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Standard in the Teacher Evaluation Process

- Teacher evaluation criteria are determined at the state or district level.

- Evaluation goals include determining teacher effectiveness, assessing performance
of students and serving as the catalyst for professional development.
- Teacher performance as an instructor, as a professional and as part of the larger
school community appears in professional standards from state to state and district
to district.
1. Curriculum Planning
Teachers may be evaluated on the use of knowledge of the developmental stage of
their students in the planning of classroom curriculum. The Danielson Group's
framework for teaching requires the demonstration of content knowledge in the
planning of curriculum. Development of instructional objectives, knowledge of
resources, construction of assessments and creation of cohesive units may also be
evaluated. The North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards also require
teachers to demonstrate adaptation of lessons for students' individual needs.
2. Classroom Environment
Evaluation standards for the teacher's creation and maintenance of a classroom
environment include the way the teacher incorporates the larger school community
and environment into the classroom. The Danielson Group recommends evaluation
of classroom environment by management of physical space, procedures and
classroom behavior.
3. Instructional Strategies
Evaluation of instructional strategies includes the teacher's use of self-directed
lessons and a demonstration of flexibility and responsiveness to students. A key
component of classroom instruction is communication, including providing directions,
utilizing questions and discussion, answering student questions and clearly
communicating content. Classroom instruction should also include continual
assessment throughout a lesson.
4. Leadership and Professional Development
Standards for leadership in an educational community include effective communication
with colleagues, parents and the larger community. Teachers may also be evaluated
for their ability to analyze data from test scores to develop curriculum and to maintain
classroom records and resources. Professional growth standards may include goal
setting, reflection on personal performance, and participation in a professional learning

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