Case Study Wrap-Up: Something Is Missing: Student Name: Date: Teacher

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Student Name:


Case Study Wrap-Up: Something Is Missing

As you have learned in the past few weeks, a human diet must have certain trace elements to thrive. When these
elements are missing, our bodies do not function properly and to an unborn fetus, this could have detrimental
impacts for the rest of that human’s lifetime.

Step 1: Do some research using credible websites to get more

information on cretinism and goiter and what trace element was
missing to cause these two disorders.

Step 2: Create a 6-panel informational brochure on these two

disorders. Your pamphlet should include the following information:

 Summary of the two disorders, including cause,

signs, and symptoms, and who is at risk.

 Discussion on why goiter is treatable, but cretinism

is not.

 Explanation of why these disorders are more often

found in land-locked regions versus coastal regions. Image Source

o You should discuss the importance of trace elements as well as other macromolecules to a
well-balanced diet.

 Summary of your recommendations for how we can reduce the numbers of incidences of goiter and
cretinism in countries like Daxin, China.

 A pamphlet is not complete without images:

o At least 2 appropriate images.

 A bibliography of sources
o At least 2 credible sources (neither of which is Wikipedia).

If you need help with setting up your brochure, see the next page for tips:
Need help creating a brochure?
 First, it’s important to start by making sure your document is in Landscape and not Portrait orientation.

 In Google Docs, choose Format  Columns  3 Columns

 In Word, you have two options:

o Start from a template by typing in the word brochure into the search feature:

o Or, start from a blank page and in the Layout tab in the Navbar, choose the columns to be 3:

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