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班級 : 
E6 Unit 3 Overfishing and its solutions 3.4
日期 : 
5 問題

1. 1. Sustainable fisheries encourage fishermen to stop fishing immediately.

A B. False B A. True

2. 2. The fishing ban in Nan Hai adopted by China lasts for ___________.

A B. 30 days B C. 5 weeks

C D. 10 weeks D A. 10 days

3. 3. Which of the following is NOT a role of the government to tackle overfishing?

D. Use satellite to monitor fishing

A B C. Implement catch share programme

A. Provide training on sustainable fishery

C B. Use trawl nets with larger mesh size D

4. 4. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of Marine Protected Areas?

A B. Provide job opportunities B D. Replenish fish stock

C C. Increase shellfish production D A. Conserve biodiversity

5. 5. Consumers can ___________ to support sustainable fishery.

A C. follow their own preferences B A. buy prawns from Nan Hai

C B. buy expensive seafood D D. follow the seafood guide

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