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J Agro Crop Sci (2015) ISSN 0931-2250


Photosynthetic Apparatus Responses to Short-term

low-temperature Flooding May Contribute to Freezing
Tolerance Changes in Forage Grasses
B. Jurczyk, M. Rapacz & T. Krez pski
w, Krako
Department of Plant Physiology, University of Agriculture in Krako w, Poland

Keywords Abstract
Chlorophyll a fluorescence; cold acclimation;
freezing tolerance Winter conditions are subjected to rapid climate changes. Increased precipitation
and snow melting during warmer winters may result in low-temperature flood-
Correspondence ing. These factors probably affect plant overwintering strategies. This study inves-
B. Jurczyk tigated the relationships between the photosynthetic adjustment and freezing
Department of Plant Physiology
tolerance following a short-term low-temperature flooding in two forage grasses
University of Agriculture in Krako
(Lolium perenne and Festuca pratensis). The effect of flooding on the photosyn-
Podłuz_ na 3
30-239 Krako w thetic apparatus acclimation to cold was determined using chlorophyll a fluores-
Poland cence measurements. Freezing tolerance was estimated using an electrolyte
Tel.: +12 425 33 01 leakage test. It has been shown that genotypes activating non-photochemical
Fax: +12 425 33 20 mechanisms of photosynthetic acclimation to cold during low-temperature
Email: flooding may show increased freezing tolerance. Freezing tolerance reduction
observed in Festuca pratensis was probably connected with decreased photochem-
Accepted July 14, 2014
ical activity and photoinhibition of photosynthesis. It can be concluded that pho-
doi:10.1111/jac.12089 tosynthetic apparatus response to low-temperature flooding may contribute to
changes in the freezing tolerance. The direction of the changes is associated with
different photosynthetic apparatus performance.

serve as a signal triggering both the increase in freezing tol-

erance and the photoinhibition avoidance. Thus, the toler-
Intense winter precipitation events seem to become ance to cold-induced photoinhibition of photosynthesis
increasingly common, and they may have serious flooding- seems to be related to freezing tolerance, which is a con-
related consequences (Osborn and Hulme 2002). The most sequence of common mechanisms of acclimation to both
important effects of the soil flooding are a reduction of soil stresses (H€uner et al. 1996).
nutrient uptake and a decrease in a plant respiratory Higher plants exhibit two main strategies of the photo-
metabolism (Dat et al. 2004). The reduced photosynthetic synthetic apparatus acclimation to cold, based on photo-
rate observed during soil flooding has been attributed to chemical and non-photochemical mechanisms (H€ uner
stomatal closure and leaf chlorophyll decrease (Bradford et al. 1993). The photochemical mechanism depends on an
1983) and also to a reduced sink demand (Wample and increased capacity of photosynthesis, due to intensified car-
Thornton 1984). bon assimilation and carbon metabolism. The second strat-
During winter, the photosynthetic enzymes are inhibited egy, based on a non-photochemical mechanism, involves
by low temperature, but light absorption is continued the dissipation of excess energy as heat (H€ uner et al. 1993,

(Oquist and H€uner 2003, Adams et al. 2004). Light energy, M€ uller et al. 2001). Although the photochemical mecha-
absorbed in the light processes, may exceed the energy con- nism has been developed rather by overwintering herba-
sumption in the dark processes, which can result in an ceous plants and the non-photochemical mechanism is
over-reduction of photosystem II and photoinhibition of generally attributed to evergreen trees and shrubs, both
photosynthesis. Increased reduction of photosystem II may mechanisms may be activated simultaneously and their

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Jurczyk et al.

expression level depends on a plant genotype (Rapacz et al. and two for a control (two clones of approx. 20 tillers each
2004, Humphreys et al. 2007) and environmental factors per treatment per genotype) and both groups were sub-
(Adams et al. 2002). jected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod,
Acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus to low-tem- 200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps,
perature conditions is very important for perennial forage Philips). The flooded plants during CA were permanently
grasses as it facilitates the development of winter hardiness submerged in tap water filling the pots (2 cm above the soil
and freezing tolerance (Rapacz et al. 2004). Plants impaired level). Control plants were supplied with water as required.
in photosynthetic acclimation to cold are also unable to When the plants were 7 months old, the experiment
increase their freezing tolerance during cold acclimation was repeated after cloning the fifth clone for four clones
(CA) (Rapacz et al. 2007). These relationships make the of approx. 20 tillers each, as described for the first
perennial forage grasses an interesting model system for experiment.
studying the mechanisms of the photosynthetic acclimation
to cold.
Freezing tolerance
Although the effect of low-temperature flooding on frost
tolerance is not fully understood (Rakitina 1977, Andrews Freezing tolerance was determined after 21 days of CA in
and Pomeroy 1981, Jurczyk et al. 2013), it is assumed that the control and flooded plants as described by Kosmala
anaerobic processes initiated during flooding promote sur- et al. (2009). Ten samples from two clones of each geno-
vival at the time of subsequent ice encasement (Andrews type (five parallel samples from each clone, about 3-cm
and Pomeroy 1981). It has been shown (Jurczyk et al. fragments from the middle part of the youngest, but fully
2013) that low-temperature flooding of the plant roots and developed leaf) were collected from the flooded and control
crowns may enhance CA efficiency in F. pratensis, but this plants grown in the growth chamber under CA conditions.
effect was genotype dependent. It has been observed in The samples were placed into 20 cm3 plastic vials on ice
more frost tolerant genotypes that low-temperature flood- (5 cm3 of frozen deionized water) to ensure ice nucleation.
ing improved also their resistance to low-temperature Then, the samples were frozen in darkness at a cooling rate
induced photoinhibition of photosynthesis (Jurczyk et al. of 0.2 °C min 1 to the testing temperatures ( 6, 10 and
2013). 14 °C), which were maintained for 1.5 h. After freezing,
This study is an attempt at understanding the mecha- the temperature was increased up to 0 °C at a rate of
nisms of freezing tolerance changes under low-temperature 3 °C h 1. The samples were thawed on a laboratory shaker,
flooding. The aim of the study was to verify the hypothesis and electrical conductance measurements were carried out
that photosynthetic apparatus response to low-temperature to estimate the leaf tissue damage (CC501, Elmetron,
flooding may contribute to changes in the freezing Zabrze, Poland). The leaves were frozen in liquid nitrogen
tolerance. to achieve 100 % electrolyte leakage. The percentage of
electrolyte leakage (%EL) was determined as described by
Flint et al. (1967), and tEL50 was calculated using linear
Materials and methods
regression fitted to the central (linear) part of the relation-
ship between the freezing temperature (at least three
Plant material and growth conditions
points) and the injury rate (%EL). The results are the
The experiment was performed on the clones of 20 geno- means of two experimental replicates (for each freezing
types of Lolium perenne (Lp) cv. Arka (Lp1-20) and 20 temperature four replicates representing four clones per
genotypes of Festuca pratensis (Fp) cv. Skra (Fp1-20). The treatment, within each replicate five parallel samples).
genotypes were randomly chosen from a large population
of plants, each germinated from a single seed. Seed germi-
Chlorophyll fluorescence studies
nation and seedling growth were carried out under
controlled-environment conditions (20 °C, 12/12 h photo- The measurements of chlorophyll a fluorescence were per-
period, 200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS formed with the Handy PEA fluorometer (Hansatech,
lamps, Philips). The plants were grown in 18 cm diameter Kings Lynn, UK) after 21 days of CA in the control and
pots, and the substrate was a mixture of loam flooded plants. Before measurements, the LED light source
soil : sand : peat (1 : 1 : 1; v : v : v). Water was supplied of the fluorometer was calibrated using a SQS light meter.
as required, and the plants were fertilized once a week with The measurements were taken in the growth chamber
a half-strength Hoagland’s solution. Relative humidity in under CA conditions within the middle section of the
the growth chamber was maintained at about 60 %. When youngest, but fully developed leaf. Before measurements,
the plants were 6 months old, plants of each genotype were the leaves were dark adapted for 30 min in a leaf clip
divided into five clones, two of them were used for flooding (Hansatech, with a 4-mm diameter hole). Polyphasic

50 © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 49–56

Flooding Changes Freezing Tolerance through Photosynthesis

chlorophyll a fluorescence transients (Strasser et al. 1995)

were determined with light pulse intensity of (a)
3000 lmol m 2 s 1, pulse duration of 1 s and fixed gain
(90.8). Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were calcu-
lated using HANDY PEA v.1.3 software (Hansatech, Kings
Lynn, UK) based on the theory of energy flow in photosys-
tem II, and using the equations of the JIP test (Strasser and
Tsimilli-Michael 2001, Strasser et al. 2005, Rapacz 2007).
These included three groups of parameters: (i) specific
energy fluxes (per QA-reducing photosystem II reaction
centre, RC), ET0/RC (electron transport flux per RC,
at t = 0) and DI0/RC (dissipated energy flux per RC, at
t = 0), (ii) yields or flux ratios, ET0/TR0 (probability at
t = 0 that a trapped exciton moves an electron into the (b)
electron transport chain beyond QA ), ET0/ABS (quantum
yield of electron transport, at t = 0), TR0/ABS (Fv/Fm,
quantum yield of energy trapping in photosystem II) and
(iii) the PSII performance index (PI) that takes into
account three main functional steps in PSII (light energy
absorption, trapping of excitation energy and a conversion
of energy to electron transport). The results are the means
of two experimental replicates (four replicates representing
four clones per treatment, within each replicate five parallel

Statistical analysis
Fig. 1 The effect of low-temperature flooding on the frost tolerance of
The statistical analysis was performed based on the results (a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight clones of each geno-
of the measurements taken for the independent clones of type were divided into two groups (flooded and control), and both
the genotypes in the first or second repetition of the experi- groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod,
200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps, Philips). tEL50
ment. The tEL50 values were calculated from a linear regres-
means the temperature at which 50 % of the total electrolytes were
sion fitted to the central (linear) part of the sigmoid released from the leaf tissues. The values of tEL50 and the coefficient
relationship between the freezing temperatures and electro- intervals for P = 0.05 were calculated on the basis of freezing tests
lyte leakage, using at least three freezing temperatures with made in four replicates per treatment, within each replicate five parallel
coefficient intervals for P = 0.05. samples, at three different temperatures ( 6, 10, 14 °C). Asterisked
The effect of flooding on the chlorophyll fluorescence values are different for the flooded and control plants (P = 0.05).
parameters for a particular genotype was tested using one-
way ANOVA (with treatment as a factor) at P = 0.05. The types, tEL50 was, respectively, by 3.3, 3.9 and 4.6 °C higher
general effects of flooding on the chlorophyll fluorescence than in the control plants. In Lp1 genotype, the freezing
parameters were tested using two-way ANOVA (genotype tolerance was enhanced by flooding (tEL50 was by 2.8 °C
and treatment as factors) at P = 0.05. In addition, the stan- lower in the flooded plants) (Fig. 1a). In two Fp genotypes
dard error of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters was (Fp4, Fp12), the freezing tolerance was decreased by flood-
calculated (STATISTICA 10.0, Statsoft, Tulsa, OK, USA). ing. For the flooded Fp4 and Fp12 genotype, tEL50 was,
respectively, by 2.6 and 2.4 °C higher than in the control
plants (Fig. 1b).

The effect of flooding on freezing tolerance The effect of flooding on photosynthetic apparatus
acclimation to cold
After 3 weeks of CA, most of the examined genotypes (Lp
and Fp) showed no differences in the freezing tolerance in Opposite effects of flooding on chlorophyll fluorescence
flooded vs. control plants (Fig. 1a, b). In three Lp geno- parameters were observed in two analysed species (Lp and
types (Lp5, Lp12, Lp18), the freezing tolerance was reduced Fp). In the case of low-temperature flooded Lp genotypes,
by flooding. For the flooded Lp5, Lp12 and Lp18 geno- a general improvement in PSII PI, energy flux ratios (ET0/

© 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 49–56 51

Jurczyk et al.

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig. 2 Changes in performance index (PI) parameter after low-tempera- Fig. 3 Changes in ET0/ABS parameter after low-temperature flooding
ture flooding in (a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight in (a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight clones of each
clones of each genotype were divided into two groups (flooded and genotype were divided into two groups (flooded and control), and both
control), and both groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/ groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod,
12 h photoperiod, 200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS 200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps, Philips). ET0/ABS,
lamps, Philips). PI, the performance index of photosystem II. The data quantum yield of electron transport at t = 0. The data represent the
represent the means from four replicates per treatment, within each means from four replicates per treatment, within each replicate five
replicate five parallel samples  S.E. Asterisked values are different for parallel samples  S.E. Asterisked values are different for the flooded
the flooded and control plants (P = 0.05). and control plants (P = 0.05).

a reduction in DI0/RC for Lp12 and Lp18 genotypes and a

ABS, ET0/TR0), quantum yield of energy trapping in pho- gain in TR0/ABS for Lp12 genotype (P = 0.05). Lp1 geno-
tosystem II (TR0/ABS) and electron transport activity per type, in which the freezing tolerance was positively affected
RC (ET0/RC) in relation to the control was observed by flooding, showed entirely different response in the fluo-
(Figs 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a and 6a). In Fp genotypes, a general rescence parameters when compared to other Lp genotypes.
decline in these parameters was detected (P = 0.05), as A decrease in PI, ET0/ABS and ET0/TR0, together with an
compared to the control (Figs 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b and 6b). increase in DI0/RC, was detected in the flooded Lp1 plants
Energy dissipation per RC (DI0/RC) decreased in Lp and in relation to the control (Figs 7a, 2a, 3a and 4a).
increased in Fp genotypes under flooding (Fig. 7a, b). The
above-mentioned general effects were also observed for the
genotypes of Fp where flooding reduced the frost tolerance
(Fp4 and Fp12) (P = 0.05). Lp genotypes, in which the Only a few studies have analysed the impact of low-temper-
frost tolerance was significantly reduced by flooding, ature flooding on the freezing tolerance (Rakitina 1977,
showed the same general tendency as those mentioned Andrews and Pomeroy 1981, Jurczyk et al. 2013). These
above, with significant increase in PI, ET0/ABS and ET0/ works yielded contrary results, and the effect of short-term
TR0 parameters for Lp5, Lp12 and Lp18 genotypes, an flooding on the freezing tolerance still seems to be
increase in ET0/RC parameter for Lp5 and Lp18 genotypes, unpredictable.

52 © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 49–56

Flooding Changes Freezing Tolerance through Photosynthesis

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig. 4 Changes in ET0/TR0 parameter after low-temperature flooding in Fig. 5 Changes in TR0/ABS parameter after low-temperature flooding
(a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight clones of each geno- in (a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight clones of each
type were divided into two groups (flooded and control), and both genotype were divided into two groups (flooded and control), and both
groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod, groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod,
200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps, Philips). ET0/TR0, 200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps, Philips). TR0/ABS,
probability at t = 0 that a trapped exciton moves an electron into the quantum yield of energy trapping in photosystem II. The data represent
electron transport chain beyond QA . The data represent the means the means from four replicates per treatment, within each replicate five
from four replicates per treatment, within each replicate five parallel parallel samples  S.E. Asterisked values are different for the flooded
samples  S.E. Asterisked values are different for the flooded and and control plants (P = 0.05).
control plants (P = 0.05).

low-temperature flooding in three of four Fp genotypes. At

The results of this study were obtained in relatively large the end of the CA period, higher freezing tolerance was per-
groups of Lp and Fp genotypes and have the potential to ceived in only one genotype. In that experiment (Jurczyk
reveal the species and genotype dependent reactions. Most et al. 2013), the CA was preceded by a period of high-tem-
of the examined genotypes showed no differences in the perature flooding (at 15 °C). It can be speculated that
freezing tolerance after 3 weeks of CA in the flooded vs. high-temperature flooding, which is in fact more detrimen-
control conditions. In the case of two Fp genotypes (Fp4, tal to plant metabolism than flooding at low temperatures
Fp12) and three Lp genotypes (Lp5, Lp12, Lp18), lowered (Beard and Martin 1970), induces some mechanisms that
freezing tolerance was observed after 3 weeks of CA in the allow plants to survive harsh conditions. These mechanisms
flooded plants relative to the control ones. On the other may involve altered sugar metabolism (Jurczyk et al. 2013)
hand, Lp1 was the only genotype in which improved freez- and may finally contribute to a better freezing tolerance.
ing tolerance was observed after CA in the flooded vs. the It has been demonstrated here that under low-tempera-
control plants. ture flooding, the capacity for photosynthesis in most of Lp
Contrary to the results obtained in this study for Fp, genotypes was upregulated and accompanied by a drop in
Jurczyk et al. (2013) showed a transient or stable the dissipation of the excess energy. These results may
improvement in the freezing tolerance during 3 weeks of indicate that a growing demand for photoassimilates,

© 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 49–56 53

Jurczyk et al.

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Fig. 6 Changes in ET0/RC parameter after low-temperature flooding in Fig. 7 Changes in DI0/RC parameter after low-temperature flooding in
(a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight clones of each geno- (a) Lolium perenne and (b) Festuca pratensis. Eight clones of each geno-
type were divided into two groups (flooded and control), and both type were divided into two groups (flooded and control), and both
groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod, groups were subjected to CA (21 days at 4/2 °C, 12/12 h photoperiod,
200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps, Philips). ET0/RC, 200 lmol m 2 s 1 PAR provided by Agro HPS lamps, Philips). DI0/RC,
electron transport flux per RC, at t = 0. The data represent the means dissipated energy flux per RC, at t = 0. The data represent the means
from four replicates per treatment, within each replicate five parallel from four replicates per treatment, within each replicate five parallel
samples  S.E. Asterisked values are different for the flooded and samples  S.E. Asterisked values are different for the flooded and
control plants (P = 0.05). control plants (P = 0.05).

triggered by oxygen deficiency, limited the sucrose- energy (M€ uller et al. 2001). Furthermore, a relationship
depended inhibition of the photosynthetic activity. between intensified non-photochemical quenching during
Reduced sugar contents may have also contributed to lower cold acclimation and freezing tolerance has been proved by
freezing tolerance in these plants. Humphreys et al. (2007). In their study, increased non-
Lp1 genotype showed a different reaction of the photo- photochemical quenching was detected mostly in highly
synthetic apparatus to low-temperature flooding than the freezing tolerant genotypes of Lolium–Festuca hybrids.
other Lp genotypes. In this genotype, a downregulation of Therefore, the activation of the non-photochemical mecha-
the photosynthetic capacity and increased energy dissipa- nisms under low-temperature flooding may contribute to a
tion were detected. This may suggest that Lp1 plants better freezing tolerance observed for Lp1 and to enhanced
displayed the non-photochemical mechanisms of photo- cold acclimation efficiency.
synthetic acclimation to cold under flooding, because of It has been demonstrated here that Fp genotypes under
their lower demand for photoassimilates connected with low-temperature flooding exhibited reduced photochemi-
higher level of flooding (oxygen deficiency) tolerance. The cal activity that was probably connected with photoinhibi-
non-photochemical mechanisms of photosynthetic accli- tion of the photosystem II. Neither the non-photochemical
mation to cold were shown to be the most efficient in pro- nor photochemical mechanisms of the photosynthetic
tecting the photosynthetic apparatus under excess light acclimation to cold were activated. As a consequence,

54 © 2014 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 201 (2015) 49–56

Flooding Changes Freezing Tolerance through Photosynthesis

diminished freezing tolerance of some Fp genotypes was Bradford, K. J., 1983: Effect of soil flooding on leaf gas exchange
observed. Decreased photochemical activity and pho- of plants. Plant Physiol. 73, 475–479.
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ably triggered by metabolic disorders related to sugar 2004: Sensing and signalling during plant flooding. Plant
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may be impeded.
tolerant grasses. Euphytica 158, 337–345.
It may be concluded that the genotypes in which the H€ €
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ment to cold are activated under low-temperature flooding perature acclimation in cold tolerant plants. Photosynth. Res.
may show improved freezing tolerance. On the other hand, 37, 19–39.
diminished freezing tolerance, observed under low-temper- H€uner, N. P. A., D. P. Maxwell, G. R. Gray, L. V. Savitch, M.
ature flooding, may have a different background. In Fp Krol, A. G. Ivanov, , and S. Falk, 1996: Sensing environmental
genotypes, this was probably connected with reduced pho- temperature change through imbalances between energy sup-
tochemical activity and photoinhibition of photosynthesis. ply and energy consumption: redox state of photosystem II.
Further experiments are needed to explain freezing Physiol. Plant. 98, 358–364.
tolerance drop in Lp genotypes under low-temperature Jurczyk, B., T. Krez pski, A. Kosmala, and M. Rapacz, 2013: Dif-
flooding. ferent mechanisms trigger an increase in freezing tolerance in
The obtained results provide an opportunity for the Festuca pratensis exposed to flooding stress. Environ. Exp.
development of fast and relatively inexpensive screening Bot. 93, 45–54.
methods for determining the freezing tolerance under low- Kosmala, A., A. Bocian, M. Rapacz, B. Jurczyk, and Z. Zwierzy-
temperature flooding. Such protocols could be used in kowski, 2009: Identification of leaf proteins differentially
large population of plants to deliver genotypes resistant to accumulated during cold acclimation between Festuca praten-
stress and could be adapted for future breeding under cli- sis plants with distinct levels of frost tolerance. J. Exp. Bot. 60,
matic changes. They can result in fast development of new 3595–3609.
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cultivars well adapted to altered environmental conditions.
quenching. A response to excess light energy. Plant Physiol.
125, 1558–1566.
Acknowledgements €
Oquist, G., and N. P. A. H€ uner, 2003: Photosynthesis of over-
wintering ever-green plants. Ann. Rev. Plant Biol. 54,
This study was supported by Polish Ministry of Science and
Higher Education, targeted subsidy for the development of Osborn, T. J., and M. Hulme, 2002: Evidence for trends in heavy
young scientists. rainfall events over the UK. Philos. Trans. A Math. Phys. Eng.
Sci. 360, 1313–1325.
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