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I asked the Tarot about your

love life, and it showed me
the way

The Empress

The third card of the Tarot, the Empress showcases a royal

female gure sitting on a throne by a river. The Empress is a
powerful woman donned in expensive clothing. She
represents the beginning of a journey or shift in an existing
romance. When I hold the card and channel my intuition
towards you, Beata, I feel a sort of warmth in my chest,


with a “catch” like feeling right under my sternum. I had to

take several deep breaths before I could go on.

I believe this card represents your present. My intuition

tells me you stand at the beginning of an interesting year
for you and your love life. My intuition also tells me you are
often a touch sceptical of your romantic pursuits. I feel like
this is related to some sort of past trauma. Out of my own
curiosity, I conducted a pendulum dowsing ritual whilst
focusing my energies on your past. I see you have been
hurt deeply by people you have trusted. People who should
not have hurt you. I can almost feel remnants of the
tightness you felt in your chest when you were in a deeply
vulnerable state. I am so sorry you had to experience that,

When I bring your ex’s ener y to the centre of my focus, I

see someone who did once truly love you, and despite still
caring for you at some level, has to work on issues of his
own before he is able to thrive in a relationship. My
intuition tells me he is likely to enter a relationship quite
quickly in 2023, but unless he takes steps in improving his
communication, it is unlikely to last more than a few
months. His ener y tells me his own experiences have
made it di cult for him to open up to people. He has a
hard time processing some feelings and has a di cult time
talking about it. Even you might feel like you have had to to
pry things out of him in the past. You should also know this
“bottling up of emotions” and “coldness” he sometimes
develops is not because he did not trust you, but a rather a
product of his early life experiences. He is trying to
improve on his ability to be vulnerable around others and


he has already made more progress than one might think.
He still has a long road in front of him.

When I focus my intuition towards you, I see a beautiful

soul! You have so much love to give, and I see that animals
connect with you in a way that makes them really trust you.
Do you have an animal in your life?

Temperance represents balance. It displays an
andro ynous angel, pouring water from one chalice to the

other (to “balance them out”), whilst having one foot in the
river and one foot on dry land.

The Tarot leading us to Temperance tells me new and

exciting developments will take place in the rst quarter of
2023 in terms of your relationship status, however, you

must be careful not to act impulsively and weigh out your
options before you make a decision. The crossroads you
will nd yourself in will require you to make a decision,
which will set the course for the rest of your relationship.

My intuition tells me there are several romantic

opportunities that will reveal themselves to you soon, and
in doing so you might feel like you are being pulled in many
di erent directions. When you combine this with
Temperance, it tells me you must be careful not to commit
to something you are unsure about. You are a valuable
person with so much to o er! You have the capacity to
change people’s lives for the better by just by being in their
life. You sometimes have a hard time internalising these
ideas, which makes me sad. You deserve to know your
value, friend.

Temperance also you put a lot of pressure on yourself

when it comes to love, and this might manifest as ignoring
red ags and jumping into relationships you should have
thought about more. I feel like one of the men who will
enter your life this year is di erent. He is unlike these past
indiscretions. I sense someone who seems mature beyond
their years. Someone with a boyish charm who can make
you laugh like no other. This is someone who is generally
quite supportive of the people they care about and has a
very artistic side to them that they do not usually show

When it comes to his occupation, I see someone who

works with people and genuinely loves what they do. At the
same time, they have a dream they wish to pursue which
would require them to travel a lot. If you do enter a


relationship with this person, the repeated separations can

put a lot of stress on a new relationship. At this time, it is
incredibly important you communicate with each other
and if either of you let things go unsaid to temporarily keep
the peace, it will have disastrous consequences later down
the line.

When I focus my intuition on your future, I sense that

towards the end of the year, you will have an opportunity
to take this relationship to the next level. What this entails
speci cally is hazy to me, but I can see that so long as the
two of you trust the connection you have, I see a lot of
happiness in your future.

Allowing Temperance to guide my intuitive abilities, I sense

a warning. My intuition tells me you should be very careful
in the near future ( rst half of 2023). I sense another
ener y. The ener y of is someone you already know.
Someone who harbours romantic intentions towards your
currently relationship of “friends/acquaintances.” This
person does not mean you harm, but their actions can put
you in a di cult spot. If this happens, take time to process
everything before making a decision. Especially if you
would like to keep this person as a friend.

While you will receive a lot of options in the next year,

my intuition is screaming at me to ensure you properly
weigh out your options, and not commit to something you
do not feel 100% about.


The Fool
Despite its name, The Fool represents new beginnings,
exciting opportunities. The Fool coming up does not
surprise me in the least. As the other cards and my
intuition have already told me, 2023 is going to be a very
interesting year for you as well as your relationships.

When I see all three of these Tarot cards that were drawn
for you, the theme of relationships and careful decision
making are easy to spot for anyone who looks at them for
more than a second. I also see that the universe has in
store for you an incredible opportunity next year that will
naturally reveal itself to you. This opportunity will feel new
and exciting, but your ener y tells me you are sort of a
“project junkie,” which means that when you start a new

project/endeavour you commit yourself to it with a lot of

passion and ener y. The problem occurs when this
adrenaline of “newness” dwindles, and then something you
nd exciting now feels like a chore.

It is important to recognise that if you choose to accept

the new endeavour next year, you should make sure you do
not burn yourself out. Doing so would loom negatively over
any relationships you enter.

My intuition also keeps leading me to another idea, but I

am not sure why. This is something extra that is not directly
related to your love life and it is for you, Beata— If you look
at The Fool, he is represented as taking the rst step of a
new journey. He has a small dog on his ankle, nipping and
clawing. This dog represents a person in your life who is
trying to give you advice, often unasked for. They are trying
to tell you how to live your life and even though they come
from a good place, it can often feel like they are trying to
rescue you, which you do not actually want from them.

I hope this helps you, friend. I will remember to cast a

good fortune incantation for you because a little extra luck
never hurt anyone and I feel like you could use it! You
should go into the next year with renewed con dence in
your abilities because fate will nd itself aligned with you.




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