Unit Test For Neoclassic Period

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Mil-an National High School

Unit Test in Arts in

Grade 9
Subject Matter: Arts of the Neoclassical Period

Part 1. Matching Type: Match the following painting & sculptures in Column A with their name in
column B. Write the letter of your choice on your answer sheet. CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY


A. Lion of
Lucerne by B.
1. 6.
B. Portrait of
Napoleon on
the Imperial
Throne by J.

2. C. Washington by
A. Canova

D. The Death of
Marat by J.

E. Christ by B.
3. 8.
F. The Envoys of
by J. Ingres

G. Cupid &
Psyche by A.
4. 9.
H. Napoleon
Crossing the
Alps by J.

I. Apotheosis of
Homer by J.
5. 10. Ingres

J. Oath of the
Horatti by J.
Part II. Identify the characteristic and the pictures of Part III. TRUE or FALSE. Write the word
the Architectural styles during the Neoclassic TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if
Period. the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in
Write T if it is a Temple Style, P if it is a Palladian UPPERCASE/CAPITAL LETTERS.
Style, and C if it is a Classic Block Style. Capital
Letters Only 1. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’s
paintings was usually nudes, portrait,
1. Architectural type that features peristyle and mythological themes.
that has no balustrade. 2. Jacques Louis David is considered to be
2. the pre-eminent painter of the era.
3. Antonio Canova is a Japanese artist.
4. Bertel Thorvaldsen executed sculptures
of mythological and religious themes
and characters.
5. Henri Labrouste’s masterpiece is the
3. Architectural design that was based on famous Basilica Palladiana.
an ancient temple. 6. Cupid and Psyche is regarded as a
masterpiece of Neoclassical Sculpture
4. that was sculpted by Bertel
7. Napoleon Crossing the Alps
is a strongly idealized view of the real
crossing of Napoleon and his army that
was painted by Jean-Auguste-
Dominique Ingres.
8. White House and the United States
5. Architectural style that features a
Capitol are well-known civic building
balustrade (railing with vertical that was designed by George
supports along the edge of the roof.) Washington.
9. Apotheosis of Homer is a painting that
6. was commissioned by Charles X that
was painted by Jean-Auguste-
Dominique Ingres.
10. The most famous classical block of all
which is the Palais Garnier was
designed by Andrea Palladio.
7. Architectural style that features a
rectangular or square plan with a flat




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