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Below is the diagram showing the Governing Vessel

Below is the list of all the key points on our spine. And what happens when the energy is
disturbed at these points. Our spinal cord is divided into the cervical, thoracic and lumbar
vertebrates. And when we do the tapping at the 5th point of our tapping sequence, we can
normalize the energy flow to all these points and normalize the symptoms caused by energy
disturbances at these points.
Cervical Vertebra Reflexes

● C1 Brain, ears, nerves

○ Symptoms – headache, nervousness, insomnia, dizziness
● C2 Eyes, ears, sinuses, tongue
○ Symptoms – pain around eyes, sinus issues, earache
● C3 Facial bones, teeth, throat
○ Symptoms – neuralgia, toothache, acne
● C4 Nose, lips, mouth, eustachian tube
○ Symptoms – runny nose, hearing loss, stinging lips
● C5 Vocal cords, neck glands, pharynx
○ Symptoms – laryngitis, throat issues
● C6 Neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils
○ Symptoms – Stiff neck, tonsillitis, choking type cough
● C7 Thyroid gland, shoulders, elbows
○ Symptoms – thyroid issues, bursitis

Thoracic Vertebra Reflexes

● T1 Arms from elbow down, hands, wrist, fingers

○ Symptoms – Difficult breathing, pain in lower arm and hand
● T2 Heart, coronary artery
○ Symptoms – heart and chest issues
● T3 Lungs, bronchial tubes, pleura, chest, breast
○ Symptoms – bronchitis, pleurisy, chest congestion
● T4 Gallbladder
○ Symptoms – gallbladder issues, jaundice
● T5 Liver, solar plexus, circulation
○ Symptoms – liver issues, poor circulation, arthritis
● T6 Stomach
○ Symptoms – stomach issues, indigestion
● T7 Pancreas, duodenum
○ Symptoms – ulcer, gastritis, poor digestion
● T8 Spleen
○ Symptoms – low immune system and blood quality
● T9 Adrenal Gland
○ Symptoms – allergies, low energy
● T10 Kidneys
○ Symptoms – kidney issues, edema, backache
● T11 Kidney Ureters
○ Symptoms – skin conditions, swelling
● T12 Small Intestine
○ Symptoms – gas, bloating, malabsorption
Lumbar Vertebra Reflexes

● L1 Large intestine, ileocecal valve

○ Symptoms – constipation, colitis, irritable bowel
● L2 Appendix, abdomen, upper legs
○ Symptoms – cramps, varicose veins
● L3 Sex organs, bladder, knees
○ Symptoms – bladder issues, menstrual issues, impotency
● L4 Prostate gland, low back muscles, sciatic nerve
○ Symptoms – sciatica, backache, urination issues
● L5 Lower legs, ankles, feet
○ Symptoms – poor circulation in legs, swollen ankles, cold feet
● Sacrum- Hip bones, buttocks
○ Symptoms – sacroiliac conditions, low backache
● Coccyx- Rectum, anus
○ Symptoms – hemorrhoids, anal itching, pain while sitting
Below is the diagram showing the Conception Vessel

Below is a list of all the important points through which the conception vessel passes.

● CV 5-7 Male/female issues, menstrual cramping, bladder

● CV 9-11 Abdominal pain, hernia, bloating, poor digestion
● CV 13-14 Hiatal hernia, nausea, acid reflux, tension
● CV 17-18 Lung issues, breast issues, palpitations
● CV 20-22 Chest pain, asthma, immune weakness
● CV 23 Pain in throat, difficulty swallowing
● CV 24 Facial pain, mouth issues, dental issues

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