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1. General English- To evaluate candidate’s understanding of

English language & workman like use of words.
2. Indian Freedom Struggle.
3. Current Events and Developmental Issues.
4. Indian Polity & Economy.
5. General Accoun ng Principles.
6. Industrial Rela ons & Labour Laws.
7. General Science & knowledge of Computer applica ons.
8. General Mental Ability & Quan ta ve Ap tude.
9. Social Security in India.
1. General English- To evaluate a candidate’s understanding of
English language & workman–like use of words.
2. Indian Culture, Heritage & Freedom Movements & Current
3. Popula on, Development and Globaliza on
4. Governance and Cons tu on of India
5. Present Trends in Indian Economy
6. Accoun ng and Audi ng, Industrial Rela ons, Labour Laws,
7. Basic Knowledge of Computer Applica ons, General Science
8. Elementary Mathema cs, Sta s cs and General Mental Ability.
9. Social Security in India.

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