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1 What is technology?

Technology is the coordinated application of a set of knowledge (science) and

skills (technique) in order to create a solution (technology) that allows human
beings to satisfy their needs or solve their problems".
2 What do you think of when you hear the word ‘technology’?
I think of technology every time I see something futuristic, something too
evolutionary for our time, and I also see technology as a source of collective and
individual progress.
3 How has technology changed in the past?
It has changed too much, a simple example is how the television went from being
white and black to color, as we have seen the immense progress that have had the
cell phones.
4 Could you live without technology?
No, because technology plays such an important role in my life, both in family and
university environments.
What technological achievement has been the best so far?
for my internet because it has been a technological breakthrough that has helped
advance others
5 What do you think technology will be like in the future?
in the future technology will be amazing, interesting, because it is going to be
something so big that I don't know how to explain it.
6 What are the advantages of technology in your daily, college life?
The most important advantage is that it allows me to find important educational
material for my career or for the classes I am taking.
7 What are the disadvantages of technology in everyday life?
The attachment that we have obtained, because we have become very dependent
on technology.
8 What do you think will be the next big technological breakthrough?
Flying cars

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