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MARIA: Hello Alessandra, how are you?

ALE: Hi Maria, I'm in bad health, how are you?

MARIA: I'm very tired and I have a headache. (HEDAK)

ALE: Have you been to the doctor?

MARIA: Yes, I went to the family doctor and he recommended ( REKEMENDEN) me to go to the

ALE: And what did they tell you?

MARIA: They measured(MESHER) my eyesight(AISAIT) and I should wear glasses, he told me

it's because of the constant use of electronic devices.(DIVAISES)

ALE: The good thing is that it's not so serious.

MARIA: Yes, and what symptoms (SINTOMS) do you have?

ALE: Well, I have a feeling of nervousness, agitation and panic, plus I'm much thirstier than

MARIA: Uhm, I can think of many diseases (DISISES) with those symptoms(SINTOMS), any
other symptoms(SINTOMS) you remember?

ALE: Yes, also sometimes I start breathing very fast.

MARIA: You should take some medication.

ALE: Tomorrow I will go to the hospital, I don't think I should self-medicate if I don't know what
I have yet.

MARIA: That's right, they have to do some medical(MEDICOL) tests. Ale, you might(MAÎT) have

ALE: Anxiety? Ah, no. What tests would I have to have?

MARIA: They'll probably do a blood(BLET) test.

ALE: Should I change my eating habits?

MARIA: I think so, although(OLDOU) I don't know much about this disease(DISISES), I wouldn't
know for sure.

ALE: I understand. I will do all the necessary tests.

MARIA: If you really had anxiety(ENSAIDIE), I know a very good psychologist(SEICOLOYETS),

she is trustworthy(TRESWERTEE) and highly(HAILY) recommended.(REKEMENDEN)

ALE: Sure, do you have her phone number?

MARIA: I don't have it with(WHEN) me right now, but I'll text it to you.

ALE: Okay Maria, thank you very much, then I will contact the specialist when I get the results
from the doctor.

MARIA: Tell your relatives(RELETIS)ato keep an eye on you too.

ALE: Sure, I will, and when will you get your new glasses?

MARIA: I've been told they'll be ready for next week.

ALE: I'm already looking forward to seeing you with glasses.

MARIA: Yes, me too, I want to know if I would look good with glasses.

ALE: Well, it was nice talking to you, see you later!

MARIA: Take care, see you later!

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