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During the Sort-a-thon we are aiming to sort through all of the clothing collected in the Get
Redressed Clothing Drive (estimated to be around 20 tonnes) over three days.

Please find below some answers to help you and your team for your upcoming sorting session.

Location: 30/F, PCCW Tower, TaiKoo Place, Quarry Bay


What are the Covid-19 regulations for the event?

All participants will be required to scan a Leave Home Safe App QR code upon entering the
30/F and take a temperature check. Masks are to be worn at all times. The venue falls under
“premises subject to "passive checking" of the Vaccine Pass: shopping malls, department
stores, markets and supermarkets.

What time should I arrive?

Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot.

What should I wear?

Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes. We can provide gloves if you need.
There will be a space for you to keep your belongings but we recommend you avoid bringing
any valuables on site.
Can I drink and eat at the activity?
There will be a water fountain where you will be able to use your reusable bottle for refills. No
food is to be consumed at the sorting tables due to the nature of the activity.

How will I know what to do?

At the start of your session, Redress will conduct a briefing to all participants in regards to why
we are conducting the Sort-a-thon and how to sort clothes.

Can I bring my child, friend and / or partner with me to help?

Due to the nature of the work, children under the age of 18 are not permitted on site.
Please cross check with your team leader whether you can bring a friend or partner to help as
there is limited space for each team.

Who do I contact if I get lost on the way or if I have more questions?

You should contact your team leader, who will be in touch with Redress team at all times.

*Please note that there will be roaming photographers and a videographer filming throughout the
sessions. Your image may be captured and used for our future marketing use.

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