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OPINION Mechanical ventilation in cardiogenic shock
Guido Tavazzi a,b

Purpose of review
Mechanical ventilation is frequently needed in patients with cardiogenic shock. The aim of this review is to
summarize and discuss the current evidence and the pathophysiological mechanism that a clinician should
consider while setting the ventilator.
Recent findings
Little attention has been placed specifically to ventilatory strategies in patients with cardiogenic shock
undertaking mechanical ventilation. Lung failure in patients with cardiogenic shock is associated with
worsening outcome as well as a delay in mechanical ventilation institution. The hemodynamic profile and
cardiogenic shock cause, considering the preload dependency of the failing heart, must be defined to
adjust ventilatory setting.
Evidence is growing regarding the role of lung failure as adverse prognostic factor and beneficial effect of
positive pressure ventilation as part of first-line treatment in patients with cardiogenic failure.
cardiogenic shock, heart–lung interactions, intrathoracic pressure, positive pressure ventilation, respiratory

INTRODUCTION ventilation (NIV) and mechanical ventilation have


Mechanical ventilation is commonly required in been described over the last 2 decades [2 ].
patients having cardiogenic shock. Despite this, The wide range regarding the application of
there is paucity of large-scale epidemiological and mechanical ventilation in cardiogenic shock can
clinical data of patients with acute respiratory fail- be explained by the vast heterogeneity in the defi-
ure (ARF) and regarding the best ventilatory strategy nition of cardiogenic shock employed in previous
in this setting. In addition, datasets regarding epi- real-world registry data as compared with trial def-
demiology, pathophysiology and treatment pertain initions [6]. A recent study showed that ARF is the
mostly patients with cardiogenic shock related to most common extra-cardiac complication (up to
acute myocardial infarction related cardiogenic 43% patients) of patients affected by AMI-CS and
shock (AMI-CS). This review discusses knowledge it is burden by adverse outcome with an exponential
regarding physiological and pathophysiological fold increase with increasing number of other

mechanism of cardio–pulmonary interaction and organs failure [7 ].

ventilation parameters in patients with severe The adverse outcome in patients having cardio-
hemodynamic instability, examining relevant data genic shock and ARF has been also reported in other
available in the most recent literature.
Unit of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Department of Clinical-Surgical,
Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, University of Pavia and bAnesthesia
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF RESPIRATORY and Intensive Care, Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo Hospital IRCCS,

The esteemed prevalence of mechanical ventilation in Correspondence to Dr Guido Tavazzi, MD, PhD, Unit of Anaesthesia and
Intensive Care, Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric
patients with cardiogenic shock ranged from 43 to Sciences, University of Pavia; Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain
88% for the management of acute hypoxemia, Therapy, Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, 1, Viale Golgi 19,
increased work of breathing, airway protection, and 27100 Pavia, Italy. Tel: +39 0382 503711; fax: +39 0382 503008;
hemodynamic or electric instability [1,2 ,3–5]. In e-mail:
addition, a trend in a steady increase in the proportion Curr Opin Crit Care 2021, 27:447–453
of admissions with ARF and greater use of noninvasive DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000836

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Cardiogenic shock

variations over the respiratory cycle will be empa-

KEY POINTS thized creating the pulsus paradoxus and potentially
 Respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation in significant cardiac output (CO) alteration with
patients with cardiogenic shock is frequent. hemodynamic impairment. To be remembered that
however venous return is flow limited in consider-
 Positive pressure ventilation may reverse hypoxemia ably negative swings as ITP becomes markedly sub-
and reduce transmural pressure favoring myocardial
atmospheric [16].
and end-organ perfusion and reducing left
ventricular afterload. When positive pressure ventilation (PPV) is
applied to ITP, the gradient between the RA and
 Mechanical ventilatory setting must be tailored on the abdominal compartment decreases inducing a
cardiogenic shock etiopathology with particular caution reduction in venous return and, consequently, in
in case of right ventricular failure and/or high
RV stroke volume [17,18]. However, the decrease is
preload dependency.
minimized by the concomitant increase in intra-
 A gap in data evidence exits regarding best ventilatory abdominal pressure induced by abdominal wall
strategy in patients with cardiogenic shock. muscle and diaphragmatic contraction [19–21].
These variations have to be taken into account in
patients with severe hypovolemia and cardiogenic
shock related to tamponade or RV dysfunction,
studies. The AHEAD registry, in a population of where RV is even more preload-dependent and the
unselected cardiogenic shock patients, demon- addition of PPV may lead to an abrupt reduction of
strated a mortality 69, 72, and 68% associated with venous return, in addition to an afterload increase,
the use of, respectively, NIV, mechanical ventilation and dramatically worsen the hemodynamic.
or both which was significantly higher than patients Conversely the positive end-expiratory pressure
not receiving mechanical ventilation (i.e., 40%) [8]. (PEEP) may have positive effect on the LV hemody-
The overall mortality of patients with AMI-CS namic. Mechanical ventilation provide an increase
treated with mechanical ventilation was around in oxygenation, decreases preload unloading the
40% in several reports [9–12]. congested heart [22] and reduces LV oxygen
demand improving oxygen delivery to the ischemic
myocardium [23], as evidenced by a decreased intra-
Heart–lung interactions cardiac lactate production, induces reversal of hyp-
Although a comprehensive explanation of the the oxia-related pulmonary vasoconstriction, decreases
physiology and physiopathology of cardiopulmo- work of breathing and overall metabolic demand
nary interactions associated with mechanical ven- [24]. In addition, PEEP acts also on LV afterload by
tilation in patients with cardiogenic shock is decreasing transmural (or transthoracic) pulmonary
beyond the scope of this review and it has been pressure, and thus favoring the LV ejection [25–27]
already published also in this journal [13,14], clini- (Fig. 1).
cians should be aware of a few basic physiological
Heart–lung interactions are based on the effects Pathophysiology of respiratory failure in
of changes in intrathoracic pressure (ITP) and lung cardiogenic shock
volume on venous return and ventricular ejection. Cardiogenic pulmonary edema is the usual cause of
One of the principal determinant of venous return is respiratory failure in patients experiencing cardio-
the pressure gradient existing between the abdomi- genic shock. The most common profile of patients
nal compartment and the right atrium (RA). In with cardiogenic pulmonary edema (CPE) and car-
spontaneous breathing, venous return increases diogenic shock is the ‘wet-cold’ phenotype, charac-
with physiological negative swings in ITP during terized by low cardiac index, increased systemic
inspiration, subsequently increasing right ventricu- vascular resistances, and pulmonary capillary wedge
lar (RV) volume and causing the intraventricular pressure. This phenotype accounts for nearly two
septum to slightly move toward the left ventricle thirds of patients with MI-associated cardiogenic
(LV). This will lead to a relative decrease in LV end- shock and the majority of advanced decompensated
diastolic volume and compliance [15]. In patients heart failure and it is burden by the highest mortal-
without respiratory distress and without preload ity as compared with patients presenting without
deficiency, these changes are clinically irrelevant. congestion (dry) or without alteration in tissue per-
On the contrary, in those with increased respiratory &
fusion (warm) [6,28 ].
effort (increase in respiratory rate or tidal volume) In normal lungs fluid and solutes filtered from
and/or with/without preload deficiency, these the circulation into the alveolar interstitial space do

448 Volume 27  Number 4  August 2021

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Mechanical ventilation in cardiogenic shock Tavazzi

FIGURE 1. Schematic representation of relation between intrathoracic pressure and transmural pressure (calculated as
intracavitary – extra cavitary pressure). Intracavitary pressure (left ventricle) is approximated to 100 mmHg for simplicity.
During respiratory negative swing in spontaneous ventilation (3) transmural pressure becomes more positive [transmural
pressure ¼ 100  (3) ¼ 103], whereas applying exponential positive end-expiratory pressure levels (from top right to bottom)
Ptm reduces accordingly (transmural pressure ¼ 100  2 ¼ 98).

not enter the alveoli because of very tight junctions concomitant ventilation–perfusion mismatch
of alveolar epithelium and most of the filtered fluid (shunt effect) related also to pulmonary hypoperfu-
in the interstitial space is returned into the systemic sions [30 ]. The resulting hypoxia, in face of
circulation by the lymphatics. The hydrostatic force increased metabolic O2 demand and reflex sympa-
for fluid filtration across the lung microcirculation is thetic hyperactivation, reiterates myocardial ische-
approximately equal to the hydrostatic pressure in mia, sustaining the deleterious ischemic vicious
the pulmonary capillaries, which is partially bal- cycle worsening end-organ hypoperfusion, decreas-
anced by a protein osmotic pressure gradient [29]. ing central oxygen content and ultimately resulting
The rapid increase in hydrostatic pressure in the in multiorgan failure [6]. Preexisting conditions,
pulmonary capillaries, altering the capacity of fluid such and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
reabsorption, is secondary to the rise in left atrial or concomitant infectious or inflammatory pro-
and LV end-diastolic pressures (respectively, LAP cesses may exacerbate or further worsen gas
and LV-EDP). Although preexisting cardiac condi- exchange and heart–lung interactions [14].
tions may result in chronically elevated LAP, for LAP
values above 25 mmHg alveolar flooding usually
occurs [29]. In addition, the concurrent inflamma- NONINVASIVE VENTILATION IN
tory response may change vascular membrane per- CARDIOGENIC SHOCK
meability and further contribute to the Studies in patients with acute cardiogenic pulmo-
development of alveolar edema. Consequently, nary edema have shown NIV to improve hemody-
the excess of interstitial and alveoli fluid results in namics and reduce the intubation rate with acute
a significant reduction of gas exchange and a systolic heart failure and pulmonary edema

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Cardiogenic shock

FIGURE 2. Suggested evaluations in patient requiring mechanical ventilation. MV, mechanical ventilation; NIV, noninvasive
compared with oxygen therapy alone, although hemodynamic status, ability to protect the airway,
controversial results on mortality have been RV dysfunction, and eventual required procedures
reported demonstrated [31–35]. A meta-analysis of (Fig. 2). Some data suggest that the requirement of
randomized clinical trials reported that continous mechanical ventilation in patient with acute coro-
positive end-expiratory pressure (CPAP) reduced nary syndromes, as signs of higher acuity, are bur-
mortality [relative risk (RR), 0.64; 95% confidence den by higher mortality [39].
interval (CI), 0.44–0.92] and need for intubation Best timing for endotracheal intubation has not
(RR, 0.44; 95% CI, 0.32–0.66) compared with stan- been consistently addressed. However, a recent sub-
dard therapy. However, the studies reported were study of TRIUMPH trial, randomizing patients with
conducted on patients with acute cardiogenic pul- refractory AMI-CS to a nitric oxide synthase inhibi-
monary edema due to acute heart failure with or tor or placebo, demonstrated that each 1-h delay in
without cardiogenic shock. Based on the clinical mechanical ventilation initiation from the MI onset
results and pathophysiological beneficial mecha- was independently associated with mortality in
nism, oxygen therapy and NIV, particularly CPAP, both univariate multivariate (OR, 1.03; 95% CI,
are part of the first-line therapy in patients 1.00–1.06) and sensitivity analysis (OR, 1.04; 95%
experiencing acute heart failure (AHF) and cardio- CI, 1.01–1.06) [40 ].
genic shock [36] since prehospital setting [37,38]. There is lack of data also on specific agent to
induce (for intubation) and maintenance of seda-
tion. Considering the high risk of hemodynamic
Mechanical ventilation in cardiogenic shock collapse during intubation, agents with reduced
Decision to initiate mechanical ventilatory support cardiovascular depressant action (such as etomidate,
is multifactorial, including level of hypoxemia ketamine, or benzodiazepine) are suggested as well
(PaO2/FiO2) and hypercapnia, neurologic status, as reduction of sedation (both in term of dosage and

450 Volume 27  Number 4  August 2021

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Mechanical ventilation in cardiogenic shock Tavazzi

administration time) to minimize the burden of stay in the ICU, or ventilator complications when
ventilator-associated events [41,42]. comparing low tidal volume (TV) (4–6 ml/kg) vs.
In a recent study of relative small population intermediate TV (10 ml/kg) [46].
(226 patients), comparing patient receiving NIV or No ‘best PEEP’ strategy has been described as yet.
mechanical ventilation basing on clinical indica- A cautious assessment of cardiogenic shock under-
tions, patients in the mechanical ventilation group lying cause has to be performed, if feasible, before
were more often confused (83 vs. 31%, P ¼ 0.001) the application of PPV. In patients with RV dysfunc-
had higher lactate levels (3.7 vs. 1.7 mmol/l, tion (or preload dependent hemodynamic profile,
P ¼ 0.001) and lower blood pressure (BP) with more such as tamponade, hypovolemia, constriction) and
frequent requirement of vasoactive medication accurate titration of PEEP should be performed to
(norepinephrine 88 vs. 69%, P ¼ 0.03; dobutamine avoid further hemodynamic worsening related to
61 vs. 27%, P ¼ 0.001). In addition, patients treated excessive reduction of venous return or increased RV
with mechanical ventilation suffered from meta- afterload. The minimal effective PEEP level (starting
bolic acidosis, more severe hypoxemia and hyper- from 3 to 5 cmH2O) should be preferred aiming the
carbia more often and were treated with higher maintenance of adequate O2 saturation and prevent
oxygen fraction at baseline compared with NIV atelectasis. Instead, in patients with predominant
group. In-hospital mortality was 45% in the LV systolic dysfunction, particularly when associ-
mechanical ventilation group and 19% in the NIV ated with consistently elevated LAP, the level of
group (P ¼ 0.01), and 90-day mortality was 49 and PEEP can be started at 5–10 cmH2O and be up-
27% (P ¼ 0.03), respectively. However, after adjust- titrated as needed with close monitoring of gas
ment for severity of disease using variables of the exchange, hemodynamics (CO and mean arterial
CardShock risk score, ventilation strategy had no BP) [42], and bedside ultrasound to monitor lung
influence on the 90-day outcome [43]. Higher sever- recruitment and avoid hyperinflation [47,48]
ity of the parameters in mechanical ventilation (Fig. 2).
group could be potentially related to greater acuity Monitoring of respiratory function in mechani-
of patients. cally ventilated patients with ongoing, or who are
A study investigating the prognostic factor and recovering, cardiogenic shock should include the
outcome of patients with complicated MI requiring evaluation and control of the spontaneous activity
mechanical ventilation demonstrated that nonsur- especially during sedation down-titration/held to
vivors also presented greater incidence of cardio- avoid excessive negative ITP swings.
genic shock (P < 0.0016), required more vasopressor A crucial step is the withdrawal of positive pres-
support (P < 0.028), and suffered from a greater sure during the weaning. A seminal study by Lem-
number of organ failures including more severe aire et al. [49] from which significant
hypoxemia (PaO2/FiO2 < 200) [44]. pathophysiological mechanism understanding in
A substudy of the IABP-SHOCK trial for attenu- the heart–lung interaction were inferred, demon-
ation of multiorgan failure reported a higher inci- strated that patients with preexisting cardiac dis-
dence of mechanical ventilation among patients eases, monitored over the withdrawal from PPV with
without intra-aortic balloon pump (66.7 vs. esophageal pressure and Swan-Ganz catheter, were
33.8%), although this not reached the statistical more prone to failed weaning from mechanical
significance [45]. In addition, a study of patients ventilation related to sudden increase in LAP and
admitted to ICU for AMI-CS divided by either receiv- alteration of systolic–diastolic function. Weaning is
ing, on top of conventional treatment, IABP alone or accompanied by important changes in the cardio-
IABP þ mechanical ventilation showed a significant vascular and cardiopulmonary interaction. The dis-
improvement in hemodynamic parameters in the continuation from PPV leads to sudden increased of
latter group leading to higher rate of weaning rate venous return, sympathetic hyperactivation with
from mechanical assistance (P ¼ 0.04) and discharge catecholamine surge leading to increase heart rate
(P ¼ 0.01). (HR) and hypertension, O2 supply reduction and
work of breathing [50]. For these reasons, the spon-
taneous breathing trial in patients, especially those
Ventilatory strategy and monitoring with cardiorespiratory comorbidities, should be car-
There are no data (ND) regarding the best ventila- ried and adequate treatment(s), including pre/after-
tory strategy in patients with cardiogenic shock. The load adjustment and HR titration, in patients
Protective Ventilation in Patients Without ARDS demonstrating prognostic factor for weaning failure
trial evaluated 961 intubated patients without be titrated. A recent review has been published
ARDS, of whom 3–6% of patients had heart failure, regarding pathophysiology of weaning and proto-
demonstrated no difference in mortality, length of cols applied [51 ].

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Cardiogenic shock

Mechanical ventilation in patients Acknowledgements

undergoing mechanical circulatory support None.
In case of refractory cardiogenic shock, mechanical
circulatory support (MCS) has been increasingly Financial support and sponsorship
used over the last decades. In a Nationwide Inpa- None.
tient Sample analysis in the United States, an expo-
nential increase of MCS utilization between 2004 Conflicts of interest
and 2011 and the cardiogenic shock being the first G.T. received fees for lectures by GE Healthcare, outside
indication for veno-arterial extracorporeal mem- the present work.
brane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) in the ELSO registry
[52,53]. However, ND are reported on the best ven-
tilation strategy in this cohort of patients, with REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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