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 Exercises from the book review….

1 What does this mean?
b- It´s a type of food.
2 How do you spell it?
f- B-a-n-a-n-a.
3 What page are we on?
c- Page 63.
4 What´s the answer to number 6?
e The answer is b.
5 Can you repeat that, please?
a-Which part? The whole sentence?
6 How do you said this word?
d- You don´t say the ´k´ Listen: ´knee´.

Listen to the words and the spelling and write them down
1 Would 2 Which 3 Friend 4 Know 5 People.
Then, write questions or sentences with the words you wrote.
1. Would you like something to drink?
2. Which shirt do you like?
3. Hi´s your best friends?
4. Do you know math?
5. There are many people in this place
1 Studied, verb in past.
2 A, article
3 School, noun
4 In, preposition of place
5 Do, auxiliarity
6 Helpful, adjective
7 Quickly, adverb
My name is Yoko.
I´m living in the United States.
I´ve been here for six months.
I was born in Japan.
5 I´m going to visit my uncle in Canada next

1 What´s your name?

2 Who do you know in this class?

3 Where do you come from?

4 When is your birthday?

5 How do you come to school?

6 Why are you studying English?

can-could-will – not
1. What do you do?

2 Where does is she live?

3 What did they do yesterday evening?

4 I am not know the answers to these


5 The library doesn´t open on Saturday.

6 We weren´t go on holiday last year.

7 Are you studying at the moment?

8 John isn´t using the computer, so you can

use it.
Sam met Sally in a café last week. They got on
really well. They decided to go to a restaurant for
dinner. Sam had the fish and Sally had the pasta.
They didn't finish their desserts. They leaved.
Unfortunately, Sam falls ill during the night. He
doesn't call Sally the next day, Sally was sad that
she didn't hear from Sam during the day,
fortunately, a friend of Sam's told Sally what
happened the night before.

and add 2 more lines to the story.

1 Recording 13 Listen to a teacher talking about a school trip and complete the notes.

Visit to the Science Museum

Date: 1     27th May  
Coach leaves at: 2   8:00                            a.m.
Museum opens: 10a.m. to 3 6 p.m.
1st guided tour at: 4 10:15 a.m.
Name of Exhibition: Antenna
Coffee break at: 5 11:00 a.m.
Number of themed galleries: 6 20
Recommended: Making the 7 Modern World and The Secret Life of the Home
Lunch in: 8 Picnic area at 12.30p.m.
IMAX film at: 1.15p.m.
Name of film: Space 9 Station
2nd guided tour at: 2.45p.m.
Name of exhibition: 10 Fast Forward
Free time: 3.45 to 11 4:45 p.m.
Home by: 8.00p.m.

2 Recording 13 Listen again and decide if the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).
1 The teacher advises his students to be in the car park by 7.30a.m.   F   

2 The Wellcome Wing has exhibitions about modern art and science.     F     
3 The teacher recommends two permanent exhibitions on contemporary science.   T     
4 The students will watch a film about daily life on the International Space Station.       T   
5 Fast Forward is an exhibition about how Formula One technology is being adapted
for use in daily life. ___F__         
6 The visit will end with a guided tour of some interesting new galleries. ______F_____
1. Fill out the spaces. Important, record your answers but no the ones from the long listening, each students
has to participate with the camara on, Name the recording as FIRST MEAT ACTIVITY …… NAME OF

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