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Part 1: Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Political Systems

1. Parliamentary System

2. Presidential System

3. Parliamentary System

4. Presidential System

5. Both systems

6. Both systems

7. Parliamentary

8. Both systems

9. Presidential system

10. Parliamentary

11. Presidential system

12. Presidential system

13. Parliamentary system

14. Parliamentary system

15. Parliamentary system

Part 2: Identify Core Concepts

1. Bicameral Legislature

2. Gendered Institutions

3. Judicial Review

4. Social movement

5. Interest group

6. Public Opinion
7. Corporatism

8. Separation of powers

9. Statute law

10. Conventional political participation

Part 3: Identify the Correct Government Institution

1. Cabinet

2. Legislature

3. Judiciary

4. Executive

5. Judiciary

6. Executive

7. Judiciary

8. Legislature

9. Judiciary

10. Legislature

Part 4: Trues of False on Political Culture and Political Participation

1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

5. True
6. False

7. True

8. True

9. False

10. True

Part 5: Short Essay Answers

Section One: The Executive and Legislature


This is the first and most important arm of most governments. The main function of the

legislature is to make laws. It is responsible for formulating the will of the state into laws and

gives it a legal character. It transforms the citizens’ demands into authoritative laws. This

function of this branch of government is vital in ensuring the well-being of citizens and ensures

that the environment is conducive for their success and prosperity in the country. A major

criticism against the legislature is that its power to make laws might lead the officials in the

legislature to place themselves above the law. Another shortcoming of this function is that

some laws made by the legislature may be unfair or unjust to some citizens or even non

citizens of a country. Another function of the legislature is its role in deliberative functions. It

deliberates upon issues, problems and needs of the public. It reflects the public opinion over

numerous issues. One shortcoming of this function is that it lacks transparency on processes

involved in the deliberative functions. Another shortcoming is that it ignores some public needs.

Another function of the legislature is that it has control over the executive. In modern

governments, the executive is collectively responsible before the legislature for all its actions,
decisions, and policies. A major shortcoming of this function is that its interference on other

branches of the government such as the executive. One criticism against this is that the

legislature should separate from the executive and let it perform its functions without


The Executive

The executive is recognized as the most powerful arm of most governments. This is the

branch of government that implements the laws passed by the legislature. These laws are aimed

at maintaining law and order in a particular state. This is important in ensuring that a country has

rules that should be followed to ensure that there is peace and order in a country. The executive

arm of government also has functions in preparing the country’s budget. The executive collects

and spends the tax money collected as endorsed by the legislature. A major criticism against this

function is that some executive overtaxes their taxpayers and mismanages the money. Another

criticism is that the executive might fail to maintain the financial credibility of the state through

poor financial management. Another important function is to make policy decisions. The

executive formulates policies, prepares short-term and long-term plans and implements these

plans. One shortcoming of this function is that the executive might be ineffective in making these

policies. The policies might be poorly formulated leading to poor implementation. Another

shortcoming is that the interference of the legislature might affect the effectiveness of the

policies made by the executive.


This is the branch of government that interprets laws made by the legislature. Its main

function is therefore to interpret the laws and apply them in cases brought to court involving laws
broken by the citizens. One criticism against this function is that in some cases, the judges might

have too much power which might lead to injustice against some individuals brought to court for

breaking the law. Another shortcoming of this function is that some laws might be unclear,

leading to poor interpretation of these laws. Another function of the judiciary is that it is

responsible for protecting civil rights. This is important as it protects the right and freedoms of

citizens highlighted by the law. A major shortcoming of this function is that it might fail to

protect some civil rights due to inequalities such as racism. Criticism against this function is that

the judiciary might fail to protect certain rights based on the laws which is supposed to enact,

leading to contradictions. Finally, the judiciary is responsible for guarding the constitution. One

shortcoming of this function is that the judiciary can reject a law that it finds unconstitutional and

hence might reject laws that might be important. A major criticism against this function is that it

might hinder important laws from being implemented into the constitution.

Section Two: The Judiciary and Bureaucracy

Principles of the judiciary.

With a judicial system in place in any given country, the judiciary has certain functions as

stated in the constitution. The judiciary has three major principles which it uses to interpret the

laws. These principles are; Judicial review, Judicial Independence, and Judicial Activism. As a

constitutional expert, I will look at some of the pros and cons of each of these principles in order

to give the best advice to a newly formed state on whether enshrine each of this principles in its

constitution. From the pros and cons of each principle explained below, I suggest that all the

three principles should be enshrined into the constitution as each serves an important purpose in

the judiciary, the arms of government, and the public, despite having their disadvantages.
Judicial Review

This is a procedure by the court to review a person’s or organization’s appeal believe to

have been victims of prejudice and where individuals can challenge a court decision made. Hague

and Harrop (2004) define judicial review as “the power of courts to nullify any laws or actions

proposed or taken by government officials that contravene the constitution” (Textbook, pg. 11).


The most obvious benefit of judicial review is that it increases the incidences of legality.

Judicial review is therefore an ally of the democratic process as it ensures administrative

conformity to public wants articulated in legislative commands. Due to its goal in ensuring legality,

then judicial review is a desirable principle to be in the constitution of the newly formed state.

Another advantages is that it improves social welfare. Judicial review condemns the judicial lack

of accountability and judges ignorance of complex matters which impair judicial performance in

overseeing governance. Hence, cases brought to court are handled following all legal and

necessary procedures to ensure justice of all.


Judicial review is prone to biases. The decision by the judiciary is often determined by

the strength of the lobbyists, not what is truly good for the public. It is therefore likely to be

prone to biases especially in favor of individuals with the necessary clout. Another disadvantage

is that it might lead to misinterpretation of the law leading to confusion.

Judicial Independence
This is the concept of the judiciary being independent from the other branches of

government. It means that courts in a state should be free from interference from other

government branches.


A major advantage of this principle is that courts are free from inappropriate intervention

in the judiciary’s affairs and hence, the judiciary can protect people's rights and freedoms.

Another advantage is that an independent judiciary fosters economic growth as multinational

organizations have confidence to invest in a country that has a strong and stable judiciary that is

free from interference.


A major disadvantage of an independent judiciary is the likelihood of abuse of power by

the judges. The judges’ Self-interest, and corruption may influence their decisions without

any checks and balances to prevent this abuse of power. Another disadvantage is an independent

judiciary lacks accountability, which is meant to justify a decision made by a judge or court and

to make alterations where a decision causes injustice to individuals or organizations.

Judicial Activism

Hague and Harrop, (2004) define judicial activism as “the willingness of judges to

venture beyond narrow legal reasoning so as to influence public policy (Textbook, pg.114). It is

the promotion of the judiciary to use the its judicial power to enforce laws that are beneficial to

the society.

It sets checks and balances to other branches of the government which helps to prevent

the signing of unfavorable laws. It also helps the judges to rationalize its decisions. Some cases

may be too complicated and hence the personal discretion of the judges has to come in play so at

to make conclusions that are deemed fit in a particular case.


A major disadvantage of judicial activism is that it may compromise the rule of law.

Considering the advantage mentioned above that it helps judges rationalize its decisions, in some

cases, the judges may disregard the law in their decisions and make unlawful decisions. Another

disadvantage is that may create channels of mob justice in which the public law and order is not

upheld as per the laid rules but on the terms of the public who may decide to take the law in their

own hands and according to what the public wishes.

Section 3: Political Culture and Political Participation

The public can be involved in different ways when it comes to influencing change in

government policies. One of the best ways is through political participation. Therefore the

Climate Action Now group should employ effective political participation methods to influence

change. The two types of political participation are; conventional and unconventional forms of

political participation. Conventional political participation takes place within formal politics and

the law while unconventional political participation takes place outside formal politics and the

law. An example of unconventional political participation is protests and demonstrations.

Therefore, the best form of political participation that the group should employ is the

conventional method such as voting as it is more effective and lawful.

Motives for engaging in politics or being activists.

Perhaps one of the main reason for engaging in politics is to effect change within the

society. People vote so that they can vote for better leaders who will foster development and

ensure the wellbeing of the public. Another reason. Why people participate in politics is so as to

interact with other people and have a sense of belonging. When people protest, they fight for

common interests and most people want to be associated with the outcomes of these interests and

participation. Lastly, people participate in politics simply because it is their right.

Connection between education and political participation.

Education is vital for one to participate effectively in politics. It gives one the necessary

tools and resources that are essential in political participation. “Education gives access to

information and strengthens the ability to interpret it, money buys the luxury of time for political

activity, status provides the opportunity to obtain a respectful hearing, and communication skills

help in presenting one’s views persuasively” (Hague & Harrop, 2004: p. 218)


Hague, R., & Harrop, M. (2004). Comparative government and politics (Vol. 6). Nueva

York: Palgrave Macmillan.

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