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Chapter 2: Know Yourself to Market Yourself


2-5 Develop Your Personal Brand Statement d

Use the information in Career Action Worksheets 2-1 to 2-4 to answer these questions.
1. What one or two words describe what you do in general terms? (examples: thinker,
doer, innovator, educator, caring person, organizer, actor, designer, worker)

A caring, determined person

2. What are you known for? (examples: delivering results despite challenges, balancing
multiple priorities, being driven to finish tasks, knowing the right flavor combination,
having a eye for color, helping the team work together in harmony)

helping people by keeping harmony within the group

3. What sets you apart from your peers? (examples: speed, thoroughness, kindness,
gentleness, logic)
kindness, gentleness, and thoroughness

Weave these words into a short statement that describes you in a way that is
appealing. See the examples in Figure 2-5 on page 36.

Being a caring and determined person, I tend to help people by keeping harmony with my gentleness and kindness.

Share your statement with two people whose point of view you respect and value. Ask
them these questions:
• Does this statement describe me accurately? How could I improve it?
• Can you think of situations when you have seen me demonstrate this statement?
• If I were to write another statement, what characteristics should I include?

Rewrite your Personal Brand Statement based on what you learned from these

A determined person who cares about her peers by maintaining harmony through her thorough, gentle kindness.

Add your completed work to the “About Me” section of your Career Builder Files.
Your Career: How to Make It Happen, 9e 17
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