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Lecture 10
Green Architecture
▪ Green building (also known as green
construction or sustainable/environmental building)
▪ Buildings that is environmentally responsible and
resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle:
from siting to design, construction, operation,
maintenance, renovation, and demolition
▪ This requires close cooperation of the design team,
the architects, the engineers, and the client at all
project stages
Green Archi…
▪ designed to reduce the overall impact of the built
environment on human health and the natural
environment by:
▪Efficiently using energy, water, and other
▪Protecting occupant health and improving
employee productivity
▪ Reducing waste, pollution
and environmental degradation
Green Arch…
▪ Energy Efficiency
▪ include measures to reduce energy
▪  passive solar building design
▪effective window placement (daylighting)
▪ solar water heating
▪renewal energy i.e. wind power, hydro,
biomas, etc.
Green Arch..
▪ Water Efficiency
▪ Water conservation
▪ Water recycling (grey water)
▪ Water treatment
▪ Material Efficiency
▪ products that are non-toxic, reusable, renewable,
and/or recyclable
Green Archi…
▪ Indoor environmental quality enhancement
▪ to provide comfort, well-being, and productivity of
▪ indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal quality, and
lighting quality
Green Archi..
▪ Operations and maintenance optimization
▪ operated responsibly and maintained properly

▪ Waste reduction
▪ to reduce waste of energy, water and materials
used during construction.
Green Arch…
▪ Cost and payoff
▪ up-front cost[ vs. life-cycle cost

Regulation and operation

developed standards, codes and rating systems
bylaws to reduce the local environmental impact
of buildings
Green Building Worldwide
Standards and Ratings
▣ Code for Sustainable Homes, United Kingdom
▣ EnerGuide for Houses, Canada (energy
retrofits & up-dates)
▣ EnerGuide for New Houses, Canada (new
▣ Gold & Silver Energy Standards, United
▣ Green Building Council of Australia’s Green
▣ Haute Qualite Environmentale, France
▣ House Energy Rating, Australia
▣ Leadership in Energy and Environmental
Design (LEED), USA and Canada
▣ Green Globes, USA, Canada and United
▣ Minergie, Switzerland
▣ National Association of Home Builders Green
Building Guidelines, USA
▣ Passivhaus, Germany, Austria, United
End of Lecture

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