Session 9 1 LAST

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MM Blended


Garnering Buy-in,
Commitment & Advocacy
Tengku Mohd Khairal Abdullah
Learning Objective
MM Blended

• Students should be able to explain the importance of garnering

buy-in in leadership.
MM Blended

• Strategic leadership almost always involves continuous

improvement and constant adaptation.
• It involves refining a strategy to take advantage of emerging
opportunities and mitigate prevailing threats.
• However, many argued that the best of strategy will produce
suboptimal results if individuals think and act in isolation.
• A leader’s success relies on followers.
• A group of excellent individuals will produce suboptimal results
if steps are not taken to build capable and committed team
aligned in their intent, effort and contribution.
Buy-in, Commitment and Advocacy
MM Blended

• Individuals being asked to contribute to a cause usually being

rewarded through personal recognition or monetarily.
• Most people understand and act in accordance to social contract,
which is to the extent what is expected of them.
• It is therefore important to consider buy-in and commitment in
strategic leadership because they encourage individuals to put forth
discretionary effort.
• Few leaders can be successful if they are alone in championing their
goals. Ideas, particularly the big ones, need a broad coalition of
• It is therefore important to consider advocacy as well in strategic
• In short, when it comes to attaining buy-in, commitment and
advocacy, it is recommended that you take steps to win the hearts,
engage the minds and leverage the hands of your followers.
MM Blended

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