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Krisna Widiatmoko, NIT: 52155565.N, 2019 "Analysis of Collisions Between MT.

B.STAR with MT AT LUCKY when going to carry out the ship to ship
backrest "Thesis Nautika Study Program, Diploma IV Program, Semarang
Merchant Marine Polytechnic, Guide Lecturer I: Captain Arika Palapa, M.Sc,
M.Mar Guide Lecturer II: Henny Wahyu W., M.Pd
A collision occurred while carrying out a ship to send ship crew safety, cargo
safety and also material losses on both ships which suffered collisions. For this
reason, the authors conducted this study to study the factors that cause collisions and
the actions that must be taken to minimize or eliminate the use of collisions when
docked to send them back again.
This study uses a qualitative method with data analysis techniques, namely
fishbone (fish bone) to determine the factors that influence collisions when carrying
out a ship to ship and SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) for the right
strategy to address priority issues the main thing in the implementation of the
anchorage is to be found so that collisions when the ship docked for the ship does not
From the results of the research conducted, it can be ascertained that the
factors that caused collisions during the implementation of the ship to the ship are (1)
Poor human resources (2) Efforts made namely (1) Employing skilled crew provides
detailed procedures (2 ) Conducting safety meetings and good coordination.

Keywords: collision, berth, ship to ship


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