Frere - de La Salle (Patron Saint of Teachers)

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LCLSONE – NOVEMBER 2, 2021 - And the greatest pain he experienced was

Movie: Frere (De La Salle: Patron Saint of hearing his mother passed away and he was
Teachers) not there by her side

CHAPTER 1 - A few months later he received another

letter from his grandmother
- John Baptist De La Salle - This time his father has passed away
- Born: 1651 - Mother - Nicolle Moet: 1630-1671
- Grew up in: City of Rheims, France - Father – Louis De La Salle: 1625-1672
- This is a story about how he became an - He was barely 21 years old when they
educator – how Hod led him step by step. departed
- Did not really dream of becoming an - As the eldest child, he had to make a
educator. He wanted to become a priest difficult choice
and serve the church.
- He decided to go home and be with his
- Him and his siblings used to visit their family
grandparents vineyard during harvest time - He left the seminary and dedicated himself
- His grandma told them stories about saints in taking care of his brothers and sisters
and heroes
- John was inspired by her stories - But God’s call was strong. After taking care
- While he and his siblings were happily of his family, he continued his vocation
playing, their servants’ children were busy - He was ordained as a priest on April 9, 1678
helping in the fields - And his story did not end there because he
- He wondered why others don’t live like he had a feeling God had something special in
did mind for him
- “they carry our load but we don’t carry
theirs” - One day at the Sisters of the Child Jesus
Convent, Adrian Nyel and his young
- They spent their childhood at the La Cloche assistant Christopher came.
Mansion - Adrian Nyel – a school teacher
- He loved to play role playing with his - They came from Rouen
siblings - They brought a letter from Madam
- He always role played as a priest Maillefer saying she requests John’s
- At a young age, he was sure he wanted to - Madam Maillefer – distant relative of John
become a priest
- He was tonsured when he was 11 years old - Madam Maillefer is funding a charity school
- Tonsure – practice of shaving part of the for the poor boys of Rheims. She wanted
head a preliminary to becoming a priest John to assist with the City Authorities
- At the age of 15, he became the canon of - John: I think it’s not going to be easy
the Rheims Cathedral - He went there and saw so much poverty

- Following his dreams, he entered the - According to John, Adrien Nyel is a zealous
seminary in hopes of becoming a priest man, and it seemed that God made use of
- Life there was not always easy him so that he could get John involved in
- He received a letter the good work
- Adrian: Indeed you are God sent to all the
poor people of Rheims
- As they stepped over the school’s - Driver(?): Fr. John! The bridge is heavy with
threshold, John sensed something snow. It’s too dangerous to cross the bridge
important was going to happen with the horses! I’m sorry Fr. John

CHAPTER 2 - John crossed the bridge by himself

- His hat fell on the ice and when he went to
- It has been more than a decade since then, get it, the ice cracked and he also fell
John has met a lot of dedicated men who
were willing to teach poor children - “During my struggle, a chilling memory, cold
- Instead of calling themselves teachers, they as ice, flashed before my eyes. I was being
preferred to be called brothers abandoned by my fellow brothers. It was
- Later on they were known as The Brothers hard work and there was little to eat. It was
of the Christian Schools just too much for them.”
- After many years of trial and error, success - “Please, Lord! Don’t leave me here…”
and failures at St. Yon in Rouen, they began
all over again and opened a Novitiate to - Flashback: “Our struggle did not end there.
form young brothers
The writing masters, who accused us of
robbing them of their livelihood, declared
- One day during one of their classes, he
war on our schools”
received a letter from the brothers (Br.
Francois) - “They assaulted the schools, even setting
- Br. Henry was very ill and he sensed he them on fire. We had to leave Paris and
might not live very long, so he asked the Start anew in the South of France
brothers to inform John and request for his - End of Flashback: John climbed up from the
presence ice
- “Falling down in that cold ditch worsened
- John was deeply saddened by Br. Henry’s my rheumatism. This sickness will bother
Grave Condition me for the rest of my life”
- John had high hopes for Him to be their
next superior - He arrived there to the place where the
- John even advised him to become a priest
Brothers were.
so the archbishop would allow him to lead
- They welcomed him with a blanket
the brothers
- Most of them were praying so John said
- But he was wrong continue with your prayers
- John thinks this is God’s will - He went to Br. Henry’s Room
- “So it will be brothers, much more than - “Farewell, Br. Henry. You were a gift to our
priests, who will be fully committed and will community”
be able to maintain the Brothers of the
Christians Schools” - Flashback: He remembered when they
- “A Brother must lead our community, and wrote their vows as brothers
only brothers will be our community” - “Everyone seemed to hesitate in
- So John went to be with Br. Henry and the committing themselves to the mission”
rest of the brothers - But brother Henry was not doubtful of their
- During the travel
- He was a good man and a true disciple of
- “I knew it. Skipping their class again”
- He prayed to the Lord while he was in Br. - John went to the kids in the river
Henry’s room - “What are you doing boys?”
- “Please return to your class imeediately”
- “Yes, Fr. John”
CHAPTER 3 - The kids: “That was fun! Let’s do it again
next time!”

- Several years later, during the start of a new - The next day…
school year… - The kids/boys were fighting over the food
- The kids came back from their vacation - John: “I remember the time when I gave up
my wealth”
- He saw a kid getting called a “Raggedy Boy”
by other wealthy kids/people(?) - Flashback: “I spent my last reserves to buy
baskets of bread to feed the starving
- “Sometimes, I get reminded of the sad children and families of the area”
reality of ridicule…”
- “of the laughter we heard when we first - One afternoon…
dressed in our distinctive clothers: a black - The kids were playing – fencing near the
cassock shorter than a priest’s, together stairs
with a white collar. On top of that, we wear - And one of them fell
a peasant’s cape, a large hat, and shoes - A teacher asked what happened
with thick, heavy soles. They would protect - Albert (the raggedy kid) said it was an
us from the sun and rain. It gave us an accident
identity. It united us as a community of - Bernard (yung bully) said tinulak siya ni
brothers.” albert. “Punish Him Punish Him”

- In class, the “Raggedy boy” was constantly - John: “Poor Albert!” (he said as he watched
bullied. Albert run away with tears). “I could see in
- The other kids pulled his chair so that he’d his eyes that he was innocent”
fall - Flashback: “This was almost like the last
- Those same (bullies) kids said in class that time when I was accused by the writing
they were bored will al the numbers and masters of stealing their livelihood”
readings and they went on to skip the class
by sneaking out of the room - John tried to follow Albert but he just kept
- They invited the “Raggedy Boy” (Albert) to running away
come with them and he did
- The very next day…
- He ran away with them and they went to a - The parents of Bernard and Albert met up
lake/river(?) - Bernard’s Parents: “Your evil son almost
- Bernard (one of the bullies) didn’t know killed my precious boy”
how to swim but the other kids told him to - “It’s not his fault”
join them - “I know my son! He wouldn’t do such a
- John heard the noise thing! Stop accusing him!”
- Bernard’s mom: “Barbariands! - Nobody in the class wanted to talk to him or
- Bernard’s dad: “Fr. De La Salle, I want you notice his presence
to expel that boy from this school
immediately! He doesn’t belong here. He - When he arrived home, his farther asked
belongs in the farm.” him what was wrong
- John: “Dear parents, remember that we are - He admitted that it was not Albert’s fault
in God’s Holy presence. Can we discuss the - That night, Albert went out to tell John as
matter in a more peaceful manner?” well
- Bernard’s Dad: “Very well I’ll say it
peacefully… get rid oof this boy” - A week later…
- “I demand that you expel the little - John went to the farm where Albert was
barbarian or I shall report this to the - Albert was really happy and ran to hug him
authorities Fr. John!” - John saw that Albert was busy helping out
- John: “We don’t want to expel anyone here. his father
We are here for every child. We don’t - “Fetching water is only one of the things I
correct the behavior of students by just do, but I miss school”
getting rid of them” - “Albert, there is someone here who misses
- Albert’s Dad: “Enough my boy doesn’t need you at school”
this. You rich people are the barbarians” - Then Bernard comes out of their ride
- Then Albert’s Parents leave the room - “He came all the way out here to talk to
- Bernard’s Dad: “Fr. De La Salle, I remind you”
you… Keep the poor in their place!”
- Then Bernard’s parents leave the room as - “Forgive me albert”
well - “I’m so sorry for what I did to you. I’m such
a spoiled child… I hope you can forgive
- John: “We have to explain to them that me…”
what they demand Is against the Gospel
Principles on which Christian Schools are - They shake hands then Albert asks his dad
founded. to come there
- “Have faith in God’s will, my brothers. We - Bernard: “I told my parents about what
must lead them to become free from the happened and they came here with me to
thoughts and feelings that enslave them” ask for your forgiveness too”
- Bernard’s Parents apologize and say they
- At that moment, John felt a very sharp pain are happy to help Albert with his needs so
in his legs that he can come back to school
- “This aching pain would haunt me for the
rest of my life” - *John’s thoughts* “Thank you Lord”
- “It was just one of the small crosses that I
had to endure, but I had a good example to
follow…” (scene shows a picture of Jesus on
the wall)

- A few days later…

- Bernard came to school very down
- “Life sometimes seems like it pushes us
around like wind that scatters the leaves.
- And when things do settle down and we
CHAPTER 4 find ourselves in a brand-new place, the
story is not over yet.”
- “Each one of us is invited to notice the little
- Fast forward, scene shows an older version things around us that call for our attention.
of John (puti na buhok) The people that need a little help, they are
- John: “Dear Lord, Thank you for your care often as close as our own two feet.”
and guidance. My prayers go out to you for - “All that God asks us to do is that we bend
dear Br. Barthelemy. He deserves to be down and pick them up. God will do the
chosen as my successor by his brothers. He rest.”
has the makings of a great leader, and he is
truly devoted to the welfare of our society.” - This scene shows John talking to Albert and
- “They are ready for a new beginning” Bernard
- “That gentle drifting leaf is like an angel - “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you
descending from heaven…” remain in me and I in you, you will bear
- “… A gentle reminder from God that I’m fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing” –
coming near my journey’s end. John 15:5
Life moves in cycles. Life and death, and - “This is what I pray for-that you bear much
them new life. And so the end to this story fruit…
also promises a new beginning.” - For he has chosen both of you to do his
work. Goodbye my Brothers.”
- Next scene…
- There are kids running in front of the church - “Remember to love the young people that
- “I wanna be a brother when I grow up just you teach, and bring Jesus alive in their
like Br. Albert” hearts.”
- “Then I’ll be like Br. Bernard” - “This is the greatest miracle that you can
perform. With his guidance, you cannot fail”
- Next scene…
- There are guys carrying stuff to a carriage - “I adored God in all things that happened in
- “Let me help you Bernard” my life. God be blessed”
- “Thanks Br. Albert”
- “We are ready to go Fr. John”
- Albert and Bernard are preparing the next
adventure of their journey as brothers
- “Albert, who came from a poor family,
courageous and resourceful…”
- “A young man who is passionate about
learning and teaching…”
- “Bernard, born from a wealthy family,
humble and generous…”
- “A young man, who learned to share God’s
good grace to the less fortunate…”

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