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Ideology Application on Case Study





Social work discussions have largely been ignored in relation to social work on the

multiplicity of political ideology among practitioners in social work. Even though diversity is a

predominantly analyzed and discussed subject in social work, a comprehensive examination of

the political ideologies of social workers remains largely inadequate (Smith‐Osborne &

Rosenwald, 2009). The continued assumption that social workers contribute to liberal social,

economic, and moral values succeeds, as evidenced in The Canadian Association of Social

Workers (CASW) Code of Ethics. However, this assumption has not been fully examined. The

assumption transpires despite the CASW code of ethic’s presence of the respect of fellow social

workers’ range of political view and belief. Due to this, social workers’ ideologies that are

different from liberal political ideology go unrepresented. Some political ideologies in relation to

social work include; Conservatism, Liberalism, and Social Democracy.

Conservatism emphasizes the ability of the profiting and voluntary sectors to address

social issues, socially traditional values, and suspicion of the ruling administration. Conservatism

tends to assume that people are driven by their passions and desires. Therefore it assumes that

human beings are naturally prone to selfishness, irrationality, anarchy, and violence. Liberalism

on the other hand, emphasizes the protection of individual human rights by the government and

the separation of the church and the state. It advocates for free and fair elections, rule of law and

protected civil liberties. Liberals put more emphasis on the wellbeing of the citizens as the

central building block of a political system. Lastly, social democracy concentrates on forming

democratic socialism aimed at achieving socialism through political processes such as

parliament. It is based on the idea of democracy that “people have the right to a controlling

influence over public decisions and decision makers and that they should be treated with equal

respect and as of equal worth in the context of such decisions” (Shah, 2016). The social

democratic ideology supports a competitive economy while also supporting individuals with less

paying jobs.

Referring to Nolan’s case study, the three ideologies can be applied to help him with his

current problem. A brief summary of Nolan is that he is a 17 year-old Aboriginal from a small

town in northern BC. He grew up with his step-father and two younger brother. His real father

abandoned him and his mother when he was three years old and his mother remarried when he

was five years old. When Nolan completed grade 9, he relocated to Prince George to attend high

school where he now lives with his aunt and uncle who are rarely at home due to their busy

schedules. While here, he associated with friends who did drugs but he only had a few beers on

weekends at first. However, due to the stress that came as graduation was approaching he started

feeling lonely and spent more time with his friends and started experimenting with drugs. His

friends have become affiliated with a local gang and are now selling drugs and dropped out of

school. They invited him to hang out with them and as he is ready to leave, his mother calls him

informing him that Nolan can return home and help her husband with the new coffee shop. He is

now in a fix between joining his friends, going back home, or continuing with his education and

proceed to college.

As a social worker, I can apply the three ideologies discussed above to try and tackle

Nolan’s dilemma and help him follow the right path. These ideologies will help guide my

choices and justify my thoughts, actions and theories in dealing with the client’s current issue

(Duarte, 2017). To begin with, Nolan’s current problem is based on the decisions he has made

and also the circumstances he faces at different points in his life. It is important to put much

consideration on his childhood trauma of being left by his biological father. Such events have

detrimental effects on the lives of youngsters as they feel lonely and hence associate with

“friends” that lead them to get involved in bad activities such as drug abuse and crime.

Therefore, as a social worker, it is important to consider the client’s history to identify any

traumas that they might have undergone and apply a trauma-informed practice. Nolan’s

loneliness caused by being brought up without his biological father, together with the loneliness

he experiences at Prince George leads him to associate with bad company and begins

experimenting with drugs as a result. He lacks a mentor since both his aunt and uncle are rarely

at home. The conservative paradigm can be used to justify Nolan’s behavior by looking at facts

and likely factors such as family problems that may have led to his behavior. From the loneliness

experienced, Nolan has a desire to belong and this led him to associate with bad company that

led him to do drugs. From the conservative ideology, Nolan’s case can be handled with his

individual experiences and current situations in mind in order to understand his overall behavior.

Using conservative beliefs such as religious beliefs can also help Nolan to stop using drugs and

make better choices.

Considering the Liberalism ideology, the principles and policies advocated by this

ideology can work in Nolan’s favor. As previously mentioned, Liberalism emphasizes on the

protection of individual human rights by the government and the wellbeing of the citizens as the

central building block of a political system. With this in mind, Nolan has the right to have access

to human rights and his wellbeing as a teenager is of significance important. From the case study,

he has not been limited to some of the basic human rights such as education. He has a loving

family who are ready to offer him whatever he needs. From the liberal ideology, the government

should be more involved in ensuring that Nolan has access to basic needs and lives a good life in

general. This is because the government is responsible for enforcing the laws that guard human

rights and ensure the safety and wellbeing of citizens. However, the freedoms offered by the

liberalism ideology might also have contributed to his current problem. He has the freedom to

associate with whoever he wants and this led to his situation. Lastly, social democracy ideology

can be applied in Nolan’s case. Social democracy, as mentioned earlier in this report, fights for

equal rights when it comes to decision making. Nolan has the right to make his own decisions

based on his own assessment of situations. Even though this freedom led him to making the

mistakes he made in joining the wrong group of friends and doing drugs, he can still make

positive decisions to concentrate on school or go back home and work at his stepfather’s coffee

shop. Social democracy harbors a society where everyone is free to make their own decisions

and also everyone can be involved in decision making on important issues. Nolan and his mother

can meet and make the decision together and decide the best thing for Nolan to do.

Comparing the three ideologies discussed above and their application in Nolan’s case, the

best one that fits Social Work values and ethics for this case, in relation to CASW Code of Ethics

and Social Work values, is the Liberalism ideology. This is because, according to the Canadian

Association of Social Workers, “the social work profession is dedicated to the welfare and self-

realization of all people; the development and disciplined use of scientific and professional

knowledge; the development of resources and skills to meet individual, group, national and

international changing needs and aspirations; and the achievement of social justice for all”

(CASW, 2005; Mullaly, 2006). Liberalism advocates for justice and wellbeing of all citizens

which involves several of the values and principles that social workers are required to uphold

according to CASW such as respect for inherent dignity and worth of others, pursuit of social

justice, service to humanity, all which are aimed at ensuring the wellbeing of others.

Of the three ideologies discussed, conservatism seems to be the one that goes against

Social Work values and ethics. The main reason for this assumption is because conservatism

opposes illegal immigration which goes against the CASW code of ethics which states in one of

its principles that social workers should respect the diversity among individuals in Canadian

society. Referring to Nolan’s case, it was earlier mentioned that he is an Aboriginal which makes

him a member of the visible minority groups in Canada. Therefore, this ideology disregards the

fact that Canada is a country with diverse groups of people and hence denies such groups access

to social work and other human rights.


Considering all the three ideologies discussed, Nolan’s case study, and the information

provided in relation to the CASW code of ethics principles, the liberalism ideology presents the

best, most ethical approach to helping Nolan. As mentioned, liberalism’s main agenda is

ensuring the wellbeing of citizens. Therefore, a liberal approach in helping Nolan will ensure that

all his rights as a human being and as a member of the Aboriginal groups will be put into

consideration. Liberalism considers all factors that influence the wellbeing of human beings from

human rights, access to basic needs, environmental justice, to government protection of the right

to an adequate standard of living. Therefore, using this approach will ensure that Nolan’s case is

handled while ensuring that none of his rights as an Aboriginal human being are violated while

also ensuring that the decisions made are in line with his personal interests and will promise him

the best outcomes and a good life. Most importantly, a liberal approach will ensure that Nolan’s

case is handled fairly and with the best interests and outcomes in mind.


Duarte, F. (2017). Reshaping political ideology in social work: A critical perspective. Aotearoa

New Zealand Social Work, 29(2), 34.

Mullaly, B. (2006). Forward to the past: The 2005 CASW Code of Ethics. Canadian Social

Work Review/Revue canadienne de service social, 23(1/2), 145-150.

Shah, Q. A. S. I. R. (2016). The Democratic Paradigm: A Vanishing Act?. Glocalism, Journal of

Culture, Politics and Innovation, 2016(2).

Smith‐Osborne, A., & Rosenwald, M. (2009). Exploring the relationship between religiosity and

political ideology among social workers. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social

Work: Social Thought, 28(4), 393-404.

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