Session 7 1 LAST

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MM Blended


Applying Strategic
Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah
Learning Objective
MM Blended

• Students should be able to explain on how to apply strategic

leadership within their own organizational context.
MM Blended

• So far we have discussed about the four types of strategic

leadership. We also have discussed why strategic thinking is
• Once you understood how to move between operational
thinking and strategic thinking, then the next question would be
‘how do you apply strategic thinking’?
How do you apply strategic thinking?
MM Blended

• We can address the above question through TWO fundamental

• How will you gain strategic insight?
• How will you drive strategic change?
• The 1st question will inform where you should focus in order to
identify the best direction to go.
• The 2nd question will determine the principles used when
deciding how to proceed.
Gaining Strategic Insight
MM Blended

• Some of the most impactful insights in history are too often

presented as one-time occurrences that can’t possibly be
anticipated or repeated.
• Strategic Insight can be gained through TWO simple ways:
• Through PROCESS → with an emphasis on a structured and rigorous
review of inputs and factors.
• Through MINDFUL EXPERIENCE → emerging from relevant and
meaningful knowledge that allows one to gain useful observations
drawn out from firsthand experience.
Gaining Strategic Insight
MM Blended

• Process-based system has gained increasing sophistication as

technology has led to improvements in both data collection and
• E.g. Walmart has developed sophisticated management information
systems that allow them to gain real-time insight into both short-term
and long-term trends.
• Experience-based insight has received similar attention.
• E.g. HP during 1970s led the earliest stages of computer revolution by
encouraging their managers not to learn from reports or management
meeting, but through MBWA.
• Many organizations use rigorous systematic rotations of employees to
move individuals between key roles that build up the working
knowledge of multiple industries or product categories. This
accumulated first-hand experience makes them better at making
connections and uncovering new opportunities.
Identifying the ‘Right’ Approach
MM Blended

• The key to becoming more effective at gaining strategic insight

is to first decide how to go about it.
• This can be performed by asking FIVE simple questions that
provide cues to the most appropriate approach in a given
• What historically been done?
• What is the state of industry, and what is normally done?
• What role is personal experience playing today, and what else could it
• What is the most relevant data, and how do you manage it?
• What would other relevant stakeholders consider credible?
• By considering these questions, you’ll be better prepared to
anticipate the conditions that might either process-driven or
MM Blended

Thank You

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