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Juan Carlos G.


Reflection Paper

When I look at how my life is at present, I can always feel a sense of being loved. I
feel the support of my family, and friends. When I move on to my relationship towards other
people like crushes, I always feel that I can only admire them from a distance, since they
would want someone better looking than me. I always think that my urge to broadcast what I
feel to the world is the very reason why girls find me weird. I honestly think that I should
tone down my urge to talk, and leave a little blank area on what people know about me so
that I may be able to appear interesting for once. I think that the culture that I have adapted
from my time spent abroad won’t fit in here in the Philippines, because it is almost the
opposite of what the people of this country are used to.

I have also noticed that I have an insatiable appetite for power, yet this hunger for
intellectual, and influential prowess is always overshadowed by my tendencies to
procrastinate. I always hear people say that I have so much potential, and that gives me hope
on my abilities as an individual, but every time that I see work piling up, I can’t help but to
feel discouraged, and to doubt my abilities. I would want to find a way to get rid of my habit
to procrastinate, but as of now, I am still lost in my quest to find solutions for my bad habits.

As a normal individual, I have no emotional stress when it comes to my relationship

with my family, mainly because my parents always maintain a solid communication network
towards me. In the event that I need someone to talk to, my parents are just a phone call
away. Even if my dad is away most of the time, he always allocates time for our family to be
together. My mother is always checking on my condition even if she is also away, so even if I
am alone mostly during weekdays, I can still feel the love from my parents.

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