Note Cards (Summary)

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1.) An important element of flood forecasting is time.

Time is a very vital element in

forecasting. Even if the forecast is spot on, it wouldn’t matter if the information is not
spread out on time.

Roman Lucero Kintanar. “The Flood Forecasting and Warning System.” Expert Forum
Report: Typhoon Moderation and Flood Forecasting. System.Philippines: Technology
Resource Center, 1976. 13

2.) Floods can carry dangerous chemicals when they occur in urbanized areas, due to the
gasoline present.

Kathleen Burns, John Braiman, & Michael Harbut. “Chemical Hazards in Floods &
Disasters-Fuels.” Science Corps. <>

3.) When forecasting floods, only an advance of a few days are needed to prepare for an
impending flood.

Fulco Ludwig, Pavel Kabat, Henk van Schaik, “Impacts of Climate Change and
Variability on Water Resource Management.” Climate Change Adaptation in the Water
Sector. London: Earthscan Publishing, 2009. 63.
4.) A way for keeping an area safe from floods is through making dams, but if the dam isn’t
likely to be filled up, then it is better to disregard any plans of building it.

Fulco Ludwig, Pavel Kabat, Henk van Schaik, “Adaptation to Climate Change and
Social Justice.” Climate Change Adaptation in the Water Sector. London: Earthscan
Publishing, 2009. 136.

5.) There are many forms of structures that can help control flooding. You can choose to
build dams, levees, floodways, or channels.

6.) “Structures Used in Flood Control.” Exploring Earth.


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