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What is ALS?

Alternative Learning System A FREE education program implemented by the DepEd A

laderized, modular non-formal education program by the Department of Education (DepEd) The 3rd
Bureau of DepEd Benefits those who cannot afford formal schooling and follows whatever is their
available schedule provides a viable alternative to the existing formal education instruction,
encompassing both the non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills.

3. Alternative Learning System Teachers that are involved in this program are called “Mobile Teachers ”
for reasons that they often go about teaching in rural and depressed areas where a formal classroom is
not available.

4. EFA-ALS Vision &Mission With the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS) With the Bureau of
Alternative Learning System (BALS), by the year 2015, the Philippines envision the attainment of a
universal functional literacy brought about by excellence in non formal and informal delivery of basic
education. The Alternative Learning System is an instrument to uphold the learners’ aspiration for
further learning and meaningful participation in the community and society as a whole.

5. Who are the Target Learners of ALS?

 Elementary and secondary school dropouts

 Youth and Adults although in school but over-aged for Grade 6 and 4th Year
 Unemployed/underemployed OSY’s and adults Industry-based workers, housewives, maids,
factory workers, driver
 Members of cultural minorities/Indigenous People (IPs) Persons With Disabilities
(PWDs)/physically Challenged Inmates, rebel/soldier integrees

6. How Does ALS Work? 

 Students who are interested in enrolling in an ALS class are encouraged to visit Community
Learning Centers (CLCs).
 Oral and written tests will be given to assess the student’s/pupil’s competency level.
 Applicants who have not attended any formal schooling before will be enrolled in Basic Literacy
Program where basic reading and computing skills will be taught before moving them to
advanced classes.

7. How Does ALS Work?

 ALS A & E classes takes a minimum of 800 hours to complete (8-10 months). The process of
integration starts with the students attending a 10 month learning and review session
conducted by the Mobile Teacher. After completion, performance are assessed in preparation
for the Accreditation and Equivalency Test (or A&E) that will be given to these students.
 Passers of either the Elementary or Secondary Level gets a certificate which bears the signature
of the Secretary of the Department of Education
 This allows a passer to be integrated into formal education and also gives them the chance to
enroll for a college degree or technical courses.

8. Options and Opportunities for ALS Passers

 Can enroll for college Enter TESDA/MeralcoFdtn./Technical Schools Enter other non-formal
training programs Enter Formal training programs Look for work opportunities Enrol or re-enrol
in formal elementary or secondary education

9. BALS Programs & Projects Informal Education for Disadvantaged Children This program focuses on
packaging of short-term educational activity that addresses the special needs and interests of the street
and working children. It intends to use life skills active learning approaches/strategies aimed at
developing/enhancing social, civic, aesthetic, cultural, recreational physical and personal development.
The learning materials/packages may be developed/adopted/adapted or gathered from other sources
and tailored-fit to the identified needs of the said users.

10. BALS Programs & Projects • Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) Program The Radio-Based Instruction (RBI)
Program is an alternative learning delivery mode using radio broadcast to deliver the ALS programs. As a
form of distance learning, it is able to expand access to education by bringing it to where the learners
are. It aims to provide learning opportunities to listeners and enable them to acquire equivalency in
basic education through the broadcast of lessons. Source:

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