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班級 : 
E6 Unit 3 Overfishing and its solutions 3.1
日期 : 
5 問題

1. 1. Non-fully exploited fish stocks accounted for less than 10% in 2009.

A A. True B B. False

2. 2. When fish are caught at a rate ___________ than they can reproduce, overfishing occurs.

A B. slower B A. faster

3. 3. In the 1950s, overfishing was mainly found in the ___________.

A A. Nan Hai B D. Indian Ocean

C B. southern part of Pacific Ocean D C. North Sea

4. 4. Which of the following is NOT a cause of overfishing?

A A. Population growth B B. Increase in people’s income

C D. More effective fishing technology D C. Mature development of aquaculture

5. 5. Global Positioning System allows vessels to locate better fishing spots.

A A. True B B. False

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