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1.1 Background of the study

The purpose of this study is to present a theoretical on comparison between digital marketing
and traditional marketing Digital Marketing means the endorsement of products or brands
through one or more forms of electronic media Traditional marketing refers to any type of
promotion, advertising or campaign that has been in see by companies for years, and that has
a proven success Throughout history it has always been important to market mere product to
our audience. This is the best way to get our brand wake out and make sales. In the past
personal use additional marketing practices, us in news papers or magazines, TV
commercials, billboards, business cards, and radio Today there is a growing alteration ta
digital marketing, and this instead faces on the internet in particular to advertise and well a
product Digital marketing focuses on special works, boomerangs and of curve.

1.2 problem of the statement

1.3 Objectives of the study

The study was conduct with an objective of comparison between traditional marketing
and digital marketing
 To identifies importance of digital and traditional marketing
 To identifies differences between digital and traditional marketing
 To identifies which marketing is more effective

1.4 Significance of the study

Traditional marketing is not dead by any means. In fact, until magazines, newspapers and
television go by the wayside, traditional marketing is here to stay-albeit with some changes.
But, the ring popularity of digital marketing has forced traditional marketing avenues to take
notice and combine practices. Though digital marketing has advantages over traditional
marketing, you should be fully aware of the marketing strategies and possible results of both
before adopting a marketing plan
Both traditional and digital practices share similar goals attracting qualified customers and
building brand awareness in your market. The right mix of digital and traditional marketing is
better than the sum of in parts. Some businesses think of digital and traditional marketing as
being at odds with each other, but in fact they can complement cash other to meet your goals
and get the best possible results. The present study signifies to compare the analysis between
traditional marketing and digital marketing.
1.5 research design
Research type - online survey
Data source – Primary data
Data visualization – Pie charts

1.6 limitations of the study

Problem of Rapid Change:
Today’s market is characterized by tremendous changes. Whatever is applicable or relevant
today is out-dated tomorrow. Due to rapid changes, marketing research cannot serve the
purpose. Research results or outcomes available after the specific time period seem irrelevant
or meaningless.
Problem of Trust and Accuracy
Marketing research is based on trust and accuracy. Right from the identification of problem to
the final outcomes, all depends on trust. Company has to trust on marketing research officer;
research officer has to trust on field officer; and field officer has to rely on response of
respondents. At any stage of marketing research, accuracy is vital issue. To the extent
inaccuracy prevails, marketing research results suffer.
It cannot Eliminate Risks Inherent in Decision-making:
In every economic decisions, there exists risk and uncertainly. Marketing research cannot
eliminate risk and uncertainty. It is an attempt to minimize degree of risk. So, heavy costs on
marketing research don’t guarantee safety and certainty.
Difference between Filed Officers, Data Analysts, and Decision- makers:
Marketing research activity involves a number of people such as marketing manager, field
officer, data analysts, and finally decision-maker. All these people have different objectives,
backgrounds, and perspectives. Consistency or parity among them is a vital issue. Unless high
degree of integration and intimacy among them exit, one cannot expect a success. In fact, it is
Can’t predict consumer behaviour:
Marketing research collects data about consumer behaviour. However, this data is not
accurate because consumer behaviour cannot be predicted. It keeps on changing according to
the time and moods of the consumers. Consumer behaviour is also very complex. It is
influenced by social, religious, family, economic and other factors. It is very difficult to study
these factors.
Time consuming:
Marketing research is a lengthy and time-consuming process. This process involves many
important steps. All these steps are crucial and not even a single step can be neglected or
avoided. In other words, there are no short-cuts in MR. Generally, it takes at least three to six
months to solve a marketing problem. Therefore, it cannot be used in urgent or emergency
1.6 Chapterization
Chapter 1 - introduction
Chapter 2 - Theoretical concept
Chapter 3 - Data Analysis
Chapter 4 – Summary


There are many ways to capture the audience’s attention. Marketing is one of the most
fundamental things in a business, as it helps obtain people’s attention. There are two methods
of marketing. One is traditional marketing, a classical type of marketing, and the other is
digital marketing, a modern type of marketing. Traditional marketing has been evolving for
ages, while digital just got in a few years ago. Both are good in their way, as they both have
pros and cons. Therefore, choosing between both is entirely dependent on the people and the
businesses that want to use it.
Traditional and digital marketing are very different from one another. Although they both
have few similarities, they both are unique in their ways. There are many advantages to digital
marketing compared to traditional. While the odds may seem stacked in digital marketing’s
favour, the story’s not that clean-cut.
Recent evidence cited by Harvard Business Review suggests that a shift is underway as in
August 2021 and February 2022, marketers predicted that traditional advertising spending
would increase by 1.4% and 2.9% .

2.2 Core project

Traditional marketing refers to any type of promotion, advertising or campaign that has been
in se by companies for years, and that has a proven success rate Methods of traditional
marketing can include print advertisements, such an news mens, billboards, flyers and
newspaper print ads.
Press Release
Press releases are published by businesses to introduce new products in the market or to
announce the addition of new features to their existing products or services. This marketing
strategy can be used even today while introducing new set of packages or a long term offer in
the market. Even small online business can use this strategy for marketing their products and
services in local markets,
Direct Marketing
Flyers and brochures were historically used to come into direct contact with the local
consumers as well as business clients. Leaving a nice brochure or flyer with the businesses or
persons who you think may be interested in your products or services was considered to be
enough at that time. Small businesses can still use this method to offer special gifts to get
attention of first time customers. This traditional method still contains that personal touch
that, depending on the product clients may sock
Business Cards
Business cards are used by business owners to induce themselves to other businesses in a
sophisticated manner. This traditional marketing method can still be used today for business
promotion. You will have to keep your simply but artistically designed business and in your
pocket so that you suitably present it to all types of clients
Cold Call
If you know a client that is potentially interested in your products and services then cold calls
can be a suitable way to contact them to introduce yourself. You can also send an email to
establish the connection. This can be an initial step for your face-to-face meeting with them.
Word of Mouth
This is one of the most important marketing methods traditionally used by the businesses,
which is still effective in problem marketing system Today, businesses arrange completions
or charitable events along with their online contents to receive promotion through word of

While newer marketing methods do work and can increase a company’s client base,
completely replacing traditional marketing with the latest marketing techniques can prove
dangerous Traditional methods have a high success rate and are proven. Internet methods are
subject to clients or customers having access to an online medium and being Innerness savvy.
With traditional marketing, anyone with a newspaper, mail service, television or radio can
learn of your business or service. Rather than customers going online to find your business or
service (and possibly stumbling on your competitor’s website), you bring your business or
service to potential customers with print advertisements and other traditional methods.
In simplistic terms, digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more
forms of electronic media.
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the targeted, measurable, and interactive marketing
of products or services sawing digital technologies to reach and convert leads into customers
and retain them.
As digital marketing is dependent on technology which is ever-evening and fast-changing, the
same features should be expected from digital marketing developments and strategies. This
portion is an attempt to quality or segregate the notable highlights existing and being used as
of press time
 Segmentation: more focus has been placed on segmentation within digital
marketing, in order to target specific markets in both business to business and
be to consumer sectors.

 Influencer Marketing: Important nodes are identified within related

communities, known influencers. This is becoming an important concept in
digital targeting. It is possible to reach influencers via paid advertising, such
as Face book Advertising or Google Ad words campaigns. Or through
sophisticated SCRM (social customer relationship management) software,
such as SAP CIC Microsoft Dynamics, Sage CRM and Sales force CRM
Many universities now focus at Masters Level, on engagement strategies for

 Online Behavioural Advertising: Online Behavioural Advertising refers to the

practice of collecting information about a user’s online activity over time, “on
a particular device and across different, unrelated websites, in order to deliver
advertisements to that user’s interest and preferences.

 Collaborative Environment: A collaborative environment can be set up

between the organization the technology service provider, and the digital
agencies to optimize, resource sharing, reusability and communications.
Additionally, organizations are inviting them customers to help them better
understand how to service them. This source of data is called User Generated
Content. Much of this is acquired via company websites where the
organization invites people to share ideas that are then evaluated by other
users of the site. The most popular ideas are evaluated and implemented in
some form. Using this method of acquiring data and developing new products
can foster the organizations relationship with their customer as well as spawn
ideas that would otherwise, he overlooked.

 Remarketing: Remarketing plays a major role in digital marketing. This tactic

allows marketers to publish targeted ads in front of an interest category of a
defined audience, generally called searchers to web speaks, they have either
searched for particular products or services or visited a website for some

 Game advertising: Game ads are advertisements that exist within computer or
video games. One of the most common examples of in-game advertising is
billboards appearing in sport games In-game ads also might appear as brand-
name products like guns, cars, or clothing that extend as gaming status
Encourage engagement through digital media
You can simply acquire new clients via es, Social Media channels. When doing so, ensure
you segment them into different customer groups according to their interests. Later, you will
be able to interact with them and encourage to various actions
The more likes the better!
As part of Digital Marketing Social Media is underestimated. It’s a big mistake because your
“Facebook” likes or “Twitter” shares can help your company grow as they build credibility
and trust. They also bring traffic to the white and are costless. What you have to do is to insert
a Social Media platform- onto your site and keep updating your customers about the company
news, discs, c. Bear in mind to schedule the sequency of updates and no to overwhelm them
with too much information at once. You may be surprised with the outcome.
Get ahead of the competitors
Every year more and more businesses give up traditional advertising methods and focus in
SED, Google Ad words et Social Media spending huge money on these resources. This is the
reason why the market gets increasingly competitive and big players get ahead of huge
companies. As a small business on the market, you cannot compete with them but there is
something you can do You can use Google alert tool to monitor the competitors. This tool
will allow you to track your competitor’s products and marketing strategies so that you can
learn something from them and improve your own business strategy
Go beyond the boundaries
It’s important is understand the digital marketing does not only apply to your website?
However most of the marketers create a website or an ecommerce and invest in SEO and or
Ad Words. But to make your business stand out from the crowd, you need a real strategy that
puts potential customers first and use all the available tools to acquire them
Business reputation first!
Without the trust and confidence of the customer, a company will not survive. Especially in
the past years the importance of reputation has become increasingly noticeable. If a business
has a good reputation, customers may choose that particular company from many on the
 Advertisement on the internet is cheaper them( Low cost) the print advertisement. It
is a Two way communication between sales person and the potential customer which
takes people to the company website. It has a much wider reach
 It hips in spreading the business worldwide, with no geographical barriers, making at
accessible from one country to another via Internet.
 It is a 24X7 (365 days) open store where people are welcome to shop anytime from
anywhere. This further directs the potential customer towards the company white
 Internet makes the product reach much more easy, while researching or getting
accurate information on a product. It also adds value by adding a point of reference
and a touch of individualized customer service.
 It also helps in creating credibility and gain trust and confidence of the customers
Many people use interest for the pre-purchase research so that they can find
themselves a Particular product meets up to their requirements.
 It also helps in updating the subscribers diagram fast mode of e-mails Visitors get up
10-date information on each.
 In case of information sensitive business such as a law firm newspaper or online
Magazine, or a newsletter, you can deliver the products directly to the customers
online Increased ability to measure and collect data.


Easier to have outdated information on internet, update timing is a critical issue here. Many
web visit’s expect something for free. Do you have something to offer free! There is a lot of
competition in the market and by the Time visor reaches the product they have already gone
through many links and got the refund product. Unless they find what they are looking for


Throughout history, it has always been important to market your product to your audio, this is
the best way to get your brand name out and make sales. In the past, experts used traditional
marketing techniques, such as all of the advertisements you typically think of including ads in
newspapers or magazines. TV commercials, billboards, business cards, and radio. Today,
there is a growing transition to digital marketing, and this instead focuses on the Internet in
particular to advertise and sell a product. Digital marketing focuses on using social networks,
banner ads, and. Of course, your website. To better understand digital marketing vs traditional
marketing, it helps to hook them down and look at them based on particular faction

Communication in Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing

In traditional marketing, the communication only happens in one direction, with one person
for product communicating with a large group (the target audience) While this type of
communication does occasionally exist in digital marketing, the focus is instead on multi
directional communication, in which the company will actively communicate with the
consumers, both talking and listening
In reality, those aren’t the only differences in communication for digital marketing es
traditional marketing Traditional marketing has fewer interactions with the customers, and
these are better planned and take longer as they sue such methods as letters, phone calls, and
emails. Digital marketing, however, relies strongly on the Internet for communications, and
this means that all of the interactions are public, so any other client can join in the
conversation and respond immediately
Scheduling for Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing
Even such things as the scheduling and planning of ad campaigns have changed with the
transition to digital marketing. Traditional marketing is always well-planned out, with the
campaign covering a long length of time and following a specific schedule. While digital
marketing does involve long-term planning of this sort, there is much more room for
adjustment along the way. This is due to the increased customer feedback available via this
message and means that as the campaign continues, it will be edited based on feedback
Availability in Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing
There is also a large difference in the availability of the company is respond to customers in
digital marketing vs traditional marketing. With the traditional techniques, responses can only
occur during work hours, but with digital marketing, most companies have people on various
shifts. This means that at any given moment, a customer’s request or feedback will get a
response within a day or two
Scope of Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing
One of the largest differences between traditional and digital marketing is the scope of each
strategy. Traditional marketing uses fewer resources, and because of this, the audience will be
very specific and taxed. Although digital marketing does see some targeting of its audience.

Benefits of Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

 Level playing field: Any business can compete with any competitor regardless of size
with a Solid digital marketing strategy. Traditionally a smaller retailer would struggle
to match the finesse of the fixtures and fittings of its larger competitors. Online, a
crap well thought out site with a smooth customer journey and fantastic service is
king-not size.

 Reduced cost. Your business can develop it online marketing strategy for very little
cost and can potentially replace costly advertising channels such as Yellow Pages,
television, radio.

 Simple to measure. Unlike traditional methods you can see in nail time what is or is
not working for your business online and you can adapt very quickly to improve your
results. For measuring traffic in your are you can use Google Analytics to measure
specific goals you want to achieve for your website or blog and most packaged email
marketing sensations provide good insight into how many people are opening,
reading and converting from your emails

 Real time results you don’t have to wait works for a boost to your business like you
would have to waiting for a fan or for to be reused. You can see the numbers of
visitors to your site and its subscribers increase, peak trading times, conversion rates
and much more at the touch of bottom

 Refinement of your strategy:

Basically anything that you capture in your customer journey Can be reported on and
hold for greater success at the fraction of the cost of traditional Marketing. After all,
how annoying is it to get a couple of forms returned from a mail shot Marketing
online enables you to refine your strategy at any plus in time and so an Improvements
or opportunities for further refinement almost instantaneously

 Brand Development:
A well maintained website with quality content targeting the needs and adding value
to your target audience can provide significant value and load opportunities. The
same can be said for utilizing social media channels and personalized email
 Far greater exposure:
your business can be seen anywhere in the world from one marketing campaign, the
cost to do those using traditional methods would be considerable. Plus once you have
optimized the key word search content in your website you should see a long-term
return on your investment and will be fairly low cost to maintain your ranking
 Viral:
how often do your sales flyers get passed around instantly by your customers and
prospects? Online, using social media share buttons on your website, email and social
medium channels enables your message to be shared incredibly quickly, just look
how effective it is for sharing breaking news
 Not Intrusive:
I know most people hate receiving sales mal shots or phone calls at inconvenient
times on stuff that they have low interest in. Online people get the choice to opt in Or
out of communications and often it are relevant because they were the ones searching
for it in the first place.


 Digital marketing generates 50% more interactions with customers than

traditional marketing

 Traditional advertising spending is expected to increase by 0.55% in the next 12

months, while digital marketing spending is projected to increase by 13.59%

 In 2020, tv advertising spending in north america amounted to approximately

$65 billion, down from $69 billion in the previous year.

 Content marketing costs 62% less than traditional methods and it generates 3x
more leads.

 70% of consumers want to learn about products through content, such as articles
or blog posts, as opposed to traditional ad methods.

 44% of respondents could recall a brand immediately after seeing a digital ad

and 75% of people who received direct mail were able to remember the brand.
 41% of marketers believe that events are more effective than digital advertising,
email, and content marketing.

 64% of consumers say watching a marketing video on facebook has influenced

their purchase decision in the last month.

 79% of households say they read or scan direct mail ads

 60% of marketers across various industries have already shifted their efforts
toward digital marketing.

 60% of marketers across various industries have already shifted their efforts
toward digital marketing.

 56% of customers find print marketing to be the most trustworthy type of


 39% of customers say they try a business for the first time because of direct
mail advertising.

 49% of all consumers aged between 18 and 29 have made a purchase after
viewing a social media ad.

 Boomers spend nearly twice as much time consuming traditional marketing

media, compared to millennials.

 81% of consumers go online to do research before heading out to the store and
making a purchase.
 Facebook is used by more than 60% of all americans on a regular basis,

 90% of businesses said that social media was their primary or secondary
channel for promoting content.

 Tv advertising is responsible for as much as 72% of all brand awareness.

 Print advertising is the most trusted format, with 82% of respondents saying that
they trust it when making purchasing decisions.
 Nearly half of the organizations believe that the transition from traditional to
digital marketing has been quite productive.

 The close rate of seo b2b marketing is almost 8 times higher than that of
traditional marketing.












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