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Question 1

a.) Universal adult franchise means that all persons of 18 years of age and above have the right to vote irre-
spective of their caste, colour, religion etc.
b.) Joint electorate was included in the Constitution to curb communal politics and foster communal har-
c.) The buying and selling of human beings especially women and girls for immoral purposes is called hu-
man trafficking.
d.) Article 51A in Part IV of the constitution contains the Fundamental Duties.
e.) Election is a procedure whereby persons are chosen by voting, to represent the voters, for running the
f.) The two houses at the state level or Legislative Assembly/ Vidhan Sabha and Legislative Council/ Vid-
han Parishad. The Legislative Council is found only in some states.
g.) The President of India is indirectly elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of the
elected members of both the houses of the Parliament and the elected members of the legislative assemblies
of states. The election takes place in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means
of single transferable vote.
h.) Local self government is an institution comprising locally elected representatives managing the affairs of
the locality and providing them with basic amenities.
i.) Honorary members are those members who were not paid a salary, but work for a position. For example,
the Sarpanch and Vice Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat.
j.) The apex body of the Panchayati Raj system is the Zila Parishad. It is also known as the District Devel-
opment Council.

Question 2

a.) The Citadel is important because:-

i.) It points to the elaborate planning that went into the development of city and justifies is that the Harappan
civilisation was an urban civilisation.
ii.) The presence of specific buildings and houses of the ruling class indicate some sort of social stratifica-
b.) The Mesopotamian text refer to to intermediate trading stations called Dilmun and Makan, which lie
between Mesopotamia and Meluha.
The texts refer to Meluha as the land of seafarers.
The descriptions of ships and boats on seals also indicate the presence of overseas trade. (Any 2)
c.) The Vedic Period is classified into the Early Vedic Period from 1500-1000 BC and the Later Vedic Pe-
riod from 1000- 500 BC where iron came to be used.
d.) The interest of the self might conflict with the duty and whenever there is such a conflict, the Bhagwat
Gita gives the answer. This is the secret of the undying popularity of this religious text. It teaches that soul is
e.) The four dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate our Slave Dynasty, Khilji Dynasty, Tughlaq Dynasty and
Lodhi Dynasty.
f.) He did not annex these kingdoms for two reasons. First, he realised it would be practically difficult to
control these distant lands from Delhi. Second, he was more interested in acquiring the wealth of the Deccan
kingdoms for the maintenance of his huge army.
g.) During the Sultanate period the practice of giving grants of revenue from a territory came to be known as
iqta system. Those who were given iqtas as were called Iqtadar.
h.) A form of architectural design where the marble and the walls are decorated with floral designs made of
semi-precious stones is called pietra dura. It is found in Taj Mahal.
i.) In the first battle of Panipat in 1526, Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi and occupied Delhi and Agra. With
this battle, he laid the foundation of Mughal Empire in India.
j.) The ranks in the Mansabdari system were divided into two, zat and sawar. Zat fixed the personal status of
a person and the salary due to him. Sawar indicated the number of cavalrymen a mansabdar was required to


Question 3

a.) Mention 3 points from the Right to Freedom of Religion on Page 131 of the book.
b.) Single citizenship means that all Indians irrespective of the state of their domicile are the citizens of In-
A person born in Punjab or in Kerala can only be a citizen of India and not a citizen of their state of domi-
This has been done to ward off separatist tendencies and promote fraternity and unity among the people.
c.) Mention four fundamental duties from among the 11 duties is given on page 135 of the book.

Question 4

a.) The elections held to elect the members of the Lok Sabha after expiry of the normal term of five years is
called General Elections.
Midterm elections are held when a State Legislative Assembly or Lok Sabha is dissolved before the comple-
tion of its full term of five years, whereas By-Election are held if any member of the Legislative Assembly in
the centre or state falls vacant on account of death or resignation before the completion of term.
In Midterm elections the New House will have a full five-year term, whereas in By-election the person
elected remains the member for the unexpired term of the House.
b.) Article 324 clauses 1 to 6 deals with the composition of the Election Commission and other related is-
sues. The Chief Election Commissioner stands at the top in the hierarchy of the election commission. The
Election Commission consist of a chief election Commissioner and two other election commissioners.
The Chief Election Commissioner and other commissioners are appointed by the President of India at behest
of the Prime Minister as per article 74.
The Regional Election commissioners are also appointed by the President in consultation with the Election
c.) State any of the four differences between direct and indirect elections provided on page 145 of the text-

Question 5

a.) The three tier system of the Panchayati Raj consists of Gram Panchayat at the village level, Panchayat
Samiti at the block level and Zila Parishad at district level.
b.) The intermediate body at the block level is called Panchayat Samiti. Two of its functions are:-
i.) to supervise and coordinate the working of gram panchayats and
ii.) to conduct higher education for a group of villages or at block level.
c.) State any two administrative functions and two social and economic functions of the Gram Panchayat
from pages 152 and 153 of the book.


Question 6

a.) Mention any three features of urban planning given on page 10 of the history book.
b.) Briefly explain any 3 reasons for the decline of the civilisation from page 13 of the book. Along with the
causes mentioned like floods and earthquakes, increased aridity, deforestation or Aryan attack- a one line ex-
planation should be provided with each point.
c.) The Great Bath is the largest public building found at Mohenjo-Daro. Three importance as a source are:-
a.) The construction of the Great Bath indicates that the art of building had reached a high degree of perfec-
tion at that time.
b.) Most of the scholars agree that the Great Bath may have been used for religious purposes.
c.) The design of the Great Bath portrays the efficient planning in structural features relating to water supply
and sewage disposal.

Question 7

a.) Mention any three importance of epics given on page 18 of the book.
b.) Three uses of iron are:-
Agriculture- Discovery of iron gave new implements like axes to clear the forest and cultivate the land. With
use of iron plough-head, sickles and hoes, large tracts of land were brought under cultivation.
Occupation- The use of iron gave rise to new trade by providing durable implements like saws, chisel, ham-
mers nails and tongs. Many new occupations like weaving, spinning and carpentry were helped due to this.
Defence- Because of its durability and easy availability, iron was extensively used in making weapons like
swords and shields.
c.) Mention any four differences between Society of Early Vedic Age and Later Vedic Age, as given on page
27 of the book.

Question 8

a.) He imported quality horses and started the system of branding horses (dagh), so that the soldiers could not
replace them with inferior quality horses.
He also introduced the system of Chehra, that is giving a kind of identity card for every soldier.
He laid the foundation of a permanent standing army and approved all recruitments to the army.
He paid cash salaries to the soldiers from the royal treasury. (Any three)
b.) Daulatabad was centrally located from where he could control the Deccan territories.
Delhi was in the grip of severe famine and
Delhi was constantly threatened by Mongol invasions.
c.) Mention any four features of the Qutub Minar mentioned on page 73 and 74 of the book.

Question 9

a.) Three ministers who helped in the central administration of the Mughal period were:-
i.) Prime Minister known as Vakil. He was entrusted with large powers in civil and military affairs. ii.) The
head of the revenue department was Wazir known as the Diwan or Diwan-I-ala. He was responsible for all
income and expenditure.
iii.) The head of the military department was called Mir Bakshi. He was the head of the intelligence and in-
formation agencies of the Empire.
b.) Mention any three steps towards integration undertaken by Akbar mentioned on page 82 of the book.
c.) Ain-I-Akbari was written by Abul Fazal. The book was divided into five parts. The first book deals with
the imperial household. The second book deals with servants of the Emperor, the military and civil services.
The third book deals with imperial administration. It consists of the regulations for the judicial and executive
departments, and the division of the Empire. The fourth book contains information about Hindu philosophy,
science, social customs and literature. The fifth book contains the wise sayings of Akbar, and the history and
biography of the author Abul Fazl.

Answer Key made by:-

Mrs. Shalini Sharan

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