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Inglés Básico II / Bachillerato en Ciencias

STUDENT: Danae Quezada Cortés DATE OF CLASS: October 31 st, 2018

TEACHER: Nelson Fuentes LESSON TIME: 9:30-10:50


By the end of the lesson, students Grammar: Warm-up: Students remember past PPP with images and Formative Warm-up: 5
will be able to describe in a 50 Past Simple simple structure and some regular irregular verbs (observation/listening) min
words paragraph about what they Tense verbs learnt last class and create
did last week. Lexical: sentences using the structure. Markers (black-red) Pre: 15 min
Irregular verbs Pre: Students are shown different
(bought-had- pictures on the whiteboard. Then, Worksheet with a things While: 25 min
they did last week chart
made-saw- they complete the sentences of the
read-went- pictures matching the irregular verb Post: 25 min
took-met-did- with the correct picture. After that,
Worksheet with a
wrote) students write three things they did
questions and yes/no
Functional: last week. answers chart
Speaking about While: Students are given a chart
past activities, with some questions about “Did you Layer to support the
using irregular have a busy week?” and they students’ writing
verbs and complete the chart with yes-no
simple past answers. Then, students ask the
yes-no same questions to a partner and
questions and answer with the same pattern orally.
short answers. Post: Students use a layer to write a
50 words paragraph about what they
did last week, using past simple
tense, irregular verbs and
affirmative/negative statements.

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