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A. Tipe I ( Future Conditional Sentences)

Kalimat pengandaian tipe I menunjuk pada peristiwa yang diharapkan

terjadi pada waktu yang akan datang atau sekarang jika kondisinya
dipenuhi. Mungkin terjadi mugkin tidak.

Contoh :

1. They will visit you if you meet them.

(Artinya: They may visit you, you may meet them)
2. I can go for a swim if the weather is not bad
(Artinya: I may go for a swim, the weather may not be bad)

B. Tipe II (Present conditional)

Kalimat pengandaian tip eke II untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang

bertentangan dengan fakta pada waktu sekarang sehingga tidak
mungkin terjadi. To be untuk semua pronoun adalah were

1. They would visit you if you met them

(Artinya : They would visit you if you don’t meet them)
2. I could go for a swim if the weather were not bad.
3. (Artinya: I can’t go for a swim if the weather were is bad)

C. Tipe III (Past Conditional)

Kalimat pengandaian tipeke III menunjuk pada peristiwa yang terjasi di

waktu lampau, digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang
bertentangan dengan kenyataaan pada waktu lampau akibat dari
penyesalan terhadap suatu aktivisas yang terjadi diwaktu
1. They would have visited you if you had met them
(Artinya: They didn’t visit you because you didn’t meet them)
2. I could have gone for a swim if the weather had not been bad
(Artinya: I couldn’t go for a swim because the weather was bad)


We use if for things we are not sure We use when for things we are sure
will happen will happen

If I see Sarah, I’ll invite her to the When I see Sarah, I’ll invite her to
party the party

(Perhaps I’ll see Sarah, perhaps I (I’m sure I’ll see Sally)
Complete the following sentence with Conditional sentences

Exercise 1

Conplete the following sentences with the pattern of conditional

sentences type 1

1. I’m sure you ... (enjoy) the film if you...(see) it.

2. If we..(leave).. now, we ... (not |be).. late.
3. If we.. (miss).. the bus, we ...(take). a taxi.
4. If you (need) any help ... (you |tell).. me?
5. If Simon..(not|apologize).. to me, I...( not|speak).. to him any more.

Exercise 2
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form
We’ll go out later on if it stops (stop) raining.

1. Do you want to watch the TV? I _____switch it on if you do

2. What ___you | do if you were the President of the USA?
3. If she__(have) time, she’ll phone me this evening.
4. If I__(be) you, I’d go to the doctor.
5. ______you(you|buy) a new car if you could afford one?
6. We’ll have a picnic tomorrow if the weather____(be) fine.

Exercise 3
Put the verbs into the correct form: the past perfect, or would (n’t) have +
past participle.
She would have spoken to you if she had seen (see) you.
1. If I___(not|be) so busy yesterday, I would have visited you.
2. If you had seen the film, you____(enjoy) it.
3. She would have gone to university if she____(have) the opportunity.
4. If he had been more careful, he____(not|have) an accident.

Exercise 4
Read the situation. Then make a sentence with if
I didn’t have time. I didn’t go shopping
If I’d had time, I would have gone shopping
1. She was it. She didn’t go to work
2. It rained all morning. We didn’t
go out.
3. She didn’t have enough money.
She couldn’t buy the shoes
4. I wasn’t hungry. I didn’t have

Exercise 5
Change into conditional sentence type 2 and 3
1. I will say if it rained
2. You will be ill if you eat too much
3. If I am you, I shall go home immediately
4. They will pass their examination if they study hard
5. She can’t buy the car if he doesn’t have much money.
6. She doesn’t feel comfortable because Totok isn’t here
7. Slamet gets a bad mark because he is lazy
8. He heard what we said because we talked very loudly
9. I don’t go finishing because the weather isn’t good.
10. They didn’t win the match because they didn’t play better.

Exercise 6
Write down the meaning/ fact of these conditional sentences!

1. I would eat the fish if I were a cat

2. You couldn’t go to her house if you didn’t know her address
3. Totok would have visited Fafa if she had called on him
4. He might meet the doctor if he didn’t come late
5. I would give you some money if you were poor.
8. When the little boy saw the dog, he ran
away and was bitten.
We can conclude that___
a. If he hadn’t run away, he wouldn’t have
1. If the player scores another goal, the been beaten.
result___a draw. b. If he doesn’t run away, he won’t be bitten
a. is to be b.will have been c. If he hasn’t run away, he wouldn’t be
c. would have been d.will be bitten
e. would be d. If he hasn’t run away, he wouldn’t be
2. If you ___I shall be very angry e. Unless he run away, he wouldn’t the
a. wren’t going b.don’t go bitten.
c. didn’t go d.hadn’t been going 9. If I hadn’t quarreled with john, I could have
gone to the party with him.
e. haven’t been going
We conclude that_____to the party.
a. perhaps I’ll go with john
3. If we go to the top, we will have a nice view b. John promised to go with me
of Jakarta c. I didn’t go with John
These sentences mean____ d. John would like to go with me
a. We have already seen Jakarta from the e. I went with John
top. 10. Many people could have rescued from the
b. We are now looking and having a nice of landslide if immediate help and arrived.
Jakarta From the above statement we say
c. We saw Jakarta last month conclude that___
d. There is possibility of seeing Jakarta from a. A rescue team came immediately to
the top help the victims.
e. There isn’t any possibility of seeing b. A lot of people died because of the land
Jakarta from the top. slide.
4._____,I might borrow it from him. c. The landslide did not harm anyone.
a. were the novel his d. Many people rescued themselves from
b.The novel were his the landslide.
c.If his the novel e. It was just a mirror landslide.
d.If the novel him
e. If his the novel
5.”What would you do if you were a
“_____a trip around the world”
a.I will take
b.I would have taken
c. I would take
d.Me took
e. I took
6. He was at lost because he was not well
It means: He wouldn’t have been at lost___”
a.if he has well informed
b.If he were well informed
c. if he was not well informed
d.if he had been well informed
e.if he would not be well informed
7. I am not a mechanic, so I can’t fix it.
This sentences mean____
a. If I could be a mechanic, I had fixed it
b. If I have been mechanic, I would have
fixed it
c. If I were a mechanic, I could fix it.
d. If I could have been a mechanic, I had
fixed it.

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