Pamela Jo

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I asked the Tarot about your

music career, and it showed
me the way

The Star
The Star (the 17th card of the Tarot) showcases the naked
female gure kneeling at a water source under a sky full of
stars, with one blazing central star. The woman has been
showcased in pure, honest, and authentic state. Here, there
is no space for hiding behind anything. The woman is
displayed at her most honest. The card represents the
beginning of the beginning


She is following the bright, blazing star and it has led to

her to this moment of pure, authentic connection with her
inner self. She sees her true self on the surface of the water.
It represents the moment of enlightenment, of
understanding something about yourself.

I believe this card represents your near future. It

represents clarity with your artistic pursuits. Certain
instances in the next few weeks will give you new insight
into your relationship with music. Whether this is
interpreted as something positive or negative is up to you.
What I do know is it will put you at a crossroads, because at
this point, you will be faced with an choice to either stay
true to yourself and make the music you truly love or cater
more to the needs of the industry. The former would result
in more short-term satisfaction with your art and create a
small (but loyal) group of fans. The latter would give you a
more solid foundation nancially. It may be music/work
you do not quite enjoy, but it will give you the freedom to
do what you want eventually.

When I hold the card and close my eyes to focus on your

ener y, I see a mature individual with very artistic/creative
side and a smile that has an infectious ener y. I also sense a
“catch-like” feeling under my sternum, perhaps indicating
your past trauma and anxiety that continues to a ect you
emotionally to this day. I am sorry this happened to you. I
feel like people you trusted broke that trust in a way that
truly a ected you, more than you let them know. You have
tried to channel this into your art, and the more you do so,
the more catharsis you will feel.

The Fool
Despite its name, The Fool represents new beginnings,
exciting opportunities, and when I hold this card to my
chest, my intuition tells me there are opportunities coming
your way in terms of pursuing a career in the
entertainment and arts industry. You are a creative soul
and are most satiated when able to channel that creativity
into work you actually care about. My intuition tells me if
you are to make it in the music industry, you need to
ensure you network and make the right connections rst.
As you produce music, you should consider working
tangentially with more established musicians (such as
managing their events, catering to their needs, etc.) as this
will help you learn the ins and outs of the industry whilst
also making invaluable connections who can later help you.

My intuition told me there was something more here, so I
conducted a pendulum ritual over it. I am glad I trusted my
instincts. If you focus on the base of the card, you will
notice a small dog clawing at the Fool’s feet. This dog
represents a person in your life who is trying to give you
advice, often unasked for. They are trying to tell you how to
live your life and even though they come from a good
place, it can often feel like they are trying to rescue you,
which you do not actually want from them.

The High Priestess

The High Priestess appearing did not surprise me, as
someone who has spent a lot of time with the Tarot. It
represents secrets, mysteries, and silence.

The High Priestess also represents wisdom when pulled

for a feminine ener y, and I believe it represents the
decision you have to make. Every card I have pulled seems
to indicate a hint of uncomfortable truths that you must
face to grow as a person. These truths are about your past
and unless confronted will keep returning to harm you in
the present. I believe it is now up to your wisdom to decide
if these ideas need be brought up or not.

Regardless of what you decide, I can see that you will

make it through this journey well! In six months from now,
you will have gained new insight and grown as a person in
more ways than you currently think. The cards whilst
carrying the common theme of uncomfortable truths also
hold with them the theme of starting, enduring, and
successfully nishing a journey. This journey is not going to
be easy Pamela, and you should always make sure you are
doing enough to keep yourself nancially stable. However,
if you stay the path and do what you love strategically,
there is no reason your future won’t hold a fruitful career
in music.

I hope this helps you, friend. I will remember to cast a

good fortune incantation for you, because I feel like you
could use it. Go into this next year with renewed
con dence as you know the very tides of fate are now in
your favour.




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