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For PPTX contents:


I. Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Cognitive: Recognize uses of creating instructional materials.
b. Psychomotor: Explore sample instructional materials.
c. Affective: Implement the use of creating instructional materials.

II. Motivational Activity (please add)

✔ Instructions/Direction
✔ Guide Question/s

What is instructional material?

“Teachers need instructional materials to enhance teaching and learning. Instructional materials are
defined as print and non-print items that are rested to impact information to students in the educational
process.” (Effiong & Igiri, 2015)

In addition, according to Haigler (2014), Instructional material refers to any pre-existing materials that
are incorporated, as well as to those that will be specifically developed for the objectives.

Importance of Instructional materials

1) Instructional mates are tools used in educational lessons which includes active learning assessment;

2) Every teacher needs instructional materials to enhance their teaching and learning;

3) Instructional materials have its roles in education such as promoting meaningful communication and
effective learning and the other one is, it ensure better retention and making learning more permanent;

4) An important element in engaging learners is when the strategy used in delivering the lessons uses an
instructional material;

5) Instructional materials constitute alternative channels of communication, which a teacher can use to
convey more vividly instructional information to learners;

6) instructional materials come in many shapes and sizes, but the all have in common, the ability to
support student learning.
Factors to consider in creating Instructional Materials.

1) Develop a story board and working outline based on the subject’s goals and objectives. (Explain)

2) Identify existing institutional resources including materials and teachers’ capability.

3) The teacher may research off the shelf materials that have been developed by others to determine if
their approach could be useful.

4) Explore the possibility of adapting concepts of other teachers without infringing on anyone’s copy
protected design.

5) Modify existing materials based on the objectives of the lesson.

6) If the instructional materials are effective, you can share them with other teachers.

7) The teacher developer can also sell his/her materials available.

5 Roles of Instructional Materials in Teaching and Learning

1) Promote meaningful communication and effective learning;

2) Ensure better retention, thus making learning permanent;

3) Help overcome the limited classroom by making the inaccessible accessible;

4) Provide a common experience upon which late learning can be developed;

5) Encourage participation especially if students are allowed to manipulate materials used.

Definition of Conventional Instructional Materials

Examples of Conventional Instructional Materials are:

1) Writing board – one of the effective methods of transmitting information and is commonly used as a
visual aid;

2) Flip chart – is a stationery item consisting of a pad of larger paper sheets. These charts are commonly
used for presentations.

3) Nature table – this contains objects and/or scenes related to the current season, or upcoming festival
or a symbol of an ecosystem.

4) Textbooks – these provides all the plans and lessons you need to cover a topic in some detail.

5) Posters – these are often created by students to visually display a significant course project, research,
or a particular perspective for the class to consider.

6) Diorama – it is a three-dimensional scene used to creatively express learning.

7) Wall displays – are an important part of any classroom to make the room appear more inviting and
create a better learning environment.

Definition of Digitalized Instructional Materials

Refers to various tools and devices or gadgets used in communicating, disseminating, creating, storing,
and managing information.

Examples of Digitalized Instructional Materials

1) QR is a code that was created by a Japanese A corporation Denso-Wave in 1994. Ways to Integrate QR
Codes in Your Teaching Create Interactive and Engaging Content Scavenger Hunts Share Resources
Enhance Classroom Library Gather Students Feedback.

2) Using Laptop and Infographics

INFOGRAPHICS is a visual representation of an image such as diagram, chart, or picture representing

information or data.

Uses of Infographics:

 Present survey data

 Simplify a complex concept
 Explain functionality
 Comparison
 Present interesting facts

3) Using iPad/Tablet and the Online Bulletin Board Online Bulletin Board is a way of presenting ideas
with a twist and interest with no cost at all.

4) Creating e-Portfolio as a Technology Tool

Collection of student work that exhibits students effort, progress, achievements and competencies
gained during the course; Can be used as digital archive that contain the same materials as physical
portfolio but can have more such as multimedia productions.
Benefits/Advantages of ICT in Education

- Enhanced the modes of communication

- Cost-efficient

- Paperless: Eliminate the usage of paper. Eco-friendly

- Better teaching and learning methods

- Enhanced E-learning and learning management system (LMS)

- Web-based LMS tools connect students, educators, scholars and researchers, and education personnel

- Improve the administration and enhance the quality and efficiency of education

Disadvantages of ICT in Education

- Misleading and misguiding information

- Risk of cyber-attacks and hacks

- A risk to the traditional book and handwriting methods

- Implementing computers and the internet for ICT replace the conventional education curriculums

- Managing courses online is difficult

- Misuse of technology

- Not accessible everywhere

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