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Carson Luhr


My experience with the Old Testament is somewhat strange. On one hand, I know the

various stories fairly well and have also read some of them in their entirety. Yet, on the other

hand, I feel as though I have a limited understanding of them. Growing up, I did not go to church

that often, but was raised to be a Christian, so I did most of the Bible reading on my own; which

was not the greatest idea. The Bible, for me, has always been a pretty difficult read, mainly due

to the way in which the text is structured. Over the course of the past few years, I have searched

for other sources of Biblical knowledge such as pastors on YouTube or other online platforms,

but have only found some that have actually aided me in better understanding the Bible. With

this context now established, I can begin to discuss my limited knowledge of the stories

themselves and my personal experiences with them. I feel as if I have a good understanding of

the creation story, along with the rest of Genesis. Following Genesis, Exodus is what I would

consider to be my most understood book of the Old Testament. I have heard the story of Moses

many times, as well as seen it portrayed in a variety of media. Following Exodus, however, is

where I start to become lost. The rest of the Old Testament feels so complex and almost

overwhelming at times, enough so that I have sometimes just given up what I am studying

because of the sheer amount of context required. Another aspect of the Old Testament that

confuses me is the difference between it and the New Testament. The arrival of Jesus Christ is

obviously the turning point of the Bible, but there are some aspects that I still have a hard time

piecing together between the Testaments; mainly involving the character of God. Overall, I am
looking forward to this class because I feel as if it is going to assist me in overcoming these

obstacles that I have been dealing with up to this point.

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