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adwords-search - Demo Google Search Advertising Advanced Exam

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Ove r vie w of Opt im iza t ion Opt im izat ion is t he process of adj ust ing part s of a user's account and Websit e t o im prove t he qualit y and perform ance of his AdWords ads. Opt im izat ion helps t he user in m eet ing his advert ising goals such as gain t raffic, low er cost s, or im prov es conversions et c. I t m ay involve ad t ext im provem ent s, new keyw ords, change t o keyw ord set t ings, organizing cam paigns, changing bids et c. Be ne fit s of opt im iz a t ion Opt im izat ion m ak es t he advert ising m ore effect ive. The benefit s of opt im izat ion are as follows:

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at t ract s m ore clicks and t raffic t o t he sit e. result s in higher profit s and im proved ret urn on invest m ent ( ROI ) . lower cost s. enables t he user t o accom plish any ot her advert ising goal.

Ke y st r a t e gie s for opt im iz a t ion. The key st rat egies for opt im izat ion depending on t he advert ising goal are as follows: I f t h e u se r w a n t s t o im pr ove ROI Ret urn on invest m ent ( ROI ) is a m easure of t he profit s t he users have m ade from advert ising, com pared t o how m uch t hey hav e spent on t hat advert ising. I n order t o ident ify and opt im ize t he ROI , t he user needs t o m easure conv ersion dat a inst ead of clickt hrough rat e, t raffic, or ot her m easures. To opt im ize for ROI , aim for high Qualit y Scores, which can reduce cost s, encourage conversions w it h ent icing ads and by using t he right landing pages, and t arget cust om ers w ho are likely t o convert . I f t h e u se r w a n t s t o im pr ove CTR The clickt hrough rat e ( CTR) is t he num ber of clicks t he ad received divided by t he num ber of im pressions it received wit hin a given t im e period, so it is a basic indicat or of how appealing t he ad is t o users. A keyword's CTR is a st rong indicat or of it s relevance t o t he user. A w ell t arget ed keyword t hat shows sim ilarly t arget ed ad usually has a higher clickt hrough rat e t han a general keyw ord w it h non specific ad- t ext . To im prove CTR, use k eywords in t he ad t it le and t ext t o m ake t he ad m ore relevant , elim inat e unw ant ed im pressions by using negat ive keywords, and use keyword insert ion t o m ake t he add m ore relev ant t o a div erse audience. I f t h e u se r w a n t s t o im pr ove Click s a n d Tr a ffic I f t he user want s t o draw m ore relev ant t raffic t o his sit e, he should use broader range of keyw ord

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variat ions. However, using v ery general keywords can negat ively affect Qualit y score and increase cost s. The user should creat e keyw ords for advert ised part s of his Websit e, and creat e new keyw ord variat ion ideas using Key word Tool. I f t h e u se r w a n t s t o pr om ot e Br a nd a w a r e ne ss The user can prom ot e Brand awareness by running a cost - per- im pression ( CPM) cam paign in addit ion t o cost - per- click ( CPC) cam paign. He can use Display Net work Placem ent s t o show his ad t o people. Opt im iz a t ion t ools There are m any t ools in AdWords account t hat can be used t o find ideas for new keyw ords, opt im izat ion ideas, and get t raffic and cost est im at es for keyw ords. There are t hree t ypes of opt im izat ion t ools, which are as follow s: 1. Ta r ge t in g t ools:Target ing t ools include t he following t ools: Keyword t ool Placem ent t ool Traffic Est im at or Search Query Perform ance report Opt im iz a t ion t ools: Opt im izat ion t ools include t he following t ools: Opport unit ies t ab Websit e Opt im izer Conv ersion Opt im izer Tr a ck ing t ools: Track ing t ools include t he follow ing t ools: Google Analyt ics Conv ersion t racking Account st at ist ics



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