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Name of company or organization where you worked together:  L&T technology services

B. His position title:  .NET Developer
C. Your position:  Team leader
D. His dates of employment:  I was working with Meet from mid of 2018 till the time I left LTTS.
E. Your working relationship (ex. direct supervisor, indirect supervisor or co-worker or sub-
ordinate) : direct supervisor
F. How long did you have the above-noted relationship? Please provide specific dates if possible  
june 2018 to july 2021

1. Please describe His daily responsibilities. Please list at least three 

daily responsibilities include,
Collaborate with all the stack holders for the projects to produce software design and write clean
and scalable code using C# .NET
Requirements gathering, Developing, Testing, and deploying applications
Improving existing software, updating, and debug code and improving performance.
Completing documentation throughout the development life cycle and providing technical

2. What do you feel are His strengths or positive qualities? Please list at least three as well as
examples that demonstrate their validity. 

Leadership - I can remember when I had to go on unplanned vacation, Meet was able to take the
lead and making sure that the team and him self he is achieving all the milestones.
Organized: Taking notes and documenting it throughout the process. Maintaining organized
repositories for all the projects.
Quick learner- whenever required Meet was able to learn the new programming language or
concepts very quickly and completed the task with passion.

3. Please describe His personality.  (ex. was he more outgoing or quiet?) 

as a person Meet was outgoing and cheerful moreover, he can handle all situations very calmly
and patiently.
4. How were His team working skills?  Please give reasons for your answer 
Meet was collaborative and a team player, maintains open communication with all members
and had open mind to all suggestions.
5. How much supervision did he require? (i.e. Minimal, average, more than average) 
o Was he open and receptive to feedback/constructive criticism? 

After he is familiar with the project, requires very minimal supervision.

He always appreciated feedbacks including negative and improved by giving his best.

6. Any issues with attendance and punctuality? Was he flexible with working hours and reliable? 
never had any issues with attendance or missing out deadlines. Always understanding project
needs and going beyond and above with his availability and efforts.
7. What were His areas of expertise? What skills did he excel at? Please list at least three as well
as examples that demonstrate their validity. 

.Net development: Consistently write clean and scalable code using C# .NET and following all
best practises and keeping himself up to date with new trends.
Client management: Always received best Project reviews from clients for all the projects and
our team won the award for the same.
Debugging and problem solving: Always finding a sustainable solution for the projects problems,
ready to help other to resolve bugs or queries.

8. Did he not meet or exceed these expectations? 
yes, Meet exceeded his expectations consistently
9. How would you rate his performance compared to others in a similar role? (i.e. Below average,
on par or above average)
compared to other Team members, Meet's performance is above average, and he always
worked proactively.
10. Please comment on the following competencies. Please give reasons for your answers for
at least three competencies 
Customer service skills:  Meet has very good Client management skills, I can remember Meet
was able to deal with the Norwegian clients where even with the language barrier he was able
to gather accurate and complete requirements.
Time management skills: For time management skills Meet was very good at maintaining the
Task list and having the whole day planned so that never misses anything.
Organizational skills: very good
Written and verbal communication skills: very good
Problem solving skills: Meet was always excited for new challenges and solves the problems
coming in the team with thinking out of the box solutions.
Attention to detail: Meet has always worked great with details throughout the software
development cycle.

11. Did he follow the company’s policies? 
yes, he followed the company policies.

12. Did he follow the company’s policies? Is there any record of unacceptable workplace behaviors
e.g. violence, abuse, harassment/bullying, etc. 
no there is no breach of company rules in my work tenure.
13. We believe everyone can improve on something; what areas can he develop further?
Yes, He can improve his knowledge in the new upcoming and emerging technologies.
14. Were there any performance issues or concerns that would negatively impact his future
performance? Please describe any corrective action directed at his to improve these issues 
In the last year's performance review meeting we discussed about the public speaking skills
which Meet needed to work on and I noticed afterwards he took it constructively and
participated in all group meetings very actively and it was just a matter of practice and He
excelled the presenting skills.

15. Why did he leave his position here? 

To grow in personal and professional aspects of career and learning new things.
16. Would you re-hire him again? 
Yes, definitely if requirements match.
17. Please rate his overall job performance on the following scale: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or
Considering overall job performance, I would say Meet is doing very good and giving his best all
the time.
18. Are there any additional comments you would like to add for his reference?
I believe Meet would make an excellent addition to the new team. This opportunity would help
him grow his real-world experience in the industry and help him further develop and refine his
skills and would give him an opportunity to be a part of organizational success.

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