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Chapter 6: Find Job Openings


6-3 Career Network Meeting Outline c

Develop a general outline for your Career Network meetings that you can customize
for each meeting. Start with the sample questions on page 152 and add questions that
are relevant to you and your career field.

Conversation Starters (write at least 2 questions)

What are some skills you've developed in this field of work?

What do you like most about working in this area?

Job and Career Questions (write at least 5 questions)

1. Do you think your career path is like most others in your position?
2. What's the biggest obstacle you've faced in your career so far?
3. What is a typical day of work for you?
4. Does this industry offer internships or apprenticeships?
5. Where do you hope to go next in your career?

Career Advice (write at least 5 questions)

1. What is your management style?
2. Is your company facing any unique challenges?
3. How do you create motivation for yourself and for your team?
4. What's the company culture like?
5. What advice can you give to someone who is starting out in this field of work?

Add your completed work to the “About Jobs” section of your Career Builder Files.

Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 9e 48

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