for FY2022 has been prepared in reference to the Global • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)
Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and <IR> Framework. • GRI Standard and International Integrated Reporting Framework
The reporting principles covered in this report include: All references to ‘Gamuda’, ‘the Company’, ‘the Organisation’, ‘the
• International Federations of Accounts for ISAE 3000 Group’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ refer to Gamuda Berhad.
Stakeholder Inclusiveness:
SR2022 is scoped to the business operations and activities of the capturing our stakeholder’s expectations and concerns; ASSURANCE REPORT AVAILABILITY AND FEEDBACK
holding Company and all major Group subsidiaries in Malaysia only,
for which Gamuda has direct managerial control, unless otherwise We recognise the value of independent verification to ensure the This SR2022 can be downloaded by scanning the
specified. Accordingly, the following entities have been excluded: Sustainability Context: accuracy and integrity of our sustainability disclosures. We have QR code here. We welcome feedback from our
presenting our performance in the wider sought third-party assurance from PricewaterhouseCoopers PLT, stakeholders to continually improve our sustainability
context of sustainability; reporting and practices.
Our joint ventures and associate companies; Malaysia (“PwC”) for our sustainability disclosures this reporting year.

Our water concession, Gamuda Water Sdn Bhd; and The exercise was conducted in accordance with the International   +603 7491 8288
Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 Revised, assurance
Our expressway concessions, KESAS Sdn Bhd, Syarikat engagement other than audits or review of historical financial
Mengurus Air Banjir dan Terowong Sdn Bhd, Sistem Penyuraian information, over selected key performance indicators (KPIs).
Trafik KL Barat Sdn Bhd and Lingkaran Trans Kota Holdings
Sdn Bhd. Kindly refer to pages 220 to 223 for the Independent Limited Assurance Report.

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For the 4th consecutive year, Gamuda is 60% of progress to meeting our Increased minimum wage to
voluntarily assessed by the Dow Jones
one million trees and RM1,600 for foreign workers,
Sustainability Indices (DJSI) Women in Workforce
saplings planting commitment RM1,800 for local workers
The Group’s S&P Global ESG 36% (Overall) and by 2023 RM3,200-RM3,500 for fresh graduates
Score is 41, while the global
construction and engineering 43% (Board)
industry average score is 21 ESG KPI is now part of all
employees’ performance
appraisal, which includes senior
Amongst the first companies in
Malaysia in the construction and
engineering sector to be
committed to Net Zero by 2050
via SBTi, and an official supporter 99%
spending on local suppliers

The Group continues its long-standing

Won the UN Women WEPs
provide complimentary
policy to
Award 2022 for Gender Inclusive
accommodation to foreign workers
Workplace (Malaysia) and ACES at purpose-built centralised labour
Awards for Top Workplaces in Asia quarters (CLQs)

Zero NCR
from SIRIM ISO audit recorded for
the last 13 years Expanded on Scope 3 Completed Scope 1 and Scope 2
traceability efforts by providing carbon accounting, with the
Five Star Occupational Health Invested RM 13 million ESG awareness training to over recorded intensity of

and Safety Audit (Five Stars),

on 58 international and local
scholarships for year 2022 3,000 suppliers via 6 tonnes CO₂e per
million revenue with about
British Safety Council ratings for a series of complimentary sessions
~1,700kWp solar PV installed
four consecutive years, three with Sword of

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GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022



Established our Sustainability
Governance structure Published Gamuda’s first Sustainability Report
Sustainability Statement in in reference to GRI
Initiated stakeholder engagement activities our Annual Report Guidelines
and ESG materiality assessment
Assessed voluntarily by Bursa Malaysia’s FTSE4Good
Yayasan Gamuda
ESG Enabling Academy (EA) Foundation arm that focuses
ESG alignment with
Index, Dow Jones Sustainability Indices and MSCI ESG
Journey Malaysia’s first Employment Transition primarily on educational aid, Established Group
Programme (ETP) that trains and places empowering social enterprises Formalised Group- Sustainability Sustainability Report in reference to GRI Standards
individuals with autism for gainful and and individuals for community wide sustainability- Framework – “Build
sustainable employment improvement related policies Right. For Life.” Independent Limited Assurance by third party assurer

2001 2002 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Stormwater Gamuda Digital IBS Climate Action has Gamuda Parks was Carbon emission Launched the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 Gamuda Group ESG Policy that
Management and • The future of been included as formed data disclosed • Target to reduce Scope 1 and Scope 2 included carbon reduction plans
Road Tunnel (SMART) one of our Material via CDP emissions intensity by 30 percent by 2025
construction with • Ensure biodiversity
Net Zero • A climate mitigation digital design tools and Matters and communal space
and 45 percent by 2030 Official supporter of TCFD

Journey innovation – robotic construction is integrated Carbon traceability using cloud-based ESG Committed to SBTi
flood prevention • Safer and more • Part of our carbon software
and emissions sustainable sequestration efforts External assurance on Scope 1
reduction from construction method Sustainability report aligns to TCFD and Scope 2 emissions
traffic with minimal wastage
Commenced Scope 3 emissions
External assurance on Scope 2 emissions

Boost construction efficiency through innovation and Green Electricity Tariff (GET) programme Vendors partnership programme Biodiversity R&D
sustainable solutions
 Gamuda is one of the first nine companies in Malaysia to  Providing Gamuda Digital IBS services to UEM Sunrise Berhad to  Collaborating with Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kebangsaan
 A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Schneider commit to the Green Electricity Tariff (GET) programme, better manage material utilisation and indirectly contain rising Malaysia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur on wetlands
Electric Malaysia introduced the EcoStructure Asset Advisor for launched by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources cost of buildings conservation and waste management
better maintenance of TBMs (KeTSA).

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Sustainability Achievements Sustainability Attainments

ACES Awards 2022 FIABCI Malaysia Property Awards 2021 Committed to SBTi Business Ambition for Official supporter of TCFD
• Top Workplaces in Asia • Environmental 1.5°C Campaign Member
Gamuda Berhad Gamuda Land – Gamuda Gardens Central Park
• Batu Patong Eco Village, Resort Category
UN Women WEPs Award 2022
• Gender Inclusive Workplace – Malaysia (Winner)
Gamuda Berhad
The Edge Billion Ringgit Club Corporate
Awards 2021
Public Construction Golden Safety Award 2022 • Best CR Initiatives (Below RM10B Market Capitalisation)
• Excellent Honour Gamuda Berhad
Gamuda-Dong Pi JV
The Edge Property Excellence Awards 2021
CIDB Malaysia SHEQ Day 2022 • The Edge Top Property Developers Awards (Joint Rank No 3) Latest rating Previous rating
• SHASSIC (Package PMW.INFRA.05 and Belfield Tunnel) Gamuda Land
Gamuda Berhad • Property Development Excellence Award 2021
• Sustainable Infrastar (MRT Putrajaya Line – Design and Gamuda Gardens Total value score of 41 (2022) Total value score of 38 (2021)
Construction Stage)
MMC Gamuda KVMRT (PDP SSP) Sdn Bhd International Tunnelling Association
(ITA) Awards 2021
National Occupational Health and Safety Awards • Major Project of the Year
2020/2021 MRT Putrajaya Line
• Top Honours – Construction Category (Engineering) ESG Rating of Public Listed Companies Assessed ESG Rating of Public Listed Companies Assessed
New Civil Engineer Tunnelling Festival 2021 by FTSE Russell (3 out of 4 Stars) (2022) by FTSE Russell (3 out of 4 Stars) (2021)
MMC Gamuda KVMRT (PDP SSP) Sdn Bhd
• Tunnelling Project of the Year
Malaysia Green Building Council (Malaysia GBC) MRT Putrajaya Line
• Best New Green & Sustainable Township Singapore’s Workplace Safety and
(Leadership in Sustainable Design & Performance) Health Council 2021 BB rating (2022) BB rating (2021)
Gamuda Gardens • bizSAFE
Gamuda Singapore
FIABCI World Prix D’Excellence Awards 2022
• Batu Patong Eco Village (World Silver Winner), Ground Engineering Awards 2021
Resort Category
• International Project of the Year D (2021) F (2020)
• Gamuda Gardens (Environmental Restoration) MRT Putrajaya Line
Gamuda Land
BSI (British Standard Institution) Kitemark™
Malaysia Technology Excellence Awards 2022 • Design, Construction and Commissioning Scores for MSCI: AAA, AA, A, BBB, BB, B, CCC (highest to lowest)
• Digital Engineering Scores for CDP: A, A- B, B-, C, C-, D, D-, F (highest to lowest)
Gamuda Engineering
Gamuda Engineering Awards 2021
• Digital Industrial Construction
• The Landscape Award (Township) (Excellence)
Gamuda Engineering
Gamuda Gardens
• Information Management – Heavy Civil Construction International Certifications received:
• The Full Circle Award (Excellence)
MMC Gamuda
ISO 14001:2015 ISO 45001:2018
Malaysian Green Technology and • The Business Estate Awards (Honours) ISO 9001:2015
Climate Change Centre (MGTC) 2022 Environmental Management Occupational Health and
Townsquare, Gamuda Cove Quality Management Systems
Systems Safety Management Systems
• Low Carbon City 2030 Challenge with 5-Diamond Recognition • All-Stars Award
Gamuda Cove Gamuda Land

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As our stakeholders are important to us, we have been engaging them to better understand their expectations of Gamuda and how Gamuda recognises that ESG topics present both risks (if they are not properly managed) as well as opportunities. We have therefore
we can best serve their needs. Insights from several engagement platforms are used in determining the Group’s material ESG topics, incorporated our ESG risks into our corporate risk register, and continuously monitor the related risks while leveraging various
helping us to stay ahead of global developments. opportunities to create greater value for our stakeholders. This is reflected in our ESG Framework – “Build Right. For Life.” - and the
Gamuda Green Plan 2025.
In order to continue maintaining strong relationships with our stakeholders especially at our project sites, we have formalised
For a full list of Risks and Opportunities, please refer to pages 50 to 53 of our Integrated Report.
comprehensive stakeholder management as outlined in our Public Relations and Stakeholder Management Policy.

In FY2022, due to COVID-19 restrictions, most of our stakeholder engagements were carried out via e-engagements that included CLIMATE-RELATED RISKS
online video conferences, calls and emails. We continue to grow our stakeholders as we expand our businesses across the region. A
good example, we are continuously in conversation with various NGOs in our community and environmental initiatives. In FY2022,
we have engaged more than 50 NGOs, on aspects such as climate technology, indigenous peoples, environment, human rights, water,
waste, women empowerment and differently-abled people.
• Increased pricing of GHG emissions • Substitution of existing products and services with lower
For more information on our stakeholder engagement, please refer to pages 46 to 49 of this Integrated Report. • Enhanced emissions reporting requirements emission options
• Regulatory requirements on existing products and services • Cost to transition to lower emissions technology
• Exposure to litigation
Potential Financial Impacts Potential Financial Impacts
In FY2022, our management reviewed the material matters that guided our sustainability efforts in the previous year and determined
that all 17 topics continued to remain relevant. • Increase in operating costs • Write-offs and early retirement of existing assets
• Write-offs, asset impairment, and early retirement of • Reduced financial demand for products and services
existing assets due to policy changes • Capital investments in technology development

1 2 3
• Increased costs and/or reduced demand for products • Costs to adopt/deploy new practices and processes
Climate Action Biodiversity Safety and Health and activities such as increasing cost for waste
Environmental Environmental Social segregation and disposal due to latest requirements


4 5
Innovation • Customer changing behaviour • Shifts in customer preference
Economic • Increased cost of materials • Stigmatisation of sector
• Increased stakeholders’ concerns

Potential Financial Impacts

The Group’s top five material topics have also remained unchanged, namely: Climate Action, Biodiversity, Safety and Health, Innovation,
• Reduced demand for goods and services due to shift
and Economic Performance. In this sustainability report, we provide comprehensive disclosure on all 17 topics, which have been Potential Financial Impacts
in consumer preferences
classified under the three Environmental, Social and Governance/Economic (ESG) categories. In our disclosure, we describe the actual
• Increased production costs due to changing input • Reduced revenue from decreased production demand
and potential implications of these topics on the Group, while outlining our management’s approach to managing the issues and how
prices and output requirements for goods/activities
well we have performed in addressing them. Other than that, we have indicated our plans going forward where relevant.
• Abrupt and unexpected shifts in energy costs • Reduced revenue from decreased production capacity
Also, we continued to refer to our Materiality Matrix to determine our ESG risks and opportunities. • Change in revenue mix and sources, resulting in • Reduced revenue from negative impacts on workforce
decreased revenues management and planning
For further information on Materiality, kindly refer to page 59.
• Re-pricing of assets • Reduction in capital availability
• Rising energy prices due to high demand in high
temperature climate

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• Increased severity of extreme weather such as floods, water • Changes in precipitation patterns and extreme variability • Access to new markets • Development and/or expansion of low emissions products
pollution and drought can cause disruptions to the entire in weather patterns • Use of public sector incentives and activities
business operation • Rising ambient temperatures • Development of climate adaptation and mitigation plans
• Access to new assets and locations needing insurance
• Rising sea levels coverage • Ability to diversify business activities
• Shifting consumer preferences to robust products and
Potential Financial Impacts
• Reduced revenue from deceased production capacity
• Reduced revenue and higher costs from negative impacts on workforce Potential Financial Benefits Potential Financial Benefits
• Write-offs and early retirement of existing assets • Increased revenues through access to new and • Increased revenue through demand for low emissions
• Increased operating and capital costs emerging market products and services
• Reduced revenues from lower sales/output • Increased diversification of financial assets such as • Increased revenue through new solutions to adaptation
• Increased insurance premiums and potential for reduced availability of insurance on assets in ‘high-risk’ locations green bonds from financial institutions/investors needs
• Better competitive position to reflect shifting consumer
preferences, resulting in increased revenues


RESOURCE EFFICIENCY ENERGY SOURCE • Participation in renewable energy programmes and adoption of energy efficiency measures
• Resource substitutes/diversification
• Use of more efficient production and distribution processes • Use of low emissions sources of energy with renewable
• Use of recycling method and food waste composting on- energy
site • Use of supportive policy incentives
Potential Financial Benefits
• Reduce natural resources consumption by recycling rainwater • Use of new technologies
harvested for other activities • Increased market valuation through resilience planning
• Participation in carbon market e.g. Bursa Malaysia Voluntary
Carbon Market • Increased reliability on supply chain and ability to operate under various conditions

• Shift toward decentralised energy source and transitioning • Increased revenue through new products and services related to ensuring resiliency
to low emissions technology such as solar panels

Potential Financial Benefits Potential Financial Benefits

• Optimise operating costs with Gamuda Digital IBS • Reduced operational costs
• Increased production capacity, resulting in increased • Reduced exposure to future price increase in natural
revenues resources
• Increased value of fixed assets • Reduced exposure to GHG emissions and therefore
less sensitivity to changes in cost of carbon
• Returns on investment of low emissions technologies
• Increased capital availability and increased demand for
goods/services due to positive reputation

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PAGE 143 PAGE 147

Board Oversight Governing Policies

The Board plays a role in ensuring sustainability matters Gamuda established a number of robust ESG-related

are integrated into the Group’s strategic direction and adherence to local legislation and global

PAGE 149 PAGE 150

Economic Value Supply Chain Management
In FY2022, the sustained economic performance for 99.41 percent total procurement in FY2022 was from
the Group is RM1,635 million generated and local suppliers

PAGE 153

Gamuda Digital IBS

Digital IBS is implemented 100 percent in Gamuda
Land developments, and is extended to external
markets for both residential and commercial buildings

“Sustainable development is the pathway to the future

we want for all. It offers a framework to generate
economic growth, achieve social justice, exercise
environmental stewardship and strengthen governance.”

Horizon Hills, Iskandar Puteri, Johor, Malaysia Ban Ki-Moon, Former Secretary-
General of The United Nations
GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022




Board of Directors

Risk Management Committee

Group Chief Sustainability

Sustainability Steering Committee

Subject Matter Experts

For further information on our corporate governance and risk management, kindly refer to:
• Corporate Governance Overview Statement – pages 102 to 111.
• Integrity and Governance Unit – page 121.
• Risk Management – pages 113 to 116.


Based on our commitment to sustainability, ESG matters are overseen by the highest level of authority at Gamuda, namely our Board
of Directors (Board). In line with the latest updates to the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance (MCCG), the Board has direct
oversight of ESG matters, related risks and opportunities over the short, medium and long-term.

In carrying out its responsibility, the Board ensures that sustainability matters such as climate change, biodiversity, human rights and
supply chain management are integrated into the Group’s strategic direction. It also links ESG targets with the performance evaluation
and remuneration of all our management and employees. The Board is supported in its sustainability governance by various individuals
and committees, including the Risk Management Committee (RMC), Group Chief Sustainability Officer (GCSO), Sustainability Steering
Committee (SSC) and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs). Their roles and responsibilities are outlined below:

Board of Directors • 
Has overall responsibility for the Group’s sustainability strategy and direction, sets sustainability goals and
(Board) objectives, and regularly reviews the progress that has been made

Risk Management • Incorporates ESG matters in Gamuda’s risk register, and ensures effective risk mitigation response
Committee (RMC) • Approves all disclosures relating to the management of the Group’s ESG matters
Good governance underlines sustainability. Through good governance, Gamuda is able to stay the course with our sustainability strategy • Oversees stakeholder engagement and the materiality assessment in order to identify Gamuda’s material matters,
and achieve the environmental, social and economic goals that we have set. In the process, we establish our accountability and Group Chief and collaborates with the RMC, SSC and SMEs to determine the risks and opportunities related to these material
strengthen our relations with our stakeholders. Sustainability matters
Officer (GCSO) • Ensures processes and controls are in place across the Group for the successful implementation of sustainability
Given its critical role, we continuously seek to strengthen our sustainability governance. In FY2021, ESG KPIs were introduced for all strategies, and reports on the Group’s ESG performance
levels of employees including our senior management. These KPIs include the reduction of Gamuda’s energy intensity, diverting waste
from landfills, water conservation, safety performance, and compulsory annual training on mandatory policies. Linking ESG KPIs to
• Comprises Business Unit Heads who work closely with project units to implement ESG plans, ensuring robustness
performance has been made possible by the digitalisation of our ESG platforms as we have started to use a cloud-based ESG software Sustainability of systems and processes in sustainability management
to track and archive all ESG data across the Group. Steering • Approves targets and ESG disclosures
Committee (SSC) • Monitors economic, environmental and social (EES) risks related to our business operations and strategy
• Meets on a quarterly basis with the GCSO to monitor progress on sustainability performance

Subject Matter • Provide the SSC with technical knowledge to help deliver the Gamuda Green Plan 2025
Experts (SMEs) • Explore new market opportunities for sustainable growth

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Gamuda Group ESG Framework

Gamuda strives to uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour The Board and Management of Gamuda are fully committed to
VISION MISSION STRATEGY at all times in all aspects of our business. We abide by all of the ensuring a conducive work environment in which we uphold
We lead the region in innovative We reliably deliver innovative To achieve sustainable growth relevant laws, regulations and industry best practices in the strong ethical values and good corporate governance, free from
breakthrough solutions for large infrastructure solutions and premier through our 3C’s approach jurisdictions that we operate in. corruption, as embodied in our Managing Director’s Anti-Bribery
scale public infrastructure and townships for our stakeholders – Capacity, Capability and and Corruption Policy Statement. The Board’s commitment to
property developments. through our core businesses in Competitiveness. The Group’s corporate governance practices are guided by the ethics and integrity in our dealings with all stakeholders was
engineering and construction, MCCG. Corporate governance is also instilled through an extensive manifested when each Board member signed the Director’s Integrity
property developments and monitoring system, policies, standard processes, training and Pledge.
infrastructure concessions. effective communication.
On 25 October 2021, Gamuda established own Organisational
This is reflected in practices and procedures across all of our Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) which was a requirement by the
business operations and activities as well as dealings with National Anti-Corruption Plan headed by the Prime Minister’s
stakeholders. The Group ensures alignment with the local Office. The timeline for this plan is three years and shall be
Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Pillar 4 governance expectations of the different countries where we have renewed every three years.
Sustainable Planning Our Community is Environmental and Enhancing Sustainability a business presence.
and Design for Our Business Biodiversity via Digitalisation The OACP represents Gamuda’s proactive commitment to ensure
Construction Conservation resilience to the threat of corruption, aligned with Initiative 6.2.1
CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS under strategy 6 of the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP). The
Board, management and employees of Gamuda are fully committed
This Code of Business Ethics has been developed to guide and
to ensuring a conducive working environment free from corruption
OUR FOCUS support Gamuda Group’s business operations and governance
as embodied in the Gamuda OACP and the signing of the Director’s
policies which include the General Administration Policy and
GOVERNANCE Integrity Pledge and the Employee Integrity Pledge.
Procedures, Group Human Resources Policy and Procedures,
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and Whistleblowing Policy and
Economic Environmental Social The Integrity and Governance Unit (IGU), approved by the Board
on 13 December 2019, is responsible for championing the Board
• Economic Performance • Climate Action • Safety and Health and Senior Management’s anti-corruption agenda all across
This Code builds on the Group’s five core values – Take Personal
• Innovation • Biodiversity • Employee Management Gamuda. IGU is headed by our Chief Integrity and Governance
Ownership, Walk the Talk, Adopt Open and Honest Communication,
• Supply Chain Management • Effluents and Waste • Customer Satisfaction Officer (CIGO), who is responsible for promoting and sustaining
Demonstrate Real Teamwork and Develop Our People to ensure
• Governance • Water Management • Stakeholder and Community an ethical work culture while averting any form of bribery,
that all of our operations and dealings are conducted ethically.
• Indirect Economic Impacts • Materials Relations corruption or other malpractice.
This Code applies to all Employees of Gamuda.
• Marketing and Labelling • Land Remediation, • Customer Privacy
Contamination or Degradation We also required suppliers to provide their written commitment
Gamuda requires its contractors, sub-contractors, consultants,
to abide by the Group’s AB&C Policy using the Group’s SAP Ariba-
agents, representatives and others performing work or services
based digital supplier platform. In effect, these suppliers have
for or on behalf of the Gamuda Group of companies to observe
agreed to conduct business in a fair and ethical manner and to
the relevant parts of this Code.
uphold good corporate integrity and accountability in their dealings
OUR GLOBAL ALIGNMENT with Gamuda and others.
The Group continues to educate our suppliers on our zero tolerance
In FY2021, Gamuda developed Gamuda Group ESG Policy Statement with regard to bribery and corruption, stressing the criticality of
which provides a clear framework for the incorporation of ESG embedding corporate integrity into their business culture, operations,
principles into key practices. and strategies.

Adopt Open
Take Personal Demonstrate Real Develop Our
Walk the Talk and Honest
Ownership Teamwork People

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The total number of employees communicated on anti-bribery GIFTS AND BENEFIT POLICY
and anti-corruption matters is as shown below. The five percent
Gamuda practises No Gift Policy across all our businesses and
difference is due to employee movement. operations. Our Gifts and Benefits Policy provides guidance on how Gamuda’s Whistleblower Policy and mechanism are available for the are advised to provide in-depth details of the incident, such as the
to recognise and deal with the different forms of gifts and benefits reporting of irregularities within the Group’s operations. It encourages parties involved, in addition to their own details and the reason(s)
which may lead to bribery and corruption issues. and facilitates employees and members of the public to disclose why they are particularly concerned about the matter.

genuine concerns of improper conduct within the Group, whilst
It aims to protect those involved by clarifying what forms of gifting protecting the person making such disclosures from any reprisal. At the same time, all reports and the identity of the whistleblower
of Gamuda
are permissible and what are not, to avoid any conflict of interest will be kept confidential unless otherwise required by law. More
employees were briefed on
with individuals and organisations with whom we come into contact Whistleblowing reports are directed to the Chief Integrity and importantly, the whistleblower should not attempt to personally
anti-bribery and corruption matters or conduct business with. Governance Officer (CIGO) via e-mail at conduct any investigation, interview, or interrogation related to the
Upon receiving a report, the CIGO will review and evaluate the matter being disclosed. An independent investigating team will be
disclosure and decide on the next course of action. Whistleblowers formed to investigate the case.

3,698* employees HUMAN RIGHTS POLICY

briefed out of 3,895 Gamuda believes that everyone has the right to be treated with
fairness, respect and dignity at the workplace. As an equal-opportunity
employer, we are committed to protecting and promoting labour
1 3 5
rights in running our business, which is covered by our Human Rights
2 4
* The number and percentage of employees communicated on anti-bribery and
anti-corruption matters have been independently assured. Refer to independent Policy detailed in Chapter 3.
limited assurance report on pages 220 to 223.

Submit report
DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION POLICY via e-mail to Review report for Action (includes next course disciplinary process
In Gamuda, we have a Diversity and Inclusion Policy in place to ensure that: Report received of action Investigation or reporting to
from whistleblower authorities)

We employ a diverse workforce,

tapping into a wide talent pool with
different backgrounds and expertise,
thereby generating creative solutions KEY POLICIES IN GAMUDA
We promote diversity and ensuring that the Gamuda
and an inclusive culture maintains its competitiveness in Remuneration Policy
Code of Conduct for Directors and Key Gifts and
in the workplace the ever-challenging of Directors Benefits Policy
Senior Management
premised on mutual and globalised
trust and respect. business environment. Public Relations Quality, Safety,
Anti-Bribery and
and Stakeholder Health, and
Corruption Policy Management Policy Environment Policy

We avoid practices and policies that discriminate against one’s Corporate Directors’ Fit and Whistleblower
Disclosure Policy Proper Policy Policy
gender, marital status, race, nationality, ethnicity or age. The
overall guiding principles are to promulgate basic human and
labour rights and values to achieve organisational Enabling Code of Gamuda Parks
goals and maintain sustainable growth through a Academy Policy Business Ethics Policy
healthy, harmonious and professional workplace.

Gamuda Group Diversity and External Auditor

Procurement Policy Inclusion Policy Policy

The Policy applies to all employees including Directors of the Group.

Investor Gamuda ESG Human Rights
Relations Policy Policy Statement Policy

The detailed policies are available

at our website

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Gamuda’s approach to governance is further strengthened via membership in industry bodies and associations. As an active member Gamuda’s financial performance is essential for our business sustainability and is our catalyst to drive the Group’s ESG agenda. Our
of these bodies, we abide by their codes and regulations, which promotes good business conduct and ESG practices in various forms. revenue and earnings enable us to create economic value for a wide range of stakeholders, mainly our shareholders, investors,
employees, social enterprises and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). Through financial growth, we are able to create jobs and
Gamuda also seeks to actively promote sustainability via our links with fellow industry players. By creating a greater awareness of entrepreneurial opportunities, increase our tax contribution to the government, support the local supply chain, and meet our obligations
pertinent issues, we hope to affect a stronger sense of responsibility towards prioritising sustainability industry-wide. to financiers.

Gamuda continues to create discussion platforms with various trade associations and other stakeholders on trending aspects to further
enhance policies with the business, industry and country.


American Malaysian Infrastructure Sustainability Roads Australia (RA)
Chamber of Commerce Council (ISC) FY2022 FY2022
(AMCHAM) Total Value Total Value 11%
Generated 46% Distributed
International Society for Soil
Australian Industry Group Mechanics and Geotechnical 12%
RM1,635 RM1,635
Engineering (ISSMGE)
Taiwan Regional Engineering
Contractors Association 26%
CEO Action Network (CAN)
Kuala Lumpur Business
Club (KLBC)
The Australian Airports
Civil Contractors Association (AAA)
Federation (CCF) Malaysian Investment Net Operating Income   Other Income To Employees   To Government   To Providers of Capital
Development Authority
The Singapore Contractors Share of Profits of Associated Companies and Joint Ventures Retained for Future Reinvestment and Growth
Committee for Economic (MIDA)
Association Limited (SCAL)
Development of Australia
(CEDA) Master Builders Association
Tunnelling and Underground Value Generated Value Distributed
Malaysia (MBAM)
Construction Society
GOANNA Services Singapore (TUCSS)
RM1,039 million
National Association of
RM281 million RM431 million
Women in Construction Net Operating Income
Women in Rail (WIR) Malaysia To Employees To Providers of Capital (dividends
Health & Safety Advisory (NAWIC) (salaries and other to owners and non-controlling
Service P/L
employee costs) interest, finance cost)
RM199 million
Real Estate and Housing Women’s Other Income
Infrastructure Partnerships Developers’ Association Empowerment
Australia (IPA) (REHDA) Principles RM180 million RM743 million
RM397 million To Governments Retained for Future Reinvestment
Share of Profits of (taxation) and Growth (depreciation and
Associated Companies and amortisation, retained profits)
Joint Ventures
Our direct economic value distributed to stakeholders in FY2022.
We continue to ensure the confidentiality of our stakeholders’ personal information, in line with the Personal Data Protection Act
(PDPA 2010).
Further information on our economic performance can be found in:
• Statement from Group Managing Director on pages 22 to 27.
The Group has invested in optimum data protection systems, which are enabled by a robust firewall and other information technology • Group Five Years Financial Highlights on pages 72 to 73.
(IT) systems. • Group Segmental Performance on page 74.
• Statement of Value Added and Distribution on page 77.
• Financial Statement on pages 226 to 260.

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Companies not only outsource production, services and business processes but also responsibilities, risks and opportunities. While IMPROVING BUILD QUALITY
outsourcing generally increases a company’s flexibility, there are certain downsides: supply chain risks might become less apparent;
new dependencies may arise; and the identification, monitoring and management of risks and opportunities may become more difficult. Gamuda Land continues to build upon the high scores we have QGA is currently conducted for all of our Klang Valley, Horizon
been receiving under the Quality Assessment System in Construction Hills, Bukit Bantayan as well as our projects in Vietnam. The
At Gamuda, we integrate ESG objectives into our supply chain to ensure its sustainability. All of our suppliers are required to abide (QLASSIC) system, as stipulated by the Construction Industry objective is to measure completed and in-progress construction
by the Gamuda Code of Conduct and related policies including our Human Rights Policy, and Quality, Safety & Health, and Environmental Development Board (CIDB). As our projects are still ongoing works against set GQUAS workmanship standard, safety,
Policy. To manage our risks, we review our critical suppliers (based on monetary value, volume, unique deliverables and impact on progress, no QLASSIC assessment was conducted in FY2021 and environmental, and digitisation compliance and other specification,
Gamuda) every year. We also focus on the following sustainability KPIs: FY2022. For the year 2022, all our projects underwent the Gamuda identify issues, and provide solutions to promote continuous
Land Quality Unit Assessment System (GQUAS) evaluations and improvement.
Quality Gate Assessments (QGA).
Prioritisation of local Ensure suppliers have good
100% adoption of
suppliers – targeting at track record, for example 2022 Horizon Hills, Woodlands Average GQUAS Score of
e-procurement system
least 95% of local with ISO certification GQUAS Assessment Score Gamuda Land Projects
for transparency
suppliers every year 83.9%
Number of
80.4% 80.3% 80.3% 81%
76% Developments
73% 75% QGA sessions


Guided by the Group’s Procurement Policy and Procurement, Having adopted the e-procurement systems (e.g. SAP Ariba and Gamuda Gardens 5
Auction and Supplier Management Procedure, we support local BuildSpace), our procurement practices are fair and objective, with
suppliers and conduct our procurement procedures in an ethical tenders awarded to the most competitive bidders. As part of the twentyfive.7 5
and transparent manner. We also make a conscious effort to selection process, potential suppliers are required to provide the Jade Hills 9
empower women and underrepresented groups to create equitable Group with their policies, company code of conduct and sustainability
and sustainable supply chains. certificate, where applicable. In FY2022, we introduced ESG evaluation Horizon Hills 5
in our procurement to drive sustainability awareness across all of Celadon City 2
By supporting local suppliers, we are not only contributing to the our supply chains while developing strong alliances among vendors.
FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019
development of the local economy but also lessen our carbon Horizon Hills Horizon Hills Horizon Hills Horizon Hills Horizon Hills
Phase 7B Phase 7G Phase 7C Phase 7D Phase 7E
footprint as transport needs are greatly reduced. Gamuda itself stands Through e-procurement systems, we have also obtained written
to benefit from various factors through local procurement, including: commitments from our suppliers to adhere to our AB&C Policy.
Further underlining the sustainability of our supply chain, our
• quicker delivery compared to overseas shipments
Internal Audit Department conducts annual audits on our suppliers
• greater quality control by assessing criteria that are aligned to ISO 45001 Occupational Gamuda is a leader in designing and using the latest technology
Health and Safety Management Systems. and tools across all of our infrastructure and development projects.
• better budget forecasting and risk mitigation from reduced
currency exchange fluctuations, tax implications, shipping and This technology includes our digital industrialised building system
(IBS) and 4D Building Information Modelling (BIM) systems.
fuel surcharges, as well as knowledge of local market conditions In FY2022, no less than
• ability to forge strong relationships with our suppliers, and
ensure their practices are aligned with local and international
regulations and standards
99.41%* of our total
procurement spending was on local suppliers,
BIM is an intelligent process that gives architecture, engineering,
and construction professionals the insight and tools to collaboratively
plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure.
exceeding our target of 95 percent. It combines technology with a set of work processes that involve
designing a building or piece of infrastructure collaboratively using
* The proportion of procurement spending on local suppliers of Gamuda within
Malaysia (excluding joint ventures) have been independently assured. Local suppliers one coherent system of virtual models rather than as separate
are defined as companies registered in Malaysia. Refer to independent limited 3D Laser Scan-BIM Method
sets of drawings.
assurance report on pages 220 to 223.
In furthering BIM innovation, we revolutionised construction
This leads to cost savings, increased productivity, and allows for checking through a holistic strategy combining the 3D Terrestrial
better collaboration, communication, and risk mitigation.
method) technologies. A first in Southeast Asia of such
It is important that our suppliers have similar ESG aspirations as Gamuda in order for us to deliver a more meaningful impact
Gamuda is the first main contractor in Malaysia to receive the interdisciplinary fields, the technique led to a significant reduction
to both the environment and society. As part of the Group’s climate action strategy (Gamuda Green Plan 2025) and net zero
commitment via SBTi, Scope 3 traceability effort is important. in the legwork, human error, and safety concerns by unlocking
prestigious BSI (British Standard Institution) Kitemark™ certificate
the three-dimensional visualisation of project information which
for Design, Construction, and Commissioning. The Certification
In 2022, we have started to provide complimentary ESG training sessions to our active suppliers. We are targeting more than was previously unattainable.
3,000 suppliers to participate in this programme. This is part of our process towards supply chain readiness in embracing ESG recognises our milestone in digital construction and demonstrates
as part of their business processes, especially working together towards an integrated carbon reduction programme. We have our high compliance with ISO 19650. Committed to transforming rail construction with digital solutions,
taken the opportunity to share the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 and carbon reduction commitments with our supply chain while we envision that the BIM-TLS method will be a turning point for
having them pledge to support said commitments. We strive to guide our supply chain to ensure that they are also a part of many of the industry’s age-old problems, such as an over-reliance
a bigger change. on manual labour and low project visualisations.

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Building Information Modelling Augmented Reality (BIMAR) Tunnelling Via ESG Lens
Continuing our efforts to enhance sustainability via digital construction towards a resilient future, we have developed our own augmented Gamuda is making a name for itself as a pioneer in cutting-edge tunnelling technology. We introduced the world’s first variable density tunnel
reality platform, called BIMAR, in which we can overlay virtual design and construction elements with real-time worksite images. The BIMAR boring machines (VD TBMs) to manage risks associated with tunnelling, especially in challenging geological formations. The first of its kind in
app also allows us to undertake a site visit with clients before construction even begins, which allows us to identify and rectify any issues the industry, the VD TBM continues to be optimised and updated, resetting the boundaries of underground construction.
early and efficiently.
Further building on this successful platform, our team of young engineers developed the Autonomous Tunnel Boring Machine (A-TBM), another
industry first. This has created unprecedented capabilities for a TBM to drive itself with minimal human input. This results in greater quality
and accuracy for our tunnelling drives.

Our multiple award-winning A-TBM has not only enabled Gamuda to complete our projects faster, safer and at lower costs, it has also opened
doors for us overseas. In FY2022, we introduced this technology in Australia. Meanwhile, we are investing in further building our tunnelling
expertise through the acquisition of Australia-based Tunnelling Solutions.


Sustainable digital 30% reduction in

construction model construction period

Solar energy Employment opportunities

for local skilled and
powered factory tech-savvy workforce

30% increase in MALAYSIA’S 65% reduction on

foreign worker
productivity FIRST DIGITAL reliance

<1% construction >5,500 houses built
wastage and still counting

Luxurious landed
homes, affordable
environment factory

Gamuda Digital IBS is an end-to-end digital IBS solutions provider, State-of-the-art robotics and a high degree of automation are also
pioneering digital IBS adoption in Malaysia with the country’s first digital significant aspects of Digital IBS. These enable the manufacturing of
IBS facility in Sepang. Leveraging on today’s digital design tools and high-quality end products that meet stringent tolerance levels. The
robotic construction, digital IBS means flexibility in design, fast system also enables the use of a wide range of precast products
construction and superior quality finish. towards accommodating a variety of building applications including
precast bathroom pods.
Digital IBS is able to easily build a wide range of products, from
affordable homes, luxurious landed homes, high-rise buildings and even Our high quality control standard is already seeing Digital IBS rapidly
BIMAR is a first-generation augmented reality application for buildings, public facilities like schools and hospitals. Every component is produced expanding into several Gamuda Land projects, including Amber Residence
construction sites and infrastructure projects. Along with various cloud- in our controlled factory environment and fully tested, which means at twentyfive.7, Gaia Residences at Gamuda Gardens and Maya Bay
enabled functions which allow direct reporting from the field, BIMAR is that the quality of the components is assured through this safer and Residences at Gamuda Cove.
scalable and customisable to facilitate seamless, large-scale roll-out across more sustainable construction method with minimal wastage.
mega infrastructure projects in a short amount of time in line with IR 4.0 As the future demand for Digital IBS increases with expected government
trends. Digital IBS is a powerful production system to deliver end products incentives and increasing emphasis on ESG for green certified projects,
that are error-free with high precision and quality. This enables designs this has led to an improvement in the Gamuda Digital IBS FY2023 order
to be completed online amidst a shared platform, thus eliminating book. This is due to the recent supply and installation of precast panels
errors and enhancing efficiency throughout the construction process. for a government project in Negeri Sembilan and an increase in-house
Gamuda Land projects.

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Our Digital IBS track record are as follows:

GEMS Residences, Putrajaya Gamuda Gardens, Gia Residence

Expected year of completion: 2023 Completed

RSKU Gamuda Gardens, Danau Ria RSKU Cybervalley (PKNS), Idaman Residensi
Completed Completed

RSKU Jade Hills, Gapura Bayu RSKU Kota Kemuning, Pangsapuri Aranda
Completed Completed
RSKU Kundang Estates, Laman Adonis RSKU Puncak Bestari, Seri Seraya
Completed Completed

twentyfive.7, The Amber Residence


Gamuda Cove, Palma Sands Gamuda Gardens, llaria Hilltop

Expected year of completion: 2023 Expected year of completion: 2023
Inside view of Gamuda Digital IBS factory at Banting

Tun Razak Exchange (TRX) Central

MRT Line 2 (Underground) Escape Shaft 3
Plant Room Walls


Overview of Gamuda Digital IBS factory Example of completed high-rise project using Gamuda Digital IBS

Our customers are very important to us, and we strive to meet their expectations through our projects. Customer surveys are
The practice of sustainable design at Gamuda starts within the masterplan and building architecture considering the viability of a building conducted annually as a means of determining any gaps in our products as well as services.
that can provide energy savings, water savings, better connectivity to public transport, and others.
In the previous survey, carried out at the end of 2021, our customer satisfaction score dipped to 56 percent from 85 percent
Received Certification Ongoing Certification in FY2021. This was due to certain issues related to newly handed over residential units in the first phases of Gamuda Gardens
Landed: 1. Gamuda Cove Herons (Provisional GBI Certified) Landed: 1. Gamuda Garden Monarc (pending approval)
2. Gamuda Cove Waterlily (Provisional GBI Certified) 2. Gamuda Garden Illaria (pending approval) and twenty-five.7. Residents in Gamuda Gardens experienced water contamination and a water cut which lasted approximately
a month, while Lucent Residence in twentyfive.7 faced water leaks. In addition to immediate rectification when the issues surfaced,
High-rise: 1. The Robertson (GBI Gold) Commercial Gamuda Cove office building (Submitting for
our Customer Experience team worked with the respective project general managers and Township Management to conduct
2. HighPark Suites (GBI Gold) building: platinum standard)
thorough reviews of the underlying problems and put in place measures to prevent their recurrence. We also conducted SOPs
The Group has set a target that all future residential and commercial projects will be at least GBI Certified and Silver rated respectively. refresher courses for our township teams to ensure our ability to respond to complaints in a timely manner. Each project general
manager is responsible for monitoring initiatives undertaken to safeguard our customers’ comfort level and overall satisfaction.

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PAGE 159 PAGE 161 PAGE 168

Safety and Health Training and Development COVID-19 Management

Zero NCR for 13 consecutive year
The average training hours per employee In FY2022, a total of 914,601 tests had


for FY2022 was 14.2 hours been conducted and 99 percent of the
Group’s employees had received the
booster shots

PAGE 170 PAGE 171 PAGE 173

Gamuda Scholarship Enabling Academy Orang Asli
RM13 million in scholarships had been 82 percent of EA graduates had secured To date, 37 Orang Asli have been
awarded to 58 students pursuing a variety jobs in various industries employed to be a part of our workforce
of tertiary education programmes in 2022

“The greatness of a community is most accurately

measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
Coretta Scott King,
Gamuda works with various indigenous communities around the region. author, activist and civil rights leader
The generic picture showcasing Orang Asli was taken in Malaysia.
GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022



Key Aspects of OSH Management
We have a structured framework for OSH monitoring and evaluation,
as indicated below:
i) Daily, weekly and monthly inspection by Safety, Health and
Environment personnel at project sites
ii) Safety and Health Committee inspections
iii) Internal audits by project team to subcontractors
iv) Internal audits by HQ QSHE team on project teams
v) External audits by certification bodies such as SIRIM
vi) Third-party inspections
vii) Safety and Health Assessment System in Construction (SHASSIC)

Providing a safe working environment and paying extra attention to Safety and Health Highlights for
the welfare of our workforce are vital in ensuring sustainable business
operations. In Gamuda, this is accomplished by having a comprehensive
Gamuda Engineering
and systematic approach towards managing occupational safety and
health (OSH).
Zero NCR since 2009, marking our 13th
year of such an achievement
Health and Safety Policy and Commitment
Gamuda’s Integrated Management System (IMS) which includes OSH Four ‘opportunities for improvement’ (OFI)
Management System forms the foundation for this systematic approach. in audit findings by SIRIM for Integrated
This framework conforms to the international standards of ISO 45001 Management System (IMS), lowest ever
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems. Gamuda has since 2008
migrated to ISO 45001 from OHSAS 18001 since December 2018 as the
latter is no longer recognised internationally from March 2021. This
commitment is reflected in our Gamuda Quality, Safety, Health and Five Star Occupational Health and Safety
Environment (QSHE) Policy, and it is monitored for continuous improvement. Audit (Five Stars), British Safety Council
rating for four consecutive years, three
KPI-linked Safety Performance and Risk Assessment with Sword of Honour
The OSH Objectives are based on measurable Key Performance Indexes
(KPIs) consisting of leading and lagging indicators. These form the Incidents Reporting
foundation for the OSH Objectives whereby individuals at all levels
within Gamuda are responsible towards the achievement of these We encourage all employees/workers to report any incidents that
KPIs at their respective business units. The effective implementation occurred without the fear of repercussions for reporting. A structured
of the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems incident reporting line had been established to cascade information
across the Group including potential new operations/projects are up to the top management levels based on the severity and magnitude
monitored and guided by a dedicated team of competent personnel. of the incident.
Our people are our most important asset, and we seek to bring out their best by providing a conducive work environment that
encourages productivity and safety. The KPIs (may include striving towards annual zero LTI, zero NCR, to
achieve more than 85 percent of internally set QSHE Objectives and Safety Training
As an equal opportunity employer, we embrace diversity. Women in Gamuda have access to the Gamuda Women Empowerment Targets and compliance with regulator requirements) are monitored Developed together with Construction Industry Development Board
Network (GWEN), and are further empowered by extended maternity leave as well as flexible work arrangements. They have many and reported on monthly basis by the respective projects. The overall (CIDB) and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
OSH performance analysis is presented at Management Review Meetings.
role models within the Group, from the Heads of Group Human Resources and Administration, Group Corporate Communications (NIOSH), the KVMRT Safety Training Centre continues to distinguish
Continual improvement and innovations such as the incorporation of
and Sustainability, Legal and Company Secretarial, and the Integrity and Governance Unit (IGU) to the Executive Directors of Gamuda itself as a pioneering institution towards elevating safety and health
technological advancement into Gamuda’s businesses towards OSH
Engineering and Gamuda Land – all of whom are women. We also provide training to individuals on the autism spectrum to gain implementation are part of the outcomes of these review meetings. performance in Malaysian construction sites.
full-time employment.
The OSH performances are also benchmarked against The centre provides competency and safety training for specific high-
best practices in Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and risk jobs and electrified rail infrastructure construction. Working at
Other than to prepare the differently-abled for employment, we involve the Orang Asli in our projects and provide other forms of
Australia. As Gamuda is committed towards zero injuries, height, electrical safety, and crane operation are among the specific
support to the underprivileged or marginalised in order to create greater social equity. any incidences reported within Gamuda are shared high-risk job training offers. Gamuda provides safety training to both
across the Group with the aim of preventing recurrences. our employees and contractors. In FY2022, a total of 1,598 participants
We are a keen advocate of human rights and in FY2022, launched our own Human Rights Policy, defining the Group’s commitment have attended various safety training courses at the KVMRT Safety
in relation to diversity and inclusion, child labour, modern slavery (forced or compulsory labour), safety and health, workplace security, Our annual and quarterly SHE committee meetings are conducted Training Centre.
freedom of association, human trafficking, rights of the community and rights of indigenous peoples. The policy is aligned with the with representatives from Board or executive directors to ensure
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Core Conventions on Labour Standards. the performances and direction are discussed at all levels. In In addition, a total of 528 and 3,533 participants from Gamuda
addition, management discussions are regularly held on health Engineering and Gamuda Land respectively were given various
and safety with worker representatives. on-site safety trainings.

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LTIFR 3-YEAR DATA Gamuda also offers specialised developed programmes at these
SAFETY AND HEALTH PERFORMANCE dedicated training centres:

Menara Gamuda FY2022 0 0 0 Gamuda Plant

KVMRT Safety
FY2021 0 0 2.18 Operator
Menara Gamuda Training Centre
Taiwan Public Construction Golden Safety Award School (GPOS)
FY2020¹ 1.27 – –
Total Hours Worked 1,477,584
Guantang Marine Bridge – a joint venture project between
¹ The data disclosed in FY2020 was combined across all business operations and
Number of Fatalities 0 Gamuda and Dong-Pi Construction Co. Ltd received one Tunnelling
project sites, and reported under Gamuda Berhad (GB). Gamuda Parks
of Taiwan’s most acclaimed safety awards. The 16th Public Training
Number of Reportable Injuries 0 Construction Golden Safety Award ceremony is conferred Academy
GB – Gamuda Berhad, GL – Gamuda Land and GE – Gamuda Engineering Academy (TTA)
Number of Days Lost 0 by the Taiwan’s Ministry of Labour.

Rate of Fatalities 0 The award serves to recognise companies who are doing
well in safety practices in areas such as safety risk TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Construction English Language
Rate of Injuries 0 Unit (ELU)
management, use of technology, capability in safety Recognising that we are only as good as our people, we seek to hire Training Unit
Rate of Lost Days 0 planning, amongst others. Gamuda is also the first and the best talent and enable all our employees to realise their true (CTU)
only Malaysian company to have won this award.
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR*) 0* potential through continuous training and development. In addition
to management and leadership training, we invest significantly into
enhancing the technical skills of our workforce to be able to undertake Collaboration with LinkedIn Learning
Gamuda Land our infrastructure and property development projects at optimal
efficiency and safety. In FY2022, the Group collaborated with LinkedIn to offer our employees
Bukit Vietnam – Vietnam –
Gamuda Gamuda Horizon Bantayan Celadon Gamuda free subscription to LinkedIn Learning. Through the LinkedIn Learning
Cove Gardens twentyfive.7 Jade Hills Hills Residences City City Clubhouses Training not only enhances our organisational competencies which app, our employees are able to acquire new skills and knowledge at
better enables us to achieve our business goals, it also serves to their own pace. There are more than 18,000 courses available, ranging
Total Hours Worked 233,376 219,648 192,192 112,112 167,024 48,048 617,760 283,712 368,368 from leadership management, engineering, accounting, climate
increase employee satisfaction – providing them career growth
Number of Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 opportunities while also engendering a sense of belonging and of modelling, and communication, among others. Our training expenditure
being valued by the Company. and number of training hours achieved are monitored monthly, and
Number of Reportable
a Learning and Development (L&D) report is circulated among Business
Injuries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Our Talent Management and Organisation Development team under Unit Heads every year.
Number of Days Lost 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
the Group Human Resources Department is responsible for determining
Rate of Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 critical competencies required by the Group in order to fulfil our To determine the effectiveness of trainings conducted, evaluations
corporate strategies. It also identifies any skill gaps and delivers relevant are carried out at the end of every programme. We have developed
Rate of Injuries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trainings through its training arm Gamuda Learning Centre (GLC). an in-house e-form to gather feedback on various aspects of the
Rate of Lost Days 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 training, e.g. effectiveness of the trainer, relevance of training, course
Training is conducted either at GLC’s premise or at a third-party
Lost Time Injury centre. and mode of delivery.
Frequency Rate (LTIFR) 0* 0* 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0
An annual training calendar is shared with employees, while monthly Gamuda Parks Academy
Gamuda Engineering updates are disseminated via email and Workplace. Management’s Gamuda Parks Academy aims at educating and inspiring children
commitment to training is reflected in increasing budgets for in-house between 5-12 years old on environmental conservation and protection.
Gamuda Digital Gems
and external programmes, as well as the continual introduction of Some of the ranger types that junior can register for are GParks
IBS – Banting Belfield¹ Residences¹ Look@118¹
new channels of learning. Rangers, Junior Peatland Forest Rangers and GParks Youth (open for
Total Hours Worked 392,226 96,592 194,930 27,416 university students). All memberships are complimentary, an initiative
Gamuda Learning Centre by Gamuda Parks, which is a part of the Gamuda Group.
Number of Fatalities 0 0 0 0
Gamuda strives to have GLC is our centralised learning centre. It offers reading resources,
Number of Reportable Injuries 0 0 0 0

training rooms, computers and other training facilities. In FY2022, GLC
Number of Days Lost 0 0 0 0 organised various trainings on the following areas:
Rate of Fatalities 0 0 0 0
We are on track to have Leadership Technical
Rate of Injuries 0 0 0 0 zero accidents or incidents Competencies Competencies*
Rate of Lost Days 0 0 0 0 leading to injuries or and Soft Skills*
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) 0 0 0 0

Note: Data and ESG-related

* The lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) for Menara Gamuda, twentyfive.7, Gamuda Cove, Gamuda Gardens has been independently assured. Refer to independent Digital Skills* Trainings*
limited assurance report on pages 220 to 223.
¹ Belfield is owned by Sunway Berhad; Gems Residences is owned by IOI Properties Group Berhad; Look@118 is owned by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB).
Rates of Fatalities, Injuries, and Lost Days were calculated based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) recommendation of per 200,000 hours worked. LTIFR were calculated
based on Construction Industry Standard of Australia (per 1,000,000 hours worked). * The type and scope of programmes implemented by GLC have been independently
The safety and health data was calculated based on all Gamuda’s employees at sites and offices, excluding third-party contractors hours. assured. Refer to independent limited assurance report on pages 220 to 223.

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Average Learning Hours Diversity in the workforce enriches the Group by broadening our
perspective and enhancing our decision-making. We strive to bring
per Employee together a good mix of talents representing different age groups and

63% 61% 55%
ethnic races while striking a good balance between the genders. 21%
Our quest for diversity is supported by our approach of being an equal <30
No. of Chinese
opportunity employer; we recruit based on individual merit as opposed 5%
to religion, race, gender or background. Subsequently, career progression 30-50 Employees
Average Learning Hours
and promotions are based on performance and the leadership potential >50 3,895
demonstrated by individual employees. Gamuda’s meritocracy is reflected 24% 26% Others
by Gender in the racial composition of recipients of our scholarship programme. 28%
Gamuda did not employ any temporary employees in FY2022.
FY2022 FY2021 FY2020
Male 13.1 Further enriching our workplace, we seek to empower differently-abled No. of employees
persons through our Enabling Academy, which prepares them for 3,895 3,615 4,284
employment. Not only does this contribute towards their financial
Female 16.0 self-sufficiency and therefore heightened confidence as well as self-
esteem, but it also nurtures an inclusive culture in Gamuda, where GENDER DIVERSITY BY EMPLOYEE LEVEL
everyone respects everyone else despite their differences, and where
there is no tolerance for any form of discrimination. MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE NON-EXECUTIVE
Average Learning Hours
As per our spirit of inclusivity, we have in place a grievance channel for 31% 30% 30% 48% 45% 39% 32% 32% 28%
by Employee Level anyone to report being bullied or harassed. Alternatively, employees who
are harassed can speak to their immediate superior or to a member of
HR. All cases of harassment are dealt with by our HR department.
Management 17.9 69% 70% 70%
68% 68%

52% 55%
Executive 21.5 The detailed policy is available at our website

Non-Executive 6.9
FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020
No. of employees No. of employees No. of employees
1,251 1,045 1,207 1,026 930 1,153 1,618 1,640 1,924
Total Investment in Employee Learning BY GENDER
and Development:

36% 35% 31%

6% 6% 6% 9% 10% 8%
22% 24% 26%

64% 65% 69%

75% 75% 72%
Target Total Training Hours for FY2023 61% 57% 57% 56% 54% 47%

(average per employee) 3,895

Total number of

employees in

16 FY2022

FY2022 FY2021 FY2020

3% 1%

FY2022 FY2021 FY2020

33% 37% 37%

FY2022 FY2021 FY2020

35% 36%

FY2022 FY2021 FY2020

Gamuda Board
No. of employees
Male Female 3,615 4,284 No. of employees No. of employees No. of employees representation
1,251 1,045 1,207 1,026 930 1,153 1,618 1,640 1,924

The numbers presented refer to permanent and contract employees from all our <30 30-50 >50
companies local and overseas excluding joint ventures and associates, except for

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New Employees Hires and Turnover Employee Compensation and Benefits

In FY2022, the Group welcomed 1,044 new employees and recorded average turnover and hiring rates at 16 percent* and 27 percent*, Gamuda is constantly reviewing its compensation and benefits to ensure employee well-being is looked after and their needs are met.

Benefits in Gamuda Number of Employees who Utilised

Parental and Family Care Leaves
Annual Leave, No Pay Leave, Sick or Hospitalisation Leave, Marriage Leave, Paternity Leave, Paternity Leave
Maternity Leave, Family Care Leave, Examination Leave, Compassionate Leave, Prolonged 87 86
Illness Leave, Replacement Leave and COVID-19 Vaccination Leave
14% 67


Professional Membership Subsidy, Childcare Outpatient, Additional Pre- and Postnatal
30-50 Subsidy, Business Travel Reimbursement Expenses, Annual Medical Check-up, Wellness
8% 8%
>50 (BTR) Membership, Optical, Dental, Vaccination


FY2022 FY2021 FY2020
1% Staggered Working Hours, Flexi-Time, Group Term Life Insurance, Hospitalisation
Seasonal Flexi-Time, Flexi Place, Flexi Lunch and Surgical Insurance, Personal Accident
Hours, Replacement Hours, Work from Insurance
<30 30-50 >50 <30 30-50 >50 Maternity Leave
Home (WFH)

BY GENDER BY GENDER Car Park Facility, Retirement Benefits, Bona Fide Benefits, Employee Education Assistance


Considering the nature of Gamuda’s business, the Group decided to increase the minimum wages
11% for foreign and local workers, and fresh graduates to align with the rates stipulated by the
10% government. Aside from that, with higher wages, foreign and local workers, and fresh graduates FY2022 FY2021 FY2020
are better able to navigate through the incessant increase in costs of living.
The increase in wages also enables the foreign workers to take home a higher rate of wages
as compared to those who are represented by agents where a percentage of their salary will Family Care Leave
be deducted for processing or service fees.
In May 2022, Gamuda increased the minimum wage for foreign workers from RM1,200 to
RM1,600 per month and for local workers from RM1,200 to RM1,800 per month, exceeding
the revised minimum of RM1,500 set by the government.
Male Female 551
Male Female We also raised the entry level salary for fresh graduates joining the Company from RM3,300
to RM3,500 for engineers and from RM3,000 to RM3,200 for non-engineering graduates. We 397
have reviewed our entry level salary packages to be competitive and within the top quartile
of our industry. This is important to attract the necessary talent for our business growth, as
Note: The rates presented refer to permanent and contract employees from all our companies local and overseas excluding joint ventures and associates, except for Australia. well as to help our employees to cope with the ever-rising costs of living.
* The total and rate of new hires/turnover by age group and gender for Gamuda Group have been independently assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance Along with the minimum wage and graduate entry level salary hikes, the Group’s entire baseline
report on pages 220 to 223. pay has increased, with all employees in salary bands up to RM5,000 also enjoying higher
incomes, adjusted for internal equity. FY2022 FY2021 FY2020

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Group Human Rights Policy

In Gamuda, we are committed to upholding and respecting human Among the key components of best labour practices are: Gamuda believes that everyone has the right to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity in the workplace where their knowledge, skills
rights across all of our business operations. We do not tolerate 1) to provide workers with decent salaries; and abilities are critical factors determining their success. It is our aim to avoid contributing to adverse human rights impacts and mitigate
any form of discrimination and treat all employees the same any such impacts when they occur. We see human rights matters as a concern and responsibility of all. Employees of the Group have the
2) to provide them with comfortable accommodation that meet responsibility to treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and to respect their human rights. The Board and management are responsible to walk
regardless of nationality, race, or gender.
their needs; and the talk by modelling appropriate standards of behaviour to further educate and promote awareness of this policy to the employees. Any
3) to ensure that workers are sufficiently trained to carry out breach of this policy/inappropriate behaviour reported will be taken into account and resolved in a timely manner.
As our contractors rely heavily on foreign labour, Gamuda has
taken it upon ourselves to ensure that these workers are treated their work safely and efficiently.
To ensure we respect the rights of all our employees and workers, the Group introduced our Human Rights Policy in FY2022. The policy
with respect and dignity. Not only does this contribute to better
In terms of salary, we have always adhered to local minimum covers the Group’s alignment on key human rights matters including:
quality work and higher productivity, but it is simply the right thing
to do. salary recommendations. We have also been a pioneer in providing
workers with quality centralised labour quarters (CLQs). As for
training, this is provided at our GLC, ELU, TTA, GPOS and CTU. Diversity and Equal Opportunity Community and Business Conducive Work Environment
We are guided in this regard by labour laws and regulations in
Aside from that, project-specific training is also organised by site Principles
the different countries where we operate. In Malaysia, these include
the Employment Act (which protects employees’ rights and prohibits HR teams, wardens and supervisors. Freedom of Association
Safety and Health
child labour), the Factories and Machinery Act (which sets a Housing and Amenities
minimum age of 21 years for the operation of machinery at work In order to ensure that all of our employees are treated fairly and
with dignity, we have communicated with them about our grievance Rights of Community and
sites), and Act 446 of the Minimum Standards of Housing and Workplace Security Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Amenities (Amendment) Act 2019 in Malaysia. handling process and Whistleblowing Policy. Modern Slavery /
Forced Labour /
It is the responsibility of our project managers, business heads Child Labour Compulsory Labour Human Trafficking / Exploitation
and HR to ensure responsible labour practices among our Gamuda targets to have

subsidiaries, subcontractors and third-party contractors.
As a measure of our commitment to upholding human rights in
the workplace, and to ensure that Gamuda’s practices go beyond socio-economic The detailed policy is
regulatory requirements, we are currently reviewing our existing available at our website Committed to human rights and ethical recruitment practices, Gamuda takes a strong
policies for alignment with amendments to the Employment
non-compliance stance against child labour. The Group shall refrain from hiring and deploying child
(Amendment) Act 2022. incidents labour in all of our business operations. The minimum age for employment shall be
guided by the Children and Young Persons (Employment) (Amendment) Act 2010.

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RT-PCR Testing and CIVac
The frequency of screening supplemented by stringent SOPs played an
imperative role to prevent the rise of new COVID-19 clusters. The authorities
acknowledged the effort taken by Gamuda despite having the nationwide
lockdown in force and the construction was listed as essential service, allowing
Gamuda to continue work.

In 2021, Gamuda collaborated with CIDB on the Construction Industry

Vaccination Programme (CIVac) to elevate the vaccination rate amongst workers
and employees to minimise the work stoppage perpetrated by the pandemic.


01 02 03 04 05 06

Gamuda attributed the success of bringing the total number of positive cases to a dip First Private
PCR testing
with CIDB’s
Procedures and
work instructions
RM8 million towards
company to start machines with CIVac for early Quarters (CQQs) were developed in the establishment
following the set-up of a privately owned RT-PCR testing laboratory to carry out twice its own RT-PCR RT-PCR testing
frequency increased
vaccination of established at every accordance to
of the RT-PCR
Laboratory, Gamuda
testing construction Centralised Labour
from fortnightly to Clinics and Triage
a week screenings of 20,000 workforce which comprises all levels of employees that laboratory
weekly for over
workers Quarters (CLQs)
20,000 employees

includes site workers staying at our CLQs. and workers

COVID-19 Management fortnightly to weekly, and in certain units to twice a week, based Partnering with ProtectHealth, booster vaccination booths
on COVID-19 risk assessment and feedback from other COVID-19 were set up at project sites and Gamuda offices to allow
A key development in FY2022 was the gradual winding down of
monitoring mechanisms within the Group. Gamuda remains the employees to walk in for free shots. ProtectHealth has been
social and movement restrictions imposed to manage COVID-19
first and only private company in Malaysia to have in-house RT- tasked by the Ministry of Health to organise booster vaccinations
as the country transitioned from treating the outbreak as a pandemic
PCR testing laboratories. under the national COVID-19 vaccination programme. As a
to being endemic. Even so, Gamuda continued to place the well-
result of this partnership, more than 99 percent of our
being of our employees as a top priority and maintained various
Centralised Quarantine Quarters and Triage Centre employees received boosters, with the remaining one percent
initiatives that we had embarked on when COVID-19 first unravelled
opting out due to health reasons, as per advice by doctors.
in the country. As per the previous year, we also continued to operate Centralised
Quarantine Quarters (CQQs) at our CLQs for COVID-19 positive
Making good on plans reported in the previous year, we set
This was especially important as all of our employees returned to employees. A total of 647 admissions were recorded at our CQQs.
up two Gamuda Clinics in FY2022 to provide various outpatient
the workplace as of May 2022, with the exception of those under These employees also received support from our medical team
medical services, including vaccinations. The objective has
quarantine, or who had specific medical or safety reasons such as stationed at the Gamuda Triage Centres set up in the CLQs. The
been to help reduce the strain on our public healthcare system.
being in close contact with a patient or being asymptomatic carriers. local authorities recognised these facilities as a “gold standard” that
was covered by local media for other players to follow in ensuring
Our investments into the provision of testing, quarantining
Guided by the Steering Committee, we have continued to observe the welfare of the workers is always taken care of.
and care for our employees have led to a significant drop in
SOPs such as social distancing, frequent use of hand sanitisers/
the number of COVID-19 cases Group-wide, preventing the
hand washing, workplace sanitation, wearing face masks and In addition, the medical team conducted daily teleconsultation with
formation of any work clusters and enabling business continuity,
COVID-19 testing under the new “norm” in Gamuda. employees under home quarantine. If any employee was found to
thus increasing the Group’s productivity.
require close monitoring, the medical team would recommend
During the year, our in-house reverse transcription polymerase that he/she be admitted to the Gamuda Triage Care Centre. During
Gamuda does not monitor other global health issues such
chain reaction (RT-PCR) laboratory, managed by Gamuda Healthcare, the year, a total of 14 patients were admitted to the Triage Care
as HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. This is because these
conducted 914,601 tests, recording a total of 9,155 positive cases Centre, including three employees’ family members.
health issues are less prevalent in countries where we operate.
among our workforce. The frequency of tests was increased from

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Enabling Academy
Gamuda broke new ground in Malaysia by becoming the first organisation to train young adults on the autism
spectrum in order to help them gain sustainable employment. This is achieved through the Employment
Transition Programme (ETP) offered at our Enabling Academy (EA), which was set up in 2017.

Benefits and impacts from Enabling Academy towards different stakeholders:


Gained employment, Relieved that their child

Increased access to a Reduced
increased income has a career that leads to
wider pool of talents healthcare
independent living
Developed life and and untapped potential expenses
Yayasan Gamuda was established in 2016 to continuously enhance the Group’s community social skills Reduced financial burden
investments, which are focused on educational aid and empowering social enterprises in Improved diversity, Reduced expenditure
Better and Reduced anxiety equality and inclusion in welfare payment
line with our ESG commitment, particularly Pillar 2. Having successfully grown our three healthier lifestyle at the workplace
flagship programmes, namely our Enabling Academy, Gamuda Scholarship and Star Golden Better lifestyle and
Better social acceptance living standards Improved
Hearts Award, we are committed to scaling up our community outreach efforts through our Improved employment rate of
Gained independence Improved family productivity persons with
foundation. This year we have added a special focus on indigenous people as our fourth from family relationship disabilities
and creativity

Gamuda Scholarship
To date, EA has trained 76 candidates, 82 percent of whom were
The Gamuda Scholarship was established in 1996 to The Group has a commitment to set offered a job in property and construction, banking, IT, manufacturing,
provide financial support to outstanding Malaysian aside 2% of the Group’s profits legal, retail and hospitality industries. Among the main reasons for
students, thus enabling them to pursue tertiary studies towards Yayasan Gamuda (YG). non-employment of the remaining 18 percent are: pursuing further
in fields related to Gamuda’s needs. In the year 2022,
YG has invested
studies, health issues, not being sufficiently ready, waiting for more
we have disbursed a total of 58 scholarships – 43 suitable job opportunities, or exploring the option of self-
local and 15 international – valued at a total of
RM13 million, a substantial increase from RM3.9 million RM6.6 million for FY2022. employment. As of 31 July 2022, Gamuda has 21 employees who
are on the autism spectrum, under Project Differently-Abled. Eight
from the previous year. The scholarships were granted of these employees were graduates of EA.
to students pursuing programmes in Engineering (Civil, In 2022 (FY2023), RM13 million was awarded to 58 students.
Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Software), The Gamuda Scholarship investment will increase to RM20 In FY2022, each of our EA graduates is estimated to have spent
Environmental Science and Sustainability, Quantity
million for 2023 (FY2024). an average of 390 hours over their three month-long programme.
Surveying, Property and Real Estate Management,
Finance/Accounting, Business, Architecture, Data At EA, we undertake comprehensive assessments of different
The Gamuda Scholarship is normally presented in September
Science and Psychology. In comparison to FY2021, we partner companies before placing EA graduates to ensure a good
have awarded more scholarships to students from the annually, which the investment amount is recorded in the
fit of the culture and working environment with the candidates.
B40 families. The scholarships awarded were inclusive current financial year. Gamuda’s financial year ends on
To date, 4,636 copies of our EA ETP Trainer’s manual have been
of tuition fees, living expenses, accommodation, book 31  July every year.
distributed in order to equip more organisations nationwide to
and laptop allowances, airfare, and arrival fees for implement their own ETP.
foreign students.

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Orang Asli Employment experience in teaching children with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy,
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia and autism. In
National ETP Outreach: EA New Model: Other Social Well-being Gamuda is committed to uplifting the lives of Orang Asli communities addition, the teachers provided tuition classes to help students to catch
through education and employment. To date, we have included 37
Train the Trainers Industries training Programme for Project Orang Asli within our workforce.
up with missed schoolwork. ACE Education will regularly assess the
students to gauge the effectiveness of its programme. Another three
To rope in more organisations to train To explore more job options for EA Differently-Abled (PDA) tablets were donated to a struggling father who made a call to a local
the trainers with the aim of replicating trainees in industries that best match Colleagues and EA Graduates As part of our commitment to indigenous communities, we are radio station. The aim was to ensure that the students were able to
more quality and effective Employment their interests and aptitudes by collaborating with Asli Co and Binturong Alam Ventures to upskill
To provide a platform for PDA attend online classes without depending on their parents’ devices.
Transition Programmes (ETP) collaborating with different industries local Orang Asli communities while also providing them with sustainable
colleagues and EA graduates to socialise,
nationwide, which will equip more such as hospitality, retail and income for the benefit of their families and communities. This initiative
build friendships and develop better Eventually, we seek to expand the educational programme to include
youths with disabilities for sustainable manufacturing. provides them with the opportunity to venture into entrepreneurship
social well-being. personal enrichment skills such as singing, arts and crafts, and public
employment. businesses that they are most comfortable with (back to nature). speaking, as these will help enhance the student’s quality of life.

With Binturong Alam Ventures, for example, we launched the Wild

In FY2022, 96 participants attended the workshops that were conducted
by EA with the Department of Social Welfare, Department of Polytechnic
GIA 2022 WINNER – ISKUL SAMA DILAUT OMADAL Tree Seed Bank Project through which we purchase wild tree seedlings
from the Orang Asli and use their expertise to nurture these seedlings
and Community College Education, and Youth Skills Development Iskul is a community run in a nursery before the trees are replanted elsewhere. In other words,
Division of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. project initiated in 2015 to this project enables the Orang Asli to earn an income by putting their
provide basic literacy for intimate knowledge of the forest to good use (i.e. protecting biodiversity).
With the successful outreach, the Department of Social Welfare has stateless children at Omadal
invited EA to conduct training for their Community-Based Rehabilitation Island. They give the
Centres nationwide to equip trainers and job coaches to run ETP in opportunity of education to
their respective centres. children and youth whose
Gamuda targets to create at least

200 employment
stateless status denies them
access to public schools.
82% of the EA graduates
were offered a job in various opportunities at the arboretum
3,214 local
Scan this QR code for a full list of current and
past winners and nurseries for Orang Asli
communities reached –
188 private and public sectors
As of August 2022, this project benefitted 21 Orang Asli families. It
companies engaged
Batu Patong Eco Village
Orang Asli and Indigenous Peoples of Australia has since been expanded to six more villages encompassing 39 families.
At the moment, we have collected a total of 2,300 saplings of 69 In line with the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, Pillar 2 states that
Gamuda is committed to establishing and maintaining respectful and local tree species.
Star Golden Hearts Award Our Community is Our Business whereby Gamuda will include
meaningful relationships with the communities of indigenous peoples in
any community surrounding the Group’s operations for
The Star Golden Hearts Award is a collaboration between Yayasan which we have a business presence. The Group aligns with the principle
development and social investments.
Gamuda and The Star Foundation by Star Media Group to acknowledge of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) where the indigenous
individuals and groups that have made exceptional contributions to communities have the right to self-determine, consult and make decisions
The Batu Patong Eco Village is located in the pristine jungle of
society. The Star is Malaysia’s English daily with the highest readership regarding their economic, socio-cultural, and political aspects. We are
the Bario Highlands in Sarawak. This project was jointly developed
in the country. The award targets community projects related to upholding our commitment to respecting and acknowledging the rights
as a social effort between Gamuda and the local Batu Patong
environmental, economic and social enhancement, in line with the of indigenous peoples by empowering them via employment and education
Kelabit community. The eco-village was built by incorporating
Group’s ESG commitment. opportunities. The Group also ensure that the indigenous peoples are
a boutique scale eco-resort and a community homestay without
included in the Group’s nature conservation initiatives.
impacting the unspoilt condition of Bario’s green environment.
The 2022 award had attracted 776 nominations nationwide, about
71  percent more than the 453 nominations received in 2021. Ten Subsequently, the global and local support of instruments or frameworks
The entire resort is owned and managed by the villagers who
accolades will be presented in November 2022 to three individual referred to by the Group is the United Nations Declaration on the Rights
are in charge of the housekeeping, meals preparation, logistics
winners and seven social enterprise winners who contributed meaningfully of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), United Nations Permanent Forum on
and transport arrangement, jungle guides for trekking and
to society. The Star and Yayasan Gamuda are awarding a total of Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of
exploration around Batu Patong in order to share the culture
RM249,000 in cash to support the good work of the award winners: Indigenous Peoples (UNSR), ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention,
Orang Asli Education and lifestyle of the Kelabit community with visitors.
Malaysia: Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954 and Australia: Australia’s Indigenous
Peoples and International Law: Validity of the Native Title Amendment According to UNICEF, over five million children in Malaysia were unable In 2022, the Batu Patong Eco Village was accorded the Silver
Gamuda Inspiration Award (GIA) winner: Act 1988 (CTH). Malaysia is a signatory to the UNDRIP to respect, protect to attend school during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to a winner in the Resort category at the FIABCI World Prix
RM120,000 and fulfil the human rights of indigenous peoples, including the rights to
free, prior and informed consent before actions are taken that will affect
lack of motivation and interest in studies. The situation was worse for D’Excellence Awards and in 2021 it was the winner of FIABCI’s
(only one winner) students with poor or no internet access, especially Orang Asli children. Malaysian Property Awards (MPA). These awards show that
their lands and their rights to freedom of expression and assembly. In response, 165 tablets were donated via the GL Cares programme. Gamuda and the Kelabit community have realised the vision of
Individual SGHA winner: Organisation SGHA winner: In addition, the Group’s collaboration with ACE Education had provided working with nature and ‘listening to what the land has to tell
As outlined in our Gamuda Green Plan 2025, under Pillar 2 i.e. ‘Our tuition for 136 students from Sekolah Kebangsaan (Asli) Bukit Cheding
RM24,000 RM105,000 Community is Our Business’, we complemented the environmental and Sekolah Kebangsaan Asli Bukit Kemandol. Of the total, 34 of them
us’ in ensuring sustainability will always be incorporated in every
planned endeavour.
in total value to three in total value to seven and biodiversity conservation aspects by ensuring that the native are students with special needs. These teachers brought with them
selected winners selected winners communities are able to actively participate in our conservation processes.

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Gamuda is committed to having respectful depending on where that organisation is in their reconciliation
and meaningful relationships with the journey. The four RAP types are– Reflect, Innovate, Stretch and
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, Elevate.
Australia’s First Nations Peoples.
Gamuda Australia is currently in the first stage of our reconciliation
Through building our business in Australia, journey – Reflect. Our Reflect RAP was accredited by Reconciliation
we are contributing to the local Australia in Q4 2021 and provides our vision for reconciliation,
infrastructure landscape with the aim of determines our sphere of influence, and establishes the systems and
leaving a positive social legacy in the processes we need to establish meaningful partnerships with the our urban design and landscape strategy for the Coffs Harbour
communities in which we operate. This Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to increase economic Bypass bid, which was ultimately successful. Balarinji will now play
includes ensuring our offices and worksites equity. Based on our core business values of relationships, respect, a key role in the delivery of this major project by partnering with
are culturally safe and welcoming places and opportunities, our Reflect RAP guides us as we start on our the local Gumbaynggirr people to contribute to the artistic themes,
for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander journey to facilitate First Nations self-determination in Australia. strategy, and vision for all significant elements of urban design.
peoples and businesses. Developing a
deeper understanding of reconciliation As part of our RAP development, Gamuda Australia joined hands The next stage for Gamuda Australia is to drive accountability in
and supporting positive engagement with with Indigenous creative agency Gilimbaa and Wakka Wakka man, our business through the Innovate RAP. The Innovate RAP will
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander David Williams, to produce our reconciliation artwork. The artwork outline our formal actions and objectives to achieve our visions
peoples and communities are fundamental titled “Together, Weaving Our Future” represents our collective for reconciliation. The Innovate RAP will come into effect in early
to achieving this. commitment to work together as a culturally diverse organisation 2023 and will run for two years. The Innovate RAP will include
for a collaborative, respectful and inclusive future in the Australian formal reporting against our objectives and targets, including
Before our first major project win, and to construction industry. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ employment and
proactively start on our journey towards business engagement.
reconciliation, Gamuda Australia developed As a foundation of our Reflect RAP commitments, we focused on
and launched our first Reconciliation improving the understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander The RAP framework entails a structured approach to reconciliation
Action Plan (RAP). The RAP framework, histories, cultures, and knowledge across our operations. We have by the Group, while at the same time supporting Australia’s national
including review and accreditation, is partnered with Aboriginal businesses such as Mirri Mirri and Tribal reconciliation movement. There are four types of RAP that will
governed by Reconciliation Australia, the Warrior to facilitate Aboriginal cultural heritage training in all of be implemented by Gamuda Australia which were tailored to suit
lead non-for-profit body for reconciliation our projects including in our head office. We have engaged with the Group’s business objectives.
in Australia. Reconciliation Australia’s local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and
RAP Framework provides organisations businesses during the tender and delivery process with the objective The RAP Working Group (RWG) was established to drive positive
with a structured approach to advance of facilitating equitable opportunities and access to employment initiatives across the business supporting the objectives of the
Titled ‘Together, Weaving Our Future’ the artwork represents Gamuda’s pledge to build and maintain reconciliation utilising four types of RAPs across all disciplines and down our supply chain. We have also
strong connections, as well as the business’s long-term commitment to Australia.
plan, while ensuring accountability and transparency in reporting
partnered with the indigenous design house Balarinji to co-design and governance.

The Group acknowledges that the reconciliation journey in Australia

is a new initiative to be implemented. We took the first step in
working together with Reconciliation Australia to further develop
and identify the key elements to be implemented under the Reflect
RAP. To ensure that our business objectives and reconciliation
REFLECT INNOVATE STRETCH ELEVATE commitments are aligned, we will continue to engage with numerous
representatives of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
(Scoping Reconciliation) (Implementing Reconciliation) (Embedding Reconciliation) (Leadership in Reconciliation)
organisations to further inculcate the idea of cultural awareness in
This is the first step of This RAP details out the This RAP is best suited to This RAP is suitable for an organisation that has
our people.
the RAP that allows an workplan to achieve the organisation with developed a proven track record of having successful
organisation to organisation’s vision for strategies and has a strong implementation of RAP initiatives through the
determine the scoping reconciliation. approach in terms of advance Stretch RAPs and are ready for the next step of
taking a leadership position in progressively
parameter. reconciliation, internally and For more information on the Reconciliation
advancing towards national reconciliation. Action Plan, please scan the QR code
where they operate.

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GL Cares (COVID-19 assistance)
During the pandemic, food aid stations were established in Gamuda
Gardens, Kundang Estates, twentyfive.7, Horizon Hills and Jade Hills.
Working with suppliers such as 99 Speedmart, we stocked these food
aid stations with essentials such as rice, cooking oil, face masks, sanitisers
and diapers, which could be picked up for free by those in need.

In addition, bags filled with essentials were personally packed and

delivered to villagers and Centralised Labour Quarters (CLQs) by Gamuda
Land employees. Through our food aid programme, we delivered food
to over 1,700 workers in our CLQs, providing them with critical support
in a time of need.

Science Lab Refurbishment for Orang Asli

To provide a more conducive learning environment, GL
Cares refurbished an old building in Sekolah Kebangsaan
(Asli) Bukit Cheding into a science lab. We pooled volunteers
from the various project teams who took the time off to
clean, build and do manual labour for the sake of the
In addition to the programmes supported by Yayasan Gamuda, we also carry out various indigenous students.

corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects under the Gamuda Land (GL) Cares banner. What was once an abandoned building, it now has newly
painted walls, windows and flooring that is fully furnished
GL Cares was established in July 2021 primarily to provide food and necessities to those with lab equipment for the students to conduct experiments
severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the pandemic has abated, its focus in a safe manner. The students were delighted to finally
experience the practical aspect of science lessons.
has changed to other, equally meaningful initiatives.

GL Cares (Flood Relief)

Towards the end of 2021, key personnel from Gamuda Cove, twentyfive.7
and Bandar Botanic partnered with the 2021 Gamuda Inspiration Award (GIA)
award winner, Crisis Relief Services and Training (CREST), to extend much-
needed support to victims of the floods in Dengkil and Hulu Langat.

No less than 6,000 meals were distributed across four locations within the
span of seven days. Apart from meals, zipped wardrobes were donated to
80 Orang Asli families and 80 volunteers from Gamuda Cove got together
to clean up 30 homes.

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The MRT Putrajaya Line had recently been named project of the year by multiple Novel applications of Building
In-house innovation and Use of augmented reality
prestigious associations. Below are key attributes that contributed to the project’s application of the world’s first technology with BIM for
Information Modelling (BIM)
Level 2 systems, Geospatial
autonomous TBM construction validation
accolades. Information Systems and drone surveying

Completed refurbishment of MRT1 TBMs
Tunnelled smoothly across four highly variable for deployment on MRT2 with RM400mil
geological conditions (abrasive granite, Kenny Development of cost savings versus purchasing new TBMS
Hill formation, alluvium and Class 5 extreme bespoke deep
karstic Kuala Lumpur limestone) excavation designs 125 Reduction of Created over
set in high-traffic and densely and ground workers 12,000 17,000 jobs
populated urban areas
treatment schemes upskilled and tonnes for locals on
trained of CO₂ emissions MRT1 and MRT2


Lost time injury (LTI) First adopters of Provide UK-syllabus instructors’ training for high-risk work
EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF A LARGE-SCALE, COMPLEX PROJECT frequency rate of 1.1 the Construction such as Lifting Supervisors, Appointed Persons for Lift
and 1.0 for 2019 and Skills Certification Planning, Mobile Elevated Working Platform (MEWP)
2020, respectively Scheme operators and third-party thorough testing and examination
17 construction sites, Work scope includes Other unique works: The COVID-19
13.5km twin tunnels, comprehensive building cross passages, box ‘new normal’ was
Five Star Occupational Continuously offered intensive Establishment of an internationally
12 Tunnel Boring protection, ground treatment, jacked underpass, enforced on the
Health and Safety Audit specialist courses like sinkhole accredited laboratory with 40
Machines (TBM) traffic diversion, utilities integration works (connecting two 20,000 workforce,
(Five Stars), British Safety emergency drills and flashover technologists conducting over
deployed relocation and demolition newly constructed tunnels to the enabling the project to
Council rating for four consecutive instructors’ courses to local 90,000 RT-PCR tests on a
of 12 major structures Tun Razak Exchange Station) stay on track
years, three with Sword of Honour agencies monthly basis

INITIATIVES award attributed the win to
various factors including: At a more public level, we are involved as the project initiator and manager of the Klang Valley
Pioneering institutions include: Rainwater Harvesting Mass Rapid Transit (KVMRT) system, which represents a greener, more affordable and accessible
Local TBM
Harvest (1,600 litres tank) mode of transport which will lead to less congestion on roads and a reduced carbon footprint
refurbishment Tunnel Training Virtual 360 degrees
the range of delivery for commuting Malaysians.
resulted in significant Academy site tours opened to the
approaches adopted The MRT Putrajaya Line, the second line of the extensive urban rail project, has been recognised
monetary and environmental > 1,000 graduates public post-pandemic
gains Green Air-con by Malaysia’s Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) with a Five-Star Sustainable
landscaping Timers INFRASTAR certification for prioritising sustainability practices. It was awarded a Five-Star Sustainable
BIM academy
Adoption of IBS in a INFRASTAR certification for its design in January 2021, followed by the same certification for
Use of material- >5,000 efficient methodology
permanent structure of Solar Inverter both design and construction in December 2021.
efficient steel fibre employees such as training, testing
shafts over 40m high
reinforced concrete upskilled Energy appliances and safety initiatives Moving forward, we will seek to attain the Sustainable INFRASTAR certification for all applicable
for tunnel lining infrastructure projects, including the PSI project.
Energy Saving Lighting (LED) INFRASTAR assessment is undertaken at two stages in a project: its design (provisional rating)
MRT Information
Centre hosted KVMRT Safety - Replacement of fluorescent use of predictive and construction. Projects that score above 40 percent are given one star, with five stars being
50% of total water >4,000 visitors Training Centre light tubes reduced usage technology and data the highest score.
demand met by using since 2017 >50,000 workers from 40W to 5W management technology
treated construction effluent trained

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PAGE 184 PAGE 186 PAGE 188

GHG Emissions Green Mobility Biodiversity Conservation

Gamuda's FY2022 Emissions Intensity is Up to 80km network of pedestrian and As per biodiversity audits conducted in

6 tonnes CO₂e per million revenue bicycle lanes completed to date across our FY2022, there were 8,000 trees, 33
five major developments percent of which are high-risk species

PAGE 191 PAGE 193 PAGE 195


Based on the biodiversity audits conducted
at Gamuda Gardens, a total of 16 percent
increase in the number of bird species was
noted as compared to FY2021
Water Management
Water harvesting is implemented at
KPGCC for landscape irrigation to reduce
water wastage
Waste Management
In FY2022, an increment of 65.4 percent
compost were collected and used for
Gamuda Developments

PAGE 198 PAGE 200 PAGE 202

Energy Efficiency Protecting Our Wetlands 272 Normanby

– Renewable Energy In the process of obtaining Zero Net Achieved 7-7.5 NatHERS rating for energy
Completed solar PV panels installation at Carbon Pledge certification by EDGE efficiency
five facilities with a generation capacity of Buildings for the Arboretum
over 1,700kWp
PAGE 206

Penang South Islands

Highlights as of July 2022 in terms of
CSR, employment opportunities, education
and training and business opportunities

“The greatest threat to our planet

is the belief that someone else will save it.”

Solar PV installed on the rooftop of Menara Gamuda, Damansara Perdana, Selangor, Malaysia Robert Swan,
the first person to walk to both poles
GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022




Targets intensity
Near Term Net Zero target reduction
Gamuda Berhad 
Malaysia, Asia
Committed Committed
Sector by 2025 and

Construction and Engineering Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign member

by 2030 compared
to 2022 baseline

As an extension of our continuous efforts to disclose our climate-related

risks and opportunities, we have officially registered as a supporter of TCFD
in FY2022 with recognising the TCFD Disclosures and its recommendations.

The total electricity consumption for Menara Gamuda, Managed Infrastructures, Construction Sites and Operating Plants in FY2022
was 30,864,882 kWh.


EMISSIONS REDUCTION IN OUR PROJECTS With regard to construction, we put much thought into our
One of the most pertinent global sustainability issues today is climate change, which masterplans to ensure the design of developments are optimally
threatens to cause extreme climate events if the world does not reduce its carbon To cap the rise in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050,
sustainable so as to reduce the carbon index of the project’s
emissions. The threat is so pervasive and imminent, that it requires the joint efforts of all We are in the midst of exploring it is imperative for all organisations to take positive steps towards
lifecycle, from the materials and technologies used to the performance
individuals, organisations and governments to mitigate. To play our part, in 2022, Gamuda to introduce internal carbon reducing their carbon footprint. Gamuda’s stance in this regard is
of the finished buildings, indeed the entire developments.
committed to being a net zero carbon organisation by the year 2050, in line with the pricing that will be finalised reflected in the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, which commits us to
Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). after careful discussions with reducing our emissions intensity by 45 percent by 2030 as compared
stakeholders and understanding to the year 2022.
Our commitment necessitates not only a comprehensive decarbonisation action plan but the local readiness. The pricing will be
also the ability to measure and monitor our emissions. Towards the former, we have in The year 2022 was chosen as our baseline as 2020 and 2021 were The Board has an overall responsibility for the Group’s sustainability
set after Bursa Malaysia’s carbon market
place short and medium-term commitments under the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 to pandemic years during which most employees worked from home, strategy and direction that includes matters relating to climate
detailed framework is announced.
reduce our greenhouse gas emissions intensity by 30 percent in 2025, and by 45 percent and our activities were not consistent, hence the data would not change, especially on decision making, risk and opportunity and
in 2030. In order to monitor our emissions, we have invested in an integrated cloud-based have been reflective of Gamuda’s business-as-usual energy utilisation. high level related policies progress oversight. Key personnel are
ESG software to manage, archive, monitor and report our ESG data. responsible for managing energy consumption and emissions in
In FY2022, we captured and audited our Scope 1 and Scope 2 their respective projects. The Product Management Unit incorporates
We take our monitoring processes seriously by introducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 audits by both internal and external auditors. We have emissions data using a newly acquired cloud software. The software low-energy cooling elements in the design of developments while
also adopted global reporting standards such as TCFD and CDP in addition to SBTi. This year, Gamuda became one of the first 16 enables us to monitor our emissions data including water the Project Construction Management Department (PCMD) ensures
companies in Malaysia to be committed to SBTi, effectively making us an official member of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign. consumption, waste management, and safety and health performance. that the construction materials procured for each project meet the
This will enable us to trace all of our sustainability data, as well as requirements for low-energy design. The budgets for all projects
We also ensure that climate change aspects, especially risks and opportunities are considered for all business approaches including design, manage and monitor the data using multiple platforms, anywhere. take into account the premium that green elements carry throughout
construction and demolition. For example, in one of our recent projects in Malaysia, we evaluated the 2 degrees and 4 degrees scenario- Over the last few years, we have invested increasingly more into the value chain, from procurement to the engagement of architects
based Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP). This modelling approach was used to predict the future sea level rising probabilities innovative solutions to reduce our carbon footprint, with a clear and contractors with the skills and ability to deliver products that
and risks. The results were used in the decision-making process in terms of deciding the project elevation and design modifications. focus on two areas: 1) our construction activities and the finished meet IS Rating Scheme (Australia), Sustainable INFRASTAR, MyCREST,
products; 2) consumption at our managed premises. While our and GBI before LCCF.
In addition to mitigating climate change, we are placing increasing emphasis on sustainable water and waste management, and are main objective is to contribute towards the transition to a low-
focused on preserving natural habitats, particularly wetlands, in order to help protect the country’s rich biodiversity. carbon economy, we also stand to benefit from the economic
benefits of reduced electricity and fuel costs.

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Addressing climate change through adaptation in FY2022 MENARA GAMUDA EMISSIONS (TONNES CO₂e) OPERATING PLANTS GHG EMISSIONS (TONNES CO₂e)

Installation of solar Budgeting for #OneMillionTrees Establishment of IS Rating SCOPE 1 SCOPE 2

panels on the installation of planting Scheme (Australia), Sustainable Scope 1
rooftops of Quayside energy-saving lights initiatives INFRASTAR, MyCREST, and 1,690
Mall and Quayside for facilities/buildings in all of our GBI before LCCF criteria as Scope 2
Sales Gallery under our care and developments we aim for all upcoming
maintenance projects to be GBI-certified

All ESG initiatives are currently being incorporated into Gamuda Land Policy and Procedures (GLPP) and the ISO 14001 Environmental
Management Systems, which includes internal and external audits, reviews and continual improvement programmes. All of our relevant
environmental data are uploaded onto digital platforms on a monthly basis to facilitate monitoring and evaluation. To ensure sufficient
competency to carry out their functions, Gamuda employees are required to attend ESG training sessions.
FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 GB Kuari Gamuda
Within our headquarters, we have appointed persons-in-charge (PICs) from facilities management and the QSHE department to Digital IBS
monitor our fuel and electricity consumption. These PICs are also responsible for the implementation of carbon reduction initiatives
such as optimising the temperature of our centralised air-conditioner system at 24 degrees Celsius, use of energy-saving lights,
and regular maintenance of our centralised air-conditioner system. * The Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for Menara Gamuda have been independently * The Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for GB Kuari and Gamuda Digital IBS have
assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance report on pages 220 to 223. been independently assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance report
on pages 220 to 223.


In FY2022, the Group Emission Intensity was 6 tonnes CO₂e per million revenue.

Total GHG emissions for FY2022 in tonnes CO₂e Scope 1: 8,428, Scope 2: 18,147 and Scope 3: 5,709
Scope 1
FY2022 FY2021
SCOPE 1: 8,428 SCOPE 2: 18,147 SCOPE 1: 2,998 SCOPE 2: 14,845 2,632 2,710

16,342 1,574

1,740 5,181 322

5,124 210 92 281 78
<1 13 0 45 44 0 0 0 40
Mall Sales Gallery Clubs PSI Site Office Menara Gamuda Others CLQ Leisure Show Houses

* Scope 1 and 2 for the following location: Quayside Mall (Scope 1: 0.03* tCO₂e; Scope 2: 3,215* tCO₂e), KPGCC (Scope 1: 114 tCO₂e; Scope 2: 1,142 tCO₂e), Gamuda
Garden Sales Gallery (Scope 1: –*; Scope 2: 207* tCO₂e), PSI – PPSNs (Scope 1: –*; Scope 2: 10* tCO₂e) & PSI – Site office (Scope 1: 13* tCO₂e; Scope 2: 72* tCO₂e),
have been independently assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance report on pages 220 to 223.
1,776 Mall: Gamuda Walk Mall, Quayside Mall; Sales Gallery: Gamuda Cove, Gamuda Gardens, HighPark Suites, Jade Hills, twentyfive.7; Clubs: Horizon Hills Golf and Country
Club, KPGCC, Jade Hills (club), Garden Wellness Club, Botanic Resort; PSI: PPSN Gertak Sanggul, PPSN Permatang Damar Laut, PPSN Sungai Batu, Batu Maung Store Yard;
6 29 4 Site Offices: Gamuda Engineering Office (Batu Maung), Ideal Office, Bukit Bantayan, Finance Office + Gamuda Learning Center, Project Construction Management Department
Managed Construction Operating Managed Construction Operating Managed Construction Operating Managed Construction Operating Office (PCMD Office + TMD Office + Corporate Office), High Park Suite, Project Management Department Office, Masterpave, Megah Sewa, TMD Office, Quayside Tower,
Infrastructures Sites Plants Infrastructures Sites Plants Infrastructures Sites Plants Infrastructures Sites Plants Valencia Office; MG: Menara Gamuda; Leisure: Discovery + Central Park, BB Splash; CLQs; Others: Street Lights, Water Fountains, Guard Houses, Entry Statement, Landscape,
MTR Panel; Show Houses.

In FY2022, we have expanded our GHG emissions traceability to all business in Malaysia. This is an increase about 86 percent in the
number of sites monitored and disclosed compared to FY2021. The construction sites data shows a significant drop due to completion
of MRT Putrajaya Line and few phases of our development.

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We have started to provide our supply chain complimentary Supporting the sustainability effort and to accelerate the development of the
ESG training sessions focused on the Gamuda Green 2,067 Scope 1 ecosystem and infrastructure for EVs in the country, Gamuda Berhad developed
Plan 2025. In addition to collating emissions data from a partnership with Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to establish the nation’s first
our suppliers, we are enhancing our Scope 3 emissions Scope 2
solar-powered EV stations. Gamuda Cove and Gamuda Gardens were selected
management by collecting data from employee 1,328 1,234 Scope 3 to host the solar-powered EV stations and it is expected to serve motorist
commuting, business travel, transportation and distribution, by the year 2025.
volume of materials used and waste produced as well
as purchased goods. This forms part of our plan to ensure Serving both Southern and Northern Klang Valley, the electric charging stations
full Group-wide carbon traceability. In FY2022, we have 181 will be compatible with all vehicle makes ranging from hybrid, plug-in hybrid,
started reporting Scope 3 data from construction sites. 2 19 6 8 and full EVs. The stations will also be equipped with AC and DC (fast chargers),
We will continue to expand the reporting sources as and rest area that is hosting convenience stores to serve motorists while they
Gamuda Gamuda Horizon Jade twentyfive.7 Gems PMV. LOOK@118
mentioned above. Our Scope 3 emissions will be disclosed Cove Gardens Hills Hills Residences INFRA.05 charge their vehicles.
in our sustainability report for FY2023.

Note: The Emission Factor sources are The World Resource Institute (2015), GHG Protocol tool for mobile combustion version 2.6 (for onsite transportation, company pool
vehicle, personal company vehicle), World Resources Institute (2017), Emission Factors from Cross-Sector Tools March 2017 (for Machinery, Transport, Stationary Combustion, A CLIMATE MITIGATION INNOVATION (SMART TUNNEL)
Electricity generation (genset)), and IEA (2021), Emission Factors. 2021 UK Government Conversion Factors for Company Reporting (for electricity).


The daily movement of people for work, recreation and general living with bicycle stations. The aim is to create a healthy, holistic environment
contributes significantly to carbon emissions. That is why transportation for the local community by implementing modal split 70:30 (public:
and mobility are central considerations in sustainable development. private vehicle).
The tunnel fully cleaned up after water
Gamuda promotes considerations of public transport during the design diversion operation.
and development stages that include promoting low-carbon mobility. • Inducing voluntary modal shift from usage of private motorised
We strive to increase the public transport modal share up to 70 percent vehicles to walking and cycling for short distance trips and
within our developments. Towards this end, we have set the target promoting public transportation
of establishing 250km of cycling and pedestrian networks to facilitate • Provisions of EV charging infrastructure at our developments
an ecologically friendly lifestyle among residents. This is in addition
to our masterplans being electric vehicle (EV)-ready with the • Up to 80km network of pedestrian and bicycle lanes completed Inside SMART Tunnel during Mode 4.
implementation of the Green Transportation Mobility Plan via e-buses, to-date across our 5 major developments (Gamuda Cove,
e-trams and e-bikes. Gamuda Garden, twentyfive.7, Jade Hills, and Horizon Hills)
• Provision of bicycle rental, e-scooters, across our developments
In PSI, 18 percent of the entire development will be set aside for
open public spaces comprising public parks, beaches, esplanades, and • First electric tram to be deployed at Gamuda Cove
a 125km network of shaded pedestrian and cycling paths complete CCTV Images of the SMART Tunnel after
• Currently all our Sales Gallery and Malls are equipped with activation.
EV charging facilities
LOW CARBON MOBILITY IN GB KUARI • Gamuda Cove will host the first green 180kW DC fast charger

In support of our commitment to green mobility, we are • All future homes developed by the Group will be EV ready,
transitioning our fleet at GB Kuari, one of our subsidiaries, to with the provision of electric outlets at car porch
Inside SMART Tunnel after the dewatering
low-carbon alternatives. All diesel vehicles at GB Kuari are now process and before cleaning takes place.
powered by biodiesel, and we are phasing out ageing vehicles
as well as machinery by replacing them with more efficient
BUILDING A GREEN BUS DEPOT For many years, Kuala Lumpur would experience serious flooding when the Klang River overflowed, especially between the Sungai Gombak
and Sungai Klang confluence, with the situation worsened by the low-lying Jalan Tun Perak Bridge (near Masjid Jamek).

GB Kuari is also planning to replace its aggregate transport Gamuda is currently working with Singapore Land Transport
This prompted the construction of the 9.7km-long 13.2m-diameter SMART tunnel, which has the distinction of being the first in the
from diesel-powered lorries to conveyors for a cleaner, faster, Authority to design and provide a multi-storey Bus Depot that
world to serve the dual purposes of relieving traffic congestion (at the main southern gateway into the city centre) and diverting flood
and safer way of transporting goods at project sites. In addition, will feature solar panels for the building. There will also be 120
there are plans to have pilot test to use electric motorcycle EV charging stations for the 200 e-buses in this biggest bus
for dispatch services and operations. depot in Singapore with an approximate area of 34,216m².
The SMART system will be able to divert large volumes of flood water from entering this critical stretch via a holding pond, bypass tunnel
and storage reservoir. Effectively, the system reduces the flood water level at the Jalan Tun Perak Bridge, preventing any spillover.

Since it became functional 15 years ago, SMART has been activated more than 531 times and prevented 11 major floods in the KL city
centre, saving nearly RM2 billion in associated damages.

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Bandar Botanic Gamuda City

Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
192.4 66,770 24.5 3,896

Bukit Bantayan Residences Gamuda Cove

Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
1.3 642 25.9* 11,256

Celadon City Gamuda Gardens

Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
42.8 5,705 63.6* 15,610

* The percentage of landscape area for Gamuda Cove (1.69%) and Gamuda Gardens
(7.87%) have been independently assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance
report on pages 220 to 223.
We have set the goal of planting one million trees and saplings
by 2023 via an Advanced Tree Planting programme mobilising HighPark Suites Horizon Hills
three nurseries with a total area of 43 acres. As of FY2022, we
have nurtured 612,072 trees and saplings equivalent to about 61 Target to have Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:

percent of total trees to be planted under the #OneMillionTrees 3.4 620 357.1 50,513
movement. In addition, we will be launching a Gamuda Parks
Canopy App in Q4 2022 to track and monitor progress made MILLION
towards planting the one million trees. trees and saplings nurtured by 2023 Jade Hills Kota Kemuning
Malaysia is widely recognised as one of the world’s biodiversity hotspots, >60% completed to date
with an estimated 306 species of mammals, 742 species of birds, 567 Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
species of reptiles and over 15,000 plant species.[1] Gamuda is committed 59.8 10,897 421.6 82,500
to carrying out our developments in a manner that is sensitive to the
ecosystem, and have made it one of our missions to protect local We seek to conserve biodiversity through holistic landscape
biodiversity in all the areas where we have projects. management in our developments. Our landscape management Kundang Estates Madge Mansions
approach is encapsulated by our philosophy of ‘listening to what
To us, biodiversity is not just valuable in itself, it offers raw materials the land has to tell us’, by which we mean studying the topography Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
for biological-based industries while also reflecting the overall and natural ecosystems before any intervention. We work with 25.9 4,449 0.2 313
health of an ecosystem and its ability to sustain the well-being of environmental experts to gain a good understanding of the local
local communities. ecology, following which we outline a biodiversity conservation
plan to maintain, or indeed enhance, the natural environment
The 810 acres Gamuda Gardens is a true success story of holistic The Robertson twentyfive.7
including the biodiversity supported in the long-term. Our carbon
rehabilitation and regeneration. Formerly an abandoned rubber sequestration initiatives help reduce our carbon emissions as part
plantation that lacked flora and fauna, it has been transformed into Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
of our efforts to meet our net zero target.
a sought-after development with a thriving and biodiverse ecosystem. 1.9 634 27.4 15,550
Commitment and Policy to Biodiversity Protection
Three biodiversity audits conducted, with each We are guided in our efforts by a Biodiversity Policy, which was
launched in 2019. Gamuda Parks Working Committee is responsible
Valencia Yen So Park
showing a significant increase in the number of
species within the development. In 2022, there for ensuring that the policy is adhered to in all our developments.
Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted: Landscape Area (acres): Number of Trees Planted:
Every year, a budget is allocated for biodiversity-related projects. In
were 8,000 trees, 33% (2,640) of which are 101.3 16,726 236.6 20,516
FY2022, a total of RM349,120 was spent on biodiversity conservation,
high-risk species. Meanwhile, the number of bird which included scientific research and awareness programmes.
species increased by 16% from 2021 Landscape area includes areas with any combination of shrubs, flowers, grass, trees planted ("green area"), golf course, streetscape planting, and waterbody only.

Defining conservation priorities in tropical and biodiversity rich countries, Nottingham University Malaysia

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GREEN SPACES SYSTEMATIC BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION and 43 species of animals that with conservation importance
by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Wetlands Arboretum Research Centre
Red List.
Some of our developments encompass or are adjacent to
wetlands. To better understand the wetlands ecosystem, as well Our objective is to protect all biodiversity found in our properties,
as to provide a ready source of appropriate saplings, we are setting and especially those species that are endangered. A number of
up a Wetlands Arboretum within Forest Park. The arboretum will the endangered species we host are birds. To protect them, we
serve both as a research centre as well as a forest seed bank, have outlined several plans, including planting fruit trees using the
where the focus will be on cultivating endangered wetlands Miyawaki concept, creating a pollinators garden and ensuring the
plant species and those with conservation importance. We availability of perches to attract more birds to our developments.
have been collaborating with researchers from Universiti Malaya Meanwhile, we have set the goal of endangered tree species
(UM) to curate a Wetlands Arboretum Gallery. Work on the making up at least five percent of our total. Towards this end, we
arboretum began in Q1 2022 and is targeted to be completed by preserve all valuable trees found at site and transplant saplings
June 2023. nurtured in our nurseries in other sites. As of July 2022, we have
planted 25 Hopea subalata (Merawan Kanching) in Gamuda Gardens.
Assessing and Protecting Endangered Species
We keep track of progress made in protecting our biodiversity
Biodiversity assessments – including canopy mapping and
through annual assessments, and target to conduct such audits
wildlife count – are conducted with local experts such as
in all of our Gamuda Land developments by 2025.
FRIM and WIM at two sites within our developments. Through
these audits, we have identified no less than 36 species of plants

Supporting both our climate change mitigation and biodiversity will eventually be digitalised through Gamuda Parks Canopy App
conservation initiatives, we have created green lungs in all of our consisting dashboard for analysis and identify hardware to print
developments – areas that are filled with trees (primarily indigenous durable QR tags.
species) providing sustainable habitats for naturally occurring plant
and animal species. Our objective is to develop 2,000 acres of Involvement of Biodiversity and Climate Action-Related
green/waterscapes across 12 urban forest clusters within our Organisations
developments by 2025 which will serve as a natural means of
ambient cooling, carbon storage and rainwater runoff sponge, Currently, we are engaging consultants, partnering organisations
while fostering community well-being. such as Wetlands International Malaysia (WIM) and the Forest
Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), as well as indigenous communities
A key initiative is the 90 acres Forest Park in Gamuda Cove where, to ensure the success of our tree planting initiatives. Beyond tree
combining indigenous knowledge of the Orang Asli with scientific planting, we also strive to replicate nearby ecosystems to ensure
data, we are cultivating various plants and trees for Forest Park there’s a seamless “flow” of flora and fauna movements. In Gamuda
itself as well as for other Gamuda Land sites. Gardens, we introduce similar species found in nearby forest
reserves such as Bukit Lagong Forest Reserve and Kanching Forest
Some of our developments are in areas where the quality of soil Reserve into the Central Park area — including variants of Shorea,
has degraded due to prior activity. Here, we adopt the Miyawaki Dipterocarpus, Cinnamomum, Alstonia and other fruit trees. These
forest method, pioneered by a Japanese botanist, which advocates trees will attract birds and fauna from the forest reserves.
planting native trees to replicate natural forest regeneration. Trees
planted using this approach tend to grow faster, creating dense Meanwhile, biodiversity audit and carbon stock assessments carried
urban forests within 20-30 years. Gamuda is also tagging the trees out during the year in Kota Kemuning, Bandar Botanic and
that have been planted to monitor them. The process of tagging twentyfive.7 will serve as a baseline to monitor the increase in
our carbon storage capacity.

Our biodiversity assessment shows that our bio-restoration effort continues to provide a conducive environment for a number of IUCN
Red List species and national conservation list of species with habitats in the affected areas by our operation as shown below by an
increasing number of endangered, vulnerable, and near threatened species.

FY2022 FY2021 FY2022 FY2021

Critically endangered 7 7 Vulnerable 24 21

Endangered 14 12 Near threatened 34 28

Miyawaki concept ensures the availability of perches to attract more birds to our developments

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WATER CONSERVATION 0.3% Ground water 0.2% Produced water

Kota Gamuda
Water is a critical natural resource, with only about one percent of 11.1% Surface water Permai Golf Gardens
all the water in the global ecosystem available for human use. Although
Target to have Menara and Country Gamuda – Sales
Gamuda Club PSI Digital IBS GB Kuari Gallery
Malaysia has abundant rainfall, poor water management has resulted water used annually at construction
in supply constraints. Gamuda invests in construction technologies
(such as Digital IBS) that enable us to use water efficiently while
sitesA are from recycled water 14,401* 180,970* 837* 28,322* 5,460* 13,094*

incorporating water-efficient features in our developments to encourage FY2022

* The water withdrawal (consumption) for the following sites: Menara Gamuda, KPGCC,
non-wasteful use by residents. The Product Management Unit of each development project A is 1.2 million m³ PSI (PPSNs & Site Offices), Gamuda Digital IBS – Banting, GB Kuari and Gamuda
responsible for establishing a water conservation and resilience plan. Garden Sales Gallery, have been independently assured. Refer to independent limited
assurance report on pages 220 to 223.
Our water management initiatives are guided by the Gamuda Green Subsequently, the Project Construction Management Department
Plan 2025 and Gamuda QSHE Policy. Our QSHE department has (PCMD) ensures the relevant technologies and systems are in place
established Safety, Health, and Environment Instructions – Resources to harness and use water efficiently while guarding against floods Third-party water
Conservation for reference of employees in the proper management through risk-informed planning and flood mitigation systems.
of natural resources, including water.
Various initiatives have been implemented at our Digital IBS plant to Total water consumption for FY2021 was 0.36 million m³
Gamuda is committed to recycling 50 percent of water used at our prevent water waste. They include:
construction sites by 2025 and reducing the freshwater demand in
developments by 65 percent. The latter is to be achieved by using Use of software- Periodic inspection
lake water and rainwater for irrigation, and incorporating water saving controlled water for leaks in
devices within our residential and commercial premises. Gamuda Land mix for daily underground
is also setting up planning and flood mitigation systems to guard
concreting pipes
against floods in all of our developments.

Ongoing initiatives include: We also disconnected the water lines supplying the batching plant
and main office in Sepang after its operations were consolidated to
Reducing wastage Enhancing employees’ Banting. Going forward, there are plans to use rainwater for batching
by preventing and awareness of concrete as well as to wash floors and machines.
immediately proper water
plugging any leaks management at In addition to educating our employees on responsible water use,
at all our managed our offices and we have implemented the following initiatives at our headquarters: Water Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting
SplashMania at Gamuda Cove is set
sites and premises premises such as It makes sense to harvest rainwater in Malaysia due to our high annual rainfall along with
to make a mark in the region, not
clubhouses, sales Regular checking Rainwater significant domestic water consumption. In line with the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, we are
only as Asia’s largest rainforest- implementing rainwater harvesting systems in Menara Gamuda, other business premises, our
galleries and malls and scheduled harvesting and themed waterpark, but also one of clubhouses, construction sites and residential areas. The overall objective is to reduce water
maintenance of use for watering the most sustainable. About 70
Group-wide effort Optimising wastage.
toilets, pantries, etc landscaped areas percent of the landscape will be
in digitalising our surface water
dedicated to green spaces, acting We are particularly proud of the efficiency of the system in our award-winning 18-hole Kota
water consumption (e.g. from lakes) Present and discuss on analysis as natural carbon sinks. In terms of Permai Golf and Country Club. Here, rainwater and surface runoff from large catchment areas
data to ensure all for landscape of water consumption data in is channelled into a retention pond/reservoir for storage and subsequently used for landscape
water management, while clean
managed sites and irrigation at our SHE Committee Meeting irrigation. Aside from reducing wastage, rainwater harvesting is energy efficient and requires no
water will be supplied for all
premises are monitored clubhouses and sales chemical treatment. As this substantially reduces our dependence on potable water, this initiative
activities, we will use recycled
galleries Water consumption at our headquarters is monitored and managed has been adopted by our other clubhouse, namely Horizon Hills Golf and Country Club.
rainwater for park-wide irrigation
by an appointed PIC from Administration and the QSHE department.
Examples of sites using lake water for landscape irrigation – KPGCC, Horizon Hills and non-potable use. Water-
To date, Kota Permai Golf and Country Club has recycled a total of 124,774m3 of surface
Golf and Country Club and Gamuda Garden Sales Gallery efficient fittings, including low-flow water to be used for landscape irrigation.
and touchless sensors with dual
Each development also continues to engage external parties, flush systems, will be installed in
conducting periodical environmental audit and water sampling to the toilets. REDUCING WASTE
ensure no contamination on the surrounding water bodies from Gamuda recognises that waste management is important towards reducing our environmental
our development activities. SplashMania is
impact. Accordingly, we are guided by our QSHE policy to: 1) reduce the quantity of materials
scheduled to be used in our operations to minimise waste; 2) adopt the 6R approach (to reuse, reduce, repair,
All the construction sites and development projects mentioned include Gamuda Cove, Gamuda Gardens, Horizon Hills, Jade Hills and twentyfive.7. Currently all these
A opened in Q1 2023. refuse, recycle, and reimagine) in line with the principles of the circular economy; and 3)
site has water management plan in place. enhance our employees’ awareness of the importance of sustainable waste management.

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Project Site Menara Gamuda

We are committed to reducing our construction waste to landfill by Responsible waste management is encouraged at Menara Gamuda
20 percent by maximising the efficiency of raw materials and resources, through the following: Proper food waste management is integral to a circular economy, in which waste to landfill is minimised while optimising the
and adopting 100 percent Digital IBS. By using Digital IBS, for example, use of natural resources including land and water. Composting food waste also reduces the emissions of methane from landfills,
we were able to reduce our polyfoam consumption by replacing the greatly enhancing climate change mitigation efforts.
Segregation of E-Waste recycling
material with shutter or steel plates. At the same time, waste polyfoam
non-recyclable campaign and the
is recycled. Recognising its merits, we launched a Plate to Plant Programme in FY2020 to reduce food waste generated from our office
waste and provision of an
recyclable waste E-Waste bin blocks and dining outlets. Starting off at our headquarters in Menara Gamuda and Jade Hills, the programme was extended to
Each project site is also equipped with recycling facilities for the recovery
Quayside Mall in twentyfive.7 on January 2022.
of waste. Where possible, waste is reused as landscape elements. Non-
recyclable waste is collected by licensed third-party companies for Replacing paper with digital Dedicated hazardous
communication e.g. waste storage and To date, eight of our food and beverages tenants in Quayside Mall have joined the programme and we believe with greater
processing or disposal in line with Local Authorities requirements.
FieldView, SharePoint, recycled waste awareness, more will come on board soon. We are targetting greater participation of our development residents and clubhouses
emails, etc storage in our car park in the near future.
Our SHE department monitors and manages the collection of waste
generated from project sites, presenting the data at monthly meetings.
The Supply Chain is responsible for general waste management while
the SHE Officer is responsible for scheduled waste management.
Our QSHE department has established Safety, Health, and Environment FY2021 FY2022
Instructions – Waste Management to promote responsible waste
Total food waste collected Total food waste collected
management by employees. Regular inspections and audits are also
8,230KG Increase by 15,505KG
carried out, including a yearly external audit by SIRIM. Also, recycled
Developed Properties bins (paper, cans, plastic, and glass) and food waste bins are prepared Total compost Total compost
In addition to encouraging residents in our properties to recycle their at each level and pantry area respectively for waste segregation at 3,292KG 6,202KG
waste, we have also launched a Plate to Plant Programme under which Menara Gamuda. • Menara Gamuda – 2,767*kg
food waste is composted. To date, composting machines have been • Jade Hills – 675kg
installed in Jade Hills and Quayside Mall. In addition, composting trucks E-WASTE INITIATIVE AT MENARA GAMUDA • Quayside Mall – 2,760*kg
drive around our properties to collect food waste from residents and
food and beverages outlets. In FY2022, a total of 15,505kg of food
waste was collected and composted.
* The total weight of non-hazardous (organic waste) for Menara Gamuda and Quayside Mall have been independently assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance
report on pages 220 to 223.
Target to reduce the amount
To date for FY2022, the total volume of waste produced in Gamuda was 6,326,427kg. All of the waste generated and collected by
of construction waste Gamuda will be disposed off by an appointed contractor at certified waste disposal facilities.
sent to landfills by


Target to have 100% Location

Hazardous Waste
Recycled Waste
IBS technology adopted for Menara Gamuda 332 638 970
all development projects to Quayside Mall – 486,260 486,260
ensure controlled waste management Gamuda Garden Phase 3A – 72,380 72,380*
Gamuda Garden Phase 3B – 17,610 17,610*

We also encourage sustainable garden waste management through the Total 332 576,888 577,220
creation of composting yards at our developments – Valencia, Bandar * Total waste generated at Gamuda Gardens (Phase 3A and 3B) have been assured. Refer to the independent limited assurance report on pages 220 to 223.
Botanic, Kundang Estates and Horizon Hills. Bio-fertilisers are created
from dead leaves and plants to fertilise the land, recycling our resources
in a closed-loop system to support better soil health and plant growth. Garden Waste General Waste Food Waste

Gamuda Land designates employees to assume responsibility for waste

E-Waste bin is located at B5 carpark elevator area. Menara
Gamuda managed to collect 311kg of e-waste in FY2022 210,720KG 5,421,070KG 15,505KG
management at our different developments. These employees have to compared to 2000kg of E-Waste in FY2020. Every year,
ensure that they meet specific ESG targets that have been set as part there will be an E-Waste collection drive for the employees Hazardous Waste Recycled Waste Fabric Waste
of their KPIs. This is shown at site with construction waste and office
waste being properly segregated prior to disposal.
to promote responsible hazardous waste disposal. 84,102KG 585,099KG 9,931KG
Recycled wastes are paper, plastic, metal, and glass.

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CASE STUDY: GAMUDA LOW CARBON CITIES During the year, we assessed the carbon emissions intensity of three developments
at a design level, and compared the results with business as usual.

Of the developments, Gamuda Cove achieved the highest carbon emissions reduction of

45% (estimated 221,366 tonnes CO₂e) followed by Gamuda Gardens (26%) and
twentyfive.7 (13%)

Overall, the three developments are poised to achieve the

40% carbon intensity reduction as set under the Gamuda Green Plan 2025


Conventional township design and Completion of development with low

construction practices in Malaysia carbon strategies implemented
Low Carbon Zone
(area ≥n50 hectares)
Local authority minimum requirement Compliance to strategise and align

Applicable for
with the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 • Local Authorities
• Universities
• Industrial & Commercial Parks
Local code of practices (UBBL) Measures taken are above and
• Economic Corridors
minimum requirement beyond the minimum requirement
set by Local codes of practice • Townships
Gamuda has established a Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) as part of ongoing efforts to reduce carbon emissions in our • Naval & Army Base
developments. The Framework serves to define and prioritise action plans to reduce our emissions, taking into account the creation,
planning, construction and operation of a city or development. It also allows all initiatives undertaken to be quantified and monitored.

We have set the target of reducing the emissions intensity of our developments by 40 percent by 2030 compared to business-as-
usual. This is to be achieved through several initiatives, namely:


PLANNING TRANSPORTATION Land Area 1,530 acres 810 acres 257 acres
Incorporating active Utilise lake water Provision of Increased use of
Increased plot and passive design Provide public transport and rainwater for necessary Industrialised
greenery in every strategies for our such as trams, buses and landscape infrastructure and Building System Estimated Gross Population 148,000 51,177 26,240
township buildings: electric buggy shuttle irrigation and bins to: (IBS)
GBI certified for all service within the township non-portable use
Encourage food
future Residential Estimated Number of Households 10,983 8,632 4,457
Increased tree waste and garden
Projects Provide covered walkway, Use of fittings and
planting and density composting
cycling path as well as sanitary wares with
e.g. ATP and Maximum Allowable Plot Ratio 1:3.5 1:4 1:4
GBI Silver for all bicycle rental and e-scooter Water Efficient
Miyawaki method Recycling
future Commercial for short distance trips Labelling Product
Projects Scheme (WEPLS)
Estimated Green Space (% of Development) 11% 13% 10%

Launch Year 2018 2017 2017

Tram (Gamuda Cove only) BICYCLE NETWORK
14 EV Charging Point Target Completion 2038 2030 2030
(two per site) E-Buggy Completed more than
E-Scooter 80km pedestrian and 4 Diamonds (Submitted 3 Diamonds (Submitted
All our sales galleries (Jade Hills, cycling path network to-date LCC2030C 5 Diamonds
Gamuda Gardens, Gamuda Cove, (Gamuda Gardens, twentyfive.7, – target accreditation – target accreditation by
Accreditation Status (Accredited)
twentyfive.7), Quayside Mall, Gamuda Gamuda Cove Sales Gallery and (Jade Hill, Gamuda Gardens, by end 2022) end 2022)
Cove Discovery Park, and The Quayside Mall) Horizon Hills, twentyfive.7 and
Note: 5 Diamond – at least 45 percent reduction, 4 diamond – at least 25 percent reduction and 3 diamond – at least 10 percent reduction
Robertson Gamuda Cove)

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As the reality of climate change becomes more evident, there is
increasing focus on renewable energy (RE) across all industries Working with Singapore's Land
globally as well as here in Malaysia. This has been accompanied Transport Authority, Gamuda Berhad
Singapore is striving towards
by enhanced investment into research on alternative forms of implementing a greener energy As a responsible organisation, Gamuda has committed to
green energy which will result in gradually reduced dependence approach for all projects delivered. reducing our carbon emissions intensity by 45 percent by
on non-renewable energy. One of the ongoing projects, the 2030 and are making good on this by adopting RE at
Gali Batu Bus Depot project is the various sites (offices, project sites and assets). To date, our
largest bus depot in Singapore that RE adoption has been in the form of solar photovoltaics
will support more than 200 e-buses (PV) as well as subscription to the Green Electricity Tariff.
with 120 EV chargers. 4,736 solar The Group is slowly phasing out the use of non-RE by
panels with an estimated generation installing solar panels, and incorporating efficient cooling
systems into ongoing and future developments, such as
capacity of 1 MWp will be installed
Gamuda Cove.
on the rooftop of the bus depot.
Also, energy saving via LED lighting However, we are open to other forms of RE in the coming The adoption of RE through the installation of PV has reduced our
system will be used years. We also seek to reduce our Scope 3 emissions in consumption of electricity supply from the grid. Each solar installation is
to assist in achieving a line with our ESG commitment to ensure sustainability is equipped with inverters that include built-in web portals enabling us to
target of 45 percent incorporated throughout the supply chain. trace our daily electricity generation.
energy reduction
compared to the In reference to the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, the Group We are intensifying our investments in the renewable energy space –
baseline. will integrate the total life cycle carbon footprint of all our solar and hydropower, to grow our potential RE asset portfolio of over
developments into the relevant master plans. This entails 800MW. The Group is positioned to be Malaysia’s largest private RE
providing greener systems for waste and water management, producer.
using energy-efficient technologies and providing smart
Solar PV installed at Quayside Mall, twentyfive.7. features in our finished properties.

The details of planned and installed PV modules across several sites:

From the data obtained, we have been able to measure our energy and cost savings from RE adoption, as follows:
Batu Maung Store Installed,
Gamuda Gardens
South Islands Completed Experience Gallery NEM approval

Size: No. of Panel: Size: No. of Panel: Size: No. of Panel: Generated Total savings of Generated Total savings of
300.135kWp 556 11.83kWp 26 310kWp 940 730MWh RM276,021 53MWh RM32,138
20% (641 tonnes CO₂e) of from March to August 44% (47 tonnes CO₂e) of from March to August
reduced carbon emission 2022 reduced carbon emission 2022
twentyfive.7 Horizon Hills Golf
Menara Gamuda
Quayside Mall Completed Completed and Country Club Planning

Size: No. of Panel: Size: No. of Panel: Size: Estimated to GAMUDA DIGITAL IBS BATU MAUNG STORE YARD,
1192.32kWp 2208 147.15kWp 270 Estimated 318kWp install in FY2023 PENANG SOUTH ISLANDS
Generated Total savings of Generated Total savings of

twentyfive.7 Ongoing
Gamuda Cove 136MWh RM62,963 2.777MWh RM1,413.49
Megah Sewa – COD by 18% (119 tonnes CO₂e) of from April to August 0.1% (2.4 tonnes CO₂e) of from June to August
Sales Gallery Completed Jan 2023 Discovery Park Planning
reduced carbon emission 2022 reduced carbon emission 2022
Size: No. of Panel: Size: No. of Panel: Size: Estimated to
81kWp 150 272.2kWp 500 Estimated 342kWp install in FY2023

• NEM – Net Energy Metering Malaysia

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Another pillar of the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 relates to Environmental and The 1,114 acres Paya Indah Discovery Wetlands, The names of 11 lakes within Paya Indah Discovery Wetlands:
situated in the district of Dengkil, Selangor, is
Biodiversity Conservation, which we believe to be critical not only to nature and adjacent to Gamuda Cove. Given its proximity to 1. Tasik Driftwood 7. Tasik Resam
our development, Gamuda has taken it upon
wildlife but also to the well-being of local communities. For example, while enhancing ourselves to preserve this biodiversity hotspot, which
2. Tasik Teratai 8. Tasik Kuning

biodiversity, tree planting also serves to mitigate climate change as less carbon is has been categorised by IUCN as a ‘protected 3. Tasik Typha 9. Hippo Lake
landscape’ (Category V), meaning that it is important 4. Tasik Telipok 10. Tasik Sendayan
released into the atmosphere. Meanwhile, the creation of full-fledged public parks is to protect the integrity of the site for its ecological 5. Tasik Palma 11. Tasik Rusiga
and biological value. Together with our partners,
beneficial to mental health and quality of life. we are contributing to sustainability of the wetlands
6. Crocodile Lake

ecosystem, which comprises no less than 11 lakes,

and to the conservation of all endangered animal
and plant species found in the area.

At Gamuda, the responsibility to protect the environment and All initiatives undertaken by Gamuda Parks are audited by third
biodiversity falls within the domain of Gamuda Parks. parties to ensure compliance with the relevant standards as well
as Gamuda Parks’ Biodiversity Policy. Following the audits, Gamuda
We place a great deal of emphasis on wetlands preservation as Parks prepares comprehensive progress reports on our biodiversity
this important ecosystem provides natural bio-filtration to control and conservation efforts. Any findings made known by the auditors
water quality while acting as a natural barrier in mitigating floods. will be included in Gamuda Parks’ action plans.
Through Gamuda Parks, we also seek to enhance public awareness
of the importance of conserving this ecosystem. In September 2021, for example, a soil carbon stock assessment
was completed in the Wetlands Forest Park, Gamuda Cove,
A key wetlands initiative is the establishment of a Wetlands measuring the amount of carbon stored within the trees and soil.
Arboretum adjacent to Gamuda Cove, in an area that is classified Based on the assessment, it has been recommended that the
as having high biodiversity value – boasting more than 300 Group establish strategies to maintain peat subsidence and water
protected wetlands plant and animal species. The current phase table levels.
of development is to be completed by June 2023. We are also
in the process of obtaining a Zero Net Carbon Pledge certification
by EDGE Buildings for the Arboretum.

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272 Normanby Road is a mixed-use residential development consisting of 213
residential apartments with commercial tenancy on the ground floor and parking Incorporating an environmentally sustainable development (ESD)
strategy into its design and construction, 272 Normanby Road will
access for various vehicles (bikes, cars, etc), as well as private and communal open promote sustainable living for the benefit of people, place and
spaces including a new public park. The project is located in the City of Port Philip, planet. A Sustainability Management Plan (SMP) has been prepared
towards this end, which will also ensure it meets the standards
Australia. stipulated by the City of Port Phillip.

The main highlights of this project entail the following:

Maintenance of indoor thermal Use of RE to uphold

comfort with air-conditioning our commitment to net
in residential and commercial areas zero carbon buildings

Implementation of best water

Implementation of conservation practices
Reduce, Reuse and Use of energy-efficient building through the use of harvested
Recycle approach method and sealing materials rainwater for toilet flushing,
for waste management to regulate heating and cooling washing machines and
in both residential and loads, compensating for heat loss and landscape irrigation
commercial segments ensuring effective floor edge insulation

The initiatives above would help us attain 5-Star in the Green Star rating system which is used in Australia to certify buildings that
have incorporated sustainability in their design and construction, performance, the interiors/fitouts, as well as impact on local communities.

As outlined under Pillar 1 of the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, we are committed to Sustainable Planning and Design for Construction.
We are therefore driven to facilitate sustainable masterplanning inclusive of climate-responsive design, integrated transport and super
low-energy (SLE) buildings with smart features – all of which are in line with the Green Star system.


Ground source heat pump One of Melbourne’s Miyawaki method was

is a low carbon heating first e-mobility hubs introduced to plant
system, a first to providing residents with trees around the
7-7.5 NatHERS rating for be implemented in a range of electric mobility project site
energy efficiency Australia options for sustainable transport.

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PSI is a catalytic project that will drive Penang 2030, the state government’s vision to
boost Penang‘s socio-economy and elevate the living standard of its residents. It is being
designed as a model of sustainable development, its blueprint encompassing features In PSI, we seek not only to create an island that is sensitive to and
mitigates climate change, but one that engages efficient water and
that will minimise its environmental impact while enabling community involvement and waste management systems to create the best possible environmental
supporting the local fishermen to enhance their livelihood. performance.

We seek to achieve a 50 percent reduction in CO₂e emissions intensity

compared to business as usual by 2030 via:

No less than 100km of bicycle/walking tracks will be built to encourage

40% 80%
healthy living while promoting greener modes of transport as
alternatives to fuel combustion vehicles.
reduction in urban
reduction in transport
planning emissions with Meanwhile, the following targets for water and waste management
emissions with an
sustainable master planning, have been set:
shared facilities, climate-
responsive design and green
features reduction in freshwater demand from
the dual-purpose sewage treatment
plant, rainwater harvesting and water
saving devices
reduction in non-
RE use from SLE buildings with
efficient cooling systems, smart
100% 65% reduction in landfill waste with
extensive recycling, food maceration
features and RE installation RE to power the
Green Tech Park and composting


Mangrove trees planting to slow down land erosion. The Batu, and PPSN Gertak Sanggul, while solar panels were installed at All offices and premises under SRS Consortium have been equipped
Under the PSI project, 1,500 mangrove mangrove trees also help to fight climate our Batu Maung Store Yard. Through a mobile app, energy output and with multi-coloured recycling bins to encourage waste separation
saplings were planted in 2016 and change as they are proven to be very consumption as well as the amount that is fed back to the grid can at-source and induce recycling habits. By August 2022, close to
2021 with the cooperation of the State effective carbon sink. be tracked in real time. The monitoring provides insights to energy usage, 200kg of recyclables have been collected and passed on to local
Forestry Department. which can help to control and conserve energy usage in the long run. recycling vendors for further processing.
Marine ecology rehabilitation
In 2022, SRS Consortium also took A third-party expert shall be appointed Double-glass solar panels have been installed at our store yard to Beach clean-up activity
part in a mangrove planting programme to conduct research on various marine prevent corrosion by sea salt in the long-term. Double-glass solar
panels are also more efficient in power conversion. Meanwhile, all In August 2022, SRS Consortium was invited to be part of the
by Pertubuhan Lestari Alam Sekitar ecology rehabilitation initiatives, including Penang World Cleanup Day 2022, organised by social enterprise
Pulau Pinang, which planted 2,000 deployment of artificial reefs and release the lights in our offices and PPSNs are fitted with LEDs.
Aimpactz. We managed to gather about 65 volunteers from local
saplings. of fish and prawn fries at suitable locations. communities, fishermen, as well as our own employees to
The store yard and PPSN Permatang Damar Laut were also installed
with rainwater harvesting systems to provide non-potable water for participate in the activity. Two beaches have been targeted – one
Biodiversity often prospers around Energy, water, and waste management at Permatang Damar Laut and the other at Permatang Tepi Laut.
mangrove forests. Mangrove trees play use in landscaping and cleaning. A total of 23,539 litres of rainwater
In addition, solar street lights were was harvested at the store yard since March 2022 while a meter was The clean-up was held on 24 September 2022.
65% an important part in the ecosystem
as they act as natural coastal defence
installed at the three PPSNs, namely PPSN
Permatang Damar Laut, PPSN Sungai
installed at PPSN Permatang Damar Laut in September 2022 to measure
the usage accordingly.

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A Social Impact Management The Pusat Perkhidmatan Setempat Nelayan (PPSN) in Permatang Damar Laut, Sungai Batu and
Plan (SIMP) is being implemented Gertak Sanggul were set up at a cost of about RM300,000. The PPSNs are one-stop service
to support the communities, centres for fishermen to channel their complaints or feedback. We will then work together with
mainly fishermen, living and the relevant agencies to resolve their issues.
working around PSI. Initiatives
under SIMP include:
Community Engagement
A total of 36 community programmes benefitting 2,598 individuals were conducted from
2016-2022. These include trawling nets, assistance to fire and flood victims, communal
work, planting of mangrove saplings, fish seedling release, and festive engagements.
Initial ex-gratia payment of RM500 was distributed to 385 out of more than 900 qualified
fishermen, with others to receive the ex-gratia in due course.
New boats
and engines
Education and Training Business Opportunities
Provision of upskilling programmes for A total of RM308,577 worth of business
seafarers, and for the repair of boats and has been awarded to fishermen and locals
engines. by PPSNs from 2021 to July 2022.
33 fishermen have signed up for boat and
engine repair training. The development of PSI has also created Upskilling the Local Fishermen
positive economic spillover effects on the
Low or low-medium 204 fishermen registered for the seafarer As part of the Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP), local fishermen were offered the opportunity to develop their technical skills
local communities with 12 local businesses
cost home ownership programme. A total of nine fishermen have and knowledge to enhance their livelihoods. Among others, they were also enrolled in a seven-day “Mate Less Than 500 GT Domestic
scheme for eligible benefitting from regular business patronage.
graduated under the first batch while 11 Voyage (Open)” course which prepares them to handle larger vessel. This enables them to work on pontoons and ships of up to 500
fishermen others are expected to undergo the gross tonnes (GT), or to manage boat transport services for construction workers and tourists.
programme later in 2022.
The training programme exposes the fishermen to maritime subjects including chartwork, rules and regulations, meteorology, general
Allocation of RM3 million to replace
ship knowledge, and general engineering knowledge. It was run at the Akademi Maritim Penjana Ilmu, Penang, while the oral exam
dilapidated jetty with temporary structures.
Employment Opportunities was held at the state Marine Department.
The new jetty at Permatang Tepi Laut will
EMPOWERMENT From 2016 to July 2022, a total of 1,071 provide the fishermen with a conducive
To date, nine fishermen have been awarded the Certificate of Completion (COC) for the seafarer course. Due to overwhelming
job applications were received by PPSNs. and safe place to rest, store their fishing
New response, a second batch of fishermen will be undergoing the programme in the near future.
equipment and fix their nets.
jetties 27 locals including fishermen have been
hired for various full-time jobs in SRS SELF-TAUGHT DEAF ARTIST STRIVES FOR SUCCESS
Training and Consortium Sdn Bhd.
upskilling Louis Gan is a self-taught freelance artist
opportunities who has garnered local attention owing to
his success in painting mural arts in Penang.
Job and His latest project was painted on the office
business cabin of PPSN in Permatang Damar Laut
opportunities which was commissioned by the Penang
Infrastructure Corporation (PIC), a special
Education purpose vehicle set up by the Penang state
support government to implement the PSI project.
programmes for
fishermen’s The mural (as shown in the picture)
children illustrated a sustainable development
concept for the local community, especially
Community the fishermen and whole of Penang which
co-operative will benefit through the PSI project.

A registered fisherman (boat owner), who was among the first 20 recipients, leaving for home after receiving his new 8m
boat and engine.

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GRI Page
Disclosure Section Header/Subsection Header
Standards number(s)


102-25 Conflicts of interest 83-91 Profile of Board of Directors
GRI Standards Content Index Role of highest governance body in setting purpose,
102-26 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework
GRI Page values, and strategy
Disclosure Section Header/Subsection Header
Standards number(s) 102-27 Collective knowledge of highest governance body 102-111 Corporate Governance Overview Statement
GENERAL DISCLOSURES Evaluating the highest governance body's
102-28 102-111 Corporate Governance Overview Statement
GRI 102: General Disclosures
GRI 102: General Disclosures (Cont’d.)
Identifying and managing economic, environmental,
Front Cover, 102-29 136-139 Materiality; Climate-Related Risk and Opportunities
102-1 Name of the organisation and social impacts
Back Cover
102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes 137-139 Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services 14-15 Group Corporate Structure: Operating Entities
102-31 Review of economic, environmental, and social topics 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework
102-3 Location of headquarters 420 Corporate Information
Highest governance body's role in sustainability
102-4 Location of operations 16-17 Our Presence 102-32 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework
102-5 Ownership and legal form 14-15 Group Corporate Structure: Operating Entities
102-6 Markets served 16-17 Our Presence
102-40 List of stakeholder groups 46-49, 136 Stakeholder Engagement
Key Performance Metrics; Group Organisation
102-7 Scale of the organisation 71, 98-99 102-41 Collective bargaining agreements – –
102-42 Identifying and selecting stakeholders 46-49, 136 Stakeholder Engagement
102-8 Information on employees and other workers 161-163 Training and Development
102-43 Approach to stakeholder engagement 46-49, 136 Stakeholder Engagement
102-9 Supply chain 150-155 Supply Chain Management
102-44 Key topics and concerns raised 46-49, 136 Stakeholder Engagement
Significant changes to the organisation and its supply No significant changes to the organisation and its
102-10 –
chain supply chain for FY2022 REPORTING PRACTICE
Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities; Entities included in the consolidated financial
102-11 Precautionary Principle or approach 137-139, 143 102-45 260-412 Notes to the Financial Statements
Sustainability Governance and Framework statements
102-12 External initiatives 128-129 About This Report 102-46 Defining report content and topic Boundaries 128-129 About This Report
Governance Through Collaboration and Membership 102-47 List of material topics 136 Materiality
102-13 Membership of associations 148
of Associations 102-48 Restatements of information – –
STRATEGY 102-49 Changes in reporting – –
102-14 Statement from senior decision-maker 22-27 Group Managing Director’s Statement 102-50 Reporting period 128-129 About This Report
102-15 Key impacts, risks, and opportunities 137-139 Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities 102-51 Date of most recent report 128-129 About This Report
ETHICS AND INTEGRITY 102-52 Reporting cycle 128-129 About This Report
102-16 Values, principles, standards, and norms of behaviour 144 Gamuda Group ESG Framework 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report 128-129 About This Report
102-17 Mechanisms for advice and concerns about ethics 147 Whistleblowing Mechanism Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI
102-54 128-129 About This Report
102-18 Governance structure 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework 102-55 GRI content index 208-212 GRI Standards Content Index
102-19 Delegating authority 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework 102-56 External assurance 220-223 Independent Limited Assurance Report
Executive-level responsibility for economic, GRI 200 ECONOMIC TOPIC-SPECIFIC STANDARDS
102-20 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework
environmental, and social topics ECONOMIC VALUE GENERATED AND DISTRIBUTED
Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
102-21 46-49, 136 Stakeholder Engagement
and social topics
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 149 Economic Value Generated and Distributed
Composition of the highest governance body and its
102-22 143 Sustainability Governance and Framework 103-2 The management approach and its components 149 Economic Value Generated and Distributed
Sustainability Governance and Framework; 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 149 Economic Value Generated and Distributed
102-23 Chair of the highest governance body 143, 102-111
Corporate Governance Overview Statement GRI 201: Economic Performance 2016
102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest governance body 102-111 Corporate Governance Overview Statement 201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributed 149 Economic Value Generated and Distributed

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GRI Page GRI Page

Disclosure Section Header/Subsection Header Disclosure Section Header/Subsection Header
Standards number(s) Standards number(s)

GRI 103: Management Approach 2016 GRI 304: Biodiversity 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 150-155 Supply Chain Management Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or
103-2 The management approach and its components 150-155 Supply Chain Management 304-1 adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high 190-191 Green Spaces
biodiversity value outside protected areas
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 150-155 Supply Chain Management
Wetlands Arboretum Research Centre; Protecting
GRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016 304-3 Habitats protected or restored 191, 200-201
Our Wetlands
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers 150-155 Supply Chain Management IUCN Red List species and national conservation list
304-4 191 Assessing and Protecting Endangered Species
ANTI-CORRUPTION species with habitats in areas affected by operations
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016 EMISSIONS
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 145 Governance Through Strong Anti-Corruption Practices GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
103-2 The management approach and its components 145 Governance Through Strong Anti-Corruption Practices 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 183-186 Commitment on Climate Change
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 145 Governance Through Strong Anti-Corruption Practices 103-2 The management approach and its components 183-186 Commitment on Climate Change
GRI 205: Anti-Corruption 2016 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 183-186 Commitment on Climate Change
Communication and training about anti-corruption GRI 305: Emissions 2016
205-2 145 Governance Through Strong Anti-Corruption Practices
policies and procedures 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 184-186 GHG Emissions Intensity
205-3 Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions taken 145 Governance Through Strong Anti-Corruption Practices 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions 184-186 GHG Emissions Intensity
ENERGY GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 193-195 Reducing Waste
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 183-186 Commitment on Climate Change 103-2 The management approach and its components 193-195 Reducing Waste
103-2 The management approach and its components 183-186 Commitment on Climate Change 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 193-195 Reducing Waste
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 183-186 Commitment on Climate Change GRI 306: Waste 2020
GRI 302: Energy 2016 E-Waste Initiative at Menara Gamuda; Food Waste
306-2 Management of significant waste-related impacts 194-195
184-186, to Compost
196-197, GHG Emissions Intensity; Gamuda Low Carbon E-Waste Initiative at Menara Gamuda; Food Waste
302-1 Energy consumption within the organisation 306-3 Waste generated 194-195
198-199, Cities; Renewable Energy; 272 Normanby to Compost
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 192-193 Resources Management Strategy and Performance
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 162-167 Diversity and Equal Opportunities
SMART Tunnel; Resources Management Strategy and
103-2 The management approach and its components 187, 192-193 103-2 The management approach and its components 162-167 Diversity and Equal Opportunities
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 192-193 Resources Management Strategy and Performance 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 162-167 Diversity and Equal Opportunities

GRI 303: Water and Effluents 2018 GRI 401: Employment 2016

303-1 Water withdrawal by source 193 Water Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 164 New Employees Hire and Turnover

303-3 Water recycled and reused 193 Water Recycling and Rainwater Harvesting Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not
401-2 165 Benefits in Gamuda
provided to temporary or part-time employees
401-3 Parental leave 165 Benefits in Gamuda
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 188-191 Biodiversity Conservation
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
103-2 The management approach and its components 188-191 Biodiversity Conservation
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 159-161 Occupational Safety and Health
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 188-191 Biodiversity Conservation
103-2 The management approach and its components 159-161 Occupational Safety and Health
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 159-161 Occupational Safety and Health

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Section Header/Subsection Header
TCFD Statement
Standards number(s)
Climate action is now one of the key focus areas for Gamuda Group. This is apparent via the Group’s short-, medium- and long-term
GRI 400 SOCIAL TOPIC-SPECIFIC STANDARDS (CONT’D.) commitments on emission reduction plans. To further strengthen the Group’s overall management approach, climate related governance
OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (CONT’D.) and strategies are deployed across the operations and businesses. This ensures that all levels of the businesses include climate related
GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety 2016 risk and opportunities as part of their decision-making processes.

Workers representation in formal joint management- 160-161, Safety and Health Performance; Control of a Global
403-1 In FY2022, Gamuda has taken a notch further on climate related matters by becoming official support for TCFD and committing to
worker health and safety committees 168-169 Health Issue
SBTi. Since FY2021, Gamuda has been reporting Climate-related Financial Disclosures, aligned to TCFD. The adoption of TCFD is driven
Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational by the Group’s commitment to continuously monitor its performance and progress in accordance with climate change as measured
403-2 diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of 160-161 Safety and Health Performance against a globally recognised framework.
work-related fatalities
TRAINING AND EDUCATION Gamuda has endeavoured to align to all four TCFD themes – Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets.
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 161 Training and Development The table below provides a succinct but detailed explanation of how Gamuda has adopted the specific TCFD themes and recommended
disclosures. Where relevant, references are provided to more specific information within the SR2022.
103-2 The management approach and its components 161 Training and Development
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 161 Training and Development In essence, Gamuda’s management approach to climate change-related impacts centres on the following:
GRI 404: Training and Education 2016
• Leadership including the Board of Directors (Board) oversight on climate change through the Environmental, Social and Governance
Expanding Scope 3 Traceability With Sustainable Supply (ESG) mechanism.
150, 159, 171,
Programmes for upgrading employee skills and Chain Training Awareness; Safety Training; Enabling
404-2 172-175, 178, • The strategic consideration given to climate change is reflected in the development of policies and strategies.
transition assistance programmes Academy; Reconciliation Action Plan; MRT Putrajaya;
183, 206
Commitment on Climate Change; Penang South Islands
• The continued focus on embedding climate change within the Group’s risk management and mitigation framework.
• The existence of tangible, time-based key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure performance.
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 162 Diversity and Equal Opportunities Note:
Kindly refer to Chapters: Sustainability Integration and Our Governance and Value to Economic for more details.
103-2 The management approach and its components 162 Diversity and Equal Opportunities
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 162 Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Recommendations Organisation’s Adoption of Recommendation References
GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016
405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employees 162 Diversity and Equal Opportunities
Describe the board's oversight One significant concern to both the Group and its stakeholders is the Page 143-144
of climate-related risks and climate action. This mirrors the FY2022 Materiality Matrix that shows the Sustainability Governance and
GRI 103: Management Approach 2016 opportunities. matter positioned within the top right quadrant. Framework
103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary 158 Investing in Our People and Communities
Gamuda Board has direct oversight in all material topics that holds
103-2 The management approach and its components 158 Investing in Our People and Communities
significant concern. The Board maintains the ESG decisions and guides
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 158 Investing in Our People and Communities the strategies for the Group’s sustainability direction. The Board is
GRI 413: Local Communities 2016 responsible for ensuring that all business decisions are made from an
ESG perspective.
170, 171,
Operations with local community engagement, Yayasan Gamuda; Enabling Academy; Orang Asli and
413-1 172-175,
impact assessments, and development programmes Indigenous Peoples Australia; GL Cares Through the Board-level Risk Committee, the Board ensures the
Management has developed the necessary strategic planning related to
climate change. Through the committee, corporate risk, audit risk, and
ESG risk that includes climate-related risks are monitored. With the risk
monitored, an effective mitigation response on the climate-related issues
is properly committed and realised.

With an oversight of Gamuda Green Plan 2025, it provides Gamuda with

its masterplan to address related ESG concerns that includes climate
change to ensure continual business and operational sustainability and
value creation.

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Recommendations Organisation’s Adoption of Recommendation References Recommendations Organisation’s Adoption of Recommendation References


Describe management’s role The Board is working closely with the Group Chief Sustainability Officer Pages 22-27 Describe the impact of Incorporating climate change in Gamuda’s financial consideration and Page 127
in assessing and managing (GCSO) and Sustainability Steering Committee (SSC) to realise the Gamuda Group Managing Director's climate-related risks and risk management is of high importance to ensure Gamuda’s preparation Gamuda Green Plan 2025
climate-related risks and Green Plan 2025 by developing and executing effective strategies action Statement opportunities on the for continual business. The scenario approach is adopted to ensure
opportunities. plans. organisation’s businesses, resiliency and optimisation of a plan which includes the calculation of Page 137-139
Page 143 strategy, and financial cost in implementing the necessary mitigation action or changing in Climate-Related Risks and
SSC is focusing on continual effort to embed ESG goals into the Group’s Sustainability Governance and planning. designs. Example, for one of our recent projects in Malaysia, we evaluated Opportunities
business model. SSC is closely monitoring the climate change risks and Framework the 2 degrees and 4 degrees scenario-based Representative Concentration
opportunities for engineering, construction, and property development Pathway (RCP). This modelling approach was used to predict the future Page 151
businesses. sea-level rising probability and risk. Enabling Sustainable
STRATEGY Construction via Digitalisation
With Gamuda’s Building Information Modelling (BIM) technology, it allows
Describe the climate-related Gamuda will encounter various risks and opportunities to its engineering, Pages 22-27 for an accurate and efficient approach for planning and design.
risks and opportunities the construction, and property development businesses due to climate change. Group Managing Director's
organisation has identified These risks and opportunities can be seen in Chapter 1 of SR2022 Statement A pool of talent on climate change experts comprising both internal and
over the short, medium, and external professionals were developed to provide necessary advisory for
long-term. CLIMATE CHANGE RISKS: Page 127 an informed and effective decision-making by the Board.
• Regulations requirements on existing products and services Gamuda Green Plan 2025
• Exposure to litigation The Board is focusing in climate-related impacts and are ensuring the
• Customer changing behaviour Page 132-133 master-planning, design, development, and construction of projects
• Substitution of existing products and services with lower emission Our ESG and Net Zero Journey achieve the ideal resource efficiency and minimise environmental impacts.
options Describe the resilience of the Gamuda has pledged with Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and Page 127
• Shifts in customer preference Page 137-139
Climate-Related Risks and organisation’s strategy, taking continues to plan for a wide range of climate-related scenarios. The Gamuda Green Plan 2025
• Stigmatisation of sector into consideration different Penang South Islands (PSI) project showcase Gamuda’s commitment to
• Changes in precipitation patterns and extreme variability in weather Opportunities
climate related scenarios, planning for the future by considering climate-related effects of rising Page 196-197
patterns including a 2°C or lower seawater levels and increased ambient temperatures by climate modelling Gamuda Low Carbon Cities
• Increased pricing of GHG emissions Pages 180-207
Chapter 4 – Our scenario. up to 4 degrees Celsius. In one of our recent projects in Malaysia, we
• Enhanced emission-reporting requirements evaluated the 2 degrees and 4 degrees scenario-based Representative Page 204-207
• Cost to transition to lower emissions technology Decarbonisation Pathway
Concentration Pathway (RCP). This modelling approach was used to A Sustainable Masterplan:
• Increased material costs predict the future sea-level rising probabilities and risks. The results were The Penang South Islands
• Increased stakeholder concern or negative stakeholder feedback used in the decision-making process in terms of deciding the project
• Increased severity of extreme weather such as flood, water pollution, elevation and design modifications.
and drought
• Rising ambient temperatures and sea levels Based on Gamuda Green Plan 2025, PSI is designed to achieve 50%
reduction in CO₂e emissions compared to business as usual (BAU) by
CLIMATE CHANGE OPPORTUNITIES: 2030. Full details are provided in Chapter 4 disclosures of SR2022.
• Use of recycling method and food waste composting on-site
• Reduce natural resources usage and consumption such as recycling
harvested rainwater Describe the organisation’s Gamuda’s assessment process involves internal and external stakeholders Pages 46-49
• Use of supportive policy incentives processes for identifying and ensures that a comprehensive materiality assessment process includes Stakeholder Engagement
• Use of new technologies assessing climate-related risks. the ESG-related risks such as climate change.
Page 124
• Shift toward decentralised energy source and transitioning to lower
emissions technology A direct or indirect climate-related impact to the Group and/or its Sustainability Integration via Our
Management Lens
• Access to new assets and locations needing insurance coverage stakeholders are considered in terms of the nature and the extent of
• Development and/or expansion of low emission products and activities Describe the organisation's the climate-related impacts. The level of impact considered the period Page 136
• Ability to diversify business activities processes for managing of impact (short, medium, and long-term impact) and the severity of the Stakeholder Engagement
• Participation in renewable energy programmes and adoption of energy- climate-related risks. impact.
efficiency measures Page 137-139
• Resource substitutes/diversification Climate-Related Risks and
• Use of more efficient production and distribution processes Opportunities
• Use of lower-emission energy sources such as solar panels Describe how processes for The materiality approach mentioned above is integrated into Group’s Pages 56-58
• Participation in carbon market such as Bursa Malaysia Voluntary Carbon identifying, assessing, and overall risk management framework. As necessary, the risks factors are Key Market Trends
Market managing climate-related measured in terms of forecasted impact on revenue, earnings, and costs.
• Access to new markets and use of public-sector incentives risks are integrated into the Other metrics used are impacts on the productivity. Pages 61-66
• Shifting consumer preference to robust products and services organisation’s overall risk Key Risks and Mitigation
• Development of climate adaptation and mitigation plan management.
Page 136

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Recommendations Organisation’s Adoption of Recommendation References SASB Content Index

Disclose the metrics used by Produced carbon emission and waste, energy and water consumption Page 183-186
Code Description 2022 Performance
the organisation to assess are measured by Gamuda. The metrics used to measure carbon emission Commitment on Climate
climate-related risks and is CO₂e, while electricity consumption is kWh, and m³ for water Change ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT
opportunities in line with its consumption and tonnes for materials (waste, recycable). Gamuda's
IF-EN-160a.1 Number of incidents of non-compliance with environmental All projects undertaken by the Group has complied with
strategy and risk management emission intensity is measured by taking absolute total emission for FY
permits, standards, and regulations environmental and social impact assessments. The Group
process. divided by revenue for FY.
has not been censured or fined in the past three years for
Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2 Gamuda provided Scope 1 and Scope 2 disclosure generated from the Page 183-186 non-compliance with regulatory standards.
and, if appropriate, Scope 3 Group’s operations, with Scope 3 disclosure covering construction Commitment on Climate
IF-EN-160a.2 Discussion of processes to assess and manage environmental Gamuda’s approach is encapsulated through Pillar 1 of its
greenhouse gas (GHG) activities. Further information on the management approach, evaluation Change
risks associated with project design, siting, and construction Gamuda Green Plan 2025, Sustainable Planning and Design
emissions and the related risks. of the approach, and performance data are provided in Chapter 4 of
for Construction which provides comprehensive disclosure
of how the Group addresses its environmental risks and
Describe the targets used by Based on the Gamuda Green Plan 2025, Gamuda is committed to reduce Page 127 overall environmental impacts.
the organisation to manage 30 percent emission intensity by 2025 and 45 percent by 2030 as short- Gamuda Green Plan 2025
climate-related risks and and medium-term targets. The Group is also committed to Net-Zero by Gamuda’s construction projects and its developments clearly
opportunities and 2050 via SBTi. reflect the approach.
performance against targets.
With a business in infrastructure and property group, it is pertinent that All projects showcase a commitment towards minimising
the Group reduces the carbon emission by adopting renewable energy environmental footprint by emphasising energy and water
technology to supply the buildings and development that is within our efficiency, recycling of waste and preservation or
control. It is also important to incorporate sustainable master-planning enhancement of the natural environment.
with green mobility elements to the projects.
The following tactical targets will drive our aim to cut top-level emissions: IF-EN-250a.1 Amount of defect and safety-related rework costs Not available. To be monitored.
• Reduce urban planning emissions by 35 percent and transport emissions IF-EN-250a.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal
by 10 percent proceedings associated with defect- and safety-related Not available. To be monitored.
• Reduce non-RE consumption by 40 percent incidents
• Reduce freshwater demand by 65 percent
• Reduce waste sent to landfills from our development and townships
by 50 percent as well as construction waste by 20 percent IF-EN-320a.1 (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR) – Rate of Injury
Menara Gamuda 0
Gamuda Land (Gamuda Cove, Gamuda Gardens, twenty.
five7, Jade Hills, Horizon Hills, Bukit Bantayan
Residences, Vietnam – Celadon City, Vietnam –
Gamuda City, Clubhouses)
Gamuda Engineering (Gamuda Digital IBS – Banting 0
Factory, Belfield, Gems Residences, Look@118)
(2) Total fatality rate for direct employees
Menara Gamuda 0
Gamuda Land (Gamuda Cove, Gamuda Gardens, twenty.
five7, Jade Hills, Horizon Hills, Bukit Bantayan
Residences, Vietnam – Celadon City, Vietnam –
Gamuda City, Clubhouses)
Gamuda Engineering (Gamuda Digital IBS – Banting 0
Factory, Belfield, Gems Residences, Look@118)

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GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022


Code Description 2022 Performance PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT

IF-EN-410a.1 (1) Number of commissioned projects certified to a third- Green Building Index (GBI) WATER MANAGEMENT
party multi-attribute sustainability standard 1) Herons – provisional certificate
IF-RE-140a.2 (1) Total water withdrawn by the entity based on the water
2) Waterlily – provisional certificate
source (m3)
3) The Robertson – Gold Standard
4) High Park Suites – Gold Standard Third-Party Water Source 1,085,386
(2) Number of projects seeking such certification Green Building Index (GBI) Surface Water Source 135,770
1) Monarch – Gamuda Garden Ground Water Source 3,258
2) Ilaria – Gamuda Garden
3) Office Cluster at Gamuda Cove – Platinum Standard Produced Water 2,991

IF-EN-410a.2 Discussion of process to incorporate operational-phase As mentioned earlier under IF-EN-160a.2, Gamuda continues (2) 
Percentage in regions with High or Extremely High
Not available.
energy and water efficiency considerations into project to pursue resource consumption efficiency through Baseline Water Stress, by property subsector
planning and design Sustainable Planning and Design for Construction – Pillar IF-RE-140a.3 Like-for-like percentage change in water withdrawn for
Not available. To be monitored.
1 of the Gamuda Green Plan 2025. portfolio area with data coverage, by property subsector
IF-RE-140a.4 Description of water management risks and discussion of The Group acknowledges that one of the potential impacts
Gamuda leverages on its BIM and Digital IBS technologies strategies and practices to mitigate those risks arising from climate change and continued environmental
to incorporate sustainable design features into the degradation is declining or depleted freshwater sources.
developments of homes, building and entire developments. This could impact land banking and development strategies.

Significant consideration is given to achieve optimum water However, the scenario also provides opportunities as it
and energy efficiency right from the master-planning and stimulates greater demand for treated or recycled water
design stages. This is to ensure the most efficient possible for non-potable commercial applications. This will necessitate
environmental footprint is achieved over the life cycle of more water treatment and wastewater treatment plants, of
the project or structure. which Gamuda has expertise in the design, construction
BUSINESS ETHICS and operation of. The Group is committed to recycling 50
IF-EN-510a.2 Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal percent of water used at our construction sites by 2025
proceedings associated with charges of (1) bribery or 0 and reducing the freshwater demand in developments and
corruption and (2) anti-competitive practices townships by 65 percent.

IF-EN-510a.3 Description of policies and practices for prevention of (1) Gamuda has established a robust and comprehensive Further details of Gamuda’s approach to managing water
bribery and corruption, and (2) anti-competitive behaviour governance structure towards ensuring continued good consumption is provided in SR2022 on pages 192 to 193.
in the project bidding processes corporate governance and ethical business practices across
the Group. This is supported by the Group’s Anti-Bribery CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION
and Corruption Policy (AB&C Policy). IF-RE-450a.1 Area of properties located in 100-year flood zones, by Similar modelling was done based on sea level rise using
property subsector a 2 degrees and 4 degrees scenario. This was done for
The AB&C Policy serves as the basis for setting what is one of the projects in Malaysia.
deemed accepted behaviour expected of Gamuda’s IF-RE-450a.2 Description of climate change risk exposure analysis, degree Gamuda is cognisant of risk factors arising from climate
employees and its value chain. Relevant stakeholders are of systematic portfolio exposure, and strategies for mitigating change and remains fully committed to addressing
obligated to align with the policy and to conduct themselves risks contributory effects arising from its business operations.
and all dealings with Gamuda with the expected levels of
corporate integrity. The climate-related risks and opportunities are provided
ENERGY MANAGEMENT on pages 137 to 139.
IF-RE-130a.2 (1) Total energy consumed by portfolio area with data SASB ACTIVITY METRICS
111,114 GJ (30,864,882kWh)
coverage IF-RE-000.A Number of assets, by: active engineering and construction Please refer to page 14 of this Integrated Report for more
(2) Percentage grid electricity Not available. To be monitored. projects information.
(3) Percentage renewable, by property subsector Not available. To be monitored. Number of assets, by active property subsector projects Please refer to page 15 of this Integrated Report for more
IF-RE-130a.4WW (1) Percentage of eligible portfolio that (1) has an energy Please refer to disclosure provided under IF-EN-410a.1 information.
rating; and IF-RE-000.B Number of commissioned (engineering) projects Please refer to page 14 of this Integrated Report for more
(2) is certified to ENERGY STAR, by property subsector Not applicable to Malaysia information.

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GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022


Independent Limited Assurance Report Independent Limited Assurance Report on Selected Sustainability Information in Gamuda Berhad’s Sustainability
Report 2022 (cont’d)
Independent Limited Assurance Report on Selected Sustainability Information in Gamuda Berhad’s Sustainability
Report 2022 Subject Matter (cont’d)

To the Board of Directors of Gamuda Berhad Subject matter Criteria Scope

We have been engaged by Gamuda Berhad (“Gamuda” or “the Company”) to perform an independent limited assurance engagement Energy indirect (Scope 2) GRI 305-2-b Total Scope 2 GHG emissions for the following:
on selected sustainability information, comprising the information set out in the Subject Matter (hereinafter referred to as “Selected GHG emissions 1. KPGCC
Information”) for the financial year ended 31 July 2022 as reported by Gamuda in its Sustainability Report 2022. 2. Gamuda Gardens – Sales Gallery
3. Quayside Mall
Criteria 4. PSI – PPSN
5. PSI – Site Offices
The Selected Information needs to be read and understood together with the reporting criteria, which Gamuda is solely responsible 6. Menara Gamuda
for selecting and applying. 7. GB Kuari
8. Gamuda Digital IBS – Banting
The reporting criteria used for the reporting of the Selected Information are as follows:
Total water withdrawal GRI 303-3-a Total water withdrawal for the following:
• Gamuda’s internal sustainability reporting guidelines and procedures by which the Selected Information is gathered, collated and
aggregated internally; and
2. Gamuda Gardens – Sales Gallery
• The Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Standards (“GRI standards”) for disclosures (collectively referred to as the 3. PSI – PPSN
“Criteria”). 4. PSI – Site Offices
5. Menara Gamuda
Inherent limitations 6. GB Kuari
7. Gamuda Digital IBS – Banting
The absence of a significant body of established practice on which to draw to evaluate and measure the Selected Information allows
for different, but acceptable, measurement basis and can affect comparability between entities and over time. Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) Total weight of non- GRI 306-3-a Total weight of non-hazardous waste for the following:
quantification is subject to inherent uncertainty because of incomplete scientific knowledge used to determine emissions factors and hazardous waste 1. Menara Gamuda
the values needed to combine emissions of different gases. 2. Quayside Mall

Total weight of waste GRI 306-3-a Total weight of waste generated for Gamuda Gardens – Phase 3A, Phase 3B
Subject Matter
The Selected Information reported and marked with asterisks (*) in the Gamuda’s Sustainability Report 2022 on which we provide
Lost-time injury frequency GRI 403-9-b-iii Lost-time injury frequency (LTIFR) rate for:
limited assurance consists of:
rate (LTIFR) 1. Menara Gamuda
2. twentyfive.7
Subject matter Criteria Scope
3. Gamuda Cove
Total number and percentage GRI 205-2 Total number and percentage of employees communicated on anti-bribery 4. Gamuda Gardens
of employees communicated and anti-corruption for Gamuda and its subsidiaries (“Gamuda Group”).
Type and scope of GRI 404-2-a Type and scope of programmes implemented by Gamuda Learning Centre
on anti-bribery and
programmes implemented and
anti-corruption matters
assistance to upgrade
Direct (Scope 1) GHG GRI 305-1-a Total Scope 1 GHG emissions for the following projects: employee skills
emissions 1. Kota Permai Golf and Country Club (“KPGCC”)
Total number and rate of new GRI 401-1-a Total number and rate of new employee hires for Gamuda Group by age
2. Gamuda Gardens – Sales Gallery
employee hires (by age group group and gender
3. Quayside Mall
and gender)
4. Penang South Islands (“PSI”) – Pusat Perkhidmatan Setempat Nelayan (or
Fisherman’s One stop Service Centre) (“PPSN”) Total number and rate of GRI 401-1-b Total number and rate of employee turnover for Gamuda Group by age
5. PSI – Site Offices employee turnover (by age group and gender
6. Menara Gamuda group and gender)
7. GB Kuari
8. Gamuda Digital IBS – Banting Proportion of spending on GRI 204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers for Gamuda Group within Malaysia
local suppliers (excluding joint ventures)

Percentage of landscape area Non-GRI Percentage of landscape area for the following projects:
1. Gamuda Cove
2. Gamuda Gardens
* Refer to pages 122 to 207 of the Gamuda’s Sustainability Report 2022 for the reporting criteria applied

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GAMUDA BERHAD 197601003632 (29579-T) INTEGRATED REPORT 2022


Our assurance was with respect to the financial year ended 31 July 2022 information only and we have not performed any procedures Main Assurance Procedures
with respect to earlier periods or any other elements included in the Gamuda’s Sustainability Report 2022 and, therefore, do not
Our work, which involved no independent examination of any of the underlying financial information, included the following procedures:
express any conclusion thereon.
• Considered the suitability in the circumstances of Gamuda’s Criteria as the basis for preparing the Selected Information;
Management’s Responsibility
• Inquired personnel responsible for data collection, collation and reporting of the Selected Information at the corporate and operating
Management of Gamuda is responsible for the preparation of the Selected Information included in the Gamuda’s Sustainability Report unit level, regarding the processes to prepare the said report and the underlying controls over those processes;
2022 in accordance with Gamuda’s internal sustainability reporting guidelines and procedures.
• Performed limited substantive testing on a sampling basis on transactions included in the Selected Information, by inspecting
documents, reports, data capture forms and invoices;
This responsibility includes the selection and application of appropriate methods to prepare the Selected Information reported in the
Gamuda’s Sustainability Report 2022 as well as the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant for the • Checked the formulas and inputs used in the Selected Information against Gamuda’s internal sustainability reporting guidelines and
preparation of the Selected Information that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Furthermore, the procedures; and
responsibility includes the use of assumptions and estimates for disclosures made by Gamuda which are reasonable in the circumstances.
• Considered the appropriateness of the disclosures and presentation of the Selected Information based on the Criteria.

Our Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express a limited assurance conclusion on the Subject Matter based on the procedures we have performed
Based on the procedures we have performed and the evidence we have obtained, nothing has come to our attention that causes us
and the evidence we have obtained. We conducted our limited assurance engagement in accordance with the approved standard for
to believe that the Selected Information is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the Criteria.
assurance engagements in Malaysia, International Standard on Assurance Engagements (“ISAE”) 3000 (Revised) “Assurance Engagements
Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information”. This standard requires that we plan and perform this engagement
Restriction on use
under consideration of materiality to express our conclusion with limited assurance about whether the Selected Information is free
from material misstatement. The accuracy of the Selected Information is subject to inherent limitations given their nature and methods This report, including the conclusion, has been prepared solely for the Board of Directors of Gamuda in accordance with the agreement
for determining, calculating and estimating such data. Our limited assurance report should therefore be read in conjunction with the between us, in connection with the performance of an independent limited assurance engagement on the Selected Information as
Criteria. reported by Gamuda in its Sustainability Report 2022 and should not be used or relied upon for any other purposes. We consent
to the inclusion of this report in the Gamuda’s Sustainability Report 2022 to be disclosed in the website of Gamuda at
A limited assurance engagement involves assessing the suitability in the circumstances of Gamuda’s use of the Criteria as the basis, in respect of the financial year ended 31 July 2022, to assist the Directors in responding to their governance
for the preparation of the Subject Matter, assessing the risks of material misstatement of the Selected Information whether due to responsibilities by obtaining an independent limited assurance report on the Selected Information in connection with the preparation
fraud or error, responding to the assessed risks as necessary in the circumstances, and evaluating the overall presentation of the of Gamuda’s Sustainability Report 2022. As a result, we will not accept any liability or responsibility to any other party to whom our
Subject Matter. A limited assurance engagement is substantially less in scope than a reasonable assurance engagement in relation to report is shown or into whose hands it may come. Any reliance on this report by any third party is entirely at its own risk.
both the risk assessment procedures, including an understanding of internal control, and the procedures performed in response to
the assessed risks.
Yours faithfully,
Independence and Quality Control
We have complied with the independence and other ethical requirements of the By-Laws (on Professional Ethics, Conduct and Practice)
of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (“MIA”) and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ International Code of
Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards), which is founded on fundamental principles of
integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behaviour.
LLP0014401-LCA & AF 1146
We apply International Standard on Quality Control 1 “Quality Control for Firms that Perform Audits and Reviews of Financial Statements,
Chartered Accountants
and Other Assurance and Related Services Engagements”, and accordingly maintain a comprehensive system of quality control including
documented policies and procedures regarding compliance with ethical requirements, professional standards and applicable legal and
Kuala Lumpur
regulatory requirements.
4 November 2022

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